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Chapter One Thousand One Hundred and Seventy: Secret Conversion, the Plan of the Eastern Maya!

"Ancestor of the God Realm! The prophecy preached by the Gemstone Tribe actually emerged three years later like a kapok tree... It's incredible, it's unbelievable!..."

"Since the golden age, the ancient gods have long climbed the kapok sacred tree and gone to the distant divine realm, no longer easily communicating with the human world... Although I, Yandao, am also a descendant of the divine bird, I have been in the Great Temple of Tulum for generations.

(Tulu'um) occupies the position of a tree branch, but no ancestor has ever really listened to such a precise prophecy of the gods!…”

"Ah! The ancient gods have long since departed, but why can the Sun War God of the plateau still show miracles at this time and predict the arrival of the white-skinned evil spirit early?... There has never been a big ship, there has never been a white man...

There has never been such an incredibly accurate prediction in the drawings left by our ancestors!…This…This is actually a major change that has never happened on the inheritance map for thousands of years! Could it be…this is the end of the era…


The warm wind of the Caribbean Sea messed up the numerous thoughts, like scattered threads, but they could not be sorted out clearly. Yan Hu, the god of Yan Island, looked up at the sun, praying for the gods' enlightenment, but he could only see

To the dazzling hot golden color, I shed unbearable tears.

The Mayan tribes are similar to the plateau tribes in that they believe in gods and prophecies. Those ancient myths and legends are also the source of legitimacy that the descendants of the gods have ruled over the tribes for thousands of years. And the young Mayan noble Yan Hu still

There is not enough time and accumulation to become an old fox who can see through the spirit.

At this moment, he was dumbfounded and confused! His once firm faith and beliefs were shaken and collapsed under the true witness. And the disdain, suspicion and indifference he once had towards the "evil prophecy" all turned into him.

Infinite panic and fear in my heart!

"Gods create an era and control everything in the human world. How can mortals not be afraid of real gods?..."

This kind of heartfelt fear shrouded Yan Hu's soul. In his uncontrollable imagination, it turned into incomprehensible awe, and the awe gradually rose again, drowning the previous faith like mud, and reshaping the image of God.

But in just a moment, a brand new and largest statue of a god completely dominated his heart!

"O departing gods! The old era is about to end, and the new era has really begun! These white-skinned aliens who come from nowhere are the disaster at the end of the era. And the Sun War God of the plateau is the main god of the new era.


"Ah! This group of warlike barbarians from the plateau must be the descendants of the gods chosen by the New God! Their leader of the God of Death is the great prophet appointed by the New God, just like the snake ancestor Zhi who founded the city of Tikal!..."

Thinking of this, Divine Yan Hu trembled all over and his knees felt a little weak. He tried hard to open his mouth, but was unable to speak for a moment.

"Hey! Why is this long-headed Mayan nobleman shivering all over? Is he sick?..."

The red-haired bodyguard Cha Bo looked confused, muttered a few words in a low voice, and showed some inexplicable sadness on his face.

"Migui! Look at all the accessories he wears. They are all gems from the lake, as well as valuable turquoise chains. Even the feather headdress is full of topaz! ... These Mayan nobles are really rich, much richer than these white-skinned evil demons.

too much!…"

"Hey! The other red-haired shooters are following the Black Wolf chief to rob and make money on the Mayan coast! It's just a few of us who came here to catch some white-skinned demon in a big boat... Look at the results! Hey! Such a big name

, turned out to be just a group of poor people, haha! Not to mention gems, not even gold or silver, only a big sail made of thick cloth!...Ha! But how can we steal such a big sail..."

"Shh! Chabo, please keep your voice down! ...The Tomato Priest is looking over! ...Uh...Greetings to you, the respected Cuban Shaman! Praise the Lord who is bigger than the sea..."

"Well, praise the Lord God! Chabo, Mikui, you are both devout warriors of the Lord God, and you are sharpshooters who can shoot leaves with a hundred steps! Huitu just mentioned your bravery and military exploits to me..."

The Tomato Priest smiled and seemed not to have heard the complaints of the two red-haired guards. He glanced at the Mayan nobles who were in a daze, and was not in a hurry to urge them. He just took two steps forward and softly gave instructions on how to deal with the prisoners.

"For your military exploits, the Lord God will definitely reward you! Whether the merits of the two of you are exchanged for fields in Cuba or gems that are easy to take away, the temple will pay them in full!..."

"Right now, these evil captives have to be left to your charge... Your belief in the Lord God is relatively firm and you are not easily bewitched and influenced by evil demons... I heard that you have already communicated with the captives through gestures?..."

"Ah? Dear Cuban Great Shaman, we guarded the prisoners on the big ship before, and we did have a simple communication... Yes! We just relied on gestures and drawings. These prisoners are very flexible and will try their best to communicate with us.

Can perform with objects... How exactly do you do it? Oh! I just starve them. If they can't answer the question, I won't give them food. If I can't understand, I won't give them food... Ugh! The Lord God witnesses! I will never give the sacrifice

Pin starved to death!…”

"Haha, it's really interesting! You are neither afraid of 'evils', nor do you hate 'evils'. You are not alarmed by those strange magical weapons that are difficult to understand. Instead, you will ponder them carefully... Now I understand why Your Majesty wants to

Traveling thousands of miles away, let the fearless warriors of the wilderness come to the East China Sea to join the battle..."

After hearing the two people's replies, the tomato priest raised the corners of his mouth and nodded with a smile. He glanced at the Mayan nobles who were still frightened and trembling, and fell into the shock of the gods. Then he took another step forward and walked to the red-haired bodyguard.

, the voice became lower again.

