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One Thousand Twenty One We are from the East!

"Gu Gu!... Gu Du! Ah wu!..."

“It’s delicious!…It’s so delicious! It’s really delicious!…”

"Haha! Brother Jiaoren, please eat slowly. If it's not enough, there will be more!"

As night fell, the cold wind became more and more biting, and the bonfires on the coast became warmer and brighter. The exploration captain Zuvalo smiled and looked at the two Itelmen hunters, holding leather helmets filled with whale meat and kelp soup, as if they were extremely hungry

They ate large chunks of meat and drank soup like wild beasts. The two of them ate four leather helmets in one go. After the spicy and fragrant broth went down their stomachs and warmed their whole bodies, they were satisfied and exhaled in the cold wind.

A few mouthfuls of white hot air.

"Huh! Spiritual ancestors! What kind of meat is in this broth? It tastes quite strong, thicker than venison, stronger than fish, and it has so much salt added! ...Eh? This light and warm feeling?

I’m so hot that I’m sweating?…”

The hunting captain Mu dog stuck out his tongue and panted like a hound. As the first North Asian tribe to eat chili pepper, his face turned red and his tongue was spicy. He was completely unable to describe this wonderful taste.

Feeling! But he could clearly feel that his body was getting hot. In this cold northern land, this precious warmth can save lives!

"Ah, captain! The food here in the island is so good! So much meat, so much salt, and such hot firewood, it's so comfortable! ... Burp! ..."

The hunter Mulu breathed incessantly while touching his swollen belly. His eyes never left the fragrant big clay pot, but his stomach really couldn't eat any more. After a while, he was helpless.

He burped and whispered to Mu Dog.

"Captain, they don't seem to be the island tribe in the south...those long-haired and bow-backed islanders, it's not like we haven't attacked their tribe before...They have always been very poor, how can they have so much precious salt? They are not that big either.

The boat has no decent equipment, so how can it be friendly to us?…”


Hunting Captain Mu Quan rubbed his fat face, and his heart was once again filled with confusion. His expression softened slightly, and he carefully looked at the smiling exploration captain Zuvalo, who also looked at him with a smile.

"Witnessed by the spirit ancestors! Where do you, the tribe with the long boats, come from? Winter is coming. What do you want to do when you come to our mountain territory?"

"The Lord God bless you! Brothers of the Jiao people by the sea, where does your tribe live? We come from the far east with good intentions and want to visit your leader or priest..."

The bright moon rose, illuminating a vast expanse of white on the snowfields in the north. The bonfire swayed, reflecting the smiling faces of the warriors, sailors and hunters who had eaten and drank enough. The two captains talked for a long time, then looked at each other, realizing that a very serious matter

The problem is that I don’t understand the language and I don’t understand what the other person is saying at all!

"Uh...God bless you!"

The exploration captain Zuvalo frowned slightly, pondered for a while, and looked at the crew members around him. He said hello in Unanga, which he was not proficient in.

"Xiong Da! You are from Mother Island, the westernmost part of the island chain. Come talk to him!..."

Hearing this, Unanga hunter Xiong Da nodded his head plainly and came to the hunting captain Mu Quan. This tall Unanga man was 1.9 meters tall, which was taller than the 1.7 meter Itelmen hunter.

It's more than a head taller.

"Ancestors witness! Chief, let us come here. To the west of the mausoleum, look for four-legged beasts and edible grass!..."

"Eh? Ancestor? Grandmother? Grandmother of the tribe?... West?...Dead? Who died?...Looking for? What are you looking for?..."

The hunting captain Mu Quan raised his head and tried hard to listen to the words of the Unanga hunter. As he listened, the confusion on his face became deeper and deeper. He could vaguely understand some specious words, but he could not understand them.

Sentences connected together. And the other person's accent always gave him an inexplicable sense of familiarity, as if he had heard it somewhere before!

