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Chapter 655 Ancestral World, Illusion Dreamland?

Late at night, the moon is dark and the wind is high.

Beimang Royal Court, entrance to the ancestral tomb.

This place is not only the mausoleum of the Khan royal family, but in most cases, the grassland people will not call it the "ancestral mausoleum", but the "holy land of the royal court", because this mausoleum of the Khan royal family,

It was originally the holy land of the entire Beimang Royal Court.

If we push the time forward a few hundred years, we can even call it the holy land of the entire grassland.

As long as you step into the dark and deep cave entrance and walk a little further, you will see the stone monument called the "Sacred Monument of the Prairie".

Although it was late at night at this time, the outside of the Holy Land of the Royal Court was brightly lit, overcrowded, and extremely lively. Countless Royal Guards were on the outermost periphery, and the army squares were arranged neatly, and closer to the entrance of the mausoleum.

There were many nobles and officials standing there.

In addition to them, there were eighteen priests wearing strange masks, strange clothes, and covered in paint. They were dancing the traditional sacrificial dance of the grassland around a bonfire in front of the entrance of the mausoleum, and they were also screaming.

He spoke some language that Li Guanqi could not understand at all.

It's like "The Great Dancer".

"What are they doing?"

At the front of all the nobles, Li Guanqi stood beside Khan Battelle, looking at these priests curiously.

"As you can see, we are worshiping our ancestors."

Battle's eyes were complicated, and the bonfire was shaking with bright light, which illuminated his bearded face. "This is just a traditional etiquette. I have completely completed the ceremony that truly awakens the will of the ancestors in the past few days.

See that grass line?"

As he spoke, he turned his head slightly, walked around the figures of the priests, and pointed at the entrance of the tomb.

Li Guanqi immediately looked over.

Under the light of the fire, a rope made of grass and vines was seen extending from the entrance of the mausoleum to the depths of the mausoleum.

"That grass line is the road."

Battle looked at the grass and vine rope, his voice hoarse, "After the group of priests finish their sacrificial dance, someone will come up and offer you a golden incense, which is the incense of ancestors."

You have to walk to the bonfire and use the flames of the bonfire to light the ancestral incense with your own hands.

Then, you have to take the ancestral incense and walk into the tomb of your ancestors alone.

The internal terrain of the mausoleum is complex, with many holes and branch chambers, and it will swallow up the released soul power, which means that you cannot rely on soul perception to find the way.

So, you need to follow that grass line.

Remember, your left foot is on the left side of the grass line and your right foot is on the right side of the grass line, keeping the grass line between your feet.

You must walk at this pace, otherwise you will not be able to enter the ancestral world.

That grass line will lead all the way to the deepest part of the ancestor's tomb, which is the main tomb of Amul Khan.

But if the situation is normal, you will not reach the end of the grass line. You should be halfway there, right...well...in the blink of an eye, the environment around you will change instantly. At that time,

You have already gone to the ancestral world."

Having said this, Battelle looked at Li Guanqi and said seriously: "Am I making it clear?"


Li Guanqi nodded.

"And..." Battle looked at him, but hesitated to speak.

"Don't worry."

Li Guanqi immediately understood and smiled calmly, "That picture is on me. I said that I never break my promise."


Battle said solemnly: "It's useless to put it in the space necklace. In the ancestral world, you can't take out the items in the space necklace. After you enter the tomb, you have to take it out and hold it in your hand. Otherwise,

In addition, there is..."

The Beimang Khan looked at Li Guanqi with a complex expression and was deeply troubled, but in the end he sighed softly and turned to the soul to speak: "There is a sunflower in Amul Khan's tomb, right in the coffin.

There is a white bowl on the ground next to it."


Li Guanqi was stunned.

"I put it there."

Battle turned to look at the entrance of the mausoleum, looking at the sacrificial dance and bonfire there, and continued to use soul transmission to say to Li Guanqi: "If, I mean if, if you fail to get the sunflower from Amul Khan, then go back

After this world, don't come out and continue walking along the grass line.

At the end of the grass line is Amul Khan's tomb.

Bring out the sunflower I planted and tell everyone that it is what Amul Khan gave you and his recognition of you.

Tell them that Amul Khan thinks you will build a better dynasty than the Beimang Royal Court and make the grassland a better place.

Li Guanqi..."

Having said this, Battle looked at him with dim eyes, "I can die, but the people of the royal court need a stable and peaceful world. It is better to calmly surrender the royal power than to have your army break through the city wall.

What I said in the Council Hall a few days ago was just for the ears of those cabinet ministers.

