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Chapter 657


In the dark tomb, Li Guanqi stretched out his hand and gently brushed the black coffin in front of him.

The thoughts of will he just received came from this royal descendant who died young - Nala Utameng.


Li Guanqi asked in his mind: "What is the factor that allows the afterlife will of this prairie man to... um... affect me in this way?

He was only 28 years old when he died. As a normal 28-year-old guy, what kind of cultivation could he have? He could reach the Five Elements Level and the Six Integration Level. This was definitely not something he could do on his own."



Unexpectedly, Li Guanqi asked a question, and no one answered it in his mind, not even Shunkong or Hades.

"Shun Kong?"

Li Guanqi was a little confused.

"Uh, I really don't know."

Shunkong then spoke with a slight hesitation, "I didn't see any details. If I said, 'It's caused by the environmental problems of this mausoleum,' I guess Master, you wouldn't want to hear this kind of nonsense, right?"

"Okay, then... Hades?"

Li Guanqi had no choice but to change the person he asked.

"I don't know either."

Pluto's tone was still lazy.

"You don't know either?!"

Li Guanqi was slightly surprised.

"What's so surprising?"

Pluto said calmly: "The world is so big and full of wonders. We, a group of immeasurable guys, are flattered by others as 'gods' and we arrogantly call ourselves 'gods'. Do you really think that we are omniscient and omnipotent 'gods'?"

What a fart.

We are only relatively gods.

A four-elephant-level conjurer who could control the wind and rain was considered a minor god in the real world before the extraordinary era, right?

So we are not the omniscient and omnipotent ‘true God’ at all.

In this world, there are so many things that we don’t know, and there are too many. Believe it or not, if I were to tell you a comprehensive list of unsolved mysteries from the past, I could tell you about them without stopping for a month.


By the way, if I knew everything, how could I still live with you?

So there is nothing surprising. The environment of this mausoleum is very special, so special that we don’t even know what’s going on, but it obviously has the ability to ‘reveal the dead’. It’s that simple.

And there is no such place in the old era, at least I have never seen it in the old era for more than 20,000 years... huh?"

At the end, Pluto seemed to have thought of something, and his voice was a little more hopeful, "According to this situation, the ancestral world is most likely not an hallucination caused by drug abuse by the descendants of the Khan royal family, but a real world."

The world after death? It’s interesting, kid, let’s keep walking.”


Li Guanqi, who received this answer, could only choose to accept it.

He looked at the black coffin beside him, looked at the words [Nala Utameng] on the base, lowered his head slightly, "I passed by here, no offense intended, may you rest in peace."

After saying that, Li Guanqi checked the grass line under his feet, then raised his head and prepared to move forward.

"I remembered."

At this moment, Longji's voice suddenly sounded, with a bit of emotion, "I have read many books over the years, and one of them is a novel written by Frog Man. There is a supporting character named Nala Utameng.

Create for prototypes.

At the end of the novel, the author of The Frog Man also wrote about Utameng’s true deeds.

When he was 28 years old, he was ordered by his father Khan to represent the Beimang Royal Court to settle the dispute between the frog people and the turtle people.

The dispute between the two groups stems from the unclear ownership of a mineral resource.

Regarding this matter, Utanmeng did an excellent job and satisfied both tribes. It can be said that he perfectly settled the dispute.

But on his way home, his soul suddenly became diseased. Before he saw his father, before he proudly said to his father, "You live up to your trust," that young child

It is so sad to pass away like this..."

At the end of the sentence, Longji sighed softly.

This artifact always seems very emotional when faced with these things.

And Li Guanqi, perhaps because of the contact with his thoughts just now, also had some feelings at this time.

Soul disease...

After the arrival of the alien blood and the start of a transcendent era for mankind, as mankind further developed the potential of the physical body and discovered the power of the soul, various terminal diseases originating from the soul have quietly spread among the human population without knowing when.

For humans of different blood, most diseases on the physical level no longer exist, but diseases of the soul are more difficult and fatal.

Even in this extraordinary age, disease, just like in the mortal age, is a poisonous thorn lingering in the human community, silently leading to one tragedy after another and the breakup of countless families.

"No one knows which will come first, tomorrow or the accident."

Li Guanqi held an ancestral incense stick in his left hand and a scroll in his right hand, and continued to move along the grass line with a firm pace, "So we can only work hard to survive today."


Long Ji's slightly smiling voice sounded, and he joked: "This sentence is a bit beautiful. It's a pity. If there is a speaker here, maybe I can compile some "Emperor's Quotations" for you.

