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Chapter One Thousand and Twenty-Four: The Nomadic Hunter of Far North Asia, Grandma Yamabes Invitation to Meet

At dawn in the morning, the morning sun rose from the sea and the mountains and forests were revealed again. The two Kotelmen hunters hurriedly said goodbye and returned to the tribe in the northern mountains. The exploration captain did not stop him, but instead smiled and gave a parting gift to

The chief of this mountain tribe, the hunter Mulu secretly opened it, dipped his fingers in it and tasted it. It turned out to be two bags of blue salt!

"Ancestor! It's precious salt! This Luba's Haibu is really as powerful and rich as Luba!..."

"Mulu, this is the salt that the Haibu leader gave to the old grandmother. Don't spill it! Tie it up so it doesn't leak out!..."

Hunting captain Mu Quan looked nervous, carefully tied the salt bag and wrapped it tightly with deerskin. In extreme northern Asia where winters are extremely cold and fuel is scarce, the cost of boiling salt is too high, but salt is a commodity valued by all ministries!

It is perfectly normal for tribesmen to fight over a few bags of salt and two people die.

"Yes! Captain Sage!..."

The two Kotelmen hunters maintained a leisurely trot and soon walked into the pine forest and disappeared into the mountains in the north. It wasn't until their figures disappeared that the exploration leader Zuvalo let out a long breath.

Qi, looking at the sun among the clouds, praying sincerely.

"The Lord God bless you! May this mountain tribe be a friend of the kingdom, not an enemy!..."

After praying for a moment, Zuvalo squinted his eyes and looked at the somewhat dark sky. He soon became solemn and gave instructions to the people on the shore.

"Witness the Lord God! Look at the sky, it's going to snow!... Hurry up and make the camp tighter, and dig the hole half a person deep for warmth!..."


The snowflakes in November were falling from the gloomy sky and spreading on the gray ground. It had been snowing for two days, the temperature was always below zero, and the snow quickly reached the ankles. The cold north wind froze the whole place.

Along the coast, more and more ice floes have condensed all the way to the bay.

The kingdom's warriors and tribal sailors were busy in the wind and snow, cutting down trees, collecting dead logs, expanding shore camps, and transporting winter supplies from the longships, especially the most important food and coal!

Two hunters from the Kotelmen Mountains left for four days and appeared from the north again. This time, they appeared with ten sleds and forty dogs. On the sleds sat four full hands.

, that is, twenty tribal hunters from the mountain tribe!

"Aow! Aow! Aow! Aow!..."

Hearing a continuous howl like a wolf, the exploration captain Zuvalo suddenly woke up. He put on his leather armor and fur, took the copper axe, climbed onto the simple and sturdy log lookout, and saw running on the snowy field in the north from a distance.

packs of dogs, and tribal sleds pulled by dogs.

"Eh?! These tribes in the mountains can actually tame... white wolves? To pull sleds?"

Zuvalo, the exploration captain, stared with wide eyes as he watched the howling dogs running closer, revealing a silly and simple wolf face and a strong and powerful wolf body. This was the first time he saw a Siberian husky.

, this kind of sled dog is specially domesticated by the Kamchatka tribe!

But soon, his curious eyes were attracted by the mountain hunters on the sled, and his face instantly became alert.

"Lord God! At least twenty elite tribal hunters? All carrying recurved bows and arrows?"

Twenty mountain hunters sat on sleds and drove the dogs. They traveled several miles in a short time and arrived at the Kingdom camp by the bay. If you look closely, you can see that these mountain hunters are all carrying compound recurve bows and wearing inner leather.

Armor, outer layer of wing armor, carrying heavy stone axes and stone knives. They were all wrapped in warm and thick deerskin robes, but they were very agile in their movements. And the fat, round and simple faces, although they were surrounded by

The strong wind and snow are blowing red, but they are full of vigor and fearlessness!

This kind of early winter, which is seven to eight degrees below zero, is not considered cold at all for the Kanchajia Zhu tribe. Instead, it is a suitable time for travel. Especially after a layer of snow falls on the ground, the tribe's hunters can ride on reindeer or dogs.

