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Chapter One Thousand One Hundred and Twenty Six: Under the Giant God Tree, Jin Shanshus Ambition

"Dear Chief Priest Miki, there are now more than 600 tribes in Southport, most of which are converted Kus people. The Kus people have a gentle temperament and are good fishermen. After receiving education, they are also good farmers. They are very

Patience and ability to do meticulous work..."

"Oh! As for the fields, we have cultivated more than a thousand acres of fields and planted a variety of crops, including corn, beans, pumpkins and potatoes. In terms of harvest, it takes about three or four acres to feed a Dingguo? Half of the food in the camp comes from farming and half

It comes from fishing and catching up with the sea. There is also hunting, but it is not accurate, and it comes from time to time..."

"Witness the Lord God! It's actually warmer here than initially expected, especially in winter. It's not that cold. Maybe it's because it's surrounded by mountains, and only the west is close to the sea?... You said that there are many mountains around, and there are no large tribes.

Only a few dozen miles to the southeast, occupying the valley part of the river valley, is a large tribe of thousands of Kusi people. But they are also friendly and kind..."

The bay is wide, and three long rivers come from the south, north, and east, and merge into the sea here. The rushing rivers carry the sediment from the upper reaches, and the sedimentation is slowed down here, forming the sandbar of the seaport. And close to the river, open up

A lot of water was poured into the ground.

The end of August is the busy season for farming. The Kusi people in the camp are busy in the fields of corn and potatoes with bare feet. Large areas of corn have grown taller than people and have begun to ear. Potatoes, like pumpkins, have already been harvested.

I bought a batch. Although the Kingdom's potato varieties are cold-resistant, they have a long growing season. They have harvested one season now, and it is estimated that they will not be harvested again until the end of the year or next spring.

"Praise the Lord God! Priest Keshu, you have done a good job and have cultivated so many fields! I sailed here all the way, and you are the only one who cultivates the best. Haha! I am very happy when I see these tall corns.

!…By the way! Is there any cornmeal? Bake me some pancakes! I haven’t eaten corn from the plateau for more than a year. I eat potatoes and fish every day…”

"Yes! I'll arrange someone right now! There are dried old corns stored in the cellar at the port... But it has to be ground into powder first, and it has to wait for a while... Well, there is a lot of rain in spring, and the ground flour is easy to get wet, so it might as well be

Dried corn is durable…”

"Okay! Make more corn tortillas... The kingdom warriors on the ship also miss the taste of corn tortillas!..."

"Yes! Yes! Now that we have arrived in Nangang, we must have enough corn cakes!..."

Little bits of smoke rose from the camp at the port. The gentle sea breeze carried the aroma of grains. Mikey, the knowledgeable man, swallowed his saliva and looked around. There were one or two hundred small shacks with pointed roofs along the coast of the port.

, has been extending along the fields and along the long river. And the only big wooden house, with the emblem of the main god painted with mountain pigments, is undoubtedly the main god's worship place in Nangang.

"Huh? That's...the pattern made by piles of stones?..."

Mickey, the knowledgeable man, looked carefully for a while and saw that there were many beautiful pebbles and shells piled up in front of the main god’s wooden house. Several Kus tribesmen knelt on their foreheads and prayed devoutly for a while, leaving behind a few bright stones.

Arranged in a circle like the sun. This seems to be an ancient tradition of the Kus tribe. With the conversion of the Kus people, it has also been integrated into their new belief in the main god.

"Ah! Chief Priest Mickey, the corn cakes are ready! There are also kelp fish soup, acorn cakes, and fresh blueberries from the mountains!..."

"Okay! Call the crew and let's eat cake together!..."

Fish soup was boiled in the fire pit, and berries were filled in clay pots. The warriors of the kingdom held corn pancakes and gnawed them, almost eating off their tongues. Some warriors even prayed to the Lord God with tears while eating, and they were so enthusiastic that they

Somewhat scary.

"Uh... Watanabe, why are these Jiaoren warriors crying while eating? This pancake is very coarse, not as delicious as potatoes and rice crackers, right?..."

