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Chapter 95 Hunting Time

The news of the evil ghosts cannibalizing people spread very quickly within Jingyesi. Many policemen have died in the line of duty over the years, but not many died at the hands of the evil ghosts.

There were also some people who were secretly discussing that it was because Lin Yi did not let the sect disciples be the head catchers that none of the brothers on the night patrol had a good man to lead the team, which was why the two patrol officers died.

Lin Yi rose to the top of the Jingyesi Division very quickly. A person with no foundation relied on luck to kill the tiger demon and was promoted to deputy chief catcher. Then he turned around to take care of the injustice and was injured, and became the acting chief again.


Rational people know that Ji Yi is capable and can be valued by others, but there are few rational people, and there is never a shortage of envious people.

With some people adding fuel to the flames, a wave of denunciation of Lin Yi secretly arose within Jingyesi.

This wind is still brewing, and we don’t know when it will brew into a storm.

Xiao Se couldn't help but feel angry as he listened to those people talking about it. The cat in his arms meowed.

Wu Yun felt aggrieved, but Wu Yun did not dare to say anything. He only heard a bleak saying: "They are a bunch of ignorant people. I don't know why Lin Yi wants to take care of them."

"Your Majesty, please calm down. How about I go teach them a lesson?"

Wu Yun would rather go out and fight than be hugged and fucked by Xiao Se.

"No, your mission today is to catch ghosts. If you can't find the ghost, you will eat cat meat tomorrow."

"No, cat meat doesn't taste good!"

Wuyun began to regret, why did he follow such an owner, and treat him like a cat or a dog when he got a new man? He was obviously the closest friend to the prince before, but now he is threatening him like this just for a man!

"Then you work hard tonight and if you let a ghost go, you will be a dead cat tomorrow."

The corners of Xiao Se's mouth raised slightly, like a devil's smile.

The cat looked frightened.

Wuyun was not afraid of being killed, it knew that Xiao Se was scaring it, but what made it die was that Xiao Se smiled again...

"Are you ready?"

A man's voice suddenly sounded, and the dark cloud was shocked again. It didn't know where Ji Yi appeared from. As one of Xiao Se's bodyguards, this was a serious dereliction of duty.

Its fur immediately exploded, and it felt great danger from this man.

Xiao Se casually helped it smooth its fur, and while comforting it, he replied: "It's ready, you can take action at any time."

"Okay, let's kill tonight."

With that said, Lin Yi took out a handful of talisman papers for Xiao Se, which he had worked hard to draw in the morning, and he slept for a whole afternoon.

Now that dusk has arrived, it is the time when yin and yang alternate. At this time, ghosts can already start to act.

"Are you actually a Talisman Master?"

"No, whatever you draw is the lowest level of talisman. It can barely be used. You can keep it for protection!"


Xiao Se actually didn't think highly of such high-quality charms. Anything she had on her body would be worth more than these charms.

But after Ji Yi's consideration, she still accepted it.

"Dark clouds, start searching for traces of ghosts."


In front of people, Wu Yun pretended not to speak human words, and the meow was quite cute. Ji Yi also looked at it with interest and wanted to pet it.

Soon, Wuyun reacted, meowed towards the east of the city, and jumped onto Xiao Se's shoulder.

With Lin Yi here, it will not leave Xiao Se's body today.



Lin Yi jumped up and jumped onto the wall, followed closely by Xiao Se. The two of them were jumping up and down on the wall with such a big fanfare, which was quite eye-catching, but both of them were wearing Jingyesi's official uniform, which was quite impressive.

No one questioned me.

Outside an abandoned well in the east of the city, a female ghost was crawling out of it and crawling towards the little boy who fell to the side with a frightened face. She had a ferocious smile on her face. You know, after this ancient well was abandoned, she came

There are fewer and fewer people. She is an earthbound spirit and has not eaten blood food for a long time.

"I want to be full tonight..."


A thunderbolt fell in the distance, and the female ghost crawled out half of her body. Before she could finish her lines, she was struck by lightning and wiped out.

This is indeed the lowest-level thunder talisman, but Ji Yi couldn't stand it and used the heaven-level talisman.



Under the guidance of Maomao Navigation, before night fell completely, several thunderous sounds rang out in Changsha City.

There was only thunder but no rain. Such a strange sight made the people in the city marvel at the sight. They quickly closed their doors and windows and did not dare to go out again.

"He's anxious, he's anxious."

Youtong hid in the dark, watching Lin Yi running around the city, and suddenly realized that Wu De was really clever.

With just one move, Ji Yi was trapped in an environment surrounded by enemies. This was just the beginning. When the real killing move was made, Lin Yi would inevitably fall into a situation that was beyond redemption.

By then there will be a lot of fighting, and the opportunity will naturally come for him to perform a blood sacrifice.

Tonight, their prey is not ordinary civilians, but wealthy country gentlemen.

When such a family also has attrition, the county guard has to give everyone an explanation. At this time, they spread rumors that Lin Yi's wife is the ghost king who kills people everywhere. What should Lin Yi do?

Unless his wife is really not the ghost king and is not afraid of being investigated, otherwise, he will only die.

Even if he defends himself by saying that his ghost king did not kill the person, others will not believe him anymore.

At this time, it is of no use no matter how many ghosts he kills, it will only be regarded as an act to cover up a guilty conscience.

"Tomorrow is your death day."

You Tong whispered softly, and Ji Yi, who was running, suddenly stopped suddenly and stood on the spot. Xiao Se, who was following behind him, did not react. He was hit head-on and the cat was knocked out.

"What's wrong?"

Xiao Se did not blame Ji Yi, knowing that he must have had some situation to stop so suddenly. Sure enough, Lin Yi smiled and said: "We caught the ghost."

Ji Yi went straight to the direction where Youtong was. Youtong was shocked. They were hundreds of feet apart. How did Ji Yi find him?

He didn't dare to take any chances. It was obvious that Ji Yi was here for him.

Youtong made a quick decision and used her body skills to run away.

As soon as he ran away, Ji Yi also locked onto him.

Ji Yi's ears are sharp enough to help him distinguish extremely small sounds. He can catch the sound of a mosquito flying 800 meters away.

But this kind of extreme hearing also has disadvantages. He can hear even the smallest sounds, which will cause his ears to withstand greater impact.

Just to hunt down the enemy, don't worry about so much.

Locking the direction through hearing, Lin Yi also used smell assistance.

As long as you remember the other person's scent, he won't be able to escape.

Within a few breaths, Ji Yi approached Youtong. Seeing him running away, Ji Yi directly released the Qi Sword Technique Chang Hong Guan Ri.

This is the fire-based air sword technique, which is characterized by high lethality and extremely fast speed. A red ray of energy shot out from the tip of Lin Yi's sword, like a rainbow shooting towards Youtong.

Youtong's back felt cold, and when he saw this sword energy, he almost cried out.

Is this the kind of sword energy a ninth-grade qi refiner can produce?

Is this so serious that he shouldn’t die on the spot?

"Eye Technique: Phantom Glass Body!"

Youtong's eyes flashed with blue light, an illusory figure remained, and the main body quickly fled away.

The red sword energy broke the phantom, leaving a burnt sword mark on the ground.

Youtong felt a little relieved, but just for a moment, that suffocating sense of crisis came again.

Turning around, I saw that the boy actually made another rainbow.

Damn it, can he still fire in a row?

This chapter has been completed!
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