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Chapter 991: The Theory of Destiny Rule: Five Gods, Five Elements and Five Destinies, An Examination of the Origin of Clan in the World

The long wind in September traveled thousands of miles eastward, accompanying the running messenger, until it reached the end of the seaside. The golden wind rose into the sky, illuminating the ancient seaside city. And the black death wolf flag was flying in the Hidden Snake City.

The top of the city symbolizes the arrival of the king!

At this moment, thousands of imperial guards were patrolling closely inside and outside the city. In the Hidden Snake Temple, which was the most closely guarded, Shulot was looking at the two third-level historians who were saluting in front of him with a look of relief.

The officiant shook their hair with satisfaction.

"The blessing of the Lord God! Very good! Very good!...Pap, Yimuyu, I am very satisfied with the outline of the ancestor epic you reported back!..."

"Pap, the symbolic gods of the five eras you proposed, the flame, the sacred tree, the blue snake, the golden eagle, and the black wolf, can be further extended! ... That is the five elements of the five eras, fire, wood, water, and gold.

, Earth!... The five elements of these five eras happen to be inversely related, and the successor accommodates the former. Fire is generated in wood, wood is generated in water, water is generated in metal, and metal is generated in earth... As for the specific explanation, well..."

Having said this, Shulot pondered for a moment and decided to stand on the shoulders of the Celestial Empire and transform the "Five Virtues and Five Elements Theory" of the Han Dynasty into "Five Gods, Five Elements and Five Destinies"! This is the "response between heaven and man" with American characteristics.

It is the Mesoamerican version of "Spring and Autumn Fanlu" to form a complete set of theories of destiny rule.

"The Lord God has given a divine revelation! This is the Five Gods, Five Elements and Five Fate!... The five elements are inverse to each other, just like the shape of a pyramid. The top layer is fire, which inherits the divinity of the sun! The second is wood, which breeds the green fields. Then there is water,

It connects the east and west lakes. The next layer is gold, which conquers the north and south. The last layer is earth, connected to the earth, extending the land of people, connecting the north and south continents, and all parts of the world!…”

"So, these five gods, five elements and five lives, are contained layer by layer, and the divinity grows stronger and broader from heaven to earth... It is not only the epic outline of the five eras, but also the divine prophecy given to the ancestors by the Lord God has been revealed long ago

The five destinies and missions of the descendants of the Jiao people!…”

"That is 'inheriting the divine fire and worshiping the main god', 'cultivating the fields and nurturing the people', 'connecting the great lakes and controlling the two oceans', 'conquering the four directions and establishing military virtues', and finally, 'unifying the north and south, boundless miles away'!...

In short, it is 'faith', 'cultivating', 'controlling the sea', 'conquest', and 'unification'!"

Shulot smiled and concluded somewhat complacently.

"Five Gods: Flame, Sacred Tree, Blue Snake, Golden Eagle, Black Wolf! Five Elements: Fire, Wood, Water, Metal, and Earth! Five Lives: Faith, Farming, Sea Control, Conquest, and Unification! So, the five epochs

Inheritance, the Five Gods, Five Elements and Five Destinies, is our destiny for the descendants of the Jiao people to rule the world!…Haha!…”

"Ah! Ah this! Your Highness has inspired me to record your holy words, study them carefully, and perfect them into the divine book of my ancestors!..."

Upon hearing this set of systematic doctrines, Priest Papu was shocked for several breaths and showed sincere admiration. He bowed respectfully, and then wrote quickly to record His Highness's enlightenment. Two steps behind him, the old witch

Medical Carney's neck shrank, and he instantly understood that he had met a truly powerful colleague. He immediately lowered his head and decided not to say a word, nor to compete for any credit for writing history.

"God! This legendary divine highness, although he is not very old, is so good at 'prophecy, divination and divinity'! ... Well, no, it's taboo if we go together, and we will make mistakes if we talk too much! ... In front of him, I

It’s better to say less, it’s better to say less!…”

"Very good! What I just said is the main idea and the outline. As for the specific elaboration, the correspondence between the epics, the interpretation of the ruins and divine objects... it depends on your excavation and research! As long as your compilation has results, the Alliance and the Kingdom

Our printing house will print out tens of thousands of copies of these ancestors' epics with pictures and texts, and distribute them to every village and flag team, so that all the tribes in the world can inherit and sing their praises! ... And you, the chroniclers, will also spread along with the epics.


Xiulote smiled and affirmed the contribution and merit of this group of seaside priests in the cultural united front, and promised future rewards. Then, he looked at the third-level chief priest Yi Muyu on the other side and smiled.


"Imuyu, you are also very good! From the epic of the kingdom, you can see six branches of the Olmec ancestors, and you can also discover the bloodline of the Jiao people in the distant East China Sea Islands and many tribes on the northern and southern continents...

I am very satisfied, very satisfied!”

