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Chapter One Thousand Two Hundred and Three: The Black Wolf’s Far View, Killing from Maya to Cuba!

"Ah! Your Highness's divine prophecy has really come true! As early as four years ago, His Highness knew everything! Ah, what a real god in this world, and how can any god-king in the world compare to it... Phew, the Lord God has witnessed this!

Is it the head of the white-skinned demon? Oh! This big beard that covers the entire chin, this strange appearance with a high nose and deep eyes? So ugly! Even uglier than you Mayan descendants!... Well, Yanhu, right? How many heads does the invading demon have?

,how many hands?…”

"Uh!... Dear General Black Wolf, the white-skinned demons I saw in Iron Bay Town, Cuba... seemed to be just a white-skinned tribe with special looks and a lot of body hair. Their heads were not long at all, and their eyes were not sharp.

There are no admirable characteristics of the gods at all... They are all one head and two hands!..."

"Huh? Only one head and two hands?..."

The sea wind roared across the northern coast of the Maya in February, and also blew past more than a dozen small galleys from the Mayan city-states. It took only two days for the black wolf Toltec to lead thousands of legion warriors sixty miles north to re-enter the city.

Returned to the garrison camp in Weicun.

Black Wolf immediately summoned Yan Hu, a noble from Yan Island who had secretly converted and came with a merchant fleet, and carefully inquired about the fighting situation on the island of Cuba. Afterwards, he held a stone that had been transported thousands of miles away.

The "evil head" pickled in lime turned around carefully and looked around. Finally, he stared at the obviously frightened face and shook his head slightly.

"Strange, I really can't see anything extraordinary! But His Highness is so vigilant, repeatedly warned, and even sent down a special prophecy of divine revelation. It is definitely not a strong wind blowing out of nowhere, and there must be His Highness's reason! ... Perhaps, this is just ordinary.

Demons? There is also a truly powerful god-born leader with four heads and eight arms who can spit out fire and poisonous mist?..."

"Uh? This...is! General Black Wolf, you are talking about it!..."

Seeing Hei Lang's cold eyes, the young nobleman Yan Hu lowered his head, as did Nono. His posture was so low, he was even more humble than when he faced his father. This was not just because he had something to ask for.

General Black Wolf came to send troops to go back with him to seize power... More importantly, he was really scared to face such a murderous god of death on the battlefield!

During the few days he stayed in Weicun, he had already learned about the great sacrifice in the Stone Carving City in the south. The entire Taiyu clan's divine descendants were lured into the Stone Carving City by a design... Then after a big sacrifice, all the descendants of the Weiyu clan were killed by their samurai.

They killed them all, and not even a single inherited bloodline survived!

"O Lord God! The descendants of the Tail Feather Clan, who can be traced back to the golden age of the Maya, died like this! Ordinary warriors and tribesmen are dead when they die. No matter how many people die, it doesn't matter... But one of the descendants said

If you destroy it, destroy it, leave no seeds behind, and still be eaten by the Mayan warriors under you... Hiss! What kind of white-skinned evil demon, this is the volcano demon!..."

At this moment, the young nobleman Yan Hu even had some regrets. If he converted to the main god and introduced the Mexica people to seize power in the Ekabu chiefdom, how many blood waves would he set off and how many Mayan descendants would he kill?

"O Lord God! O Ancestor!...But at this point, I have already sat on the head of the crocodile, crawling towards the conservative group of turtles in the clan. There is no way out!...Only I, only I who surrender to the Lord God, can

Lead the clan to survive the end of the era during the Eastern Expedition on the Plateau, lead the clan to develop and grow, and return to being brothers and sisters!…”

"Well, let my wise Black Wolf think about it... The big ship with the thunder cannon was sailing at a very fast speed, heading towards Tielwan Town... This wave of evil vanguards did not have many people, but the actions on the sea were really too big.

Hurry! Priest Tomato’s idea of ​​setting up defenses along the coast is correct. But on such a vast Cuban coast, warriors are scattered everywhere. They can’t prevent large groups of evil spirits, let alone long-term battles!…”

Black Wolf Toltec touched his chin, not paying attention to the trembling and cranky noble Yan Hu beside him. He had already read the long letter written by Priest Tomat to him. It was very well written, and the whole article was simple and simple.

He knows the words! It seems that his study has made great progress in these years, and he is already on the same cultural level as the well-known and knowledgeable Priest Thomas!…

Thinking of this, Black Wolf showed a confident smile. Then, based on his years of war experience, he carefully considered the battle reports sent back from Cuba, and soon came up with some ideas for dealing with the evil spirits.

"Witness the Lord God! The evil fleet is like a fast-moving water leopard. Its home base is far away in the horizon. It must establish a supply base in the East China Sea... There are three ways to hunt leopards! One is to organize a few

An equally fast coyote, as long as it finds traces of a leopard, it will chase after it and pounce on it to bite it. But there is a premise. The coyote must be able to defeat the leopard at sea! ... And the demon's big ship

And artillery, it is said that it is very effective in the depths of the sea..."

"Well, the second method is to dig a bait trap. The wolves have laid an ambush in advance, waiting for the leopard to come, and then they will all pounce on it and bite it to death... This method can only be used once, and it will not kill it.

Leopard, when the opponent escapes, he will have experience and will not be easily taken the bait again! ... Of course, if you prepare for an ambush on the coast, as long as you keep it secret, it will be easy to concentrate the power that exceeds the evil spirit and achieve good results..."

"As for the third method, it is to find the leopard's resting stronghold and sneak up on him while the leopard is sleeping on the shore! ...The key to this method is to have enough intelligence support to find out.

The enemy's position... Then, fire ships, gunpowder ships, gunpowder arrows, etc. can all be used at once, just to burn!..."

