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One Thousand Thirty One North Asian Nomads, decisive, ferocious and cunning!

"Witness the venerable ancestors! I swear by the blood of my ancestors that Yamabu and Kaibu are allies, sharing the reindeer and forest on the territory, blending the blood and marriage of the tribe... and Renlu, the sky and the sacred mountain are watching us together.

!The sacrifice of our alliance, our eternal enemy, is the deer tribe invading from the north!..."

"Witnessed by the Lord God! Witnessed by the respected ancestors of the Jiao people! I swear by the blood of my ancestors that Yamabe and the Kingdom are allies, sharing the salt and flint of the Kingdom, blending the blood and marriage of the tribe... Under the supreme sun of the Lord God, Yamabe

We will face the same enemies as the kingdom, fight side by side, and drive away the invading deer tribe from the north!…"

"Mulu Alashanwa! Good! Raise the fire and offer sacrifices to the sacred mountain. Dance a sacrificial dance and offer sacrifices to me! Then kill the young deer, cut the palms of your hands, drink the blood, and offer sacrifices to the oldest benevolent deer!"


The old grandmother Mulu Shanmu held up the shamanic staff and shouted and roared at the altar in the tribal camp. Seeing her astonishing gesture of divine descent, all the mountain tribesmen kowtowed in awe.

Among the tribes in North Asia who believe in Changshengtian, whether it is the Mongolian tribes who occupy the grasslands, the Jurchen tribes who occupy the mountains and forests, the Ewen tribes who wander in the wilderness, the Kamchatka tribes who wander in the snowfields...shamans use their spirits to cast spirits.

, are the most sacred rituals!

This kind of ancestral spirit possession ceremony is only qualified by older shamans who are spiritually connected, and is usually rarely performed. However, once this kind of ancestral spirit possession occurs, it will be the highest decision of the tribe, in the name of the ancestors and gods.


"Praise to the possessed ancestral spirits! Praise to the divine grandmother!..."

The tribesmen prostrated themselves in admiration, kowtowed together, and then got busy obediently. They lit the ceremonial fire, caught the reindeer, slaughtered it, and squeezed out the bright red juice. And the old grandmother Mu Lu Shan Mu personally used the inherited shaman bone knife to

Cut the palms of Mu Dog and Zuwaro! Then, the tribesmen danced around the fire, beat the dull deerskin drums, shouted excitedly, and even sang ancient blood oath sacrificial songs.

"Dong dong dong! The ancestors walked down the sacred mountain, the shaman's power was boundless, Renlu gave blood to drink, the sacred mountain looked at the sky!..."

"Dong dong dong! One drink is deer blood, the second drink is human blood, the third drink is ice and snow, the fourth drink is raw venison!…"

"Dong, dong, dong! The mountain meets the sea, the sacred mountain meets the sea. The blood oath is formed, and the curse of disobedience is possessed... The soul is imprisoned in the snow valley forever, and the tribe has no descendants!!..."

The old grandmother Mu Lushan was possessed by the ancestral spirit, and the whites of her eyes could not leave Zuvaro. The exploration leader Zuvaro first drank the deer's blood and sweated all over his body. Then, he and Mu Dog had their palms cut and were released.

He drank half a cup of blood, which made him dizzy and his eyesight turned black.

Then, the grandmother mixed the blood of the two people with her hands, divided it into two cups, added it to the snow beside the altar, and fed it to the two pale-faced people. Zuvarro shivered, and after eating the weird and bloody cold blood drink,

He was forced to eat a few more pieces of bloody raw venison, and a fishy smell came from his stomach and nose. Finally, he gritted his teeth and swore a blood oath again with the Mu Dog of the Alliance, and also swore the most vicious oath.


"The Lord God witnessed it! The ancestors witnessed it! Kaibu and Yamabu formed an alliance and fought side by side from then on... If you violate this oath, your soul will forever fall into the abyss, and your family will be cut off from now on!..."

Exploration captain Zuvarro was in a state of confusion, like a bone puppet with strings on his strings, or controlled by the magic power of an old grandmother, completing a long and rigorous ritual step by step.

"Ho! My children, I will continue to watch you, on the snow-white sacred mountain!..."

It wasn't until the ceremony was completed that the old grandmother Mu Lushanmu roared loudly, trembled violently, and then fainted in front of the bonfire altar. When she opened her eyes again, the eye-catching whites of her eyes had returned to normal, and her speaking voice had returned to normal.

Ordinary people.

"Ah! The ancestor spirit has left! The ancestor spirit has returned to the sacred mountain!..."

"Quick! Help the old grandmother up and send her to the tent to rest! The ancestors are possessed, but they consume the most mana!..."

The hunter Mutu was the fastest, and he helped the old grandmother Mulu Shanmu up with a single stride. After dancing the whole ceremony, the old grandmother was already covered in sweat and panting.

"No need! Witness the ancestors! Just let me take it easy, I can't rest yet...Child, go! Get me some Luba blood drink..."

"Yes! Grandma!"

