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Chapter One Thousand and Twenty-six: Nomadic Tactics in the Snowfield, and the Tactics of the Survey and Tribes

"My lord! This kind of dog sled on the snow can travel really fast! In a quarter of an hour, it can travel at least 10 miles on a flat snowfield!...Ugh! Evil!..."

The snowfield is vast, and white fills everything in sight. White sky, white snow, white distant mountains and forests, and white running dogs.

Exploration captain Zuvallo sat on a rough and trembling sled, his body pressed against the ground, shaking constantly with the fast-running dogs. Soon the world in his eyes was only the shaking and dizzy white. It was obvious that he was not adapted to this kind of land.

As I was speeding on the boat, my face gradually turned blue, my stomach was churning, and I actually felt like I was seasick and vomiting when I first sailed!

However, when Zuvalo turned his head with difficulty, blowing the whistling snow wind, he looked at the hunting captain, Timu, who was sitting steadily on the sled, steering the direction of the dog pack, with a calm and calm expression... He forcefully turned the

The shout that reached my lips stopped and I swallowed it back.

"Witness the Lord God! These hunters from the mountain tribe look simple, but in fact they are full of evil spirits! Damn it, they are deliberately showing off themselves, showing off the speed and ability of tribal warriors to move!...Evil!..."

As if feeling Zuvalo's gaze, the hunting captain Mu Quan tilted his head slightly and glanced at his former friends and possible future enemies or son-in-law with a complicated look. He looked at Zuvalo and wanted to vomit but couldn't bear it.

With a lively expression, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, he shouted out the dog training command in a low voice.

"Hey! Hurry! Faster!..."

"Ouch! Ouch!..."

The huskies accelerated and ran excitedly, even reaching a speed of 50 miles per hour on the ice and snow plains! Of course, the dogs running so fast fell into the category of racing and could not last long. In less than an hour,

After racing, the white distant mountains suddenly came into view. The running dogs also panted tiredly and stopped at the command of their owners.

“Blessed by our ancestors! The tribe’s winter camp is not far away in the mountains. It’s only half a day’s walk away!…”

The tribal hunters in the mountains were calm and relaxed, and one after another got off the sleds they were sitting on. They took out small pieces of frozen venison from their leather bags and fed them to the huskies to replenish their strength. The mountain road that followed could be climbed.

Unable to ride on the sled, Zuvarro could only walk up with the dog. But Zuvarro staggered and took two steps dizzy, then his feet went weak and he almost fell on the soft snowfield.

"O Lord God! Evil!..."

A big, rough hand came over with strong support, followed by the hunting captain's dog, who laughed heartily and heartily.

"Haha! My friend from Kaibu, is this your first time riding a sled? You actually fainted... Our dogs in the Yamabu tribe are the best big dogs! They can drag heavy loads and run faster than the reindeer in the Shikabu tribe!

…Wu Hai, go and support some Haibu leaders and translate my words!…”

"Yes! Captain Sage!"

The hunting captain Mu Quan raised his head and praised the tribe's sled dogs in front of Zuvalo who kept retching. His face was full of "simple" smile, and when he talked about the tribe's migration and hunting, his words were full of emotion.

Some are meaningful.

"Blessed by our ancestors! Friend of Kaibu, you don't know...our hunters from the mountain tribe once drove their dogs and chased those long-haired people from the island tribe for three days and three nights, but they didn't let a single enemy escape! In this area,

On the vast snowfield, only the deer tribe and tent tribe in the north can compete with us...those boating island tribes cannot compete with us. Although they have as many people as snow rabbits and have metal weapons, they are of little use.

You only dare to poach our deer in the summer..."

After a moment of repair, the mountain hunters fed the big dogs and continued walking towards the mountains, carrying bows and arrows. The huskies howled and dragged the empty sleds up the mountain. After running for a while, they stopped, shaking their heads and waiting.

The masters come.

"Ouch! Ouch!..."

"Well...the wise old grandmother asked us to bring out forty big dogs from the tribe and the most elite team of hunters, just to let these people from the sea who came from afar know how powerful our mountain tribe is! Haha!..."

The snow was up to his ankles, and the hunting captain Mu Quan lowered his head and trudged in the snowy mountains with a "simple" smile on his face. Many hunters surrounded Zuvarro and walked slowly into the mountains.

After walking for a while, Mu Dog would always look back at Zuvalo and ask with a smile.

"Friend Kaifu! The mountain road in the snow is difficult to walk. Are you tired from walking? Do you want to take a rest on the sled, let the dogs pull you, and drink some reinforcing deer bark?"

"God bless you! No need...I will go by myself!..."