"Shh! Dagu, don't yell... They seem to be saying, praise the Lord God, thank God... Incarnate as 'Trakatel' and feed everyone with flesh and blood?... Uh! What is this? This... this cake is made of human flesh


The translator Watanabe listened carefully to the prayer in Mexican. He was so frightened that he almost threw away the pancake. But he turned over and over and looked at the yellow pancake, but he couldn't see anything weird about it.

He pricked up his ears again and listened carefully to the conversation between the two priests and priests, about "the planting of Tracatel", and then he suddenly realized.

"O Lord God! It turns out that this kind of tall millet has the same name as 'human' among the Jiaoren tribe! 'Trakater', the flesh and blood of gods, is like human millet..."

Translator Watanabe opened his eyes wide and looked at the tall corns by the river. This was the first time he saw corn, a crop that feeds almost the entire America and has a sacred religious status. From the ancient separation to today,

They were also the first Old World people to see corn!

"The flesh and blood of the gods feeds the tribes nurtured by the gods... It seems that this is really a great kind of millet. It is more like the story of King Sarpoda cutting off the flesh and feeding it to the eagles... Ah! Oh no!... How could this happen?!..."

Translator Watanabe was meditating, but he heard the end of the prayers of the Jiao warriors. The verses prayed by these warriors had a completely different direction from the "Sapoda King Jataka" in the "Six Parama Sutras"! Translator

Watanabe trembled all over, because what he was reciting was clearly...

"Praise the Lord God! Praise the Lord God for the nourishment of flesh and blood!... We will repay you with the same flesh and blood, and dedicate the most vital 'Tlacatel' to you as a blood sacrifice!..."

"Ah! This is...the benevolent and bloodthirsty Buddha Huitziloppo!..."

The ocean-covering ship stayed in Southport for two days, replenished some corn cakes and berries, and then headed south again. After passing the territory of the Kusi people, there were the Tolowa tribes along the coast. The leaf grass of the Tolowa people

The tribe and the redwood tribe were still fighting over the salt marshes. However, facing the kingdom's ships, the fierce chiefs of each tribe behaved very kindly.

Obviously, the "Longship Tribe" who would go north in large numbers every year was greatly shocked by their strength. They were also eager for the kingdom's bronze weapons, but they couldn't come up with any decent trading items...

"O Bodhisattva! O Lord God! Actually...just like what the priest said...there are really such tall giant trees! There are so many more!...How many big ships worth two thousand materials can be built with so many tall trees? No!

Even if it is a Fengzhou with five thousand materials, such a big tree is completely enough! ... Tens of thousands of big trees can be used to build a Fengzhou!..."

The boat sailed southward, passing through the territories of the Tolowa tribes, and saw the endless redwood forest. In this forest of thousands of square kilometers, there are millions of tall redwoods, like

Endless giant spears!

These redwood trees that reach into the sky are the tallest trees in the world from ancient times. Their height is usually more than fifty meters! And the limit of their growth is...

"Ah!...That's...that's?...a tree?!..."

"That's right! That's the giant sacred tree, the totem worshiped by the northern tribes, a towering sacred tree that is a hundred steps high!..."

"A hundred steps to the towering tree...a hundred steps...a hundred steps!!"

Shipwright Jin Shanshu's eyes widened and his whole body trembled as he looked at the top of the towering redwood forest and another section of the sacred tree sprouting up. The height of more than one hundred meters was completely beyond the limit of his imagination!

For a senior shipwright, every big tree has real spirituality, soaked in the long river of time, just like the circles of annual rings. In the face of such a sacred giant tree, in the eyes of this kind of shipwright

He couldn't think of cutting down trees and building ships. At this moment, he could only lie down on the deck, kneel on the deck, and pray to the east where the giant tree was. He was even more pious than praying to the main god!

"The sacred tree has a spirit. I pray to the great spirit of the sacred tree to bless me and eliminate the difficulties... In this life, I was born in a humble place, drifting here and there, without a home and children... I don't want to return to my hometown, I just want to create a sea.

When the boat comes, I can fulfill my humble wish in this life... In the next life, I wish to be a big tree, serving the Great Spirit God, waiting to be cut down by others... Use my body to make a boat, and cross the sea until I die... to repay the gods of heaven and earth.


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