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Chapter 639 New Love

"Who is Sister Xia? Why should I look for him?"

People who heard Ji Yi had mixed feelings in their hearts.

Although they had known that this would be the result, when the result really appeared before their eyes, they still felt very complicated.

Lingyi paused for a moment before replying: "Sister Xia, you are a friend of mine.

Well, since you are not here to find her, then tell me a story!"

Lingyi forcibly changed the topic, just like she did in front of Bixia.

Lin Yi didn't seem to care much about this matter, so he didn't ask further questions and continued to tell the story of the Fengshen Bang.

Continuing with yesterday's story, the man cut off the bones to return to his father and the flesh to return to his mother, and the lotus returned with his bones all the way back.

When Jiuniang learned that her son died tragically, she felt sad again.

Knowing that Na Tuo's soul was restless, Jiuniang went around to look for experts, only to learn that with three years of human incense, he could reshape his golden body. Seeing that he was about to succeed, Na Tuo's father Li Qing brought people to cause trouble again...

Lin Yi's adaptation was relatively perfunctory, but Lingyi was still deeply attracted by the story.

However, she was not in a very good mood today and was not very engaged in listening to the story.

Lin Yi waited until the time was almost up and then said: "I'm going to come here today, it's time for me to go back."

"Will you come again tomorrow?"

Lingyi looked at him with very troubled eyes.

She hoped that Ji Yi could come, but she didn't want Ji Yi to come either.

This is a sad place for Ji Yi. If he really forgets Bixia, it is best not to come here.

However, she didn't want to lose Ji Yi as a friend.

Although the two didn't get along for long, Lin Yi became Lingyi's most special friend.

Ji Yi thought for a while and said: "I don't know if I have time tomorrow, but if I have time, I will come over and find you."

"Okay, it's a deal!"

Lingyi was very happy that the bond between them was not broken because of Bixia.

The next day, Lin Yi arrived as scheduled and continued to tell Lingyi stories.

Bixia secretly observed every time and found someone making Lin Yi happy for her. She wanted to thank Lingyi in her heart.

After all, when she couldn't be with Ji Yi, it was Lingyi who was doing it.

But seeing Lingyi and Ji Yi getting closer day by day, she felt sour in her heart, but she couldn't say anything.

She knew that this kind of frustration was just an appetizer.

She had no choice but to endure.

In the blink of an eye, another half month has passed.

On this day, the story of Fengshenbang is finished.

A new court was established, the protagonists defeated the evil emperor, rewarded them based on their merits, and re-confessed the gods.

After listening to the story, Lingyi felt like she still had something to say.

Bixia, who had been eavesdropping, heard Lin Yi's hidden thoughts and ideas from this story.

If you want to overthrow a decadent dynasty, you must have the determination to fight!

"I probably won't come tomorrow."

After telling this story, Lin Yi said to Lingyi.

Lingyi was suddenly shocked. She was used to coming to stay with Ji Yi for a few hours every night and talking to him.

"Why didn't you come?"

"The story has been told. Besides, I'm actually very busy."

This sentence is true, Lin Yi is simply a master of time management.

From day to night, I was basically dealing with government affairs.

After a day's work in the evening, it's time to tell Lingyi a story.

At midnight, when the Sword Immortal Vest came online, he went around slaying demons and improving his cultivation, without resting every night.

Even the little monsters who have been around for ten or twenty years, Ji Yi has not let go.

Jingyesi was speechless. This swordsman was too murderous.

They don't know that Ji Yi has to work four jobs.

After slaying the demons, Ji Yi had to go to Orochi to check in in the early morning. Giving blood to the demon-slaying sword was only one of them. More importantly, he learned the art of war, the art of emperors, etc. from Orochi.

After all these things are done, Ji Yi can take a short rest and then go to deal with government affairs.

His schedule is very tight, but he insists on coming over and telling Lingyi stories every day.

After persisting for so long, it was time for him to relax.

"Then can't you tell me a new story?"

Lingyi knew that her request was inappropriate, but she didn't want to directly say that she was reluctant to let go of Lin Yi.

Seeing that she was reluctant to give up, Lin Yi had no choice but to explain: "I'm afraid I won't have much time to tell stories in the future, because someone is already making arrangements to find a princess for me.

Once I have a princess, I won’t be able to go out at night anymore.”


Suddenly hearing the news, both goddesses felt bad.

Bixia, the eavesdropper, felt a throbbing pain in her heart.

Lin Yi is finally getting married.

