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Chapter One Thousand Eighty-Three Ten Children, Father Poet Shusok

At noon on the second day, the sun rose into the sky, and Shulot woke up in a daze. At this moment, he sat on the cotton blanket in a daze, looked at the scarred bite marks on his chest, and then looked at the girl-like figure.

The curled-up wife felt a rare sense of peace in her heart.

"Alyssa, my love..."

Shulot sat quietly for a while, staring at his beautiful lover. After a while, he lowered his head and gently kissed the tear-stained corners of his lover's eyes, and then kissed the unhealed red lips.

"My wife... I have wronged you all these years..."

Shulot reached out his hand and gently touched his only beloved wife. His straight chest gradually reverberated with a deep and throbbing love that he had never experienced before. It was like a bottle of juice.

The clay pot finally turned the sweet and sour taste into fine wine over a long period of time. After drinking this peaceful glass of fruit wine, he was finally able to regain his senses and seriously think about his next action.

"Ah! Shulot...you...you're awake!...um...are you feeling better?..."

A moment later, as if she had a telepathic connection, Alyssa, with blurred eyes, woke up from her lingering dream at sea. At this moment, she carefully reached out her hand, pulled her husband tightly into her arms, and murmured with satisfaction.

"Xulot, it's so nice to be able to hold you and press against your chest... Your heartbeat is not as crazy as last night, and your body is not as hot... It's so nice!..."

"Well, I'm fine... Alyssa, you don't have to worry..."

Shulot nodded slightly and hugged the gentle Alyssa tightly with his backhand. He felt his wife's real heartbeat and was silent for a while before he asked calmly.

"Xiao Xiuhua...isn't he in the palace on weekdays?..."

"Well... starting from this year, he officially received education from the royal family... On weekdays, he listens to the inherited myths, astronomy and principles from the alliance's chief minister, Uncle Kakamazin, and learns the alliance's characters, mathematics and classics...

Then, he will undergo a brief assessment at his father's place at night, and stay in his father's palace of the God King...Only during the rest of every ten days, he will return home to accompany me..."

When talking about her father, Alyssa looked very cautious. She raised her head and looked at her husband who had a calm face, like a timid mimosa. And after a moment, the timid mimosa turned into a bold lantern flower.

, whispered seductively.

"Xu Luote... Xiao Xiu Hua is often away from home. I am alone and very lonely... I want to have more children with you... Well, the more the better!... Well, I know, you are also a

Those who can give birth cannot be cheap, what other little monsters are they!..."

"Hmm? How many more children will you have?..."

Hearing Alyssa's moans, Shulot's eyes flashed, and his young body reacted instantly. But soon, he grasped his lover's catkin in time before Alyssa smiled and took action.

"Alyssa, don't be anxious, the night will be very long!... You need to clean up first, follow me out, and visit my father... Yesterday, I saw him on the second floor of the God's Palace, but I didn't have time to talk to him... These days

I haven’t seen him for years, and my father has actually lost so much weight..."

"Ah? Are you going to see Aweng? Okay! Let me tidy up... Ever since our ancestor went to the Kingdom of God, Aweng suddenly lost weight and became a famous poet of vicissitudes in the capital... Well, Aweng is very popular with women in the capital.

Favorite, he also married many concubines from all tribes and gave birth to many children..."

"Uh? Is that so?..."

The sun moved steadily from east to west, shining brightly through the clouds. The couple packed up and, escorted by hundreds of bronze ax guards, walked towards the Shusoke House in the aristocratic district. And looked at

Seeing the escorting Bronze Ax Guards, Shulot raised his brows and glanced at his wife Alyssa in surprise.

"Alyssa...aren't these bronze ax warriors the elder's guards during his lifetime?..."

"Well, that's right! Shulot, they are Uncle Kakamazin, sent to protect you... My father originally planned to use his hair-cut guards... But my uncle made a rare appearance. On behalf of the elders of the royal family,

I solemnly persuaded my father...and he agreed!..."

Hearing this, Alyssa smiled, tried her best to hold up her graceful chest, and made a serious promise to Shulot.

"Xulot, don't worry! These bronze axe guards, a total of two thousand people, are stationed throughout the capital. They represent the authority of the royal elders and also represent the opinions of the royal elders. They will listen to me.

I will protect you to the death! Therefore, as long as you stay peacefully in the lake capital and do not leave the outer long embankment, there is no need to worry about your safety..."

