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Chapter 36

Li Qi didn't know what Lu Jinshuang was doing with the ground mouse, and he was a little undecided.

This rat...

It should be Wang Sanduo, who doesn't look like a bad guy. As for Lu Jinshuang...

This woman is mysterious and mysterious, and she even says that she is from the Heartless Palace.

Speaking of which, I haven't found anyone to find out what is going on in the Heartless Palace.

I don’t know if Xiaoman knows about it, I’ll ask later.

"Brother Wang, I came here to find you because of someone's entrustment." Li Qi said.

"I wonder who entrusted Young Master Li to do this?"

Li Qi hesitated and said, "Do you know Lu Jinshuang?"

"Lu Jinshuang?" Wang Sanduo shook his head, "I don't know him."

"She was the one who asked me to come here to find you. She didn't tell me exactly what she was looking for."

Wang Sanduo nodded thoughtfully and said: "Now the road is blocked by heavy snow, so I am trapped here. Jincheng is now flooded with a large number of sect masters, and the only people I can think of to come to me are

People from the Jueqing Palace..."

As he spoke, he looked at Li Qi, as if he wanted to see something in his eyes.

Li Qi's heart trembled when he stared at her like this.

For a moment, he realized that the relationship between Wang Sanduo and Jueqing Palace must be very subtle.

Do you want to tell the truth?

Seeing that Li Qi didn't speak, Wang Sanduo continued: "It seems that the person I asked the young master to come to me must be someone from the Jueqing Palace."

He glanced at Zhang Chuang and smiled bitterly: "My business trip was in vain."

Wang Sanduo stood up, walked to the wall, took down a brick, took out a brocade box, and then placed the brocade box on the table.

When Li Qi was still confused about the situation, Wang Sanduo said: "I accepted other people's money and was responsible for taking this thing to Su City..."

Looking at the brocade box in front of him, Li Qi roughly figured it out.

The reason why Lu Jinshuang looked for the ground mouse was probably because of this thing.

The reason why Gopher is willing to give this thing to me may be largely because of Zhang Chuang.

When this guy came in, he looked at Zhang Chuang several times. He was obviously very wary of his guard.

Li Qi didn't have a clear understanding of Zhang Chuang's strength. He just felt that this guy's skills were extraordinary, but he didn't know how powerful he was.

"How much money can Brother Wang make from taking this deal?" Li Qi asked.

Wang Sanduo was a little surprised. He didn't seem to expect that Li Qi would ask this question. He thought about it and said, "Five thousand taels of silver."

Li Qi nodded: "Brother Wang, if I want to find you in the future, how can I contact you?"

"Find me?"

Li Qi smiled and nodded: "As the saying goes, many friends lead to many paths. Maybe I will have business needs to cooperate with Brother Wang in the future?"

Wang Sanduo smiled and said: "It's simple. I will be in Su City every March and September. If Brother Li wants to find me, he only needs to go to Su City and ask Ye E."

Ye E?

Before Li Qi could ask who Ye E was, there was a sound of footsteps at the door.

"That guy is most likely back here again! Go in and search!"

Wang Sanduo rolled his eyes, turned sideways and dodged directly, and then he heard the sound of fighting.

By the time Li Qi and the others came out of the house, Wang Sanduo had already jumped onto the roof and disappeared in a flash.

When the scarred man saw someone running away, he looked at Li Qi and the others, seeming a little angry.

"What are you three doing here?"

Looking at this posture, Li Qi realized that the other party seemed to want to vent his anger on him.

"That Guard Zhang..."


Zhang Chuang moved his neck and rushed forward. Just when the scarred man was about to say something, he heard a "bang" and flew straight back.

This punch is not sloppy at all, that's called fast!

Amidst the scarred man's screams, the others hesitated and rushed towards Zhang Chuang.

For a while, screams could be heard in the alley.

Li Qi couldn't bear to look at it and shouted at the top of his lungs: "Guard Zhang, please take it easy and don't overpay someone else's medical insurance card..."

On the way back, Li Qi couldn't help but ask Xiao Man: "How high is Zhang Huwei's skill in the world?"

Xiaoman thought for a moment and said, "I'm not sure about this."

"You don't know either?"

"Do I need to be clear?" Xiaoman asked.

Yes, yes, you don’t need to know.

Li Qi turned to look at the wooden Zhang Chuang and asked: "Is there anyone in this world who can defeat you?"

"a lot of."

"for example."

"a lot of……"

"Forget it, just pretend I didn't ask anything."

After a while, Li Qi asked Xiaoman again: "Do you know what the Jueqing Palace is?"

"Not sure."

"Don't you know a lot? I saw that you were very talkative just now, but you didn't know anything when I asked you."

Xiaoman looked aggrieved and said: "Master, I only know martial arts moves, and I am not an encyclopedia of martial arts. How could I know so much?"

Li Qi sighed and shook his head helplessly.

For the next several days, Lu Jinshuang did not show up.

In the dead of night, Li Qi took out the brocade box given to him by Wang Sanduo, couldn't restrain his curiosity, and opened it.

This is an exquisite palm-sized brocade box, made of mahogany, with no mechanisms or locks.

After opening it, there was a very unique gold hairpin inside.

The hairpin is a lotus with several rubies inlaid on the lotus. The whole shape looks very unique, and it feels heavy in the hand.

That Gopher King Sanduo was entrusted by someone just to steal this thing?

And why is Lu Jinshuang so anxious to find this thing?

Isn't this just a hairpin?

Or is there something special about it, I don’t know?

Li Qi took it in his hand and started playing with it, playing with it here and there. After playing with it for a long time, he accidentally broke off the hairpin head.

The originally delicate golden hairpin was split into two in an instant.


Isn't this thing made of gold? Why is it so fragile?

What should I do now?

After swallowing, Li Qi found that the middle of the hairpin seemed to be hollow, and there was something inside.

When I took out the thing inside, it turned out to be a jade stick as thin as a toothpick.

Put the jade stick under the candlelight and look at it carefully. There is a row of small words on it: "Xifeng Ancient Building..."

There are two small characters that Li Qi can't see clearly.

"Xifeng Ancient Building..."

His eyes were dazzled, but Li Qi still couldn't see clearly. After a long time, he realized that it was not that he couldn't see clearly, but that he didn't recognize those two words!

These two words are extremely complicated. It can be said that they are no longer words at all, just like some kind of image writing.

After carefully reading the two words, Li Qi stuffed the jade bar back into the golden hairpin.

Looking at the broken golden hairpin, he was a little worried, what should he do?

This chapter has been completed!
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