Yes, he has forgotten himself. As the king, he should indeed be prepared to carry on the family lineage for the kingdom.

She has given up. What's the use of being sad after knowing this news?

Bixia wanted to pretend she didn't hear it, but Ji Yi's words kept echoing in her mind.

Lingyi didn't know why, but when she heard Lin Yi said he wanted to find the princess, she suddenly became angry.

"Are you going to abandon me as your friend just because of other women?"


Ji Yi didn't understand Lingyi's logic for a moment. He paused and then explained: "I still regard you as a friend, but after having the princess, I have to spend more time with the princess."

"That means that between me and your princess, you choose your princess!"

Lingyi was a little aggressive now.

Seeing how fierce she was, Ji Yi didn't want to argue with her, so he had no choice but to say: "I don't have a princess yet."

"It will happen sooner or later. By then, you will definitely ignore me."

When Lingyi thought of this, tears suddenly burst into her eyes, making Ji Yi dumbfounded.

Why are you crying now?

Is this child so fragile?

Lin Yi was helpless and quickly comforted her.

Unexpectedly, Lingyi was also shocked at this moment.

She couldn't help but ask herself why she was so angry and sad when she knew that Ji Yi was looking for the princess.

In the future, Ji Yi will hold other women in his arms, kiss and hug them, just like he did with Bixia...

Just thinking about such a scene made her unable to calm down.

"What's wrong with me?"

Lingyi wiped the tears on her face at a loss, and Ji Yi also seemed to be coaxing a child, compromising: "Don't cry, don't cry, even if I have a princess, I will not deny you."


These comforting words had no comforting effect at all, but made Lingyi even more angry.

"You go and be with your princess, I don't care if you still want me as your friend!"

After saying that, she ran wildly into the forest and disappeared.

Lin Yi: “…”

Women in the mountains are so strange.

He didn't dare to rush into the god's chassis, so he had to go back first.

The next day, he arrived as usual. When he saw that Lingyi did not arrive immediately, he even launched fireworks.

But Lingyi still didn't come.

She was thinking about a question: why did she feel sad when she thought about Ji Yi being with another woman?

She didn't dare to ask anyone else this question. She thought about it alone and couldn't find the answer.

She had no choice but to ask her friends.

Flowers, trees, birds and animals in the mountains.

To this question, two birds really gave her the answer.

"This is possessiveness towards your spouse. You regard him as your spouse."

"No, it's impossible!"

Lingyi blushed with embarrassment at that time, and spent the whole day in shyness.

Throughout the whole day, Ji Yi kept appearing in her mind.

She began to reminisce about every moment she spent with Ji Yi, and the more she thought about it, the more confused she became.

When she found out that Lin Yi had arrived at night, she didn't dare go out to see him.

This is the man Bixia likes. Although she is angry with Bixia, she still treats her as a sister.

No matter what, she can't have that kind of thoughts about Ji Yi, right?

Realizing that she had feelings that she shouldn't have, Lingyi became afraid and began to avoid Lin Yi.

Day by day passed like this, looking at Ji Yi there every day, she wanted to go out to see him, but she didn't dare.

However, every night, waiting for Ji Yi's arrival has become her new program.

The layer of window paper had been pierced. Lingyi kept looking at her heart and realized that she had really fallen in love with this man without knowing when.

However, this man belongs to Bixia...

Lingyi had many worries in her heart, and she didn't go out to see Lin Yi for seven days in a row.

Until the eighth day, Ji Yi did not appear again.

On the ninth day, it was still the same.

tenth day……

On the fifteenth day, Lingyi finally couldn't sit still anymore, and she started going down the mountain to find out about King Shang.

It is not difficult to do this. She has many animal friends and is good at making friends. If she asks more questions, she can always get the answers she wants.

A wild goose flying from the northeast told her the news she wanted.

However, it is just an ordinary wild goose after all, and its own intelligence is not very high.

After being enlightened by Lingyi, it could only express the scenes it saw intermittently.

"King Shang, all the people in the mountains and forests are dead."

"The King of Shang is dead?"

When Lingyi heard the news, she felt as if all the strength in her body had been stripped away instantly.

he died?

For a time, various appearances of Ji Yi flashed through her mind, and finally settled on him being hacked to death with swords and guns...

The final picture is blurry because it was made up in her head.

"The king is dead, everyone is dead!"

Dayan continued to deliver fragmented messages, and when Lingyi heard it, she immediately fell to the ground.

Seeing this, the geese continued flying southward.