"The Bronze Ax Guards...Uncle Kakamazin, the elders of the royal family?...As long as I am in the capital city in the lake, they will ensure my safety..."

Hearing this, Shulot pursed his lips, remained silent for a moment, and then nodded gently.

It seems that in the current capital of the lake, the forces that do not want the royal family to split and civil war still have a decisive influence. And Avitt is so eager to force himself to publicly give up his inheritance rights... I am afraid that part of the reason is just to catch up.

Before I met the respected royal elders...

However, what kind of power do these royal elders hold in their hands, so that Avitt, who has ascended to the throne of the God King and controls the alliance army, has any scruples?…

"The immortal elder, the elder's son, the successor as chief minister...the matchmaker between me and Alyssa, uncle Kakamazin?..."

Shulot pondered for a moment, and had a vague premonition. I am afraid that God King Avit had some additional considerations when he sent little Xiuhua to his uncle Kakamazin to study... Perhaps, after meeting his father Shusok

After that, he should go to the temple area where the elders gather as soon as possible to visit his uncle...

With this kind of thinking, Xiulote unknowingly arrived at his father Xiu Suoke's house. As soon as he entered the courtyard, he saw the hall full of warblers and swallows, and eight other large and small birds, all over the courtyard.

Half-grown children running around.

"Lord God! Father! Are these... these children... all of them?..."

"Aha! God bless you! ... Yes! Shulot, these eight children are all your brothers and sisters! The oldest is eight years old, and the youngest is two years old... As for those who are less than two years old, there are two more

, all in the house in the backyard!…”

"What...what! Father, you gave birth to ten more children!..."

"Ah haha! Not too much, not too much! Including you, White Eagle, and Greyhound, there are only thirteen in total!..."

Xiu Suoke, the deputy leader of the Eagles, smiled freely and wore a loose poet's robe, showing a somewhat handsome appearance of a middle-aged poet. Then, with a wave of his hand, he gave orders to the children.

"Come! Come here, everyone! Salute your eldest brother and sister-in-law!..."

"Ah! My greetings to you, my dear eldest brother! My greetings to you, my dear eldest sister-in-law!..."

"Wow! Brother, you are so brave! My sister-in-law is also very good-looking!..."

"My, my, it's my turn! Hello brother! Hello sister-in-law!... Well, do you have any gifts!..."

"Yes! Good brother, good sister-in-law! I want fun toys, or a cute possum!"

"No! I want a little rabbit, or a little hairless dog!..."

"Beep, babble! Brothers and sisters are babble!..."

Seeing a group of chattering younger brothers and sisters approaching, Shulot's eyelids twitched for a moment, and he rubbed his forehead with a headache. However, at this moment, he felt a little more peaceful in his heart. If he chose to turn against Avitt,

I’m afraid not only his father, but also none of his younger brothers and sisters will survive!…

"Alyssa... Come and stay with my brothers and sisters for a while..."

"Okay! Shulot, you have only come back once in more than five years...just in time to accompany Aweng and have a good chat for a while..."

Xiulote saw what his father Xiu Suoke meant, so he turned around and gave instructions to his wife Alyssa. Then, he followed in the footsteps of his father Xiu Suoke and slowly walked to the large, secluded study in the backyard.

This is said to be a study, but it is more like an art studio for painting. In the large space, there are not a few new paper books published by the alliance. Instead, there are ancient wooden boards with carved patterns everywhere, inheriting the unwritten ancient culture.


"The sun! He rises very high... In the sky! There is no second sun... In the night sky! There is a moon... Every day! The sun rises and the moon sets alternately... Then I knew that the sun and the moon cannot coexist in the same place.

This is the inheritance of the Mexica royal family!…”

Father Xiu Suoke stopped and stood in front of an ancient sun and moon tablet. He recited a poem of his own in a long voice, and then turned around. When there was no one around, he looked again

The eldest son Shulot, who had the highest hopes for him, the previous free and easy look on his face disappeared in an instant.

"Xulot, you shouldn't have come back!...Have you forgotten? Before his death, your grandfather left you a letter... He repeatedly emphasized in the letter that before Avitt died, you

Never step into the capital city in the lake again!…”

"Father! I have never forgotten my grandfather's letter!...But if I don't come back...Father, what will happen to you, and my brothers and sisters?..."

This chapter has been completed!
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