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Chapter 295 Surprised

Li Qi actually didn't have much interest in his own life experience.

Because he felt that it was pretty good that he had traveled through time and managed to get to where he is today.

At first he thought he would be a member of the royal family, but after sneaking into the palace, he discovered that he was nothing like that.

Since he is not a prince, other identities are unnecessary.

If it weren't for curiosity, he wouldn't care if the old man in front of him knew him.

The old man didn't answer his question for a long time.

After a while, the old man wrote on the paper: "What are you doing here?"

"I'm looking for something," Li Qi said.

The old man nodded slowly and motioned for Li Qi to follow him.

He took Li Qi to a bookshelf against the wall on the sixth floor and pushed it gently, and the bookshelf was pushed open.

I saw that the wall behind the bookshelf was actually a hidden space. There were many books in it, and it was obvious that they were all ancient books.

The old man pointed at the books, and then went directly upstairs.

Li Qi thought this old man was quite strange, but he didn't think much about it. After all, at least for now, it seemed that this old man would not harm him.

But how does he know what he is looking for?

Thinking about it, Li Qi walked over and found that the books on the bookshelf in the hidden space were all stamped with a seal, and there were only two words "lone copy" on the red seal.

Tianbao Pavilion is already heavily guarded, but there is such a hidden compartment here. Obviously, the things inside are not simple.

The main reason is that there is no dust in this dark room. Apparently someone is cleaning it frequently.

I randomly picked up a book and took a look at it. I didn't know what it was, and I was shocked when I read it.

I saw that the book in my hand actually recorded many royal secrets. Although it was from the previous dynasty, the content inside was shocking.

It can be said that there is everything, including some shady things about the harem, and some dirty things about power struggles.

Li Qi looked at it for a moment and couldn't help but sigh. No wonder it was hidden so secretly. These things are really a royal scandal.

Then he rummaged around again, and soon a book caught his eye.

""Tomb Book"? Is this the book Duan Muhan asked him to find?"

Li Qi said to himself, picked it up and turned through a few pages. At first glance, it looked like a craftsman's book, which recorded some knowledge about building tombs.

Where is the map here?

Li Qi flipped through it again and again but couldn't find it. Moreover, the paper of this book was very thin and there was no possibility of having an interlayer.

Li Qi studied some of the pictures inside and found that there was no connection.

What the hell, just take it first and then talk about it.

Li Qi stuffed the book into his arms and read other books.

More than an hour passed in the blink of an eye. Li Qi flipped through the book. Looking at the last layer, Li Qi took a deep breath.

Damn it, if there are no clues about Qiankun Taixuan Gong, then it's all over.

Thinking about it, Li Qi knelt down and picked up a book. When he saw the title, Li Qi was stunned.

"The Encyclopedia of Internal Skills"?!

Is it so straightforward?

Li Qi quickly turned it over, and within two pages, his eyes suddenly lit up!

I saw a few words written on the book: Qiankun Taixuan Gong Chapter!

In less than five pages, all the techniques of Qiankun Taixuan Gong are recorded on it. Not only that, there are also notes and evaluations of the techniques.

This is too comprehensive, isn't it?

Li Qi felt so happy!

It’s really effortless to find it after breaking through the iron shoes and finding nowhere!

The person who wrote this "Encyclopedia of Internal Skills" is definitely a talent!

"Qiankun Taixuan Gong ranks third among many internal skills and mental methods. The main reason is that once you learn this internal skill and mental method, you cannot practice other internal skills and mental methods..."

After reading the reviews, Li Qi thought: Grandma, as long as she can save her life, this shortcoming is not a shortcoming at all.

However, when he saw that it would take more than ten years for a talented person to develop this inner skill, and more than fifty years for a dull person, Li Qi smiled bitterly.

Damn it, it seems that I will have to deal with this bullshit for the rest of my life.

When he saw some of the benefits of practicing this internal skill, Li Qi felt relieved again.

Not only can it strengthen the body, but it can also have the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort when learning other martial arts.

After reading the Qiankun Taixuan Gong chapter, Li Qi flipped through the pages again, and found some inner skills and mental methods that he had never heard of before.

He wasn't interested either, so he just read the reviews.

When he turned to the No. 1 internal skill and mind method, he was slightly startled. Mainly because the first comment about this internal skill and mind method made Li Qi interested.

"This inner strength and mental method is the method for all things to return to their origin. Anyone who succeeds in learning can become a martial arts master, and it is not a matter of starting a sect..."

So powerful?

Li Qi took a closer look and found that they were all about exhalation and breathing techniques, teaching you how to breathe.

And the most outrageous thing is that there are only four formulas, and you can learn it simply by looking at it.

According to the author's notes, Li Qi learned it without any effort at all.

However, I didn't realize its subtlety at all. I just felt that my breathing was easier.

Soon Li Qi saw the last sentence of the evaluation: "This internal skill and mental method needs to be tempered over the years before it can be perfected. This mental method complements other internal skills and mental methods, and there is no restraint. The practitioner does not need to worry."

In other words, there is no conflict between this inner skill and the Qiankun Taixuan Gong?

No matter what, there are so many skills that it’s not overwhelming, so since there’s no conflict, let’s learn them first and then talk about it.

The author of this inner strength method did not name him, and Li Qi didn't care.

For him, it doesn't matter whether he has a name or not.

After memorizing the other mental formulas of Qiankun Taixuan Gong, Li Qi put the book back.

He felt that he could not take this book away.

If others knew that he was carrying such a martial arts secret book, it might lead to death.

Besides, it is safest to put this kind of good stuff in Tianbao Pavilion.

Originally, he wanted to find some other quick martial arts, but after searching around, he found that those quick martial arts were not as effective as his own Shadowless Needle.

I have already learned the best Qinggong in the world, and there is no problem with using the Shadowless Needle to save my life.

It's just that my current Qinggong is still at the first stage.

Thinking about it, an idea suddenly came to Li Qi's mind. The second level of his Qing Gong, Divine Traveling Ten Thousand Miles, mentioned something about breathing.

Now that I have practiced the best inner strength and mental method in the world, will it be faster if I learn the second level of Qing Gong?

Thinking of this, Li Qi decided to experiment.

Holding his breath and concentrating, he recalled the formula of Qing Gong in his mind, and then slowly took steps.

After mastering the steps of the body technique, Li Qi began to apply the internal skills and mental techniques.

You don’t have to know this, you will be shocked when you use it!

This chapter has been completed!
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