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Chapter 33 The Efficiency of Tianji Pavilion

After having enough wine and food, Li Qi burped with satisfaction: "I'm finally full now..."

"This time, it was me who got Brother Li into trouble," Tu Boshu said.

After hearing these words, Li Qi finally understood.

It seems that it was because he offended Li Guan when he was checking the accounts that he was framed and eventually thrown into jail.

But he still couldn't figure out why Jiang Cai, the shopkeeper of Jinxiufang, came to find him?

After expressing his doubts, Tu Boshu explained: "Li Guan said that you colluded with the shopkeeper of Jinxiufang and deliberately slandered."

"How is that possible!" Li Qi couldn't help but said, "I have no enmity with him, I framed him for nothing! Besides, you were there when the accounts were checked, and you also saw the account books..."

"Brother Li, please be patient and don't be impatient." Tu Bo wrote, "This happened all because of me, and Brother Li has suffered a lot."

"Now that you know that Li Guan is behind the scenes, how are you going to deal with him?" Li Qi asked.

Tu Boshu glanced at Hou Jun who was sitting beside him, and put the fan in his hand on the table: "Brother Li, I have thought of this matter for now. I promise that Li Guan will not trouble you again..."

"You mean, you want to reconcile with Liguan?"

Tu Boshu nodded.

Li Qi frowned and rolled his eyes involuntarily.

What the hell is this prairie dog doing? That Li Guan falsified accounts, not only blackmailed your family's money, but also wanted to slander me, so you just let him go?

Is it possible that Liguan is difficult to deal with?

Thinking about it, he looked at Tu Boshu's expression and saw that her face was also very embarrassed. Li Qi roughly guessed: "Did your father reply to the letter?"

Tu Boshu nodded.

"He wanted to settle the matter, right?"

Tu Boshu was a little surprised. He didn't expect Li Qi to guess it.

"Brother Li is really smart..."

Li Qi waved his hand and sighed: "This is also a reasonable thing."

When Hou Jun heard this, he was a little surprised and asked: "How do you think this is reasonable?"

Li Qi looked at him and spread his hands and said, "Just give a date a slap in the face. It's a boss's usual move."

"Oh? Brother Li, please give me some advice." Hou Jun said with interest.

"With so many branches of Fortune Escort Agency, it can be considered a big company. And Li Guan, as the general manager of Jincheng Fortune Escort Agency branch..."

Speaking of this, Li Qi paused and said: "The general manager means the person in charge. He can become the person in charge of Jincheng Fuyun Branch, which naturally has his own merits. Since he has realized that he is cheating

Now that the account has been found out, I must be very anxious every day. If we don’t handle it well at this time, it will easily cause problems for Jincheng Branch Escort Agency."

He looked at Tu Boshu and Hou Jun: "Think about it, what would he think if Li Guan was kicked out of Fuyun Escort Agency? From his murder of the shopkeeper of Jinxiufang, it can be seen that this person is ruthless. He will definitely not be able to do so by then.

It will bring peace to the Lucky Escort Bureau, and may cause more troubles."

"As for business people, it is always better to do less than to do more. Being harmonious makes money. The owner of Fortune Escort Bureau must have thought of this result. Even if a new person is sent to manage it, who guarantees that that person will be better than Li Guan?"

"Now, as long as the boss sends him a piece of news, Li Guan promises that he will restrain himself a lot in the future."

"What news?" Tu Boshu couldn't help but ask.

Li Qi exhaled and said: "Of course: I know that you made false accounts, and I don't want to pursue it now. You just do it for me."

These words were obviously easier to understand than Hou Jun's, and Tu Boshu felt a little more admiration for Li Qi in his heart.

Hou Jun cupped his hands and said, "Brother Li, thank you very much."

"I can't say it's a wise idea, it's just that the butt determines the head."

"The butt determines the head?" Hou Jun wondered.

"It means that where a person sits often determines the angle and scope of his thinking."

"This is really a good thing to say!"

When he heard Tu Boshu talk about Li Qi before, Hou Jun's heart didn't feel much ups and downs. Now after several words, he sincerely felt that this person was not simple.

Li Qi is actually not a magnanimous person. Of course he also wants the person who framed him to be punished.

However, he felt that given his current situation, it was better to let it go than to face the consequences.

If you are capable now, no matter who you are, I will let you taste the feeling of being in prison first.

"Brother Tu, since your father has talked about this matter so far, I also hope that you will explain it clearly to Li Biaotou so that he will not target me again in the future." Li Qi said helplessly.

"Brother Li, don't worry, I will definitely not cause you any more trouble in this matter." Tu Boshu said, taking out several banknotes from his body: "This is just a little thought from me, I hope Brother Li..."

"It's easy to say, it's easy to say!" Li Qi's expression suddenly changed and he grinned, "I really feel sorry for costing Brother Tu so much money."

When Hou Jun saw this scene, he felt funny in his heart. This man is really interesting.

After stuffing the banknote into his arms, Li Qi patted it gently.

Damn it, this prison sentence is not in vain!

This should be worth several thousand taels at least. This groundhog is really a rich second generation!

Just when Li Qi was about to say something about how we are all brothers, the waiter came to him and said, "Sir, someone asked me to give this to you."

All I saw was a letter.

Li Qi was a little confused, so he took it and opened it and took a look. There was an address written on it, and there was a name at the signature, Bai Yuze.

Seeing this, he understood that this address must be the location of the gopher!

This guy is quite efficient in his work. He got the news so quickly. He is truly worthy of Tianji Pavilion.

"Brother Tu, Brother Hou, I have something to do and I have to go first." Li Qi stood up and said.

Tu Boshu was confused: "I don't know what's going on. Do you want my help?"

"No, no. It's just a small matter."

After Li Qi came out of Qunxian Tower, he got on the carriage and went straight to Cuihong Tower.

He didn't want to tell Tu Boshu about the gopher. The fewer people who knew about this kind of thing, the better.

When I came to Cuihong Building, I searched for a long time but couldn't find Lu Jinshuang.

Where did this woman go?

After walking around twice, he saw that he was dirty, so he went back to his room to change his clothes, and then found Xiao Man and Zhang Chuang.

"You guys are having a good time these days?" Li Qi looked at the energetic two people and couldn't help complaining, "I'm your young master! I was arrested and imprisoned, why do you act like nothing happened?


Xiao Man licked his lips and asked, "Master, is there anything delicious in the prison?"

Hearing this question, Li Qi's face darkened, and then he showed a half-smiling expression: "Of course, how about I send you in next time and let you have a taste of prison food?"

Xiao Man frowned and began to think, as if he was really considering whether to go to prison or not...

This chapter has been completed!
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