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Chapter One Thousand Eleven: The Voyage Diary of the Learned Man, the Development Opportunities of Beigang, and the Conversion of the Whales

"Beigang, 46 degrees north latitude, is located on the south side of the outlet of the mighty river (Columbia River). It is the place where many rivers converge! The kingdom's two brother priests, Tushan and Tuhe, are stationed in Beigang, and they also own two fishing boats.

fish long boat and more than 20 canoes from local tribes. After more than a year of their operation, the population of Beigang has grown to more than 500 people, 80% of whom are Clatsop tribesmen absorbed by the kingdom. These

The Clatsop people are good fishermen, hunters and gatherers, but they are not good at farming. Therefore, the entire port is just on the south inland riverside, with hundreds of acres of potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, and pumpkins opened up.

Fields. And the largest source of food in the port is currently the fish caught..."

"Among the ports on the west coast, the location of North Port is very important! Because the mighty river flows from the far east and has many branch river systems. It is said that it is four thousand miles long! It is known to the kingdom

, the second lifeline of the northern continent, also connects hundreds or thousands of tribes... In my opinion, this is a natural and excellent trading port, which can communicate with the vast inland tribes,

Establish peaceful transactions! However, the big tribes around the river may not think so..."

"The kingdom's support fleet was loaded with seven hundred warriors. When it arrived at North Port, the envoy of the Northern River Mouth Tribe Alliance happened to be staying at the port. The so-called Northern River Mouth Alliance is actually the Chinook and Catlem tribes in the river mouth area.

(Cathlamet), a coalition of Wahkiakum tribes, came together to resist the Kalapuya alliance that rose up in the middle reaches of the river and occupied the rich valley (Portland)! These two tribes along the long river

Up and down, the mutually hostile tribal alliances can mobilize three to four thousand men. Therefore, it is estimated that both sides have small tribes of 20,000, and the Calaboa people, who are expanding in all directions, may have a larger population... According to the traditional understanding of the North

, these two 'powerful' alliances of tens of thousands of people are the rare 'big forces' on the northern continent!..."

"Among the two alliances, the loose alliance of the river mouth tribes in the lower reaches is obviously the weak defensive side, resisting the invasion of the Calaboa tribes. And their envoys arrived in Beigang with a very clear purpose. That is to persuade the weak tribes on the south bank of the river.

The Clatsop tribes joined the 'powerful' Bayou Alliance... The messengers from the Bayou Alliance were originally very confident and kept saying that they would 'protect' the 'Longship Tribe' of more than 500 people. Until the kingdom's powerful support fleet arrived

, when hundreds of armored warriors appeared, the envoys of the Bayou Alliance were shocked and unbelievable! These warriors wearing armor and holding bows were equivalent to the most elite bear hunting warriors in the tribe. Whether it was the Bayou Alliance or the Calaboa Alliance,

But they can’t even get three hundred bear hunting warriors!…”

"Blessed by the Lord God! After witnessing the strength of the kingdom, the envoys of the Hekou Alliance obviously changed their attitude, but still invited the 'Longship Tribe' to join the Hekou Alliance. Tushan and Tuhe were a little hesitant, because many of the tribes accepted by Beigang were recruited by Karabo

The Asian Alliance forced the migration, and the aggression of the Calaboa tribes was indeed very strong... The Koje priest who supported the fleet discussed with Tushantu River for a long time, and finally declined the invitation and suggestion of the Hekou Alliance. However, the Kingdom

It is willing to make an oath with the tribes in Hekou and become an ally tribe on an equal footing. In addition, the kingdom is also willing to exchange bronze weapons and tools in exchange for food, wood and war prisoners from the Hekou Alliance..."

The stars shine in the night sky, watching the bonfires rising on the island in this desolate and extremely cold sea. The knowledgeable Mickey rubbed his eyebrows, thinking about the arrangements of the Koje priest, and then looked at the exploration captain Zuvalo.

