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Chapter 157: Returning south with a full load, the road ahead is windy and snowy, recite a few lines of poetry!

"Sir?! The little one is wrong! The little lard has deceived the heart! Spare the little one, the little one will never dare to do it again!..."

"Haha! God bless you! Gold Shipsmith, you actually participated in the design and construction of this complicated-looking ship? Not bad! Very good! You are a man with real skills, different from that blacksmith named Otani.

Same. When you get to the Lake Kingdom, as long as you build a ship for His Majesty and build a big ship that can go to sea, Your Majesty will definitely receive a heavy reward!…"

"Sir?! Spare me, don't kill me. I'm kowtowing to you!... Bodhisattva! Please save me!..."

"Lord God! Get up! Why did you kneel down again? I didn't punish you... I mean, you just need to convert to the Lord God and build a big ship for the kingdom! Not to mention being made a military noble, even if you are made a hereditary noble,

Marrying a noble daughter of the kingdom is both visible and tangible! You must know that Pukuta, the great craftsman of the kingdom, was appointed by His Majesty as the Director of the Shipbuilding Department just because he designed and built the kingdom's longship.

He has jurisdiction over thousands of craftsmen and civil servants in the north and south! He was directly promoted to the third-level divine priest, the wood driller, and was granted a fief of two to three thousand acres, with a title equivalent to a hereditary noble!..."

"Ah! Sir, let me get up? Uh... Thank you, Sir, for sparing me. I will kowtow to you again... Uh! No kowtow? No kneeling?..."

The five-masted shelter boat was parked on the snow on the shore, like a giant whale stranded on the white beach. At this moment, Zuvalo stood on the top of the giant whale, his heart was full of excitement and pride. It was real.

Said that the shipbuilding technology of this sea-going ship is obviously much better than that of the Kingdom. And now the master craftsman who can build this kind of sea-going ship and the sailmaker who can make the sails have also fallen into the hands of the Kingdom, right in front of his eyes.


The kingdom attaches great importance to craftsmen. The status of skilled craftsmen like this in the Kingdom of the Lake is at least starting from the military aristocracy. And those who master unique skills, such as shipbuilding, cannon making, bow making, armor making, gem making and glassware making,

He can lead a subordinate department of the Divine Enlightenment Institute and become a hereditary noble of the kingdom!

Your Majesty has always attached great importance to shipbuilding. Since the gold shipwright can really build complex large ships, in Zuvalo's eyes, he must be a future hereditary noble, and the kind who can write directly to His Majesty! Therefore,

His attitude at the moment was very kind and cordial, and he would not let the other party kneel down again. In fact, in the Kingdom of the Lake, a master like this has a high status, is very independent, and has a very strong temper. The Kingdom's Divine Inspiration

The priests were used to it.

"Haha! Witness the Lord God! It's normal for a gold shipbuilder, a capable master craftsman, to have a bad temper! But you did what you did before, kneeling down and kowtowing at every turn, but you lost your identity in vain!..."

"Uh?...Sir?! Aren't you angry?...It's really strange, this leader of the barbarians, how can he still laugh when I scold him? If it were the boss of the two squads in the sky, he would have to drag me out directly.

, beaten to death, right?... Hiss! Beat the craftsman to death, just like I have seen before..."

After a brief outburst, the shipwright Jin Shanshu became timid again, and his heart was full of panic. He stood in front of Zuwaro and wanted to kneel down and kowtow, but the leader of the barbarians held his arm tightly.

He was not allowed to kneel down. But when he looked at Zuvallo's face, there was no anger at all on his face, and he actually seemed to be "laughing"?…

"O Bodhisattva! Am I dreaming again? But this leader of the barbarians has never spared his hand when he beheaded the warriors of the Republic of China! Why is he so lenient to me? Just because I can build ships? But I will build ships again.

, he’s just a craftsman…”

Looking at Zuvalo's kind smile, Jin Shanshu was stunned on the spot, in a dreamlike trance. In the past two days, facing the courtesy of these barbarian leaders, he felt uncomfortable all over, and he couldn't even sleep well.

North Korea imitated the Ming Dynasty, and the Ming Dynasty inherited the Yuan system, both of which had an "excellent" craftsman household tradition. Ordinary households in the Ming Dynasty were divided into three classes, "the first is the people, the second is the army, and the third is the craftsmen." In other words, the Ming Dynasty

The status of a craftsman household in the imperial dynasty was not only lower than that of an ordinary civilian household, but was even one level lower than that of a poor military household. In fact, it was equivalent to being directly assigned to a lowly status. In the Li Dynasty, which was in the same line, according to different types of craftsmen, the status of craftsmen households

His status also bounces back and forth between the second class and the lowly status of not being a human being.

As an important shipwright, Jin Shanshu has a slightly higher status and can barely be regarded as a third-class ordinary citizen. But on weekdays, it is easy for him to see the second-class masters, so he has to kowtow from time to time.

He had to kneel down to the gentlemen passing by. He had been kneeling for so many years, and it was instinctive for his knees to become weak. It was not that easy to stand up.

As for what he didn't understand, what kind of rewards, fiefdoms, and nobility were what Zuvalo was planning. Even in his boldest and wildest dreams, he had never thought of it, and he didn't dare to think about it at all!...

"God bless you! It's frozen in winter, but this big ship can't sail away. We can only drag it ashore and keep it here. Fortunately, such a heavy ship can't be lost! ... We just lost the deer

There will be another blizzard in the Moss River Department soon. It is impossible for any deer to dare to migrate south this winter... Before the freeze next spring, we will come here on the sleigh and then go back on this big boat. Haha! Here we are.

