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Chapter 3 Demons are a disaster

Ji Yi refuses to kill people unless the other party really deserves to die, and killing the other party can protect more innocent people.

Maybe at that time, Ji Ji will take action.

But after hearing what He Dong said, Lin Yi realized that there was still room for change.

He Dong's fundamental need is not to kill people, she just wants money.

"I have a way, we can make money without killing anyone."

"Oh? Tell me."

Maybe it was an illusion, but Ji Yi felt that He Dong's eyes lit up when he heard the word money.

"First, we sold the information to Wang Liang and asked him for a thousand gold. If he didn't give it, we kidnapped him and went to his house to ask for a ransom."

Although kidnapping and extortion is also against Lin Yi's moral values, he can no longer care about it at this time. Kidnapping for extortion is better than killing him.

But He Dong rejected this suggestion.

"No, we are killers who care about credibility.!"

"Maybe we can get a little more ransom this way."

"How do you think the plan will be implemented?"

Lin Yi: “…”

This ghost is really greedy for money.

"Let's go home first and talk in detail..."

After fooling He Dong back home, Lin Yi also perfected his plan on the way.

The first step is to lure Wang Liang out of the safe zone.

It was too risky to do anything in Changsha City, and it was too easy to leave clues. Just let Wang Liang leave. Lin Yi also thought of seduction. After all, Wang Liang was good at this.

However, he thought it would be more appropriate to spend money to go to Yunyu Tower to find professional players. He Dong was a ghost, and he could coax a professional player to seduce Wang Liang without anyone noticing.

The second step is to steal a token from Wang Liang, ask for ransom from the governor's house, and at the same time ensure that Wang Liang cannot return to the city.

This is Lin Yi's variation on the telecom fraud cases he has seen.

As we all know, the fastest way to make money is written in the criminal law. Lin Yi's conscience does not allow him to do such a thing. However, he is not strong enough now and cannot get off the pirate ship. After weighing the pros and cons, Lin Yi can only choose to sacrifice

Wang Liang was saved, at least his life was saved.

The reason why He Dong agreed was because Ji Yi said that if the Wang family didn't pay the ransom, it wouldn't be too late for him to kill Wang Liang. He could also do the killer mission, and there would still be a guarantee when the time came.

When formulating the plan, Ji Yi also "incidentally" learned about the original owner's experience.

The original owner Lin Yi was a disciple of the Baigui Sect. Like He Dong, he couldn't stand the behavior of the Baigui Sect, so he and the ghost met and ran away.

Ji Yi's huge debt was owed at that time. According to the agreement, every time He Dong rescued Lin Yi, Ji Yi owed her ten thousand gold. Ten thousand gold bought her life, which was very reasonable.

After that, Lin Yi asked He Dong to do some small things, such as releasing water ghosts into the Tang River. In short, the debt had accumulated to this amount.

Lin Yi checked the account books and could only admit the account.

However, owing so much money is not entirely a bad thing.

At least he could live with his heart in his stomach from now on, without having to worry about He Dong killing him. Not only that, he also had an extra trump card to save his life.

He owed He Dong so much money, He Dong couldn't let him die.

If you encounter any danger, ask her for help and she will definitely help. In the worst case, you will continue to owe money.

As long as you owe enough money, you are the boss.

After understanding this, Ji Yi rarely had a good sleep.

Early the next morning, Lin Yi went to work with a brisk pace.

Jing Yesi usually had nothing to do during the day, and Ji Yi went there today just to take a leave of absence to find fault.

As soon as he arrived at Jingyesi, Lin Yi felt that something was not right in the atmosphere.

Uncle Qin, the gatekeeper, looked serious and did not say hello to Lin Yi. He walked into the Yamen and saw several police officers, all of whom also had solemn expressions on their faces.

"What's wrong with this?"

Ji Yi saw an acquaintance and hurried over to grab him.

This man's name is Zhang Laosan, who often patrols the night with Ji Yi. His eyes are a bit small and he is thin. When he smiles, he looks very vulgar, but when he doesn't smile, he looks quite decent.

Zhang Laosan replied lazily: "Something happened to the people who went to Qinghe Village last night. Six of them went, but only one came back. They were a little crazy and kept shouting that there were monsters. The boss then explained that we did not watch the night last night.