"The Lord God witnesses! Priests Zuwaro and Koje left fifty kingdom warriors in Beigang, fifty pairs of bronze cloth face armor, and exchanged two old longships in Beigang with two strong long ships.

.Then, after he handed over to us in Whale Port, he arranged his station in Beigang...Does he want to rely on the conflicts between the various alliances up and down the river to show off his skills?..."

Hearing this, exploration captain Zuvalo touched his chin and nodded affirmatively.

"Witness the Lord God! It should be like this! Priest Ke Yuan stayed in Xishan Port to manage the development of the port, and at the same time worked hard on Cedar Shaman. Priest Ke Jie stayed in Beigang, and naturally also wanted to develop the port. Taking advantage of the war between the tribes, with the help of

The kingdom's armored force annexed tribes of all sizes! ... The two of us explored and made meritorious deeds along the way, and were promoted quickly. The two of them saw this, and naturally wanted to establish meritorious deeds as soon as possible and show off our skills in the North!

And leave them a place to make meritorious deeds..."

"Actually, if His Majesty's decree hadn't been very clear, and the exploration of the Far North was the top priority... I guess Priest Koje would not have left only fifty bronze-armored warriors!..."

"Well, it's true! The Koje priests abandoned the Whale Harbor, which had a larger population and was rich in whale meat, and chose the North Harbor connected to the river as the base. The fighting up and down the river was destined to deeply affect the kingdom.

Get involved!…”

Mickey the Knowledgeable shook his head gently. He did not like this kind of expansion relying on force, but there is no doubt that sometimes using force to annex tribes, large and small, would be the fastest way to expand!

The kingdom's priests have traveled thousands of miles to the west coast of the Northland. They all have ambitions to make achievements. According to the kingdom's expansion policy, as long as the tribes they control have enough population, the kingdom's priests will give them generous promotions and provide them with services.

More resource support! Everything is for missionary and expansion...

"The support fleet stayed in North Port for four days, replenished some water, retained dozens of Kingdom sailors, recruited the same number of Clatsop sailors, and headed north again. A few dozen miles north of the river is the Chinook people

The support fleet arrived at this large tribe of one to two thousand people, displayed the kingdom's elite warriors, and declared 'friendship' with the chief of the Chinu tribe before rowing back to the coast..."

"At 47 degrees north latitude, next to another vast river mouth, is the Xiahe tribe of the Xialis people. The Xiahe tribe, which mainly focuses on fishing and hunting, has only seven or eight hundred people. Faced with the huge fleet, they almost moved eastward and escaped. Kejie

The priest met with Xia He, the chief of the Xiahe tribe, presented gifts from the kingdom, solemnly declared 'friendship', 'persuaded' the other party to convert, and recruited more than a dozen sailors... Then, the first-level evangelist priest Peihuo Guoliu

In the Xiahe tribe, he spread the faith of the main god and guided the Xialis people to grow potatoes..."

"After leaving the Xiahe tribe, go five to six hundred miles north to 48 degrees north latitude, which is the starting point for the kingdom's exploration again, Whale Harbor! By the time we arrived at Whale Harbor, ten large longships had replaced five old longships.

Nearly half of the crew members! Soldiers and sailors from more than a dozen tribes and more than a dozen ports gathered in the fleet, symbolizing the kingdom’s management and power in the North!…”

"Blessed by the Lord God! With the arrival of this support fleet, the exploration of the Far North can continue along the coast! Of course, there is one important event before the official departure! That is, with only five or six hundred

Although they are human beings, but they master the whaling technology, the Whale Tribe of the Makka people formally married and merged. Then, a grand conversion ceremony was held to make the entire tribe swear a blood oath to convert and convert to the main god. From then on, the powerful kingdom in the lake would completely

'Accept' the little whales from the ends of the earth and become an integral part of the kingdom!…"

This chapter has been completed!
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