"Blessed by the Lord God! No matter which method is used, intelligence is the most important! And the source of intelligence must rely on the Taino tribes in the East China Sea Islands to conquer and convert in advance... Well, we must mobilize warriors as soon as possible to kill the Lu Chong clan.

Completely open up the last Mayan Coast with the Ekabu Chiefdom!”

After thinking for a moment, Black Wolf Toltec had a plan. Then he looked at the noble Yan Hu who was standing respectfully and had turned pale for some reason, and comforted him with a rare closeness.

"Witness the Lord God! Yanhu, you have brought very important news and you have done a great job! Priest Tuomat also said that you have sworn a blood oath to convert to the Lord God and are willing to lead an army to the east coast. You are someone we can trust.

I won’t hide the kingdom’s offensive strategy in Maya from you either!”

"Right now, the kingdom has the flag of the Mayapan royal family, the alliance and support of the Kanur clan, the Puton clan, the Jinshe clan, the Weihai clan, and the Chikin chiefdom. It has already established a firm foothold on the lowland peninsula...More

The important thing is that the kingdom has 20,000 warriors in Maya, each with one against five, and they are invincible, enough to suppress the tribes that do not obey! Therefore, you have to relax, trust the guidance of the Lord God, and trust the kingdom’s army!…”

"Hey! Even the Weihai clan and the Qijin chiefdom knew the current situation and defected to the kingdom! On the contrary, the group of elder turtles in the Ekabu chiefdom and the Yixi clan were blindfolded and stood on the side of Xiwu.

The clan side! Damn it!…”

Hearing this, the young nobleman Yan Hu pursed his lips and shook his head secretly for the choice of the Ekabu Chiefdom. He came all the way west and had already known the latest changes in the situation of the lowland Maya. Sixteen branches... no, fifteen branches of Maya.

The clan has been divided into three forces: the royal faction that supports Mayapan, the Xiwu faction that is anti-royal, and the Kapur faction that remains neutral. Among these three forces, it is obviously the royal faction that has attracted the plateau army, and it has a stronger

Strong fighting force and divine status!

However, Yan Hai, the father who controls the clan, is not too confused. He knew the truth about the merchant fleet going to Cuba, but still did not recall the fleet, but pretended not to know. This was obviously an attempt to hedge his bets. But

Young Yan Hu is more determined to make wiser choices for his father and the elders...

"Yanhu, I only want to leave a few of these evil demon heads to show to the wolf cubs in each battalion to identify their future opponents. As for the remaining heads, as well as the letter from the chief priest Tuomat,

I need you to take it to the west as soon as possible and hand it over to the Kingdom Navy in Yan Village, two to three hundred miles away! They will divide it into two routes, and pass it to Marshal Bertard in Kapok City, and the other route will pass it back to the Snake Mother in Jinwan City.

The great chief...finally spread the word back to the Mexican Alliance as soon as possible, back to the lake capital of Baishi, and to the alliance army marching south!..."

"And when you arrive at Salt Village, you will bring back a batch of food and supplies to replenish the legion's logistics! ... The Weiyu clan has been cleared away, and the kingdom has two thousand more useful Mayan warrior camps, enough to garrison the Stone Carving City and Wei Village.

Port. As for the other Weiyu Clan territories, don’t worry about them for the time being. As long as I can collect some food tribute... At the end of this month, I will continue the eastward expedition and capture the Lu Chong Clan’s Moto City as soon as possible... Well, it will still take a few months.

Kung fu, completely kill the deer insect descendants, and tame a batch of useful Mayan wolf cubs!..."

Hearing this, the young nobleman Yan Hu lowered his head in awe, and felt a chill in his heart. General Black Wolf, no, the Great Demon Black Wolf Volcano, actually wanted to exterminate a group of Mayan descendants? It's scary, it's really scary!...He is still messing around.

As he thought about it, the low and calm voice of instructions reached his ears again, carrying an even more chilling murderous intent.

"Well, I don't know how long it will take to deal with the Lu Chong clan, let's count four or five months! Then prepare for another two or three months, wait until the autumn harvest in October... By then, all Mayan tribes will gather the gods and hold a grand ceremony

Autumn Harvest Festival!…”

"Yanhu, it's scheduled for October! You prepare your fleet and internal forces in advance, and ambush at the Ekabu Port of the Ixi Clan, the Tulum Port of the Great Temple, and the Yandao Port of your Yandao Clan...

At that time, I will dispatch 6,000 elite main force, mobilize all the kingdom's navy, and arrive in three groups! His Highness said that if a jaguar catches a rabbit, it must use all its strength... Let us cooperate inside and outside to kill all the Ixi gods.

Capture the Great Temple of Tulum and seize the Yandao Port!...At that time, you will be the only leader of the Yandao clan and the king that the Ekabu chiefdom must recognize!...

"Ah! The only clan leader, the king of the Ekabu chiefdom!"

At this moment, the young nobleman Yan Hu was filled with excitement, and all the unbearable and worries in his heart disappeared in an instant. He knelt down heavily on the ground, holding the sun amulet around his neck, and praised piously.

"Praise the supreme God! Praise you, powerful and brave Black Wolf General, I will definitely obey your command!..."

"Haha! Good! What a wolf cub of the Lord God!..."

Black Wolf Toltec squinted his eyes, grinned and laughed loudly. Then, he looked at the sea in the east. What he looked at was not the Mayan coast, not the troubled clan emirates, but the broader Cuban coast, which was endless.

Caribbean Islands!

"Blessed by the Lord God! The white-skinned demon in the prophecy, the powerful opponent entrusted to me by His Highness... has finally arrived!"

This chapter has been completed!
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