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Chapter 608: There is an inner demon who gave up thinking

Zhang Jiao was finally submerged in the iron fist of justice. After the light flashed, only nothingness remained.

However, Ji Yi did not obtain the corresponding authority from her.

Probably, she died, but not completely.

Ji Yi did not forget that Zhang Jiao's body was still suppressed by the Great Heavenly Lord's wine bottle at the foot of the mountain. What was left in Wu Yun's body was just Zhang Jiao's back-up plan.

This is similar to Ji Yi's clone. If the clone dies, it will not have a great impact on the main body.

Ji Yi was not in a hurry and beat Zhang Jiao to death in one go. Killing her clone this time was a way of giving her some color.

From now on, if she wants to scheme against the people around her, she will have to consider her own abilities.

And now they have a common enemy, the Great Heavenly Lord, and they will not start a war directly because of this battle.

After Zhang Jiao disappeared, Ji Yi released his mind sword skills and released Wu Yun.

Wu Yun's mind returned to her body, and the first thing she did after regaining her freedom was to throw herself into Ji Yi's arms. Lin Yi thought she was afraid and comforted her for a long time.

In fact, Wu Yun is not that scared. Of course she was scared at first, fearing that she would be killed by Zhang Jiao, and also worried that Zhang Jiao would do something bad to Xiao Se.

As a result, Zhang Jiao just took her to eat melons and bask in the sun every day, making her very comfortable.

Of course, only children who can cry will get milk. If she is not pitiful, how can she be so coquettish in front of Ji Yi?

Unlike Xiao Se, who carries all the pressure by himself, he looks awkward in front of Ji Yi. It's strange that he can be lovable like this!

Wu Yun has already thought about it. She can't count on her master, so she might as well be the savior herself.

She first defected to Lin Yi, and then pulled her master into Lin Yi's arms.

This speed is probably a little faster than Xiao Se's own initiative to throw himself into his arms.

Although she doesn't know much about human love, she has seen many dark clouds, so she can still imitate them.

After asking for comfort in Ji Yi's arms, she stopped acting coquettishly and took the initiative to talk about business.

"Fortunately, you saw through that big devil's disguise, otherwise I wouldn't be able to see you and the master again without beating me."

Maomao cried pitifully, which also made Ji Mao feel soft. He comforted: "Don't worry, it's all over. Zhang Jiao dares to bully my cat like this. I will see her once and kill her once."

In Ji Yi's body, Wu Yun felt an absolute sense of security.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, she also quickly talked about the serious matter, a major matter that had been pressed in her heart for a long time but almost forgotten every time.

"There is a secret about Xiao Se that I want to tell you."

Wu Yun should have said it a long time ago, but a strange combination of circumstances prevented him from saying it.

Now that she could finally remember it, she quickly said it so as not to forget it next time.

Her memory is actually not bad. Maybe there is a problem with the message itself. When she wants to tell Ji Yi, she will subconsciously forget it.

But when she didn't tell Ji Yi, she remembered it again.

Perhaps it was because this was the devil's world and she had no interference, so she told the matter very simply.

After learning that Xiao Se's curse was actually related to him, Ji Yi's mood suddenly became a little complicated.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Se also had a connection with him in his previous life. This feeling was actually very bad.

This made Ji Yi feel as if he was living in the shadow of his previous life.

However, he did not express this point so as not to prevent people around him from thinking too much.

Now that Wuyun talked about Xiao Se's curse, Ji Yi thought for a moment and said, "You mean, only I can help her solve Xiao Se's curse?"

"should be."

Regarding this point, Wuyun also concealed a little bit of the details.

In her inherited memory, it is said that by sending Lin Yi into reincarnation, the cause and effect can be resolved.

And what she told Ji Yi was that the chance to lift the curse lay with Ji Yi.

This is the great wisdom of kittens.

Is it possible that she should let Lin Yi commit suicide?

Once Ji Yi knows the truth, no matter what choice he makes, the relationship between the two people will deteriorate.

It's better to just say this, Ji Yi will definitely start to think of a solution consciously.

Of course Ji Yi kept this matter in mind, and at the same time, he also thought of someone to ask for help.

He doesn't know much about the avenues of cause and effect, but there are people in the world who understand cause and effect.

For example, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

Moreover, there is some karma between him and Ksitigarbha. Since he owes him karma, it is better to owe him a little more.

"When I have the opportunity to go to the underworld, I will find a way. Let's get down to business today!"

