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Chapter 309 Then play music and then dance

The young man who entered the brothel was naturally desolate.

She set off earlier than Ji Yi. After bidding farewell to her, Lin Yi went to Qu Jing's place for a long time, and also fought with Bai Lianxian for half a day. In total, he was one day behind Xiao Se's schedule, but he was still on the way.

After passing the bleak front, we arrived at Yuzhang County.

Coincidentally, neither of them knew the other's destination. Xiao Se didn't even know that Ji Yi was planning to go to the end of the world with his sword, so he thought he would just stay at home!

Maybe they’ll arrest a county guard and then change their identities——

This was a plan that Ji Yi had mentioned before. He wanted Xiao Se to take control of Xingsha City. Xiao Se had considered it, but now she had other things to do, so the matter of being the county guard was put on hold for the time being.

Yuzhang County is just Xiao Se's first stop. According to the information her mother left for her in a dream, if she wants to improve her strength, practicing alone is far from enough.

Breaking through the second level or even the first level of cultivation will not be of much help in solving her own problems. What she needs to do is to improve her bloodline power and integrate the dragon energy.

The dragon energy in her body is not enough to support her becoming the emperor, but she has a greater affinity with the dragon veins of the Southern Dynasty, which will make it much easier to do some things in the future.

For example, if she is fused with dragon energy, if she kills a county chief with a Taoist spell, the dragon's veins will not backfire.

But merging the dragon vein is not an easy task. If she still has the status of a prince, she would be the prince now. It would be easy to fuse the dragon vein.

But now she dares not return to the capital, and she no longer dares to use her identity as Xiao Se.

In this way, she had to use another way to integrate the dragon energy, that is, to find the node of the dragon vein.

Jiangzhou is a very important place in the Dragon Vein, so Xiao Se came to Yuzhang, intending to find a suitable place to practice.

It just so happened that she had accumulated enough Dao Yun to attack the second level first.

With what the Demon Emperor left her, it would be no problem to go directly to the first rank. The purpose of advancing to the second rank is to ensure a stable foundation. It is also better to digest the Tao Yun given by the Demon Emperor first, and then enter the first rank.

She originally only went to the city for her own business, but she didn't expect that as soon as she entered the city, dark clouds saw a demonic aura rising into the sky somewhere.

If you can see such a scene in the city, it must be a demon causing trouble.

After all, Xiao Se also worked in Jingyesi and was influenced by Lin Yi.

Now that she has seen this matter, she cannot sit idly by and ignore it.

So Xiao Se also came.

How could she have imagined that before she arrived, Ji Yi was already inside letting the girl play music and dance.

"What a filthy smell."

As soon as she entered the Hongcui Building, Xiao Se felt that the place was filled with an aura that made her uncomfortable. Dark clouds were hiding in her shadow, and she complained mercilessly: "This is a place where filth and people gather and practice. It's strange that the smell is not filthy!"


"Hmph, I don't think the monsters here are very powerful. You can go and kill them all later."

dark clouds:"……"

She is just a harmless kitten, and she can only bully some lonely ghosts.

Her investigative ability is very strong, but her combat effectiveness pales in comparison.

It can only be said that since Xiao Se left Ji Yi's side, he has become more and more inappropriate as a human being, especially as a cat.

Not to mention letting her grow bigger on the way so that she can be used as a mount on the road, but now she is being used as a thug.

Dear, is this how you train your subordinates?

"Your Majesty, I think it's better for us to just wait and see what happens. It's really abnormal that the demons here can be so powerful, but the city is peaceful.

Moreover, Jiangzhou is the territory of Longhu Mountain, and these monsters cannibalize human spirit in Yuzhang County so brazenly, the implications behind it are not small."

Kitten's observation ability has always been good, but what surprised Xiao Se was her reasoning and analysis ability.

Wu Yun had never shown any talent in this area before, and Xiao Se didn't know much about it before. She had to be trained by Ji Yi for a period of time before she slowly mastered it.

Wu Yun spoke very smoothly just now, and it looked like he was very skilled at it.

This guy is hiding quite deep!

How could Xiao Se not know that Wu Yun was able to speak so smoothly just to be lazy?

But now is really not the time to start immediately. What I learned the most from Lin Yi was not how to summarize and analyze, but how to do things steadily.

Xiao Se decided to ask a few girls to pretend first, and then asked Wu Yun to go out to inquire about the situation, and then decide what to do.

She asked for a private room and called some girls to come and choose.

Wu Yun reminded in a low voice: "The fourth one from the left is the demon."

Wu Yun's innate ability allows her to find the difference in breath more accurately, but Xiao Se is still using the method Ji Yi taught her to judge. As a result, Wu Yun can't find it as fast or as accurately as Wu Yun.

"I'm not as far away as my elder brother!"

Sighing secretly in his heart, Xiao Se pointed at the witch Wu Yun had found and said, "I want her."

"Young Master, you have such a good eye. This is Miss Cuicui. She is also one of the most popular girls in our building!"

Although the previous two young masters did not choose Cuicui, this did not affect the madam's praise.

Xiao Se nodded, not caring about the girl's reputation, nor how much money she had to spend. She just wanted to make this demon stay so that she could make a move.

However, before the Madam went out, a talisman light floated from nowhere and suddenly imprinted on Cuicui. The fire exploded instantly. Cuicui was wrapped in flames. She struggled in pain, and the fox tail behind her was exposed.

came out.

The others looked shocked. They did not expect such a change, let alone that Cuicui was a monster.

Xiao Se's expression also changed slightly. It seemed that there were other experts who couldn't stand it anymore and took action, but I didn't know if that person was afraid of arousing the enemy by attacking so recklessly.

Now that she has taken action, no matter who is behind the action, since she is slaying demons, she naturally wants to help.

"Hei Yun, get ready to take action!"

Originally he was going to hibernate for a while, but Xiao Se now simply used the rune.

Little did she know that the owner behind this talisman was Lin Yi.

Now that we have taken action, of course we will leave no one behind.

Under the Celestial Eye, all the monsters had nowhere to hide. Lin Yiren was still in the elegant room, but the runes he controlled accurately found the fox monsters one by one. Heaven-grade talismans and second-grade talisman masters had such power to kill them.

Killing a monster that is only two hundred years old at its strongest and sixty years at its weakest requires no last hit at all.

For a moment, there were flames everywhere in the Hongcui Building, and screams and screams could not be heard.

When the musicians and dancers in Lin Yi's room heard this movement, they all froze, not knowing what was going on.

Lin Yi then pressed down the wine glass, patted the table and said: "What are you stopping for? No matter how noisy it is outside, it just doesn't disturb us. Come on, keep playing music and keep dancing!"

With such a calm look, who would have thought that he was controlling the talismans and slaying demons everywhere?

This chapter has been completed!
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