In fact, even if you are not recognized by your ancestors, I will still choose to give up the kingship of the grassland to you - of course, in the way I just said.

I, Nala Bartel, am a sinner.

The sinner who violated the will of his ancestors and deceived the grassland subjects.

Moreover, he is about to become a subjugated king who will live up to the high hopes of his ancestors.

Li Guanqi, I just hope that after that, you can kill me with your own hands. Although this can't wash away my sins, it can at least prevent me from spending the rest of my life in pain. It can be considered an escape, hehe.

Then, please be kind to the Nala family and the grassland people, including the grassland people and the grassland tribes."

Battelle's soul was filled with heavy thoughts, which made Li Guanqi feel a deep sense of powerlessness and lamentation.


Li Guanqi looked at the Beimang Khan and was silent for a moment, and then said seriously: "The royal court's cabinet is a group of soft-footed shrimps who only know how to flatter themselves. It can be seen that the decline of Beimang Royal Court is caused by all aspects.

, it is inevitable. This is not your fault alone. In my opinion, you, Bater, are worthy of the name of Khan."

"I have never been worthy of the throne of Khan."

Battle just shook his head slightly, "Amul Khan must have made a mistake back then. After all, legends sometimes make mistakes."

Hearing this, Li Guanqi didn't know what to say.


But soon, Battle looked at Li Guanqi solemnly and continued: "It doesn't matter whether the Lion King lives or dies, it's up to you, but you must kill the Tiger King!

Don't believe his surrender, I know that guy, he is a thousand times more cunning than the Lion King and the Tauren King, and he is even more cruel, cruel for no reason.

The kings of the three major beast tribes, you have already met the king of the tauren.

I don’t know how much he makes you feel. He is an extreme king. Although he acts extreme, his starting point is for the sake of the Tauren clan as a whole, so he sometimes sacrifices some of his subjects.

, in exchange for the interests of the entire ethnic group.

Just like the Xuanye Castle incident.

In his opinion, even if all the tens of millions of people in Xuanye King City die, as long as he can kill you there, the tauren in other territories will be free, so it is worth it to him.

The rule of the Tauren King is called tyranny, but if it must be said, he is also tyrannical.

The Lion King has nothing to say, he is just a fool.

His power is very powerful, but he has no opinions and thoughts of his own. From beginning to end, the lion-headed people have been led by the Tiger King under his rule.

The Tiger King is the most powerful, cunning and cruel one among the three beast kings!

He is cruel without any reason, and you will know many of his deeds once you look them up.

But his cunning is the real poison.

Li Guanqi, if you accept his surrender, then he will fall silent and lead the tiger clan to penetrate your dynasty subtly, starting from the foundation, causing terrible harm to your dynasty. Believe me, you don't want to see that day.


Having said this, Barter said nothing more. He just looked at the bonfire and the many dancing priests in front of him and said softly: "The sacrificial dance is almost over."

Just as the Beimang Khan said, the dozen or so strange priests who were "dancing the gods" around the bonfire gradually became quiet at this time. They all knelt down around the bonfire, kowtowing to the bonfire, and said something in their mouths.

He's mumbling something.

Among them, a priestess with the most bizarre makeup and a goshawk crown took out a golden incense stick from her sleeve and walked towards Li Guanqi with weird steps.

Finally, the priestess bowed her head to Li Guanqi and offered the "ancestral incense" with both hands.


Beimang Khan knelt down directly towards the bonfire without saying a word.

Immediately behind, the hundreds of royal court dignitaries and countless royal court guards all around were kneeling down one after another, facing the bonfire.

From then on, the only people present were the priestess who offered the ancestral incense and Li Guanqi.


Looking at the ancestral incense in front of him, Li Guanqi raised his eyebrows slightly and stretched out his right hand to take it.

The priestess immediately turned around and knelt down towards the bonfire.

Now only Li Guanqi is left standing.

He looked around and saw the people kneeling together. He was not in a hurry to light the incense. Instead, he took the ancestral incense in his hand and gently rubbed it. He twitched the tip of his nose and smelled the smell carefully.

The composition is not complicated.

Even with his shallow knowledge of pharmacy, he can tell what materials make up this incense stick. They are all common materials, but if they are mixed together and then lit...


Li Guanqi looked at the ancestral incense in his hand with a strange expression.

The material composition of this ancestral incense clearly has a hypnotic and hallucinogenic effect. Could it be that the so-called "entering the ancestral world and meeting the dead khans of the past generations" by the successors of the Khans are actually just hallucinations after "taking drugs"


But it doesn't make sense either.

The hallucinogenic effect of this ancestral incense is very weak. Not to mention high-level alien-blood humans, any one-level alien-blood human is completely immune to it.