Something like that.”

Li Guanqi shook his head and laughed. He did not reply, but continued to move forward, and soon moved towards the next tomb passage.

Now is not the time to use synaesthesia.

If you want to get the opportunity to penetrate the Bagua acupoints, you can't just have any will and perception. The emotional will of Nala Utameng just like that is not helpful for this.

Especially for a person with Li Guanqi's personality, that kind of emotion has almost no effect on his breakthrough.

Utameng's will remains, and his main emotion is still "hoping to get his father's approval".

It's not that this feeling is bad.

Different wills and different moods can bring him different inspirations.

But for Li Guanqi's Bagua-level cultivation, the most needed will perception is the more "majestic" will, or the memories of various life and death battles.

In the Ancestral Dragon Monument and Dragon Claw Marks on the Ancestral Dragon Sacred Mountain, except for the daily warm emotions left by a few generations of Dragon Kings, the remnants of most of the Dragon Kings' wills are actually various memories of fierce battles.

After all, the so-called dragon claw mark is actually like a "commemorative video" left to future generations.

As a giant dragon, would they prefer to leave some daily fragments to their descendants? Or leave some of the peak moments of their lives when they furiously kill powerful enemies... ah no, the peak moments of dragon life?

Of course it's the latter.

The Ancestral Dragon Monument is basically like this. At that time, Li Guanqi was equivalent to using the memories of the dragon kings of the past generations to engage in brutal fights one after another. In the constant fights, he found the first Bagua acupoint that penetrated


As for the opportunity to break through the second acupoint, it was during the battle with the Minotaur King.

There are indeed people who, while playing chess, drinking tea, and fishing when they were at the Bagua level, inexplicably succeeded in "enlightenment" and penetrated the Bagua acupoints.

But Li Guanqi is not that type.

The willpower he needs can be put simply in one word - fight!

And this sense of will should be found in the tombs of the ancestors of the Khan royal family. After all, who can become a Khan and has not experienced hundreds of battles?

What Li Guanqi had to do was go to the tombs of these Khans.

He was still a little confused at first, not knowing whether to deviate from the grass path and search for the tombs of several khans.

But it turned out there was no need to worry at all.

Because on the grass line path, the third tomb after [Nala Utameng] is the tomb of a Khan.

However, this is not the tomb of Utamunfu Khan, but someone else.


Li Guanqi stood at the door of the tomb, looking at the stunning tomb in front of him that was comparable to a luxurious palace, and was slightly stunned.

Compared with the Khan's tomb, Utameng's tomb is simply the difference between a thatched house and a palace. This tomb is filled with extremely precious treasures and burial objects, some of which emit bright lights of various colors, making the entire

The tomb chambers were illuminated with colorful lights.

On the high platform in the center of the tomb, there is a golden coffin.

The coffin was suspended in the air, pulled by several huge blue chains, suspended in mid-air in the tomb chamber. The surface of the coffin was still emitting strands of golden light, and it looked extremely magical.

This is not some weird coffin seal.

For the prairie people of the New Age, these two things, grassland and sky, have extraordinary significance.

For them, hanging the coffin in the air is a way to continue to embrace the sky after death, which is called "praise to the sky."

Not only is this way of lowering one's body to the grave not strange, it is also a very sacred act in their culture. Not all khans are qualified to adopt this specification of lowering one's body to the grave.

In history, only three Khans used the "Praise to the Sky" method of burying themselves in their graves.

A generation of khans, the founder of Beimang Royal Court - Amul Khan.

The second generation of khans, Batu Buch Khan, was the lord who continued to consolidate the power of the Beimang royal court.

The third generation of khans created the third-class citizenship system in the grasslands, vigorously reformed, and ruled with force. During his reign, he completely turned the name of equality in the grassland alliance into a "tyrant" who was actually a king and a minister - Ild Khan.

There are only 3 places, and they happen to be the top 3 places.

Among them, the legendary Amul Khan is of course undisputed. With the performance of the second generation of Khans, there is no big problem.

However, the third generation of Khans became more controversial.

After the death of this "tyrant", due to mixed reviews and serious polarization, the Beimang royal court of that generation had a quarrel over whether he should be buried with the "Praise of the Sky" specification.

long time.

Li Guanqi is an outsider. He has only read about these things in books and does not know the specific process.

All he knew was that the final result was that the third generation of Khans was buried in the "Praise of the Sky".

This was originally the most sacred burial specification, but it was given to a "tyrant". As a result, the meaning of this burial specification has changed a little.

