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Chapter 197: The God Kings last grudge, the marriage of the Light Snake!

"Yes! Dear King of Gods, I will obey your will! ...The Lord God witnesses! I will definitely manage the craftsman camp for the Alliance Central Committee, purge the nobles and craftsmen at all levels, and ensure the supply of armaments for the Southern Expedition after the Autumn!..."

"Okay, very good! Shulot, I always feel at ease when you do things. As for the important matter of arms supply, only you can handle it, and only you can handle it well!..."

Speaking of this, God King Avit sat on the stone throne, and tapped the inheritance staff in his hand hard, making a "dong" sound of wood and stone. Then, he looked into Shulot's eyes, and his expression changed slightly, which was profound.

's command.

"Witness the Lord God! Among the various armaments, the most important is the bronze cannon of the Lord God Shenqi... The alliance's craftsman camp has mastered the manufacturing technology of the Sun God Eagle Cannon and the Rain God Tiger Crouching Cannon... But with these two

Compared with artillery, what the Alliance needs more for its southern expedition is the Kingdom’s latest forged Thunder God mortar, a thunder artifact that can destroy fortresses and fortresses!”

"Xulot, the Alliance conquered the Yunzhong tribes in the south and was never afraid of fighting in the wild with the people of the Yunzhong! It's just that the mountains and forests in the Yunzhong are vast, and many of the cities are built in the mountains and are made of stone. These cities

Strongholds are often easy to defend and difficult to attack, and are extremely strong. However, if the city is besieged by troops, it will take a long time, consume food and morale... We have all experienced the old story of Tisok besieging the mountain city of Otopan. If he had not besieged the city for too long,

There will be no chance for us to stand up... Therefore, what the alliance needs most during this southern expedition is heavy artillery for siege!..."

"God bless you! The craftsman camp has been imitating the large-caliber Thor mortar for half a year and has produced four or five finished products. According to the craftsmen, the difficulty of casting this heavy mortar is no more difficult than that of the Sun Condor cannon.

How much...it's just that the power of the Alliance's mortars seems to be far less amazing and powerful than when the Kingdom marched eastward to the coast!...The problem may be due to the casting, or maybe it is due to the gunpowder..."

Hearing the last fluttering sentence, Shulot was startled, and his heart suddenly became awe-inspiring. He lowered his head in silence, made a respectful gesture, and listened to Avitt's instructions.

"The Gunpowder Department of the Alliance Divine Inspiration Institute is managed by Esco, a subordinate you once promoted, who was a Holy City warrior. Although he is effective in doing things, he does not have the wisdom of Divine Inspiration... Shulot, please go and give him a heads up.

Improve the alliance's gunpowder! As for the manufacture and use of Thor mortars, it would be best to transfer a few craftsmen from the kingdom and one or two finished products to guide the alliance's artillery department!..."

"Yes! Dear God King, I will obey your will!...I will personally allocate manpower to improve the thunder cannon and gunpowder!..."

"Very good! Shulot, I will leave the craftsman camp in the royal capital to you. I hope that when we conquer the Yunzhong tribes in the south, we will not only have sufficient supply of armaments, but also ten thunder gods to attack the city.


"Yes! I will definitely finish it before the Southern Expedition in October!..."

Hearing Shulot's promise, Avitt nodded with satisfaction. Then, his eyes became sharp, he glanced at Gillim who lowered his head in silence, then looked around at the ministers around him, and ordered in a deep voice.

"Spring plowing has ended, and the next step for the alliance is to prepare for the southern expedition in October! Gillim, go and check the granaries in the lake area. The food must be sufficient. The loss of each granary must not exceed 20%!

And if there are more vacancies, let the officials who manage the granaries and warehouses, and the nobles involved, use their whole family’s heads to cover it!"

"Yes! Your Majesty!..."

"Chewami, you have the alliance intelligence... Come to assist Gillim and look after the nobles in the royal capital. Whether it is the inspection of food or military supplies, we must be careful and strict. We must arrest those who deserve to be caught and kill those who deserve to be killed."

!The autumn harvest in October and the expedition to sacrifice, but there is a lack of important descendants of gods!..."

"Yes! His Majesty the God King!..."

"Kesolo, you are also a royal noble and are responsible for arbitrating the noble affairs of the alliance... It is already the beginning of July. I have sent envoys for me to summon the great nobles from various countries to come to the capital city in the lake to participate in the autumn harvest ceremony in October.

!…Remember, let them all bring their eldest and second sons with them. Those under the age of fifteen will stay at Kalmykak University in the capital, and those over the age of fifteen will follow me on the expedition after the autumn!…”

"Yes! I obey you, God King!..."

"Stanley, you are responsible for the military affairs of the alliance... Plan the six royal legions for the southern expedition, the number of military service of the great nobles of each state, and the number of militiamen to be recruited... This southern expedition is expected to have 50,000 royal legions and 30,000 city-states

Legion, as well as the militia responsible for the logistics of 80,000 warriors... Remember! All the great nobles must send troops. The number does not need to be large, but they must be elite warriors!..."

"Yes! It's up to you, Your Majesty!..."

Avitt's thinking was quick and his tone was stern. He arranged all the affairs of the Southern Expedition in order. Then he looked around at everyone and finally asked.

"Witness the Lord God! Do you have any questions?"

"Okay! If not, let's all go down! It's just time for dinner!..."

"Xulot, you stay, I have some things to give you!..."

"Yes! Follow your will, His Majesty the God King!..."