The old grandmother Mu Lushanmu rested for a while while leaning on her staff, drank some supplementary deer heart blood, and her face turned red again. Then she wiped the bright red from her mouth, looked at her son-in-law Mu Quan, and then looked at

Looking at her grandson-in-law Zuvarro, she showed a kind smile. She waved to Zuvarro. Zuvarro trembled slightly and carefully walked to the grandmother's side. Then, the old grandmother took Zuvarro's hand and said,

Chatted gently and cordially.

"Head of Kaibu, the ancestral spirit likes you very much, and he is also your ancestor! The blood oath has been fulfilled, and Shanbu will never hurt you, nor will he hurt Kaibu's allies... The noble ancestral spirit left a warning!

The ancient bloodlines have been separated for too long, and it’s time to merge again!…”

"Uh?...divine grandmother..."

"Go! Head of the Haibu, send your followers back to fetch your destined wife, Msona... Let's get married in the winter camp of the Shanbu under the witness of the two tribes!..."

"Yes!...It's up to you..."

After experiencing this divine ceremony, the exploration captain Zuvaro was shocked and a little in awe. The combination with Msona, the noble daughter of Yamabe, is obviously one of the guarantees of the covenant between the two parties. And Msona looks very good.

She is good-looking and tall, so she can only humiliate herself and devote herself to the kingdom again...

After thinking for a moment, Zuvalo lowered his head and saluted respectfully to the old shaman grandmother and also to the grandmother of his future wife.

"Blessed by the Lord God! The ancient Jiaoren bloodline reunited at the end of the West Sea. It is indeed time to merge again!"

"Well... Head of Kaibu, we need to inform all the ministries about the sacred wedding, so let's schedule it in half a month! Call all the Kaibu warriors to the warm winter camp, and organize it with Hot Spring Yamabu. I'll invite you again.

The rest of the surrounding mountains…”

"Okay! Dear grandma! Shanbei can accept us and spend the winter in the warm winter camp...I am really grateful to my ancestors, thank you!..."

Observing Zuvaro's performance, the old grandmother Mu Lu Shanmu nodded with satisfaction. She held the deer bone staff, her eyes flashed for a while, and decided to talk more deeply. So the old grandmother took Zuvaro affectionately.

, stood on the edge of the altar, pointed to the north of the mountains, and warned seriously.

"Head of Kaibu, my son! No matter how you Kaibu survive, the Shikabu in the north are our common enemies!..."

"Guidance from the ancestors! We made a blood oath under the witness of the ancestral spirits, and we are allies that can be handed over to our backs. I can make the decision for the Shanbu and hand over the port at the foot of the sacred mountain to your Haibu to help you survive the winter.

, and even help you obtain horses, reindeer and dogs... But in exchange, as an ally's obligation, you must also truly participate in the fight between the Yamabe and the Deer!..."

"Ah! Dear grandmother, thank you for your generosity! Uh... witness the Lord God! I will send warriors from the kingdom to help the Hot Spring Mountain tribe and resist the invasion of the deer tribe!..."

"No. My child, it is not resistance or defense. Our ancestors have witnessed that in this snowy field of deer herding, we do not need to defend, and we must not defend!..."

"Uh... what do you mean? Is it... taking the initiative?!"


The old grandmother Mu Lushanmu smiled, her eyes filled with wisdom, and she asked calmly.

"Chief of the Kaibu, my son, you have ninety warriors in the Kaibu, but you only have one big boat... You have no herds of deer, and you can't fish in winter. Even if you have some flint for warmth... your food will not be enough to last half a year.

It’s winter!…”

Hearing the old grandmother's insightful inquiry, the exploration captain Zuvalo was startled, lowered his eyes, and nodded slightly.

When the Snow Wolf crossed the westernmost end of the island chain, it only carried two months' worth of food... But now more than half a month has passed, and there is indeed not much food left. The samurai and sailors who stayed on the bay could only

Relying on difficult ice fishing to replenish food rations... In fact, the lack of food on the longship is the most important reason for Zuvalo to take the initiative!

"Well... the Lord God witnesses! Dear old grandmother, we can take out salt and weapons and exchange some food with Yamabe!..."

"Haha! My children, you only have one boat, how much salt and weapons can you carry? How can you do it without weapons in this man-eating snowfield? ... What's more, the food in the mountains is also limited.

Old people starve to death every winter... Therefore, to solve the problem of food, you can only... And if you want to open up a route to the west and trade with the horse tribe in the west, you must also..."

The old grandmother Mu Lushanmu shook her head and pointed to the north again. This time, she smiled without a smile, and the corners of her old eyes trembled, as if she was holding the coldness and desolation of winter snow.

"The north, the north of the peninsula, a ten-day journey of reindeer, 1,200 miles away... is the largest tribe of deer migrating south to the peninsula, the Lumohe tribe! It is also the largest tribe in our hot spring mountain area, and even in all mountain areas.

The threat..."

