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Chapter One Thousand One Hundred and Forty I understand...this is India!

"Lord! Land, an island! A green island covered with fruit trees!…"

"It's really land! That guy Columbus didn't lie to us! There is actually land in the depths of the endless Western Sea!..."

"Hey, what are you talking about! What's that guy... That's the commander of our expeditionary force, the leader of our fleet! That... Oh! The Navigation Admiral!..."

"Holy Mother!...I really envy Rodrigo of the Pinta. He was the first to discover land and could get the annuity of 10,000 Malawidi copper coins promised by the Queen!..."

"Hey! Ten thousand copper coins is not much. It is the annuity income of the bosun and navigator on our ship..."

"Bah! You know nothing! This is an annuity, an annuity! You get it every year until you die!... Can you work on the ship until you die? When you get old and can no longer work, who will you look at?

Will support you!…

"Ha! As sailors, we have to deal with the wind and the sea. How many people would have died on that trip?... Could it be that you can still count on the blessing of the Lord and hope that you can live until you die of old age?..."

"Damn it! How dare you curse me?!... See if I don't beat you to death!..."

"Joder! Stop fighting! The boss said that this is ancient Japan in Sipan, and there is wealth and gold everywhere...Hey! Look, there are people there! There seems to be a village on this island!..."

"Where is it? Hey! It's really a village! It doesn't look very big... strange! Why didn't I see the fire last night..."

The sky was bright, and the morning rays passed through the deep eastern sky and fell on the small island of the western reef. Three Castilian ships were anchored on the east side of the island, only two miles away from the coast. Many sailors

While gnawing on the unpalatable dry biscuits, I looked at the faintly visible coconut trees, custard apple trees, and guava trees on the island, and drooled at the hanging fruits.

Soon, the sharp-eyed navigator Pedro saw obvious traces of people and villages in the distance on the island. The sailors started to explode again, like a group of excited and jealous sparrows, chattering and discussing legends.

In the prosperous East, "milk comes out of springs", "silk grows in the ground", "gold is everywhere", "you can make a fortune if you grab a handful"...

"Ahem! You all listen to me! In fact, last night, I saw the firelight of the village on the land, and it was recorded in my voyage record! ... If you don't believe it, you can look at my voyage record! I am a better person than

Rodrigo, he was the one who discovered the land even earlier... God witnesses! I am the first person to discover the land!..."


Hearing such a shameless announcement, many sailors turned around in surprise and looked for the source of the sound. Then, they saw Commander Columbus, who was dressed in the noble attire of an admiral and his face was full of joy and pride.

Although after the fleet discovered land, Columbus's prestige suddenly increased. "That guy" who was originally scolded by everyone and led everyone to seek death, has become "the commander of the expeditionary force" who is respected by everyone and leads everyone to make a fortune.

"...But the commander of the expeditionary force was so shameless that he wanted to take away the credit of the Pinta's sailors, which was beyond everyone's imagination! The bow of the ship became quiet instantly, and everyone looked at each other, and no one agreed with Columbus.


Seeing the sailors' disbelieving, surprised and complicated eyes, Columbus pursed his lips in embarrassment, knowing that this was indeed a bit too much... However, thinking of the great honor of being the first to discover the continent, and the long-term annuity promised by the Queen...

Columbus finally became angry and shouted to the sailors.

"Merda! What are you looking at! Why don't you put down the armed boat?!... We are going to the island to hold a sacred occupation ceremony! From today on, this small island in Eastern Asia is the Kingdom of Castile

The territory! And according to the authorization of the two kings and the church, I, Columbus, the commander of the expeditionary force, am the undisputed governor of this territory, and the lord in charge of the life and death of all island residents!..."

"...Yes! Boss!..."

The sailors were speechless for a moment, and then became busy. The draft of these three sea-going ships was too deep. Without an extended port or a natural harbor, they would not be able to dock directly. Soon, three armed small ships

The boat was lowered from the sailboat, carrying the three captains and a group of sailors, and approached the beach of the island. The scenery around the coast suddenly fell into everyone's eyes like a bright and beautiful oil painting.

The coast of the Bahamas is so warm and so beautiful! The water is full of turquoise and so clear that you can see the corals on the bottom of the sea, as well as turtles and fish swimming among the corals. The coast is pure white.

Under the sunlight, the white sandy beach continues into the distance, looking clean, bright and soft.

"Lord! This is such a beautiful coast! ... Well, you can see the end of this island, and it doesn't seem very big! I don't know how far it is from the big island of Sipangu mentioned by Marco Polo...


"No matter what, these are the islands of the Kingdom of Castile!...Tsk tsk! The first island on the new eastern route, it is destined to flow with wealth, just like the Cape Verde occupied by the Portuguese off the southern continent.


"Blessed Mother! Come, invite the three royal representatives to come over and hold an occupation ceremony witnessed by the Lord!..."

Everyone boarded the shore. Columbus, the commander of the expeditionary force, held high a double-king flag with both hands. One side of the flag was "F", symbolizing King Fernando V, and the other side was "Y", symbolizing Iraq.

Queen Sabella. The two captains, Captain Hiramatsu, each raised a green cross flag. As for the sailors, they used two long wooden sticks to tie a simple cross and inserted it deeply into the island.

in the beach.

Among the three royal representatives, the royal butler Gutierrez smiled and did not come forward. The clerk Rodrigo de Escobedo and the auditor Rodrigo Sanchez served as the two notaries.

