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Chapter 226 Stepping on the bedbugs? Thunder Chamber of Commerce Battle

"Who are you!"

Lei Qingzi steadied his figure and shouted angrily into the void.

He couldn't hide the shock in his eyes, the force of the opponent's attack was no less than the sixth level of Qi Transformation!

In other words, the people in the void have at least the same cultivation level as him, and even have higher cultivation levels than him!

When it comes to the realm of Qi Transformation, especially high-level Qi Transformation, the strength gap between each level will be huge. If the opponent is at the seventh level of Qi Transformation, and he really fights regardless of the cost, his situation will be very dangerous.

Even if you can leave, you still have to pay a big price.

What's more, the opponent is hiding in the void, and his identity and strength are unknown. If his Qi changes to the eighth or even ninth level, he will be in danger!

Thinking of this, an invisible pressure seemed to spread out between heaven and earth, and Lei Qingzi's forehead suddenly dripped with cold sweat.

But the figure in the void just snorted coldly, and he didn't dare to take action again, so he hid in the void and disappeared, as if he had never appeared!

"Brother Yang Xiu!"

Laughter came from below again, and a rather handsome and carefree young man in colorful clothes stepped up from the air and appeared directly in front of Yang Xiu.

There was an old man accompanying the young man. Someone recognized the old man and said in shock: "Zisong! It's Mr. Zisong!"

"Lord Qian Zisong? President of Xuanlong Wanbaolou Branch?!"

Some warriors recognized Qian Zisong, and everyone below was startled, with shocked looks in their eyes.

Qian Zisong, the president of Wanbao Tower? He is a high-ranking and powerful man who is usually invisible.

Such a person is not something that even the emperor can meet casually. They did not expect to see him here today. The warriors below couldn't help but get excited. Now they would have bragging rights when they went back.

What shocked them was that a person of Qian Zisong's status followed the young man in fine clothes honestly, and even showed a humble and respectful look from time to time.

Everyone was shocked. Who is this young man?

"Brother Yang Xiu, are you okay?"

Qian Duoduo came up with a smile on his face and patted Yang Xiu on the shoulder. When he noticed the latter's breath, his smiling face froze obviously, but he quickly regained his composure and took a deep look at the latter.

He laughed as if nothing happened and said, "I missed my brother so much when we saw each other last time!"

After saying that, he gave Yang Xiu a bear hug.

Yang Xiu sneered in his heart. It was said that businessmen are very good at handling relationships with people. This is true for people like Qian Duoduo. Moreover, he did not believe that the latter would treat him like this for no reason.

He knew it in his heart.

The more the latter invests in themselves, the greater the benefits they value.

In other words, what he has to do becomes more important.

"It's okay, I just crushed some biting bugs to death."

Yang Xiu said lightly.

"Crush the bedbug to death? Hahahaha!~"

Qian Duoduo was startled, then burst into laughter. He, Wanbao Tower, and the Thunder Chamber of Commerce had not been dealing with each other for many years. Now that he had seized the opportunity, he naturally wanted to ridicule them back.

"Yes, crush the bug! But brother Yang Xiu, brother, I still have to remind you."

Qian Duoduo pretended to be serious and said: "It's okay to crush the bed bugs, but if you accidentally soil the ground of my square, it won't be good."

Yang Xiu smiled slightly: "Be careful next time."


Suddenly an angry voice came.

Accompanied by the terrifying power of martial arts, Lei Qingzi stood in the sky, furious.

He stood here for a long time, but these two people only cared about him and mocked the Thunder Chamber of Commerce, completely ignoring him, and couldn't help but said angrily: "Qian Duoduo, after all, I am also the director of the Thunder Chamber of Commerce and one of the elders of the Lei family! Even if you are a

Young Master of Wanbao Tower, you can’t ignore me, right?”

"It's really ridiculous, Lei Qingzi. In this small Dongzhou, you may be considered a figure, but in front of the two forces of you and me, what do you mean?"

A cold snort came from the void: "Now that you know the identity of my young master, if you have anything to say, say it quickly and let it go!"


I am the head of the Thunder Chamber of Commerce and an elder of the Lei family. Isn’t it a high-status position and respected by everyone? But now he is being ridiculed in public, in front of many secular people!

Lei Qingzi's face changed slightly, his complexion turned livid, and his old face twisted sinisterly. However, due to the strength of the man in the void, he suppressed his anger, looked at Qian Duoduo unkindly, and coldly snorted: "We are here today.

, on behalf of the Thunder Chamber of Commerce, I am sending a letter of war to Wanbao Tower!"

His expression turned contemptuous, and he said: "It's a pity that there is no one in your Southern Region Headquarters Chamber of Commerce, so we looked for you and came to this secular and low-class dynasty."

After that, Lei Qingzi threw it in his hand, and a letter of challenge fell into Qian Duoduo's hand.

Yang Xiu glanced at the letter of war, and the cover clearly read: "Business Alliance Conference" in four big characters!

Lei Qingzi said coldly: "It contains not only the resource allocation for this business alliance conference, but also various industrial bets between our Thunder Chamber of Commerce and your Wanbao Building!"


Qian Zisong came forward to take a look, and sure enough, the content of the war letter was densely marked with at least a hundred industrial sites, all of which were industries that Wanbao Tower and the Thunder Chamber of Commerce had competed with for many years. Of course, there were also many that were gradually lost after the decline of Wanbao Tower.

Annexed industry!

"So many industries, equivalent to 70% of the resources of Wanbao Tower! You have used them all as a bet for war!"

Qian Zisong said angrily.

If so many industries lose, it will definitely be a famous blow to Wanbao Tower!

Without these industries, within three years, Wanbaolou will transform from the main chamber of commerce in the southern region to a small chamber of commerce inferior to even the regional chamber of commerce!

"The content of the war agreement is very simple."

"At the Business Alliance Conference in half a year, once your Wanbao Building loses to our Thunder Chamber of Commerce, all the assets above will belong to us."

"Of course, if we lose, the assets of the Thunder Chamber of Commerce that we bet against will also belong to you."

Lei Qingzi sneered and raised his head proudly. It was obvious that they had absolute confidence in the battle in half a year!

Because today's Wanbao Building has long since declined due to the disappearance of the owner of Wanbao Building. Over the years, various ancillary industries have either left or canceled their contracts. Coupled with the suppression and encroachment by his Thunder Chamber of Commerce and other chambers of commerce in the South, Wanbao Building has long been riddled with holes.


If it weren't for its deep foundation and many pillar industries, the latter would have collapsed long ago.

The purpose of the Thunder Chamber of Commerce is to take advantage of the Business Alliance Conference to annex the pillar industry of Wanbao Tower so that it will never be able to stand up again!

"I will leave this letter of challenge to you, and it will count if you hand it over to us before the Business Alliance Conference."

"Of course, it's up to you whether to sign or not."

Lei Qingzi turned his head, his eyes suddenly fell on Yang Xiu, showing a cold expression, and said in a cold voice: "Little beast, you are lucky today, but if you kill a member of my Lei family, this matter will not be settled like this.


After saying that, he glanced fearfully into the void, waved his hand to take away the bodies of Lei Mang and others, then turned around and stepped into the void.

As Lei Qingzi left, the terror and oppression that permeated the world disappeared, and everyone breathed greedily as if they were receiving an amnesty.

This chapter has been completed!
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