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Chapter 1,183 The Chosen God of Khorne, the cruel 'wisdom' from the wasteland

"Tai Xiatou, go ask the surrendered Mayan prisoners where they are here?...Why did the woods on the shore suddenly become sparse and deserted, but a weird and dilapidated temple popped up?"

"Yes!...Black Wolf Leader! A tail-feather militiaman named Ye Chan said that he was born in this area. This is 'Chexlubo', the tail of the monster! The land here is polluted by monsters, and there is no way to grow any crops."

There was no food, and no big trees could grow. There was only the fishing village where he was born...and that dilapidated temple was said to have been built a long, long time ago, even earlier than the Mayapan Kingdom! According to village legends

The story below, I don’t know the name of this temple, but it has great divinity and must not be destroyed... countless ancient demons are suppressed below!..."

"Oh! Ye Chan also said that the ancestors of their village have been guarding the temple for generations. Ahao and nobles from the Xiwu clan will come here regularly to offer sacrifices and reward some wealth... In the past few years, the noble god of Xiwu

It was here that Prince Yi was suddenly killed by a fleet of demons! Many Xiwu warriors in armor and feathers died at that time, and they were all real nobles! Because of this, the village was subsequently rushed to

The Xiwu warriors retaliated and killed many people, including everyone in his family... So, when he heard that we were going to restore Mayakuhuahao and kill the warriors of the Xiwu clan, he came over specially to lead the way for Master Wang! This area

He is very familiar with all the jungle water sources!…”

"Blessed by the Lord God! 'Chexlubo', the devil's tail? What kind of strange name is this?... Ha! What ancient underground demons are suppressed in the dilapidated temple?... Huh? This is the Kingdom of Cuba's fleet, kill

The place where Prince Xiwu died?!…”

The lush Mayan coast, dense jungles and swamps all reveal a rare vastness here. The sea and sky in the north are sparkling, and the south is layered with green. And a lonely temple is located between the sea and the jungle.

The mottled and blackened walls are engraved with a particularly long time, and I don’t know how many thousands of years have passed.

It is indeed strange that there is an extremely flat white land around this temple. It cannot be said that there is no grass growing, but there are indeed very few tall trees. It seems that there is really some demonic evil power under the ground that restrains the vitality of the trees.

"Huh? Boss, Leaf Chan sang a very weird and ancient song... I couldn't quite understand it, it didn't sound like the Mayan language spoken by the clan today... It seemed to say something... Gods? Divine disaster? Destruction of the world?

Creation?...Ah, I understand! It was the gods who sent down divine disasters to destroy the world and create it again here!..."

"Huh? Divine disaster destroys the world? What a mess!..."

Hearing this, Black Wolf Toltec frowned dissatisfied and scolded sternly.

"Where are the Mayan gods? The only one who can destroy and create the world is the supreme god!..."

The leader of the Black Wolf was angry. As soon as this murderous and powerful momentum emerged, no matter the canine warriors, seaside warriors or surrendered Mayan warriors, they all remained silent and lowered their heads in awe. And those around him

Maya's translator Tai Xiantou was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and kowtowed repeatedly.

"The Lord God bless you! Dear Chief of the Divine Descendants, I made a mistake...The Lord God is supreme and great!..."

Tai Xiantou was one of the dozen Mayan translators recruited when Black Wolf led his army eastward last year and passed by "Shrimp Village", a lakeside village rich in lobsters. Shrimp Village is located on the edge of Prawn Lake, where the Kingdom's exploration fleet was.

Eat lobster and leave the place where the "Ali Sutra" was left. The villagers in this village can be regarded as descendants of a group of plateau people scattered during the Toltec expedition to the Maya hundreds of years ago. They can speak the Nahua language with a strange accent.

They also spoke fluent Mayan. After meeting the kingdom's fleet, they, under the leadership of the old village chief, worshiped the emblem of the main god in advance and recited the name of the main god.

Therefore, when Hei Lang led his army to pass by Xiazun Village, he was very satisfied with this village that "believed in the main god", so he set up an important fleet stronghold along the way and recruited a group of villagers to serve as translators for the Eastern Expedition to Maya. And Tai Xiantou

Among them, he was the best at speaking Nahua. He was taken by Black Wolf and personally gave him the character "Tai" as his surname.

Black Wolf Toltec knew very well that in an expedition to a land with distant distances, unfamiliar tribes, and complex terrain, the most important thing is not the fight, but the intelligence! If he does not know Mayan, no matter how powerful the warrior is, he will become blind and deaf...

Over the past year, he has also been working hard to learn this foreign language. Unfortunately, his talent does not seem to be in learning foreign languages, and it is far inferior to the talented exploration captain, Zuvalo...

"Chexlubo, Demon's Tail... Well, are there really ancient demons suppressed under the ground? What do the demons look like? Can they be beaten?..."

The black wolf Toltec stared up and down, looking carefully at the dilapidated temple and the gray-brown land in front of him for a full quarter of an hour.

It's a pity that his eyes can't see through hundreds of meters of soil, see the astonishing scale of the crater, and see the traces of "annihilation" that destroyed the age of dinosaurs 65 million years ago! And it was this impact that had extraordinary force

The astonishing meteorite completely flattened the Yucatan Peninsula and forever reshaped the deep geological structure of the peninsula, making the Maya land flat and water-repellent. From then on, there were no more rivers on the surface of the entire peninsula...

