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Chapter 1,143 The Huwan Tribe, the first contact with Cuba!

“On October 24, the outstanding commander of the expeditionary force led a fleet to leave Isabela Island and look for the large island of Cuba in the southwest, which is the ancient Japan of Sipan recorded by Marco Polo!…The fleet sailed southwest for 9 days all day and night.

League (50 kilometers). There are 88 Kingdom crew members on board the ship, as well as 10 captured native guides... God bless us! We have more than 100 swords, more than 20 matchlock guns, 10 pairs of iron armor, and two guns

A 3-pounder cannon is enough to conquer a large tribe of a thousand natives!…”

"On October 25, the fleet discovered a string of small rock-like islands in the southwest waters... The scenery of the small islands is beautiful, but there is no human habitation, and there is no food supply. The supplies on the ship have never been sufficient. Here

The climate is hot and humid, and the food obtained from the native villages is perishable for some reason. Perhaps because the natives lack salt, the food is very bland... Sailing 14 leagues (77 kilometers) day and night..."

"On October 26, we arrived at the island and stayed overnight. This string of deserted islands has a total of seven or eight reef islands, but without water sources and villages, it is of little value... I named it Alana Island (

Arena), that is, 'an island with very shallow waters'. And this name is also a reward for the loyalty of Chief of Guard Alana!... The native guide on the boat said that the big island of Cuba is just to the south, and it only takes a day's canoeing trip

In half the time...the rich ancient Japan of Sipan is right in front of you!..."

"On October 27, the fleet headed south-southwest, sailing 16 leagues (88 kilometers) day and night. The crew discovered the land in the distance and a very long coastline... Everyone was very excited and could not wait to dock immediately.

Landing on the shore! However, when encountering a very heavy rainstorm and unable to see the possible reefs on the seashore, we can only temporarily park the boat in the deep sea and wait until the rain passes and the sky clears... It seems to be the rainy season in this sea area, and precipitation is very frequent. Food

It’s also easy to get moldy…”

"On October 28, we finally arrived at the island of Cuba and Sipangu Japan! This is really a huge and beautiful island, and you can't even see the end of the coastline! ... According to the native guide, their canoe,

It takes two or three months of rowing to circle the big island. And to the east of the big island, there is a powerful tribal kingdom, which is probably the legendary Japan..."

"There are many broad rivers on the coast here, leading to the depths of the inland. Looking from the coast, the inland hills are low and rolling, full of green mountains and forests, and there are many terrestrial birds. All of this,

It shows the vastness of this island... If it weren’t for the description of the native guide, I would have even thought that this is the mainland, Khitan and Seris!”

"To celebrate their arrival on land, the Pinta and Ninha fired several cannons and announced to the tribes on the island the undoubted majesty of the Kingdom of Castile! Well, if we encounter the powerful Kingdom of Japan, then

This is a friendly greeting... Next, we are going to look for the cities on this big island, looking for the large tribes of natives, and even looking for expensive gold, spices and cotton!..."

The sea breeze is rolling, and birds are soaring. The mountains are green, and the sea and sky are blue. A wide and beautiful white sand bay spreads out in front of three Castilian sailing ships. This bay is so large that it seems that it can anchor all the Christian kingdoms.

A large and wide river flows out of the bay, washing out a clear, light blue color of fresh water at the mouth of the sea.

"God bless you! The river represents fresh water, fields suitable for farming, and large tribes and villages!... When the fleet goes up the river, you will definitely find a large tribe of natives! A large tribe of natives,

Unlike those small tribes, you can’t escape!…”

Columbus stood on the bow of the Santa Maria, looking at the magnificent bay and river not far away. It had been two days since the fleet arrived in Cuba. During these two days, they discovered several native canoes and

We found a small village with dozens of people.

But these natives on the Cuban Islands seem to be very timid, and they are far less enthusiastic, friendly and hospitable than the natives on the Bahamas. After seeing the fleet appear, they quickly brought food,

They fled deep into the mountains and forests without even leaving a trace. The fleet had not received any new food supplies for a full week...

"Boom! Boom!..."