Or...is it a grass line?

Li Guanqi turned his head slightly and looked at the grass and vine rope at the entrance of the ancestor's tomb, becoming more and more curious.

Not right either.

The grass thread is just woven from ordinary weeds and vines.


Li Guanqi looked at the dark entrance of his ancestor's tomb and narrowed his eyes.

A hallucinogenic fragrance with a weak effect, an ordinary grass thread.

The special place can only be the tomb itself.

Having said that, if the ancestral world is just an illusion, how did the successors of the Khans take out the sun flower from the ancestral world?

Provided by humans?

But if the so-called meeting with the ancestors is just a show, then there is no reason that there would be so many succession changes in the history of Beimang Royal Court.

Each generation of khan successors in the Beimang Royal Court basically had to be replaced several times before they were selected, because those successors could not produce sunflowers.

For such a large royal court, changing the heir to the throne is not a trivial matter. Frequent changes may even lead to instability in the power structure of the court. There is no reason for the Beimang Royal Court to make this a trivial matter.

"Ancestral incense with hallucinogenic effect, ordinary grass thread."

Suddenly, Pluto's voice sounded in Li Guanqi's mind, with a hint of smile, "I am becoming more and more curious about the ancestral world of these grassland people. Kid, do you think there is a possibility that that tomb can be strengthened?"

Hallucinogenic effect?”

"You'll know if you go in and take a look."

Li Guanqi stepped towards the bonfire, stretched out the golden ancestral incense in his hand to the fire, and lit it.

After he took out the ancestral incense again, wisps of golden smoke began to emit from the top of the long golden incense stick. It was very beautiful. It was obviously smoke, but it had a sparkling feeling.

This golden smoke effect is caused by the material of the ancestral incense.

Such a beautiful smoke effect makes people wonder, is this ancestral incense material chosen for its hallucinogenic effect, or is it chosen for this beautiful golden smoke effect?

The truth will emerge soon.

After Li Guanqi lit the ancestral incense, he started walking towards the entrance of the ancestor's tomb.

After arriving at the entrance, he looked down at the grass and vine ropes under his feet. According to Beimang Khan's previous words, he stepped on the left side of the grass line with his left foot, stepped on the right side of the grass line with his right foot, and began to move forward slowly.

This ancestral tomb is located underground.

The entrance to this mausoleum is also a long staircase going down.

Li Guanqi kept walking down the steps. After walking about a hundred meters, he discovered that the surrounding space environment had changed. Once his soul power was released from the body, it would be swallowed directly, making it impossible for him to release the soul power.

Perceive the environment.

It's the same as what Beimang Khan said.

The further you go down the tomb, it's actually not as dark as the top, because on the walls below, exquisite lampstands gradually appear, inlaid with crystals that emit soft white light, providing lighting.

Soon, Li Guanqi's eyes suddenly opened up and became extremely bright.

This is a hall, very spacious, surrounded by passages with multiple tomb entrances, and the line of grass under his feet extends straight ahead.

But Li Guanqi did not rush forward, but gradually walked towards the center of the hall.

There, there is a white stone monument about 5 meters high.

"Grassland Holy Monument..."

Li Guanqi stood in front of this 2,000-year-old stone monument and looked up at the stone monument.

There is a section of golden oriental calligraphy engraved on it, but many of the handwriting has been worn away and cannot be seen clearly. Only the four characters "people, clan, high and noble" can be vaguely seen.

But in fact, the original text of this grassland holy monument should be "On the grassland, the [human race] lives in harmony with all other races, regardless of [high] or [noble] status, and there is no distinction between different races."

This book represents harmony and equality.

However, once the other writings are worn out, the meaning of the entire stele changes.

"The trigger for the intensification of conflicts between the grassland people and the orcs."

Li Guanqi looked at the worn holy monument and narrowed his eyes slightly.

This was the first time he saw the holy monument with his own eyes.

But he had heard about it a long time ago, from Mu Ya. At that time, he also heard about what was left of the handwriting from Teacher Mu Ya.

Are humans noble?

In the grassland where the orc race is the most diverse, on the grassland holy monument that represents racial equality, such words appear?

To this day, Li Guanqi still remembers what he thought after hearing about this incident.

——I’m convinced, it seems a bit unreasonable for this prairie orc not to fight with Beimang Royal Court.

Facts have proved that his idea is also the idea of ​​many orcs.

The orcs just lack opportunities.

Once an opportunity arises, the war between the grassland orcs and the Beimang Royal Court will break out in an instant. The current situation in the grassland is the most intuitive reflection.

This chapter has been completed!
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