"Well...this terrain is indeed somewhat magical..."

Black Wolf Toltec touched his chin and pondered "wisely" for a while. Although he said tough words about these magical landforms and ancient temples, in actual actions, like many Mexicans, he always had some reservations.

Some awe.

"Uta, go! Bring a team of people to clean the temple and erect the emblem of the main god... Then, offer gold, silver and gems to the wilderness warriors so that they are not allowed to steal it!"

"Yes, boss!..."


Black Wolf Toltec thought about it for a while, then suddenly stopped his guards and asked again.

"Uta, how many Mayan prisoners have been captured these days? How many long-headed gods and clan warriors are there among them?..."

"Boss! According to your order, a month ago, we separated ten half-battalion samurai teams to attack the divine manor fifty miles around the Stone Carving City and sweep the entire Weiyu clan's territory... Four teams are currently completed

The mission returned and brought back twelve long-headed tail feather gods with palms and half a battalion of feathered tail feather warriors..."

"Caught sixty long-headed gods and five hundred feathered warriors?...Hmm..."

Hearing this, Black Wolf Toltec touched his chin again and began to think seriously. There was no need to think too much, the Mayan descendants were going to be sacrificed anyway, and no one would be spared. However, the captured Mayan warriors gave him a rare headache.

The troublesome problem is not how these Mayan warriors can fight or how they would rather die than surrender. It is that these warriors often surrender on the surface, pretend to convert, swear allegiance, and then sneak away as soon as they find an opportunity.

The Mayan jungle is very complex. Once the Mayan warriors who are familiar with the terrain escape into the jungle, they cannot be captured at all. They are likely to gather under the banner of a certain god and continue to resist the kingdom. Although killing them all in one go is neat, but

The Mayan coast is so vast, and there are so many coastal strongholds that the kingdom wants to establish. It can't be like sprinkling chili pepper on corn tortillas and spreading the kingdom headquarters everywhere, right? After all, we still have to find a way to build a reliable Mayan servants.

The army is coming!…

"Damn it! These Mayan warriors are so stupid and loyal. They regard the clan's descendants as big as the sky. Not one out of ten is willing to sincerely serve the kingdom... And if they are forced to kill the clan's descendants, they will not be able to live or die.

Ken, even willing to die himself, is completely the opposite of the wasteland dog-born..."

The black wolf Toltec rubbed his forehead in distress, looked at the canine bodyguard Uta who was still standing by, waiting like a hunting dog, and asked casually.

"Uta, do you have any ideas? Let these idiots from the Maya clan abandon the tribe's descendants and sincerely serve the kingdom?..."

"Uh...Boss, you are so smart, so good at learning, and know so many 'terrible' words, but there is nothing you can do... We came down from the wasteland and don't understand anything, what can we come up with?..."

"Ha! The canines in the wasteland are not stupid. When it comes to fighting, they are much more flexible than these Mayan fools... Well, let me ask you another question! When you were in the wasteland, why didn't you treat the leader like a god?

To die together with the leader who died in battle?..."

"What?! Boss, when you ask this question, the groundhog will smile with crooked teeth... Uh, I was wrong! Don't be angry... The tribal leader will die sooner or later. If there really is such a stupid tribe, then sooner or later

Just follow the leader and perish! Besides, according to the tribe's tradition, if the big cold wave comes, all crops will fail, the herds will disappear, and there will be nothing to eat, you will have to exchange old people with other tribes... even the old leader

, when it’s time to sacrifice your flesh and blood and return to Mother Earth, you have to leave, no matter whether you are willing or not... eh?!..."

Having said this, the guard Uta suddenly paused, his simple eyes blinked and suddenly lit up.

"Ah! Boss, I have an idea! I just don't know how useful it will be, but it will definitely make a group of Mayan warriors no longer regard the tribe's divine descendants as gods..."


Hearing this, Hei Lang suddenly turned his head and looked over with sharp eyes.


"Uh... Boss, what I said is probably, maybe, probably not in line with the teachings of the great chief of Death... You must not chop off my head!..."

"Bullshit! Say it quickly!..."

"You promise not to punish me first..."

"You!...Okay! Get up and stop kowtowing...I, the black wolf Toltec, promise not to punish you...Say!"

"Ahem...that...boss, you often say that one bite from the enemy is better than twenty bites from oneself. Everyone should eat the enemy..."

The personal guard Uta was cautious and chattered for a while before shrinking his neck and speaking out the cruel "wisdom" from the wasteland.

"Well, well... there are frequent cold waves in our wasteland. Many people in all tribes will starve to death, or even the entire tribe will die. In order to survive, each tribe has the habit of eating the elderly. When the old leader is about to die of old age, if there is a cold wave

, they have to be eaten... either by themselves, or in exchange with other tribes... If the leader is eaten, how can he be regarded as a god?..."

"So...these long-headed Mayan gods, and these wooden-headed Mayan warriors...just do it like this...don't care about those who believe in foolish loyalty, then they will all collapse!..."


The black wolf's eyes sharpened, and he suddenly grasped the copper ax at his waist, with a sullen face and said nothing. After a moment, his wolf-like eyes narrowed dangerously, and a murderous intention like the Chosen God of Khorne appeared all over his body, and he clicked slowly and heavily.

Bowed his head.


This chapter has been completed!
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