"The leader of Kaibu, my children, as long as we eat them together...the reindeer, herders, women and children of that tribe can allow you Kaibu to survive the winter, establish the prototype of the tribe, and truly lay the foundation!

And by eating them, you can also open a path to the west of the Horse Department and obtain four-legged riding animals and horses... Even further south of the Horse Department, there are four-legged pastoral animals, cattle and sheep!..."

"Ah? Lord God! Herds of deer and cockroaches have laid their foundations in the peninsula!... Four-legged riding animals, horses? Four-legged herding animals? Cattle? Sheep?..."

Hearing this, the exploration captain Zuvalo pursed his lips, and murderous intent gradually floated in his heart. Unlike Mikey, the knowledgeable man, he was born with adventurous blood, and also had a more flexible bottom line. He never limited himself to the use of force and


"One thousand two hundred miles away, one thousand two hundred miles away... Lutaihe tribe? Grandma, how many people do they have, and how many warriors can they pull out?"

"Well... the Lumohe tribe is the largest deer tribe on the peninsula. They migrated south more than ten years ago. Their population is slightly stronger than our hot spring mountain tribe, with 900 people, a full 300 strong.

Tens of thousands of deer! And if they have time to ask for help, they can also bring in dozens or hundreds of scattered tribal reinforcements from other deer tribes in the north..."

"Ah! Three hundred warriors? Support from other tribes? Such strength, do we want to swallow it up in one gulp?..."

"Ancestor's witness! You must swallow it in one gulp and defeat the entire tribe at once! And as long as they are destroyed, the captured men, women, and tens of thousands of deer can all be divided among your Haibu first!..."

The old grandmother, Mu Lushanmu, had a faint look and a faint voice. In the cold wind of the far north, she stretched out her old and rough palms and lovingly touched Zuwaro's young face. Then, she smiled kindly,

Like an old deer in the far north snowfield, he whispered softly into Zuvalo's ear.

"Headman of Kaibu, my child! The distance of 1,200 miles, riding a reindeer sleigh, actually only takes eight days... Therefore, I have an idea of ​​​​the guidance of ancestral spirits, which is very beneficial to our expedition. You

You should be happy to agree..."

"Ah? Eight days? Lord God! You can drive a reindeer sleigh and run one hundred and fifty miles every day?!"

"Well, if we don't care about the loss of the deer herd, it can actually be faster... In half a month, it is the wedding of you and my granddaughter. We can use the name of the wedding to summon other surrounding mountain tribes and send envoys to inform the people in the north.

Each branch of the Deer Tribe... Then, the Wenquan Mountain Tribe will send out 160 hunters and warriors, your Hai Tribe will send out 80 warriors, and I will recruit 80 warriors from the tribal envoys attending the wedding... that's 300 people.

Zhan Ding!…”

"Blessed by the Lord God! Gather 300 warriors? Then attack the 900-strong Lutaihe tribe?"

"Well, it's not a frontal attack, but a surprise attack like a mountain eagle!... Mountain eagles will also catch snow hares by surprise and try their best to attack and bite them!... What's more, the Lumo River Department is the most powerful in the northern part of the peninsula.

A deer tribe, and a deer head respected by all tribes... We must always find ways to increase the chance of victory!..."

The old grandmother Mulu Shanmu looked to the north, a cruel look gradually appeared on her old face. At this moment, she seemed like an eagle circling in the sky of the sacred mountain. After more than ten years of forbearance and waiting, she finally waited for the opportunity to strike a fatal blow.


"Blessed by the ancestors! For more than ten years, I have been restraining the tribes to avoid conflicts with the Lutai River tribe... and gathering warriors in the name of a wedding, even though they are wary... In this winter snowfall, tribes rarely fight.

, and won’t be too wary!…”

"Then, my child! On the day of your wedding...the warriors of the Yamabu and Kaibu gathered together, rode on reindeer sleighs, and rushed north for several days, across the entire peninsula, to raid the Lumohe River!"

"What! On the day of my wedding, after paralyzing all the tribes on the peninsula...raiding the Lumohe River tribe?!"

"Exactly! The ancestors have witnessed that this is the most appropriate time! In the early winter when the tribe rarely fights, before the harsh cold wave comes, when the enemy is least prepared, launch an all-out attack!!...Haha!

Kill them!…”

The old grandmother Mu Lushan opened her blood-stained lips and laughed from the bottom of her heart. Her voice was hoarse and harsh, just like the cry of a night owl. Then she kindly stretched out her palm and rubbed her dull face.

Zuwaro, for the first time, this young leader of the Hai tribe truly felt the determination, ferocity and cunning of the nomadic tribes in North Asia!

"The leader of Kaibu, my child! As long as the most powerful Shikabu is destroyed, Kaibu will be able to obtain an independent territory and deer herds, obtain many men and women, establish a reputation on the peninsula, and even gain access to horses, cattle and sheep.

The passage!…”

"Blessed by the ancestors! Chief Lu Taihe's head is the most noble and most needed sacrifice at your wedding! Hahaha!..."

This chapter has been completed!
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