.They stood on both sides of the cross, one on the left and the other on the right, looking at the three captains kneeling on one knee and at the flags in the hands of the captains.

The simple cross represents the majesty of the Lord, and the three flags represent the authority of the two kings. On the coast of this beautiful island, facing the bright sunshine in the east, the Spanish announcement sounded! Even if there are already people on this island

Even though everyone at this time thought that this was the prosperous and civilized East Asia...the colonists from Western Europe still "had no hesitation" and greedily declared that their possession of land and wealth was in the name of God's gift!...

“By the grace of the Almighty Lord! Admiral Don Christopher Columbus, Juan de la Cosa, second captain of the Santa Maria, Martín Alonso Pinzon, captain of the Pinta, Ninha

Captain Vicente Yáñez Pinzon…discovered a new route to East Asia on October 12, 1492, after the birth of the Son, and landed on the island here!…”

“In commemoration of the Lord’s grace in redeeming the world, this island was named ‘San Salvador’, that is, the ‘Holy Saviour’… and in obedience to the glory of the Lord, this island has since belonged to the Kingdom of Castile and was designated by the great Isa

Ruled by Queen Bella and the Reverend King Fernando…”

"According to the exploration treaty signed by the two kings and the admiral... His Excellency Don Christopher Columbus will have the governorship of the newly discovered land, that is, the island here, and can obtain a quarter of the wealth income in the territory..."

The cross of wooden sticks stood high. At Columbus's insistence, the two witnesses spoke faster and read another section of the exploration agreement. When hearing these generous treaties that he had worked hard to obtain, Columbus smiled with joy.

Not self-defeating, just like the brilliant blooming spring flowers... Until the last testimony was finished, everyone bowed their heads, faced the erected cross, and devoutly shouted the conclusion of the prayer.

"Praise be to the blessed Lord! In the unity of the Holy Spirit, the one eternal Lord will reign forever and ever! Please protect us...Amen!..."

When the occupation ceremony witnessed by the Lord was completed, everyone started to think about going to see the village on the island. The village on the island is not far away. From a distance, it only has dozens or hundreds of people.

There was no danger... Columbus was in high spirits, and almost walked at the front of the crowd with Alana, the captain of the guard, carrying a matchlock gun.

Although the villagers here don't know it yet, in the eyes of Columbus, these people have become his subjects, or in other words, slaves who provide him with property. In the eyes of several captains and royal witnesses, this

The discovery and occupation of the country is natural, and the only question that is controversial is who should be the lord. After all, Columbus, this guy, was of too low a background, and he had to take away so much...

In fact, throughout the Age of Discovery, the "exploration" tradition of Portugal and Spain, and even the exploration and discovery of the entire Western Europe, has always been like this! In the lands and coasts that the explorers sailed, they established signs of ownership everywhere.

Stone pillars and crosses speak for themselves, turning these lands into kingdom territories. Then, they will use force to preach, carry out armed trade, and extract as much gold and silver wealth as possible from tribes everywhere. This marks their occupation.

The stone pillars even extended all the way along the coast to Macau, southeast of the Ming Dynasty, just like the Portuguese did when they first arrived!…

And to make the colonists retreat, or temporarily admit defeat, any signed treaty is of little significance. Because treaties signed with pagans are never under the guarantee of God, they can be signed at the right time and when they are strong enough.

Tear it up! In the European Catholic world, this kind of breaking of promises to pagans will not even cause any loss of reputation. Instead, it is regarded as Christian wisdom, just like when the Portuguese annexed the Kingdom of Congo... Unless, there is

A powerful monarch appeared with a powerful army that the colonists could not resist, proving his undisputed right to protect this land. Only then could the greedy colonists behave themselves and respect the local rules and order!

This is like the historical story that happened on the coast of the Ming Dynasty and the coast of the Red Sea. When the powerful Ming Navy and Ottoman Navy appeared, the colonists immediately became civilized and became friendly merchants who respected each other's customs... But if the local tribes are not strong enough

, unable to make the colonists fearful, unable even to use weapons to protect themselves, the final tragic ending...

"Lord! Columbus, take a good look!... Are these naked savages and these thatched huts the Japanese you are talking about, the Sipangu you are talking about?... But Marco Polo

It was written in the travel notes that the Japanese in Sipangu all wore cotton and silk clothes and were rich in gold and silver...They were not like this at all!...Blessed Mother! Where on earth are we?..."

"Uh! This? It's recorded in Marco Polo's travels... people without clothes, very hot areas, islands... strange... Lord! Where is this place?..."

The sun was bright and the beach was white. Columbus, the wise commander of the expeditionary force, stood outside the small village of the Taino tribe, carrying a sharp sword at his waist, and behind him were sailors carrying matchlock guns and scimitars. He smiled slightly

He raised his head and stared at these Taino tribesmen who were tall, kind-faced, but unarmed and even without clothes, and fell into confused silence... It was obvious that this was not like the ancient Japan of Sipan. Could it be that it hadn't arrived yet?...

"Naked, hot, island...ah! I know! I know!..."

After thinking for a long time, Columbus finally realized it. He saw through everything with his wise eyes, and figured everything out with his outstanding brain!

"The Lord witnesses! I understand! We deviated from the westward route and turned southwest, so we missed the big island of Sipangu... And near Sipangu Japan, it is the legendary hot Indian region, surrounded by

Stretching tropical island!…”

"So, the merciful Lord guides us! We have arrived not at Sipangu, but at the outer islands of India! This is India!!..."

This chapter has been completed!
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