While Ji Yi was chatting with Wu Yun, some unruly monsters were already approaching.

The smell of strangers makes monsters very excited, and monsters themselves are irrational, chaotic and crazy things.

Even if Ji Yi didn't restrain his aura as a strong man, there were still many monsters rushing towards him.

These demons don't know what fear is.

They took the initiative to send it to their door, which saved Ji Yi a lot of trouble.

The golden body manifested directly, and under the light of the Buddha, the monsters melted like ice and snow.

The intruding monsters were eliminated, but Lin Yi hadn't stopped yet. He flew into the sky so that his Buddha's light could shine farther away.

This kind of behavior is equivalent to provoking the entire demon world.

All the demons began to wonder, what was going on, Buddha suddenly came to the door?

It shouldn’t be!

In fact, according to the tacit understanding between the two parties, those who reach the echelon of Buddha will basically not take action personally.

When you reach this echelon, you can move mountains and reclaim seas with any move you make, and you can also destroy heaven and earth.

If a fight really breaks out, it will become a fight between gods and mortals will suffer.

If any trace of the aftermath of the battle leaks out, a whole bunch of people will die.

What's more, war is fierce and dangerous. The higher the level of immortals, the less they like to put themselves in danger.

You can win once, but no one can guarantee that you will always win.

High-level gods rarely visit the battlefield in person, and usually sit in the rear.

A lonely person like Lin Yi, without anyone to protect him, dared to directly attract the hatred of gods. This was the first time he had seen a demon in the demon world.

The smart demon has already begun to wonder if there is something wrong here, while the stupid demon is already howling and preparing to hunt down this god who knows nothing about heaven and earth.

Soon, the demons were like a tide, rushing towards Ji Yi's direction.

Ji Yi was also surprised. He didn't expect these demons to be so brave. He thought that the demons were just as cowardly as Ah Qi and cherished their lives.

Unexpectedly, they launched a suicide attack on him without fear of death.

It's really courageous.

Of course, courage is of little use in the face of absolute strength.

The demons that rushed over were all melted by the Buddha's light and became Lin Yi's treasure of Taoism.

These are just appetizers. What Ji Yi really wants to kill is the demon ancestor of the demon clan.

He even beat up the Great Demon King Zhang Jiao casually, so other demons would naturally not be his opponents.

This is also the reason why Lin Yi dared to enter the devil world alone.

I just didn't expect that even though he made such a high-profile appearance, no demon ancestor showed up.

After a long time, a demon of the true demon level finally appeared. This level of demon is the same as the god of water and fire.

After Lin Yi killed him, he really gained a power called "Frenzy".

The effect of frenzy is to make the target crazy, making no distinction between friend and foe. It is similar to the inner demon method, but different.

This was plundered from a very weak real demon, and was basically useless against a determined god.

But being able to plunder the power of the demon clan satisfied Lin Yi.

After Ji Yi seized the power of a demon clan, a new branch was added to the skill tree page of the demon subduing spectrum.

The authority of the demon world is also within the scope of the great road. Like the skills of the underworld, it is a separate branch.

With the gains, Lin Yi became more passionate in sweeping away the demon world.

He activated his golden body and started running around the map.

Wherever they go, some demons don't know whether to live or die and come up to send them away on their own, while some know the danger and turn around and run away.

But Ji Yi did not let them go.

The demons in the demon world are too seriously infected by the demonic energy, and they themselves represent all kinds of negative energy. If they absorb more negative energy, they will no longer be able to influence them.

If there really were demons like Wu Yun, Ji Yi would not kill them all.

Just open your eyes and scan around, and what you see are demons with all kinds of evil thoughts gathered in one place.

If one day the barrier between the demon world and the human world is broken again, these demons will become the biggest threat to the human race.

The demon's spells are not that easy to use against the fairy world, but against the human race and using the human race to hide, they are absolutely invincible.

After seeing the magical powers of the demons, Lin Yi even felt that the demons were the natural enemies of the human race.

The sooner this natural enemy is destroyed, the sooner he can feel at ease.

However, Ji Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga killed several times in the demon world, but he didn't see a demon ancestor come out to stop him.

Perhaps, those demon ancestors were aware of the danger and did not dare to appear in front of Ji Yi, or perhaps, those demon ancestors had already left the demon world and went to the human world or the fairy world to disguise themselves.

There may not be only one demon ancestor like Ah Qi living in the world.

