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Chapter 52

The study room in the Prefect's Mansion is not big, with a long table, a wooden chair, and two rows of bookcases against the wall.

There are many scrolls stacked on the top of the bookcase.

Li Qi didn't have time to look carefully, so he went to the bookcase and started rummaging through the faint light outside.

Book of Songs?

There are so many poems here, when should I find them?

Lu Jinshuang, what is she looking for?

Why did you come here to help her find the Book of Songs?

Li Qi felt that his brain must have been filled with water. What would happen if someone discovered this?

But now that we have come, we can only bite the bullet and find the things quickly.

After flipping for a while, a burst of footsteps passed outside the house.

"You guys, go over there and have a look. The rest of you will follow me to the backyard!"


Li Qi swallowed, flipping through the books on the bookcase quickly, praying in her heart.

From the bottom of the bookcase, he took out a three-finger-thick book. When he looked carefully, there were two big characters written on it: The Book of Songs.

Finally found it!

When I opened this thick Book of Songs, someone had used something to hollow it out, and there was a small brown box inside.

Li Qi didn't have time to check what it was, so he stuffed it into his clothes and put the Book of Songs back in its place.

After coming out of the study, he put on his shoes and returned to the latrine based on his memory.

"Dong Li, where have you been?"

I saw the servant who had brought Li Qi over to the latrine earlier, looking anxious.

"Oh... I just heard some movement over there and went over to take a look. What happened?" Li Qi asked.

"Someone broke into the prefect's mansion at night. The prefect is angry. Please come back with me quickly," the servant said.

Li Qi nodded and followed him to the main hall.

As a result, when I entered, I saw Lu Jinshuang standing in the corner.

Wang Zixi seemed to be still drunk, with a blush on her face. When she saw Li Qi coming, she said: "Dong Li, I have something to do tonight, please forgive me."

"Then I'll take my leave first and come back to visit Mr. Wang another day." Li Qi bowed his hands and said.

As soon as he came out of the prefect's mansion and got on the carriage, Li Qi came over and said, "Where have you been?"

Lu Jinshuang's face was gloomy and uncertain. She seemed to be thinking about something and did not answer.

"Do you know that you almost scared me to death! That's the prefect's mansion, and Uncle Guo still lives in it?"

When Li Qi was about to say something else, Lu Jinshuang suddenly opened the curtain and said to the driver: "Stop the car."

When the carriage stopped, she glanced at Li Qi: "You go back first, I have something to do."

After saying that, he jumped off the carriage and left.

This woman is probably evil-minded and wants to go to the prefect's house to get something.

Li Qi touched the small box on his chest. Should he ask her to come back?

That's all, her skills are so high, nothing will happen for a while, so she'd better go back to Cuihong Mansion first.

Returning to Cuihong Building, Li Qi closed the door and took out the small box.

After opening it, I found a gold ring inside.

The workmanship is exactly the same as the previous golden hairpin, both are very delicate and also shaped like a lotus flower.

Isn't there something hidden in here?

Li Qi put it in his mouth and took a bite, almost knocking out his teeth.

So hard?

He looked around, found a pair of scissors, and pried it off the ring.

The rings were all deformed by prying, but they were not pried open.

Could it be that this is just a gold ring?

Thinking about it, he put the ring on his finger, but as soon as he put it on, he felt something poked his finger.

Taking off the ring, he noticed a row of small words inside the ring.

"Tianji Mountains..."

Like the previous jade strip, Li Qi could only understand four characters on it.

Previously, the jade strip said: Xifeng Ancient Building xx.

Now this ring has: Tianji Mountains xx.

What does it mean?

Could it be some secret of Jueqing Palace?

How many holy objects are there in this Jueqing Palace?

One moment it’s a gold hairpin, the next it’s a gold ring. Isn’t it the dowry “hardware” he is looking for?

No matter what he is, anyway, the most important thing now is to protect yourself.

Li Qi hid the gold ring and jade bar inside the bed board and lay on the bed.

This gold ring must not be given to Lu Jinshuang, otherwise it will be exposed that he is following her.

But if I don’t give it to her, wouldn’t it be bad if she goes everywhere to look for it and causes trouble in the city?

While thinking about it, Li Qi suddenly had an idea.

Got it!

The next day Li Qi called Lu Jinshuang to his room.

"Why did you call me over so early in the morning?"

Li Qi poured her a cup of tea calmly: "Shopkeeper Lu, I have a business deal that I want to discuss with you."

Lu Jinshuang's embroidered eyebrows slightly raised: "What kind of deal?"

"You went to the prefect's mansion yesterday and did you see the person you wanted to see?" Li Qi asked.

"Why are you asking this?"

"Of course I want to help you."

"help me?"

"Of course, I won't help you for free."

Lu Jinshuang said angrily: "It's really no good at all. The Li Dong family is really thinking about money all the time."

"Where is it?" Li Qi said with a smile, "Shopkeeper Lu got off the bus halfway last night. I thought at that time, if you enter the prefect's mansion, it's not just as simple as meeting someone, right? If you want to meet someone, call him

You can just come out, why do you have to disguise yourself and sneak in?"

After speaking, Li Qi stood up and put his hands behind his back: "So you are not going to meet anyone at all..."

A hint of surprise flashed in Lu Jinshuang's eyes, and she looked at Li Qi with a half-smile: "Then what do you think I'm going to do?"

"Of course I can't guess that, but no matter what you want to do, I can help you... except murder and arson, of course."

Lu Jinshuang was a little hesitant. After she came out of the prefect's mansion last night, she went in again in the middle of the night. She finally searched around the study but couldn't find what she wanted.

"The prefect and I have become acquainted now. It's not difficult to visit him occasionally." Li Qi said with a smile, "So, it will be no problem to leave the things you have to do to me."

"Okay." Lu Jinshuang crossed her arms and said, "You help me go to the prefect's mansion to get something, and I will pay you when the job is done."

"How many?"

"One hundred taels of silver."

"One hundred taels of silver?" Li Qi's cheek twitched, "Shopkeeper Lu, you are getting more and more stingy now. You are going to the prefect's mansion to do something, and you only give me one hundred taels of silver?"

"Then tell me, how much do you want?"

"One hundred taels of gold!"

Lu Jinshuang frowned and was a little undecided for a moment.

She is not a banker. She has spent a lot of money in Jincheng during this period, and most of it was earned by Li Qi.

Now let alone one hundred taels of gold, even one hundred taels of silver would be enough for her.

Seeing that Lu Jinshuang was silent, Li Qi smiled and said: "This is not the first time we have cooperated, right? You have to believe in my business ability."

This chapter has been completed!
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