Perhaps because of this, no Khan ever adopted this tomb specification again.

However, perhaps the bigger reason is that the achievements made by subsequent khans during their reign have not reached the corresponding standards.

After all, Beimang Royal Court occupies the grassland, which is basically a certain territory.

To the east, who dares to touch the Great Wall of the Daluo Dynasty?

To the west, the Tulip Empire is blocking the way, and there is a Violet Empire with evil intentions next to it.

To the south or north, they are all taboo places, even if they are given to the Beimang royal court for nothing, they will not be accepted.

If outward expansion is impossible, the martial arts of civil administration and martial arts are basically hopeless.

What about Wenzhi?

It's a pity that the grassland khans of all generations, except Amul Khan, were the worst at doing internal affairs. Moreover, because there are too many grassland tribes, the racial issue has not been solved for thousands of years. Today, there is even a complete civil war...

"The grass line doesn't end, so this is not Amul Khan's tomb."

Li Guanqi no longer thought about these bad things in the Beimang Royal Court, but slowly stepped forward towards the golden coffin that was buried in the "Praise of the Sky" specification, wanting to see whose tomb it was.

Second generation?

Or the third generation?


Li Guanqi came to the bottom of the golden coffin and looked down.

Directly under the golden coffin is a circular white jade floor, ten meters in diameter, with a large number of handwritings engraved on it. It is the identity of the owner of this tomb and his life achievements.

——Nara Huzhius, the respected Batu Bukh Khan, died on September 9, 3463, at the age of 972.

This is the first line of the white jade inscription, which explains the identity of the owner of the tomb.

Batu Bukh Khan, the second generation khan.

Hurius is his name, and Batubuh Khan is his title as the second generation ruler of Beimang Royal Court.

"What my father left to me was never a kingdom, but a responsibility! It was the responsibility to protect the grassland people and all the orcs!"

"Go back and tell your Emperor Daluo that it is impossible for us to surrender!"

"Also, tell that guy that the beasts on our grassland are not the 'beasts' he calls them, but the brothers and sisters of our grassland people. We are one family! Regarding his unreasonable discriminatory concept, Representative Ben Khan

The entire grassland expresses strong condemnation and contempt!"

"It's useless to talk more. He wants to start a war, so come on! This Khan is here, waiting for your army!"

Suddenly, a sonorous and powerful voice came from all directions in the tomb, hitting Li Guanqi's heart like a heavy hammer, making his eyes even more confused.

In a trance.

The colorful tombs around him began to twist and change, gradually transforming from tombs into a splendid palace.

Li Guanqi lowered his head, wearing a set of luxurious blue royal robes, a golden crown on his head, and sitting on the throne at the top of the palace.

Further down, under the steps paved with gold and red carpets, stood on both sides the civil and military officials of the Beimang Royal Court, including grassland people and orcs, all of whom were angry at this time.

Especially the orc officials among them looked at the Daluo envoy standing in the center with almost cannibalistic eyes, full of hatred and anger.

"I see."

Wearing a red official robe, compared with the surrounding grassland people, the Daluo envoy with fair skin looked up at Li Guanqi on the throne, smiled and said: "Khan's words will be conveyed to my emperor word for word.


After saying that, the Daluo envoy waved his sleeves, turned around and left with a smile on his face.


After he left, the atmosphere in the hall slowly changed. From the initial filled with indignation and anger, it gradually became depressed, with many officials looking sad.


Suddenly, at the forefront of the officials, a white-haired old man wearing a black cloak came out, looked up at Li Guanqi, and said in a deep voice: "With the strength of this generation of Emperor Luo, there is a high probability that he will really send an army to invade.

Grassland! We have to make plans early!"

"How dare he?!"

An old deer man next to him gritted his teeth and said, "Didn't Emperor Luo first establish the Great Wall of Heaven and his legacy to warn future generations not to initiate aggression or expand beyond the Great Wall?"

"Yes, you are not allowed to take the initiative."

An old werewolf minister narrowed his eyes slightly, and his dark blue vertical pupils showed a bit of coldness, "But, if you find any excuse, isn't that passive? For example... at the border of the Great Wall, some tauren crossed the Great Wall and headed towards

The people on the border of Daluo launched a robbery? Then he was legitimately avenging his subjects? The most important thing is that this is really true."

"Hey, old guy, what do you mean?!"

As soon as these words came out, a tauren veteran not far away suddenly had a cold look in his eyes, "Have you not done enough good things that your werewolf clan has done?!"

This chapter has been completed!
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