The demon world was dark, and Ji Yi didn't know how long he had been killing. In short, the entire demon world was cleaned up by him. He also killed a certain number of real demons, and also seized a lot of chaotic power.

Seeing that there was no demon to kill, Lin Yi had no choice but to return to the human world.

As Lin Yi cleared the demon world, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, who was in the underworld, suddenly had a great increase in mana.

If hell is not empty, I will never become a Buddha.

So, is hell empty?

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva was also stunned. He was sitting at home and the Taoist Buddha came up to heaven.

However, he still did not become a Buddha.

The emptiness of hell does not mean that hell is empty when there is no one in it. To reach the realm of emptiness, one needs to trace the source.

Why is there hell?

The evil thoughts in the human heart are the root of hell.

If you want hell to be empty, you can only let people have no evil thoughts in their hearts.

This is also the concept of Buddhism to save all sentient beings.

If all sentient beings are doing good, hell will be empty.

Ksitigarbha's great wish to become a Buddha is actually his great wish to save all sentient beings.

However, Ji Yi made the demon world physically empty and gave Ksitigarbha a great feedback, which improved his strength a lot.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva counted the cause and effect with his fingers.

Although I don’t know what Lin Yi did specifically, I can deduce that his growth in morality is related to Lin Yi.

And this wave of growth in Daoxing can completely offset his previous help to Ji Yi.

In other words, Ji Yi and him no longer owe each other anything.

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva could not help but shake his head and sigh.

What he laments is that fate is impermanent. Even if he practices the path of cause and effect, he can't seem to escape the tricks of fate.

For example, he wanted to have a good relationship with Lin Yi, and everything went smoothly, but now Ji Yi immediately returned the favor to him.

Of course, he can continue to have cause and effect with Ji Yi, but the forced cause and effect may not be what he wants.

In this case, we can only let it happen.

Lin Yi was killing people in the demon world. Apart from Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, the first person he sensed was naturally related to the demons.

The closer the relationship, the clearer the perception.

The Demon Ancestor actually doesn't care about the life and death of the clan. Although the main demon clan has a clan name, they don't want the human race to have the same blood consciousness as the demon clan.

Of course, they themselves have no bloodline.

However, when a large number of demons died, the demon ancestors felt their emotions.

This kind of reaction was the first time in history. Only then did the Demon Ancestors realize that they were still involved in this kind of relationship with ordinary Demons.

When the demons are close to being completely wiped out, their authority seems to have increased a lot.

In the deepest part of their hearts, there seemed to be a voice telling them to use this power to rebuild the glory of the demon clan.

All the demon ancestors were shocked. Could that voice be that of the demon lord who had disappeared long ago?

The Demon Lord has actually been hiding with them?

For a time, many demon ancestors became nervous, and one by one they began to check whether they had been manipulated by the demon.

As for recasting the glory of the demon clan?

Good guy, when did the demon clan gain glory?

Of course, they are quite happy that their strength has improved.

If they had known that a large number of demons would die and their strength as demon ancestors would improve, they would have done it themselves without the need for Ji Yi to take action.

As a traitor to the demon clan, Ah Qi also received this gift from an unknown source.

Suddenly, her strength increased by leaps and bounds, and she directly crossed the obstacle she wanted to overcome most, becoming a true demon in one fell swoop.

This is a good thing, but Ah Qi is not happy anymore.

In the past, she had always wanted to break through to the realm of a real demon because she felt that the real demon could escape. After absorbing enough demon blood, she would have a chance to restore the strength of the demon ancestor.

But now, she was despairing.

It had only been three days since she told Ji Yi how to kill the demons. Because too many demons had died, her strength had increased significantly.

There is no doubt that Lin Yi did this.

Since Ji Yi is so strong, even if she becomes the Demon Ancestor, she probably won't be his opponent.

In this case, just lie down.

At this moment, an inner demon gave up thinking.

Zhang Jiao, who was suppressed at the foot of Jiuzun Mountain, also opened her eyes at this moment.

Sensing the destruction of the demon world, the No. 1 Demon Ancestor's mentality collapsed.

Even if her strength improved a little, she wouldn't be happy.

She is different from those selfish idiots. Only she knows the importance of the clan to the Demon Ancestor.

In the future, whether we attack the immortal world or the human world, if the demon clan has no kin and only a few demon ancestors are left, even if their strength increases tenfold, they will definitely lose.

She really didn't expect that Ji Yi was so ruthless that he would eradicate her.

"Very good, since you slaughtered my clan, I will also make you a loner!"

This chapter has been completed!
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