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Conclusion of Volume 4

At this point, the long fourth volume is finally over! A total of seven to eight hundred chapters and two million words have been written, almost two years, and it is much longer than expected... The content of this volume is very complicated, so in

Write a summary here.?っ????っ

The fourth volume begins with the protagonist's wedding, extending from the Mexican plateau, and begins to advance three different clues, all of which can be considered the main plot.

The main line on the plateau is blood and fire, war and conquest. The eastward expedition to the Tlaxcala Valley, the eastward expedition to the Totonac Coast, and even all the way to the eastward expedition to the Maya. There are many contradictions and contradictions in this.

Conflict, the power struggle between the alliance and the kingdom, the inheritance struggle between the god-king and the protagonist, the struggle for aristocratic power within the alliance, the struggle and combination of divine power and royal power, the missionary and assimilation of conquered tribes, the kingdom's gradually independent right to interpret religion, under the guise of Orr

The Jiaoren narrative inherited by Meike... From politics and military to religious culture, struggle, compromise and cooperation are everywhere. This is a great era like the end of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period!

The numerous tribes on the plateau are also undergoing cruel wars of conquest and fanatical religious spread, gradually moving towards a unified country that integrates feudalism, religious and legal systems, and gradually establishes the identity of the national narrative. From loose tribal alliances to theocratic

Feudal Kingdom. And the coming plagues are the key to uniting national identity, expanding the scope of divine power, and enfeoffing the entire America...???????

Starting from the plateau, the two main lines of the East China Sea and the West Sea are exploration and development. The exploration of the Eastern Caribbean, from the Maya to Cuba, established an outpost on Cuba's Long Island, occupying the important Cuban iron mines. Cassava and

The bringing back of the tung oil tree was a rare reward from early exploration.

This main line in the East will collide with the exploration of Castile and Portugal, and finally merge together, turning into a long period of fighting, struggle and compromise. In essence, this is a long-term collision between European civilization and American civilization.

It will definitely last for hundreds of years, and it will never be tender and affectionate.^???^

The exploration of the North American continent in the west followed divine prophecies, starting from the coast of Mexico, traveling through the west coast with numerous tribes, along the long and cold coast of Alaska, passing through the snowy and difficult Aleutian island chain, and finally arriving at the cold and harsh

Kamchatka Peninsula. The ships, craftsmen, crops and horses brought back will also inject new vitality into America, which is undergoing a historical transition.

This main line of the West will lead to trade and technological exchanges with East Asia, and will also change the world, especially the direction of East Asian countries. However, due to the long and distant Pacific Ocean, this exchange and influence must be based on peaceful trade.

Lord, relying on the power of gold. (☆w☆*)

Outside the three skeletal main lines, economy and technology are gradually filled with flesh and blood. Cassava and tung oil trees were introduced to the Mexican plateau, potatoes were introduced to the North American continent and the Kamchatka Peninsula, and horses, rice, millet, soybeans, and peas were introduced.

Into America...fired lake gemstones spread widely, as did new characters based on the skeleton of Chinese characters and scriptures printed on woodblocks. Iron smelting and iron tools, gunpowder and gunpowder weapons, bronze cannons, struvite fertilizers, compost and deep plowing,

Pozzolana cement and roads... Existing technological changes are triggering productivity improvements in the Americas and bringing about changes in social classes. And when more new technologies flow into this technological depression, the speed of change in America will also exceed

Unimaginable, heading towards a new and vast future!?(●?●)?

Okay, that’s roughly the content of the fourth volume. I sincerely thank you readers for your continued encouragement and recognition! Next, there is the fifth volume, which talks about the "New World" that America, Europe and Asia all think of each other.

Finally, the author nodded and asked for votes, subscriptions, and rewards! Orz...(???_??)?

This chapter has been completed!
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