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Chapter 1,216 Drunk Kings, Truth or Dare...

"Xulot, my favorite student! We are the only two divine heroes in the world!"

The night was gloomy, and the aroma of wine floated in the big tent. Avitt had obviously drunk too much. He tilted his head and leaned on Xuelote's shoulder, shouting with a drunken smile.

"Blessed by the Lord God! Great-grandfather Isco Atl established the original three-state alliance of Mexica, and took turns co-ruling with King Texcoco and King Tlacopan... Grandfather Montezuma, and Grandfather the Elder

In Tlacaelaire, one fights and the other governs the country, which is actually like two kings... We Mexica people have a tradition of two kings!"

Hearing this, Shulot's heart suddenly jumped. If we look back at the short history of the Mexican Alliance, there has indeed been a long period of co-governance by three kingdoms and two kings at home and abroad. There is a consistent tradition of co-governance. This

It was the limitations of communication methods and governance capabilities, and it was a compromise within the royal family and with the nobles. But Avitt suddenly mentioned this, which made his hair stand on end, and he instantly sensed the danger...

"Xulot, my son-in-law! You also have the blood of our ancestor Vizili Vittel, and you are so divine... How about we be like our ancestors..."

"Ah! Teacher, the student's stomach is growling and he's so dizzy from drinking... Why don't you go get some food?"

"Oh? Food? Come here, bring food!...Don't leave, you drank too little! Keep drinking with me!..."

Avitt's drunken eyes were blurry, and he stretched out his hand to hold Xilot down, preventing the student from getting up. He looked at Xilot with a smile, gave the student a glass of wine, and after finishing it, he stuffed another glass into his stomach. Until he had finished three glasses of wine,

Shulot blushed and couldn't help shaking his head, before Avitt smiled again.

"Haha! Shulot, when I saw you drunk, I remembered the first time you were drunk! At that time, you told me a lot of your innermost thoughts... Come on, come on! Don't be reserved, you are mine.

Family, come have two more drinks with me!…”


After pouring wine on an empty stomach, Shulot's eyes were a little blurry. The guard brought pastries and dried fruits, and he quickly grabbed two handfuls and stuffed them into his mouth to fill his stomach. While eating, he heard Avitt ask again


"Xulot, how do you like this pastry?"


"Haha! My student, I know you have liked vanilla, honey and black persimmon since you were a child, but you just like sweets! This is corn cake with vanilla honey, and next to it is black persimmon with ant eggs..."

Speaking of this, Avitt suddenly patted his head and smiled drunkenly.

"The army is going on an expedition, but there is nothing to eat! Alyssa specially prepared these for you, and asked people to send them from the capital city in the lake... Hey! Alyssa is about to give birth, and you are out on an expedition again... Why don't you bring some

Team members, please return to the capital! Sit in charge of the capital for me, be responsible for the logistics and transportation in the Texcoco Lake area, and ensure the supply of the southern expedition..."

"...Ah? Go back to accompany Alyssa? Responsible for the logistics of the army?..."

Shulot was stunned for a moment. He was dizzy and couldn't open his eyes, but he still shook his head solemnly and said.

"No! It can't be done! Teacher, that is the position of the snake girl Gillim, and I am the only chief priest of the army!...I still have to divine, sacrifice, and inspire the morale of the army!..."

"Oh! That's right, that's right!...Your divine divination is amazing! The position of high priest is yours after all, and I only recognize you..."

Avitt shook his head, smiled and hooked Xurotte's shoulder. Then, he leaned in front of the student, looked into his eyes, and asked drunkenly.

"Xulot, my child! Since you are good at divination given by the gods, you might as well divine the future for me!..."

"Huh? Divining the future?...Teacher, I didn't bring sunflower grass, so I can't do divination right now! Besides, my divination ability will not be enough when I meet you, the God King... Hey, I can't do it, I can't do it!

Not allowed…”

Shulot was obviously drunk. He gradually relaxed his voice, no longer embarrassed, and said with a smile.