The sleds pulled by the people turned into a nomadic people on the snowfield...The speed of travel could be increased several times in an instant, and they could even run two to three hundred miles in a day!

"Witness the Lord God! Ah! They moved so fast on the snow! Is this... is this the nomadic northern tribe that your Majesty said?"

The exploration captain Zuvallo looked surprised. He estimated that the speed of the dogs pulling the sled must be at least six or seven times that of walking! He had many thoughts in his mind and gave decisive orders in his mouth.

"Shi Jian! Let the kingdom's warriors put on bronze cloth masks, let the tribal sailors carry their spears, and get ready for battle!..."

"Yes! Captain!"

"Aow! Aow! Aow! Aow!..."

A quarter of an hour later, at the snowy camp gate, the leaders of both sides met again. Exploration captain Zuvalo, with forty heavily armored kingdom warriors and fifty spear-carrying tribal sailors, lined up outside the camp.

The hunting leader, Mu Dog, led twenty mountain hunters with bows on their backs and led the dogs down from the sled.

"Witnessed by the spirit ancestors! Friends of Kaibu, we meet again!..."

"The Lord God bless you! Brothers in the mountains in the north, the Lord God shines on you and on your dogs!..."

Hunting captain Mu Quan held his head high, leading the tribe's most elite hunters with a confident smile on his face. But until he saw the white gold heavy armor of the kingdom's warriors, his confident expression suddenly stopped, and his face

Show real surprise!

"Ah? Ancestor!...Is this? Is this...Mabu's bronze armor? Kaibu actually has so many bronze armors!..."

As one of the tribes fighting in the snowy plains of Far North Asia, the hunting captain of the Mountain Division, Mu Dog, naturally knows about metal armor, whether it is copper armor or iron armor. Although in Kamchatka III, there are very few metal armors, and the extremely cold climate

It is not suitable for ordinary iron armor, but it still has the knowledge that all tribes in North Asia should have.

The nomadic Ewen people and horses thousands of miles away in the west have some bronze armor and iron armor obtained from further south. Some of them have even been passed down for dozens of generations, inherited from the nomadic empire that perished hundreds of years ago and thousands of years ago.


"God bless you! Brothers in the northern mountains, you came to the camp...well, do you want to have a bowl of hot whale soup together?"

Exploration captain Zuvalo was smiling, gesturing enthusiastically, and sizing up the tribal hunters in front of him. There was no murderous intention on the faces of these hunters, but they all wore wing armor that spread out like wings during battle, and they held their hands tightly.

The bow and ax in his hand seemed to show the strength of a certain tribe intentionally or unintentionally.

"Blessed by our ancestors! Friends from the East, Kaibu. We, Yamabu and Kaibu, have been relatives for generations!..."

The hunting captain, Mu Quan, looked serious and said what his grandmother told him to say. Then, he stretched out his hand, patted a tall man behind him, and gave instructions in a deep voice.

"Wuhai! They come from the islands in the eastern sea...just like your father! Go and tell them the invitation from the old grandmother in the language your father taught you!..."

"Yes! Captain Sage!..."

The tall Wu Hai nodded and took a step forward. He blinked and looked curiously at the Unanga people in the camp who were wearing armor and carrying spears, but he spoke in Aleut mixed with the local language!

"Ancestors witness! The sleeping giant rests at our feet... My dead father came from the Grandmother Island in the northeast. He mentioned the tribes further east, the tribesmen that are hard to find on the sea..."

"Tribesmen on the ancestral island chain! You came here in the longest ship that has ever been seen before, to our territory of the mountain tribe!... The wise old grandmother of the tribe said that the mountain tribe and the sea tribe have never fought against each other.

, on the contrary, starting from the oldest ancestors, they often intermarry..."

"Spiritual ancestors, protect us who have the same ancestor! Haibu people who came from the sea, you showed goodwill and shared campfires, meat and salt... You are friends of Yamabu, brothers we have been apart for too long! Wisdom

The old grandmother invites you and your leader to the winter camp in the northern mountains to make a warm bonfire together and drink the blood of the same deer!..."

This chapter has been completed!
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