When the time comes, I have to take a closer look at how this ship hangs its sails and how it borrows the wind!…”

After thinking for a moment, Zuvalo reached out and patted the frozen hull of the boat, his face full of emotion.

Before heading north this time, he thought he would see another galley ship from the West Sea tribe, but he didn't expect it to be this kind of multi-masted sailboat that he had never seen before. However, this sailboat, which is good at using the wind, won

Together with the shipwrights and sailmakers, they are all sent back to the Lake Kingdom. Let the kingdom's shipbuilders learn the shipbuilding technology of the Xihai tribe and achieve a technological leap!

"Praise the Lord God! If we can always rely on the power of the wind and the wind from all directions, then the sailing speed of sea ships will be much faster and easier than the current galleys of the Kingdom! ... And if the Kingdom can create such a sea

It will be very fast and convenient to transport supporting personnel and supplies to the west coast!…”

Zuvaro thought about it for a moment, and he became more and more interested in the shipwright Jin Shanshu and the sailmaker Pu Shunfan who had taken refuge. So he first asked the kingdom warriors to take the gold shipwright back to the deer-drawn sled tent to rest, and then looked at the people who were packing up the camp.

Shi Jian, the warrior captain, asked aloud.

"Shi Jian, how are you? Have you packed up all the supplies in the camp?"

"Captain! The sleds are already full, including iron tools and drinks. We only have these sleds, and the things we can take away are limited. There are nineteen more prisoners... all kinds of useless skins and herbs.

, I just threw them all in the cellar and didn’t take any of them! I guess even if a hunter from the Deer Department or the Mountain Department found them, they wouldn’t be interested. When I come next year, if these skins are still there, I can take them back with me!…


The warrior captain Shi Jian wiped the snowflakes from his face and looked around the messy camp. This camp is located on the border where the deer and mountain tribes are fighting, and the risk is very high. The kingdom's power is limited, and it will not send people to stay, and there are not many people left.

It's useless, why not take the necessary supplies with you.

After carefully checking the supplies in the camp, he casually discarded all the expensive furs that Murakami and Watanabe had worked hard for for a year in the camp.

If these two people were to hear it, they would probably vomit blood in distress. Any of these wolf skins, deer skins, bears skins, fox skins, and mink skins from the Far North brought to Kyoto would be worth tens, hundreds, or even thousands of dollars.

Hundreds of expensive goods? What, you said selling leather is too troublesome, just take the gold out and buy it with shiny real gold?...Sorry, sorry, I have never seen so much gold! In this era

, the Sado Gold Mountain and Kai Gold Mountain in Japan have not yet been developed...

"Well, God bless you! Just keep those skins here! As for that kind of ginseng, you can take some back and try it. I heard from the big boatman that it is very effective... Ahem! Shi Jian, those kinds of rice,

Have you brought all the new crops of millet, soybeans, and adzuki beans?…”

"Uh... God witnessed it! Captain, I have loaded all the beans needed to raise the horses on the horse-drawn sleigh. Those big horses are really strong, especially the biggest one.

There are a lot of reindeer, but they are too picky to eat!… As for the rice and millet, I packed most of it, but I can’t pack the rest, so I buried them in the cellar, I’d better wait until next year!…”

"Okay, that's it! Let the hunters in the mountains prepare to set off! Try to go as far south as possible while the sky is still bright... God bless you! We will come back next year!..."


"Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!..."

"Law! Law!"

The sky is gloomy, and the sun shines through from behind the clouds, reflecting the pale sky, like a glow that cages the earth. But the snowfields in the far north are so vast and vast, and the surrounding fields are vast, and the desolate white cannot be seen at all.

The end.

In the clouds where the snow has stopped, hundreds of reindeer, wolf dogs and horses, neighing, pulling dozens of full sleds and tents, embarked on the snowy road back south. Mountain hunters and kingdom warriors,

Driving the running sled, their faces were full of excitement and joy. They were looking forward to returning to a safe camp, looking forward to drinking hot soup, and looking forward to resting in the arms of a woman, completely relaxing their tense minds.


"The Lord God bless you! This expedition to the north has been really fruitful!..."

"Yes! The power of the Lord God has always protected us! His Majesty's prophecy has always guided us!..."

"Yes! Praise the Lord God! Praise Your Majesty!..."

The sound of pious prayers rang out from the team returning to the south, and also woke up the Japanese warriors who were sleeping and shivering all over.

Murakami Jitong pursed his lips, tightly wrapped in his leather robe, and looked at the camps and ships disappearing in the north. Two lines of tears slowly shed on his stubborn face. After the ups and downs of the past two days, he lost the hope of returning home.

The ship lost all its cargo and even the people in the team... At this moment, although he was heading south, towards the direction close to Ezo Land, the hometown in his heart suddenly disappeared, as if it was far away.

Just like the campsite, it can no longer be touched...

"My hometown is in the south. I walked towards my hometown, but my home became far away!~~"

Amidst the joy and prayers of the kingdom's warriors, Murakami lowered his head, wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and recited a haiku from the countryside in a low voice. Watanabe Masumi next to him heard it, lowered his eyes, and sighed,

Read out two Buddhist scriptures.

"All things are changed by the mind, and manifested by consciousness. A kind heart is in good times, and a calm mind is at ease in adversity... I should be patient and patient, obey the leader of the glue, and wait for the opportunity to jump out of the cage~~"

The wind and snow came from the dark sky, and the suspended snow started to fall again. The footprints of the past were gradually buried in the snow, and the road ahead was also in the wind and snow~~

This chapter has been completed!
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