"The Pinta fired a cannon! The Pinta's observation hand found traces of the native tribe! Just to the southwest of the upper reaches of the river!... Lord, I can't see clearly, but it seems to be a big tribe, very big

one slice!…"

The three Castilian sailing ships sailed into the river, and after only sailing for three or four miles, they encountered a bright and cheerful bay. The width of this bay was probably dozens of miles wide, and there were many fish and birds.

You can see pearl clams and murex in the shallows. Obviously, the aquatic products in this area are very rich, and it is very likely to produce expensive pearls!

After continuing to sail for several miles, the observers on the mast’s observation deck reported the good news that a large tribe had been discovered, just twenty or thirty miles away!…

"God bless you! If pearls and dyes are produced, then how wealthy this large native tribe will be..."

Thinking of this, Columbus couldn't help but swallowed, and there seemed to be a fire burning in his heart. When he was in the Bahamas, he discovered that although the Indian natives had a lot of cotton threads, they hardly wore any clothes and liked to wear various kinds of clothes.

Bright and shiny items.

From worthless broken pottery shards and glass beads to expensive pearls and gold, they are all decorations that the natives love to wear. However, the natives barter and have no idea of ​​the value of the goods.

Great profits and benefits!…

Similarly, the natives on the islands also use various dyes to paint their hair and bodies. Of course, to the ships from Europe, white, green, blue and ordinary red dyes are of little value.

.However, the purple dye collected from murex is a symbol of power and status in Christian culture, and is the favorite of nobles and clergy! You must know that in the commercial city-state where Columbus was born, the price of 1 pound of purple dye

, equivalent to 3 pounds of gold, and has a price but no market!

"God bless you! Listen to me! ... When you meet a large tribe of natives, be friendly first! Give some small gifts, use worthless glass beads and bells in exchange for their gold and pearls, and then add more

Enough food and water!…”

"Then, all of you, please be careful and observe the situation of these tribes! If the other party is really kind and weak, without weapons and armor, and without any resistance... we will go further, conquer them ruthlessly, and take away all that belongs to the Lord.


"Haha! That's what the leader said! Steal all the gold and cotton and conquer them fiercely! Use the knife in your hand and the 'spear' between your legs...Ahaha!..."

"Yes! Joder! Since that happy night, I have been holding back for ten days and haven't touched a woman..."

"Not bad! Co?o! The commanders are all good, but one is too greedy for money, and the other is not allowed to bring women on board..."

"Shh! Qia Chu, please lower your voice! How can you say this in front of the commander!..."

"What are you afraid of! The knife in my hand is faster than all of you! In the past few days, I have killed dozens of natives and slept with more than a dozen women..."

"Bah! Chachu, you know how to brag!...Others are afraid of you, but I am not! Come on, let's compete this time, right here in this native village, to see whose sword and 'spear' are more powerful!..."

Columbus summoned the important crew members on the ship and gave some stern instructions. Everyone nodded understandingly and responded with a howl like a ghost. On the faces of these seafaring scum, there was no concealment of unruliness, greed and

Fierce. And on the ocean-going ships of this era, people who are not ferocious and cruel will not survive long at all...

Soon, more than a dozen fishing canoes appeared on the lake not far away. The natives on these canoes not only fished with simple fishing nets, but also fished with fish that Europeans could not understand.

Continuously scoop up big fish and mussels from the lake bay.

"Ahem! Quick! Prepare some small, worthless gifts and give them to the natives on these canoes! Let them return to the native tribal villages, speak good words for us, and come to 'trade' the goods in the village... Eh!

These natives are approaching on their own initiative! Still have no clothes, no iron tools or weapons?...How could this be? Isn't this ancient Japan? Or is it that the Japanese are like Indians in that they don't like to wear clothes..."

Seeing the three large boats sailing into the bay, several canoes took the initiative to bring their catch and greeted them enthusiastically. But when they saw the shape of the large boats and the strange white-skinned aliens on the boats, the people on the canoes

The natives were suddenly startled. Then, their faces showed disbelief and they shouted in panic.