All the people were called over and prepared to go to Qinghe Village to find out what happened during the day."

"Is there a monster?"

Lin Yi finally understood why the team members were so serious.

Yasushi's duties also include slaying demons, but slaying demons is much more difficult than slaying ghosts.

If a monster wants to cultivate into a spirit, it often takes decades of hard training. Therefore, whenever you see a monster that causes harm to the world, it will take at least a few decades of cultivation, while a ghost can only practice Taoism in a few years or more than ten years.


Furthermore, ghosts belong to yin and are restrained by yang energy. Ghosts with weaker cultivation cannot even do anything to a person with strong qi and blood. If they fight against a monk, they will be restrained, like Lin Yigang who has just traveled through time and has no cultivation at all.

Sometimes, you can also kill ghosts with a knife stained with evil spirits.

Demons are different. Apart from the weaknesses of the species itself, they will not be restrained by human monks.

In addition, the demon clan has the most solid cultivation. Most of them rely on accumulated practice over time to achieve spiritual perfection. They also live a long time and have rich combat experience.

It's not like a human being, who may have an epiphany, and his Taoism will skyrocket, and it's not like a ghost, who may have ten or twenty years of Taoism under the surge of resentment. But although his Taoism is high, he doesn't know how to use it, so he's in vain.

Those practices.

Lin Yi has been patrolling the night in Jingyesi for so long, and he has also heard many old people in Jingyesi say something: It is better to see a thousand-year ghost than a century-old demon.

This statement may be an exaggeration. Ghosts can cultivate for thousands of years, which is also a kind of qualitative transformation. But from this statement, we can see how terrifying monsters are.

No wonder everyone in Jingyesi is so nervous.

Yes, there is no problem in sending them to hunt ghosts. The people in Jingyesi are all strong men with strong blood. With more people, they are more powerful, and even ghosts are afraid of them.

Catching monsters is different. If you don't pay attention, you will lose your life. What's more, several people who went out last night were all Jingyesi's masters, but only one came back, which shows how dangerous it is.

But this is what Yasushi has to eat. Even if he knows the danger, he still has to take the lead.

Therefore, all the patrol officers looked solemn because they were afraid of being assigned this task.

"Why aren't you afraid?"

Lin Yi felt that Zhang Laosan's mentality was too good. Zhang Laosan said indifferently: "What's there to be afraid of? If the sky falls, there will be tall people to support it. If you really want to arrange for an incompetent person like me to slay the demon,

If I don't go, can he still kill me?"

Lin Yi: “…”

Brother saw it so clearly that he was speechless.

While the two were talking, the school grounds had already arrived.

Nearly a hundred people gathered in the school grounds and stood in a square formation. Lin Yi followed Zhang Laosan and blended into the group.

I originally wanted to ask for leave, but this happened and now it seems a bit inappropriate to ask for leave.

Guan Buping took a look around, his eyes lingering on Ji Yi's face for a moment.

"Everyone is almost here. Let me tell you something first. The brothers who went to Qinghe Village to investigate last night, except Liu Yuan who ran back desperately to deliver the news, were all killed."

Although many people had heard the news, when Guan Buping was confirmed, the team was still in an uproar.

Everyone in Jingyesi knows that what they eat is a knife-edge meal, but it is still very rare to kill a team at once.

What a fierce guy this must be!

If you don't care about the injustice, everyone will go and kill people. Won't the trouble fall on them?

Panic began to spread among the crowd, and Guan Buping had no choice but to raise his voice a few points, suppressing the voices of those who were talking, and said: "There are monsters in Qinghe Village, but Liu Yuan can escape smoothly, which means that the monsters there are not yet strong.

I only have about thirty or forty years of cultivation, so this time I personally lead the team, and the patrol officers of the ninth grade and above will go out!"

Among the team of one hundred people, only seven took a step forward. The rest of the unworthy patrolmen breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhang Laosan said calmly: "Look, I said, if the sky falls, there will be someone taller to hold it up, so we don't need to panic."

At this time, Ji Yi hesitated and took a step forward...

This chapter has been completed!
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