Exploration captain Zuvalo shook his head, with a blue and white face, gritted his teeth and answered fiercely. Hunting captain Mu Quan raised his brows, smiled simply, turned around again and strode forward. Snow covered

It's not too deep, and what is a difficult mountain road for Zuwaro is actually just ordinary for the mountain people who have lived here for generations.

Not long ago, after listening to what he and Mulu had seen, the old grandmother of the tribe quickly realized that although the force of this "sea tribe" was strong, it had one of the most obvious weaknesses in the winter when the sea was frozen.

That's "short legs"!

"Blessed by the ancestors! Haibu suddenly appeared in a big boat. The place where they landed was too close to the tribe's winter camp. The force was so powerful and the threat was imminent! However, although they all seemed to be elite hunters, they

No big dogs or reindeer to pull the sled!…”

Hunting captain Mu Quan lowered his head, walking along the familiar mountain road that he could walk with his eyes closed, recalling his old grandmother's instructions. He sincerely hoped to become a close ally in marriage with this sea tribe, and even bring those strong sea tribe hunters

, are incorporated into their own tribes!

But before the snow settles, the Hot Spring Mountain tribe must be prepared to fight first to ensure the safety and continuity of the tribe! The old grandmother invited the leader of the Kaibu tribe and left important hostages, which was also part of some kind of "preparation"

Huan. The survival rules of the tribes in Far North Asia are so cruel. For the continuation of the tribe, no matter what the cost...tribes that cannot do so have been buried deep in the snowfields...

"If we can't reach an agreement... we will detain the leader of the Haibu and lure those elite Haibu warriors to leave the camp and go deep into the vast mountains and into the terrifying snowfields! ... Msona, my daughter... ugh!..."

"If the tribe really wants to go to war with them, then they have to let the old and the weak sit on the migrating deer sled tent and leave this nearby winter camp. Then let the small team of elite hunters sit on the flexible dog sled, regardless of the distance.

Harass them day and night!...Although this is the nomadic fighting style that the Tent and Deer tribes are best at, our Mountain tribe is not bad either!...Blessed by our ancestors!..."

Sled dogs are indeed faster than reindeer when running at full speed. They are more flexible, more maneuverable, and understand their master's intentions, and can assist in hunting and fighting. But this kind of dog sled is more suitable for short-distance running.

, suitable for hunting and killing. Compared with the cost of long-term movement and raising, it is far inferior to the cold-resistant and vegetarian reindeer.

For the Kamchatka tribe in far northern Asia, reindeer are the truly practical carrying animals and the basis for tribal migration. A reindeer can drag hundreds of kilograms of weight, travel one or two hundred miles in half a day, and then travel the rest of the way.

For half a day, they use the long horns on their heads to push through the thick snow and eat the moss and grass buried under the snow. Three or four reindeer can drag the family's small migration tent, allowing the tribesmen to rest in peace.

, always maintaining emergency physical strength during migration. Similarly, the meat and milk of reindeer are also the tribe's most important food sources.

The Kamchatka tribes herd tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of reindeer herds, migrating nomadically across thousands of miles of vast Far North snowfields. The large number of deer herds and vast territories are what make the tribes of Far North Asia

The basis for continuation!

This kind of nomadic migration life in Far North Asia naturally gave birth to special snowfield nomadic tactics. Whenever the Kamchatka tribe encountered a strong enemy that was difficult to resist, they would drive sleds and migrate with their herds of deer, and then divide them into groups.

Send out a small group of elites to harass the enemy. The endless snowfields and extremely cold winter will become their most powerful war allies!

In the face of the brutal invasion of Russian Cossacks in later generations, the Kamchatka tribes used nomadic tactics in the snowfields and performed very well. They resisted for a full hundred years until Tsarist Russia compromised!

There is no doubt that the Kamchatka tribe is a bitter and cold tribe that is good at fighting. Their greatest disadvantage is never their fighting skills and courage, but rather their small tribal population.

The hot spring mountain area where hunting leader Mulu is located occupies the winter hot spring camp. It is the largest Kotelmen tribe on the Kamchatka Peninsula. However, the total number of young and old in their clan is only 800.

Multiple people.

In fact, the Kotelmen, who occupy two-thirds of the peninsula, are composed of twenty to thirty large and small tribes, and the total number is only about 10,000. The Koryak people occupy the northern part of the peninsula and the coastal snowfields are slightly more

Some, probably between 10,000 and 20,000. As for the Chukchi people who occupy the vast Arctic snowfield, they herd hundreds of thousands of reindeer herds, but there are not even 10,000 people!…

"Blessed by our ancestors! Friends from Kaibu, our mountain camp is here, in this warm mountain valley! This has been our winter camp for generations..."

"Look! The hunters of the tribe have all come out to welcome you! Praising the oldest benevolent deer and reuniting brothers who have been separated for a long time is really a great thing!..."

This chapter has been completed!
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