"Veycosi! Veycosi! White! White! ... as white as tapioca juice! White-skinned people!..."

"Ah! Hummingbird's sun god! It's really just as predicted! White-skinned people appear in big boats!..."

"No! They are not humans!... In the prophecy of the longship tribe's high priest, they are demons! White-skinned demons!..."

"Quickly! Go back quickly! Go back quickly and tell the chief and tell the warriors of the Longship Tribe who remain in the tribe!!..."

"Go! Go back! Remember to blow the conch! Blow the warning conch!..."

Under Columbus's surprised gaze, several canoes that were approaching suddenly paused and stopped nearly a hundred meters away to watch. Then, the yellow-skinned natives on the boat all shouted incomprehensibly, but there was an obvious difference in the shouts.

With panic!

In just a few breaths, these light boats quickly turned around and fled to the depths of the lake like a flock of surprised birds. At the same time, the rapid sound of the conch horn also sounded on the lake, letting everyone who heard the horn sound

In the small boats, they all hurriedly dropped their fishing tools and fled to the tribal villages on the shore!

"Lord! What...is going on?..."

On the Clark sailboat of the Santa Maria, Columbus frowned, vaguely feeling that something was wrong. However, these natives without clothes and weapons, and a dozen canoes several meters long, had matchlock guns against three of them.

Compared with the artillery sailing ship, there is no threat at all...

"This is the first large tribe of natives and the first large settlement we encountered on the island of Cuba!... There must be gold, pearls, dyes and cotton in the villages here!..."

After thinking for a moment, Columbus looked sharply and made up his mind.

"Hang up the flag! Catch up with the natives' boat! Let's go see the native villages in front of us and take a good look at them. Are they the naked islanders of the Indies or the cotton-clad tribe of ancient Japan in Sipan!..."

Soon, the red flag was hung on the main mast of the Santa Maria. Then, the three ships raised their sails and sailed towards the depths of the great lake. In such a large lake where the hydrology has never been explored, the fleet could not

Dare to raise the sail to full, but the speed is very slow, and it can't even sail the canoe paddled by the natives...

Castile's exploration fleet sailed for a full hour or two before arriving at the shore on the southwest side of the great lake. A large number of low shacks, wooden houses, and a shallow fence formed the shape of the ship.

This is the first large tribe the team has encountered since their exploration. Looking at the size of this tribal village, it may have more than a thousand people!…

"Put down an armed boat! Send two sailors, take the captured tribal guides, and bring more glass beads to contact the natives here! Tell them that we are their friends and friendly to the Lord.


Seeing the scale of this tribal village and the busy and shouting figures, Columbus frowned and his expression gradually became serious. He narrowed his narrow eyes and stared at the tribal fishermen who had fled behind the fence. He heard what was incomprehensible

exclamations and shouts. Then, he watched hundreds of strong men from the entire native tribe, all carrying simple spears, gradually gathering!

And those tall men gathered behind the fence of the village. Although their faces were timid, their movements were unskilled, and some even dropped their spears nervously from time to time... But relying on the simple fence, two men wearing armor

Under the command of the samurai, they still formed a ridiculous spear formation, put their spearheads on the fence, and pointed their spearheads at the three sea ships...

"Vaffanculo! This is obvious hostility!...What is going on with this big tribe of natives?!...Merda! They are throwing stones and javelins at our approaching boat! Damn it! They all set up their matchlocks and set up

Fire up the artillery!…”

Columbus frowned, looking at the noisy tribe of natives on the shore, and for the first time his face showed caution. The sailors on the ship also put away their contemptuous, hunting-like smiles. Soon, the hanging match rope

The bronze cannons were lit and aimed at the shore. The sailors' daggers were clearly pointed at the shore. At this moment, three Castilian ships faced the fishing bay tribe.

Taíno villages are like three wolves facing a hedgehog.

"Huh?! Who are those two people in armor who are commanding? Are those their chief officers?...Hey! Why do their armors shine with this...this strange bronze color?...Lord

Ah! Could it be that what is nailed under the white cloth is actually bronze armor?!..."

This chapter has been completed!
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