In fact, the Eskimo-Aleut language family of the Unanga people and the Chukotka-Kamchatka language family of the Itelmen people diverged about four thousand years ago! But in the Chukotka-Kamchatka language family,

There are many loanwords from the Eskimo-Aleut language family, which vaguely indicate some ancient traces. It may be the forced migration of the Aleut tribes eastward, or it may be the conquest and integration of the Kamchatka tribes. As a fusion of the two languages

The symbol of China, the Kamchatka tribe with the largest Aleut language is the tribe that occupies the northernmost Arctic tundra and the easternmost Bering Strait...

"Boss, what he said doesn't seem to be from the southern part of the island! Why does it smell like the deer bark from the northern part of the country?..."

Hunter Mulu was stunned for a moment, stared, and made random guesses out of curiosity.

"The word he said was not death, but the cold place where he was buried after death. It was the same as what Zhang Bu said!... He also mentioned four legs. Isn't that the deer in Zhang Bu?... And what he said about eating, those

When people in the Zhangbu died, they would eat their relatives and bury them in their stomachs...ah! They spoke the language of the northern Zhangbu, and they were as tall as the people in the Zhangbu...could it be that they were a group of people sitting on a boat?

Accounting Department?!…”

"What! What kind of Luba thing?! The Zhangbu are already fierce, grazing deer in the wilderness, and plundering the surrounding tribes. If they have such a big ship and can attack along the coast, then the Lubu and us

How can we survive?”

The hunting captain Mukou gritted his teeth fiercely, turned around and scolded the hunter Mulu, and there was a faint fear in his heart. The ferocious tribe in the two people's mouth was none other than the Chukotka people in the northernmost part of the Kamchatka Peninsula, one of the Siberian tribes.

, the only fierce tribe that successfully resisted the Cossack invasion!

The Chukchi people in the Arctic herd thousands of deer, migrating on the Arctic snowfields where the average winter temperature is minus 30 degrees Celsius. They are a truly bitter and fierce polar tribe! They have no fixed villages, only wandering camps.

It is very difficult to find and capture, and is also a natural attacker. From the northernmost part of the Kamchatka Peninsula to the entire vast Arctic snowfield, it is the territory of their nomadic deer herds. They also crossed the strait and contacted the Innu in the westernmost snowfield in North America.

The tribes are closely connected, their languages ​​merge with each other, and the tribes have ancient marriages. The language of the Inuit tribes also belongs to the Eskimo-Aleut language family...

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Therefore, if the exploration fleet ventures north and along the Arctic coast of the Bering Sea, and is lucky enough to encounter the fierce Chukotka tribes, they can actually have a good time with Unanga.

The tribal sailors speak the same language. But when it comes to the Itelmen people in the south, they can only understand a few words.

"Witnesses from our spiritual ancestors! Tribes sitting on long boats! Where did you come from and where are you going?!"

Between the silver stars and the white snowfields, the hunting captain Mu Quan looked solemnly. He looked at the exploration captain Zuvallo again and asked the ultimate "philosophical" question. He first pointed at himself and then at the mountains in the north.

, declared word for word.

"I am from the north, the mountains among the mountains! And you, are you from the tent tribe in the north or the island tribe in the south?"

Hunting captain Mu Quan looked solemnly, staring at Zuvalo's confused face. If the opponent is from the cunning island tribe from the south, then he is an enemy that the tribe has been fighting for a long time. It is hard to believe! And if the opponent is from the northern tribe, then although

He is extremely fierce and has a reputation of cruelty everywhere, but he is not the enemy in front of him, so he can be trusted a little bit...

He thought for a while, kept making gestures with his hands, pointed at Zuwaro, and then used a word that Xiong Da could understand, "the tomb of the ancestors."

"Your ancestor's tomb!...Where is it?"

"My? Ancestor's tomb? Where is it?"

Exploration captain Zuvalo was stunned for a moment, looking at the hunting captain Mu Quan with a serious face, waiting for the answer. He was keenly aware that this question seemed to be very critical, and would determine the attitude of the other party, whether it was hostile or friendly. He thought

After a long while, looking at the other party's gestures, suddenly a flash of inspiration occurred and I suddenly realized it!

"Where are the tombs of our ancestors?...Ah! Where do I come from? Where do we come from?..."

"Witness the Lord God! I understand! ... We come from the east, the east! The sun, the east where the sun rises!…"

This chapter has been completed!
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