"Witness the Lord God! If you want to continue research and excavation in this area, you can even write another book. The title of the book is... "Historical Records of the Ancestors of the Jiao People, a Study of the Origin of Clan in the World". At present, the alliance unites the plateau and the seaside, and the plateau and the clouds

In the first line, these two tributaries are almost under control, and you can start from the Olmec ancestors and make arguments from generation to generation!"

"Remember! All tribes have the same origin for all generations. We must 'seek truth and seek truth' and 'discover' the inheritance of the Jiao people's ancestors of each tribe in detail! And those outstanding ancestors of each tribe and the epic heroes sung by them must also be

'Organize' it and enter it, leaving the name of Jiaoren's bloodline..."

"The temples and priests in various places will cooperate with your research on historical records! As long as the compilation is completed, the ancestor stone tablets and inheritance pictures that need to be erected will naturally be carved by craftsmen and enshrined in the main temples of various places to accept the worship of the tribal people!


Xiulote taught earnestly and followed the instructions well. In order to unify all the tribes in the world and unite them into one nation, he did not mind and started an "ancestral discovery" all over the world, compiling a "huge family lineage" that had never been seen before.

'. Even if necessary, large-scale 'cultural relic excavation' and 'drawing board reproduction' are completely possible and will definitely happen!

"As for the 'Maya Series', 'Island Series', and 'Northern Series'... Now that the Alliance and the Kingdom have been in contact, they can make preparations in advance... and the 'Southern Series' is a bit too far away, so there is no rush.

For a moment…”

"Yes! Yes! Praise the Lord God! Praise His Highness!...I will definitely compile the historical records of the ancestors of the Jiao people and research the ancestors of the Jiao people in various tribes!..."

Yi Muyu, the third-level chief priest, was filled with excitement and fell to the ground to pay homage. From His Highness's instructions, he could imagine what a huge project it would be to compile the historical records of the Jiao people and sort out the origins of the ancestors of all tribes and tribes in the world, and how many responsibilities it would have.

Huge power and honor! And with such a responsibility given to him by His Highness, he will never be just a third-level officiant in the future!

"The blessing of the Lord God! Perhaps ten or twenty years later, I can even touch the sacred staff of the fifth-level sect chief priest!..."

"Very good! Dear Seaside Priests, I am very satisfied with your ancestor research and excavation! From today on, the compilation staff of the ancestor epic will continue to expand, double the expansion! ... Well, right here, the Kingdom of Divine Power University was established.

Ermek Academy is responsible for the compilation of the epic! And the subsequent priest apprentices will also join in batches, so that your research can be continued systematically!..."

"As for the direction of your research, it should be divided into two major categories: one is the destiny of the five eras, the five gods, five elements and five destiny. The other is the historical records of the ancestors of the Jiao people, the inheritance of the six branches!"

After arranging a "history-making project" of great significance, Shulot felt happy and the smile on his face became much brighter. He looked at the many respectful seaside priests and those gray-haired heads, and generously made promises.

"The Lord God witnesses! You erudite and pious seaside priests, if you do all this well, your names will be engraved in the epic forever! And both you and your descendants will be generously rewarded by the kingdom!..."

"Praise the supreme God! Praise the Olmec ancestors! Praise His Majesty the Divine Enlightenment!!..."

Many chroniclers and priests saluted together, with some excitement in their voices. But the old witch doctor Kani lowered his head, his eyes flashing, feeling that the job he got this time seemed like he could really do it for a lifetime...

"Your Highness! Urgent message from the samurai commander!..."

Everyone was gathered together, singing in unison and imagining a bright future. A red-haired messenger who was good at running hurriedly came from outside the temple holding a roll of paper. After a few breaths, Shulot took the paper and unfolded it a little.

As soon as I saw it, I laughed happily.

"Haha! Good! Very good!...More than half a month ago, the Kingdom's legions captured Yunshe Mountain City! The last Tlaxcala city-state on the plateau was destroyed!..."

"This is the blessing of the Lord God, and it is also a sign of destiny! The unification of the world and the integration of all tribes have taken another big step!"

Having said this, Shulot felt happy and very satisfied. After nearly four years of conquest, the Tlaxcala tribes, the most stubborn enemy of the Mexica Alliance and the most powerful leading party in later generations, were finally completely destroyed! And!

At this moment, in the unification of Central America, apart from the loosely divided Mayan tribes, only the Cloud People in the mountains and forests are left, that is, the last two major forces: the Mixtec tribes and the Zapotes.

Defeat all tribes!

"Praise the Lord God! Go and record this event in the epic as a symbol of the integration of the tribes of Tlaxcala, and pass it on to future generations!..."

"Praise the Lord God! God bless the alliance!..."

Many seaside priests saluted again, and their old faces were full of smiles. The stronger the alliance, the more important their work became. And when the alliance unified all the ministries in the world, everything they discovered was the hard-earned inheritance.

History for generations!~

This chapter has been completed!
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