The ministers bowed their heads slightly, and when they passed by the minister Shulot, their expressions changed slightly. However, everyone present was a veteran of politics, and those subtle expressions were well concealed, but they were

It was hard to see clearly. Soon, the crowded King's Palace hall became empty again. Avitt, with a calm expression on his face, sat on the high throne and waved to Shulot.

"Xulot, come here and sit next to me!..."

"Yes! Dear God King..."

"There is no one else in the hall, please call me teacher!..."

"Ah? Yes, teacher!"

Avitt's eyes twinkled as he sat high on the throne and waited. But Shulot looked respectful and endured the pain in his back, sitting carefully next to the throne.

"Teacher? What other wishes do you have?..."


Avitt rubbed his brows, seeming to be thinking about some difficult problem. After a while, he turned his head, with a gentle expression on his face, and asked leisurely.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "Xulot, I remember that when you were in the Coastal Alliance, you gave birth to your baby with the snake girl of Totonak people's divine descent.

Female, light repairing snake?…”

"Ah? Ah this!..."

Hearing this gentle question, Shulot's heart suddenly sounded alarmed. His somewhat decadent face immediately showed the appropriate amount of surprise and shame.

"Yes, teacher... I didn't control myself during the Eastern Expedition..."

"Well...Xulot, my student. You are so young. After three years of marching to the east, all the tribes in the seaside obeyed and bowed down... It is normal to have a few more children. And having children with noble girls from all tribes will also help expand the country.

The alliance royal family controls the border tribes, such as the Colima tribes of the Tekos people, the Silver Crow tribes of the Huastec people..."

"Ah! Colima tribes...Silver Crow tribes...Teacher...I...I'm sorry Alyssa..."


Avitt's expression was gentle, his tone was leisurely, and he could not see any special emotions. Looking at Shulot's nervous expression, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he stretched out his hand and patted the student's shoulder.

"The Lord God bless the Alliance! Compared with the powerful Mexica Alliance, neither the Colima Tribes nor the Silver Crow Tribes are nothing!... But only the Coastal Alliance of the Totonac Tribes, East and West

It covers thousands of miles and has more than a million tribes..."

"Xulot, such a powerful seaside alliance was created by you after you conquered the seaside city-states... And you established the Light Snake as the daughter of God's Blessing to unite the hearts of the Totonak tribes and facilitate your rule.

On the seaside, mobilize the power of all the seaside ministries!…”

"Witness the Lord God! These more than one million sea tribes and jungle tribes are equivalent to a quarter of the fifteen states of the alliance. They can mobilize at least 30,000 Totonak warriors, right?!..."

Hearing Avitt's to-the-point analysis, Shulot's body trembled slightly, and sweat instantly broke out on his forehead. He lowered his head, his voice was full of fear, nervousness, and even stuttered a little.

"Ah! Teacher...you...you have the eyes of a condor and can see everything clearly!...I...I can't hide these thoughts from you..."

"Haha! Shulot, don't be nervous! I can understand your arrangement..."

Seeing Shulot's performance, the curve of Avitt's mouth became more and more upward. With a gentle smile on his face, he looked at the student who was firmly in his hands, and spoke again with a smile.

"Witness the Lord God! Since the Coastal Alliance is subordinate to the Kingdom, it is equivalent to being subordinate to the Mexica Alliance and is a loyal vassal of us Mexica people. However, these Totonac tribes have different customs and culture from the Mexica Alliance.

Completely different, in terms of faith, I have just converted to the Lord God..."

"Their current loyalty is only because they are afraid of our powerful force and shocked by our bloody conquest, so they show enough obedience! ... But if one or two generations pass, the Coastal Alliance has learned our armaments and organization and mastered it.

Powerful force... relying on the long distance of the seaside, they will have second thoughts again!..."

"Therefore, if we Mexicans want to rule the seaside for a long time, we must establish feudal states, let more Mexicans go to the seaside, and realize the Mexicanization of the seaside tribes! And through the communication with the nobles of each tribe

Through extensive marriage alliances, we will expand the Mexica royal family to all the coastal tribes, and let them join the branch of the Mexica royal family step by step!..."

"Yes! Teacher, you are right!..."

Hearing this, Shulot was stunned for a moment, then nodded sincerely in agreement.

"Spreading the faith of the Lord God, marrying the upper class nobles, and gradually becoming Mexican are the foundation for ruling the seaside!..."

"Yeah! That's it...Xulot, Light Snake is your eldest daughter, and she is half of the Mexica royal family. But she was born on the seaside, surrounded by Totonac's nobles and warriors. It's easy for her to

Influenced by the Totonac people... Therefore, her future husband must not be a Totonac noble, but must be a member of the Mexica royal family!..."

"Ah! Light Snake's future husband?...But she is only two years old now..."

"Witness the Lord God! According to the tradition of the Mexica royal family, you can get engaged first! Then, when the light snake grows to eight years old, the prince of the royal family who is engaged to her can bring hundreds of envoys selected by the royal family to Mexica.

Sage teacher of the Canadian people, go to the seaside land...to expand the influence of us Mexicans!..."

Avitt narrowed his eyes and smiled. He stretched out his hands and gently pressed Shulot's shoulders, but it was like pressing down a mountain. Then, he spoke frankly, no longer hiding his plans, and said

Words that seem light but heavier than mountains!

"Xulot, choose one of my two sons who have the right to inherit! ... Do you hope that the future husband of the Light Snake will be the twelve-year-old Chimalpili or the four-year-old Quautemoc?


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