"Witness the Lord God! Although these big ship demons are believers of the Evil God and enemies of the Lord God, they also possess extremely sophisticated evil weapons... They know a lot of skills and can build ships, iron, houses, and strange things... these

Exquisite skills are beneficial to the Lord God and the kingdom! Your Majesty has given careful instructions, and you must learn them!... And the demons who are willing to teach these skills and submit to the Lord God can be saved, and they are the people that the Lord God can forgive!..."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "Chapo, Mikui, I give you ten days! Except for the two evil nobles, the remaining eighteen captives, including those who surrendered and converted

Three of them, I’ll leave them to you to manage!…”

"Ah? Eighteen prisoners? Uh...there aren't only ten on the ship...did I count wrongly?..."

"Haha! This time we fought against evil spirits, not just here in Dashuiwan! Prisoners were sent over from the Yuwan Department, the Spider Cave Department and the Youshui Department. Especially the Spider Cave Department where the priest Yao Yu was in charge, it was even more exciting

Send over five prisoners!...Now, all the prisoners are being held in the shacks in the south, and are closely guarded by twenty warriors and militiamen..."

The tomato priest smiled again, with a gentle and calm expression, as well as the coldness and firmness of faith.

"Ten days! No matter what method you use, you must interrogate all the skills mastered by these prisoners!..."

"Ten days later, there will be a sacrifice to the Lord God! Prisoners without any skills will not be forgiven... they all have to be sent to the altar!..."

"Praise the Lord God, who watches over us and maintains the light of the world! And we return with blood..."

"Yes! Dear Cuban Shaman..."

Upon hearing this formal prayer, the two red-haired guards looked solemn and bowed their heads respectfully. After praying a few words, the red-haired guards and the kingdom's warriors all retreated with the prisoners. And God

In the square in front of the temple, only the chief priest Tuomat and the god Yanhu from the eastern Maya and Yandao city-state were left.

"God bless you! ... Dear Prince of Yanhu, what are you thinking about? ... Do you want to go for a walk on the demon's ship together and see what the difference is between their ship and Maya's galley? ..."

"I...I am willing to obey you, respected priest of the Lord God!..."

Divine Yan Hu's expression changed, and he nodded with difficulty. Then, the two boarded the small boat, rowed to the tall Caravel sailboat, and climbed onto the big boat from the rope ladder. A huge shadow hung down from the towering hull of the ship, covering

The eyes of the Mayan nobles also shrouded his shocked heart. The chief priest Tomat next to him also looked surprised, with thoughts flashing in his eyes.

"O God! These white-skinned demons can actually build such amazing and exquisite ships! No wonder they can cross thousands of miles of sea waves and come through storms... No wonder Your Majesty carefully warned that you must learn their skills..."

"Ancestor of the flying birds! Such a big ship has become the trophy of the plateau barbarians... Powerful demons, more powerful gem tribes, the changing Mayan situation, the reappearance of the Mayapan royal family... The terrifying end of the era, I am afraid it will really happen

It’s coming!…”

"The true Lord God! The future of Yandao city-state must not be in the hands of those decadent and conservative elders who cannot see the situation! Even my father is old. He can no longer bear the responsibility of Yandao.

The inherited divine name of the sea...and for the continuation of the family, I, who witnessed all this, should change from the heir of the 'big lake' to the 'sea' of the leader of the clan!..."

There was no one around, only the warm sea breeze blew the folded sails. In the shadow of the interlaced cables, Yanhu, the god-born, gritted his teeth, finally made up his mind, and knelt down in front of Priest Tuomat with a "pop"

. He lowered his head respectfully, kissed Tomat's robe, praised the power of the Lord God, and prayed for the Lord God's promise!

"Praise the mighty sun war god! Praise the omniscient great prophet!... Dear priest of the main god, I would like to secretly convert to the main god, represent the Yandao clan, and establish an alliance with the powerful plateau alliance... such as the Kanur clan and the Tais clan.

Such an alliance between the top and bottom is dominated by the Plateau Alliance!..."

"Oh? Secretly convert to the Lord God?..."

"Yes! I am the heir of the Yandao clan. The conservative elders of the clan do not know the power of the main god. They even openly reject the belief in the main god and slander the main god as a barbarian god from the plateau... As long as they still have power, I will

You cannot convert publicly, otherwise they will definitely deprive you of your inheritance rights..."

Divine Yan Hu was trembling all over, and his face showed real anger. But soon, his anger turned into a ruthless look, and his long and narrow eyes were looking towards the tip of his nose, almost narrowing into a bird or snake.

"A new era is coming, and the God of War, the Sun, who continues to deliver miracles, is the main god of the new era!... Witness the main god! I not only control the city-state's merchant fleet, but also a navy of a thousand people... As long as the Plateau Alliance

If you are willing to support me and lend me five hundred plateau warriors...I can cooperate internally and externally, overthrow the clan's council of elders, hand my father over to the alliance as a hostage, and personally lead the entire clan to publicly convert! Convert to the supreme god!..."

"Haha! Lead the entire clan and surrender to the supreme god!...Good! My child is really good!..."

Hearing such a long-awaited promise, Priest Thomas finally laughed with satisfaction! He reached out his hand with joy, gently touched the forehead of Yan Hu, the god descendant, and outlined the shape of a hummingbird and the sun.

"The Lord God pays attention to everything! We are here, on the big ship witnessing the power of the Lord God, making a soul oath and conducting a secret conversion ceremony!..."

"Yanhu, my child. The powerful kingdom in the lake will surely make you the chief of the clan! And you, the future chief Yan'hai, are the second major convert among the tribes in the Mayan lowlands to convert to the main god.


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