It doesn't know whether this person understands it, but it doesn't need to care. After all, it is just a wild goose.

Lingyi grieved alone for a long time, still unable to accept that Ji Yi had died in battle.

She began to intercept migratory birds coming from the northeast, and the information she received was similar.

War, brutal, many people, death.

The more Lingyi listened, the more her heart grew colder. Youdao means that three people can become a tiger.

When more and more birds talk about the war in the northeast, the truth seems to be like this.

Lingyi had forgotten how she returned to Mount Tai.

But when she reached the foot of the mountain, a person who had worried her for a long time was standing there.

That person is none other than Lin Yi.

Seeing Lin Yi, Lingyi was stunned on the spot and couldn't believe it for a moment.

"haven't seen you for a long time."


Lingyi rushed to Ji Yi and hugged him. He was still warm, not a ghost or an illusion.

Lingyi burst into tears of joy, feeling as if she had lost something and found it again.

But Ji Yi didn't expect that Lingyi would be so out of control with just a casual word.

For a moment, he didn't know what to do, so he could only stay still.

This girl is quite nice, but her flaw of liking to hug people when excited is not good.

Of course, just hug him.

He is a gentleman and will not take advantage of others.

"Where have you been these days and why didn't you come to me?"

Just as Ji Yi was about to explain, Lingyi said first: "They all said you were dead! They scared me to death!"

Lin Yi: “…”

Who is spreading rumors that I am dead?

And Lingyi was so sad, which made Ji Yi feel that something was wrong.

By the way...

Why is she so sad?

Does she really only see herself as a friend?

Forget it, we can’t dwell on this issue.

Ji Yi turned to complain: "Who said I'm dead?"

Lingyi then talked about asking the birds for information. After hearing this, Lin Yi was speechless.

"Is there a possibility that you have misinterpreted it?"

Lin Yi complained: "It is true that they are all dead, but it is not me who died."


"This is a long story, just listen to me and tell it slowly!"

Lin Yi felt that this matter was quite outrageous.

Also seven or eight days ago, he suddenly received news that Li Hu had died while suppressing bandits.

Li Hu was one of the great nobles who guarded the East. His position was very important. If something happened, Lin Yi would naturally know it immediately.

After checking the relevant records, Ji Yi was even dumbfounded.

Just two words, outrageous.

Five thousand regular troops entered the mountain to suppress the bandits, but the entire army was wiped out.

You seem to be teasing me.

When he learned the news, Lin Yi even felt that there must be a conspiracy.

Perhaps, someone was secretly plotting against him.

Therefore, Lin Yi dispatched three different intelligence organizations to find out the news, and the truth soon emerged.

After receiving three pieces of information with little discrepancy, Lin Yi became numb.

A large Yuezhi tribe in the east, with a total population of less than a thousand people, annihilated eight thousand elite merchants.

These are not eight thousand miscellaneous soldiers, but eight thousand elites!

If you fight with your feet, you won't end up like this, right?

Lin Yi's first feeling was that this Li Hu might not be as good as a tiger, and he would kill people one after another.

But he also quickly realized that the three batches had different numbers, and it was impossible for the soldiers to fall in the same pit.

Therefore, it is very likely that it is not Li Hu who is stupid, but Da Yueshi who has a problem.

The consequences of Li Hu's death were quite serious.

First of all, it lost the face of Dashang. You know, Dashang now has enemies on all sides, but the prestige of Dashang spreads far and wide, and barbarians from all over the world dare not provoke Dashang easily.

However, after Li Hu was defeated and died, the Dongyi tribe began to make moves.

Probably because they feel that Dashang is just a paper tiger, and its prestige is only blown out.

As a result, Dongyi and Chen Bing went on a provocation at the border.

How could Lin Yi endure this?

After changing hands, he mobilized 20,000 troops and went out to fight.

That's right, only 20,000.

To defeat Dongyi, you don't need too many soldiers.

20,000 yuan is enough.

It just so happened that the Demon-Slaying Sword had been mastered, and Ji Yi just needed blood to sharpen the Demon-Slaying Sword.

The barbarians in the east were on the edge of the sword, and Ji Yi would certainly not be polite.

Lin Yi directly took charge of the expedition in person. When he got there, he found that these barbarians were not human beings, raped, looted, and even cannibalized their own kind.

This kind of barbarian Lin Yi had no idea of ​​​​conquering them. He cut off the demon and killed it for three days and three nights. His head rolled and his blood flowed like a river...

This chapter has been completed!
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