"But let me see, your face is that of the supreme god-king, like an eagle of the sun!"

"Oh? Look at my face? Can you tell the future by looking at my face?..."

"Ah, haha! ...Teacher, to be honest and disrespectful to the gods, my divination is just that! You also know that the alliance's so-called divination... the high-ranking priests know it very well, so they just deceive the nobles.

Warriors and commoners…”

"Haha! You are telling the truth! When I was fifteen years old, when I went to Kalmykak University in the capital, I knew from the Kechar divination that... these high-ranking priests are all trying to scare people!

At that time, Kechar was just an elder priest. He wanted to accept me as his student and deceive me with divine divination, but I was not like my stupid brother... I only liked the medicines taught by the herbal elders! Only herbs and

Insect medicines are the only ones that are practical!…”

Avitt laughed and told another story from the dusty past. Then, he seemed to be filled with sadness, tears that he had never seen before flowed from his eyes, and he sighed sadly.

"Lord God, almost thirty years have passed in a flash, and I am already old! Kechar is dead, Tisok is dead...the elders have left, and the high priest Shuter has also left...Xuelote, you too

Will you leave me?…”

"Ah?! I...Teacher, I can't do that! I am a student trained by you, and I am also Alyssa's husband. I will assist you, just like I assist the only sun in the alliance!..."

"Then what happens when the sun sets and when I die?...Will you assist Xiuhua?..."

"Ah! Teacher, you...I...Xiuhua is my eldest son, so I will naturally assist him!..."

"Hey! As I get older, I get sentimental easily...I am really old, like the setting sun..."

Avitt sighed and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes. He once again held Hulot's arm tightly, as if he was drunk and going crazy, but also as if he was asking sincerely what was in his heart.

"The Lord God witnesses! Shulot, tell me the truth, are you my fellow tree?..."

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! "Ah? Yes! Teacher, we all want to reform the alliance and establish a world of Mexicans... Of course I am your colleague who has the same ambition to establish the alliance sacred tree.


"The Lord God witnesses! Then, are you my co-tender?..."

"Teacher, you are my uncle and my father-in-law. Alyssa is my only married wife, and she also gave birth to my inherited child... Of course we share the same interests of the family and the royal family.


"The Lord God witnesses! The last question is, are you my root?..."

"Ah this?...Teacher, I don't know either...what does this mean?..."

Hearing this, Xiulote scratched his head in a drunken state and didn't know how to answer. He thought for a while and then said hesitantly.

"Teacher, I am by your side, I cannot leave, and you can see it at any time. You must know whether I am your root or not!..."

"Haha! Okay, well said! That's great!..."

Avitt laughed and nodded, spread his hands with a smile, and actually gave Shulot a hug. Then he laughed and stood up, then stumbled and fell onto the soft carpet. He just lay there on the carpet.

, exposed the back of his heart and the back of his head to Shulot, and murmured.

"Xulot, my student! There are only two of us divine heroes in the world! I can't let you go like the great chief who makes wine because you can't recognize a divine hero..."

"As witnessed by the Lord God, I swear that I will share the power of the world with you! As long as you don't leave, you will be my root...and my legendary artifact!... Even if this artifact is too effective, even if this artifact is too brilliant... Even if he can't trust me

, but I can trust him... Phew! Phew!..."

Seeing Avitt's exposed back and listening to the drunken words from his mouth, Shulot sat there in confusion, his head spinning in circles. After a while, he shook his head and stood up, walking slowly

He went to Avitt's side, squatted down, and stared blankly at Avitt, who was already asleep.

"Teacher? Teacher! Teacher, are you asleep?...Teacher, then I'm leaving..."

Shulot shouted drunkenly twice, and his voice gradually became lower and lower. There seemed to be no guard in the tent with deep shadows around him? He just sat next to the unguarded Avitt, with exhaustion and sadness on his face.

After a while, he let out a long sigh and murmured in a low voice.

"Avit, my teacher, I believe in you... After you inherited the position of the supreme God King, you became a loner, the only lonely sun. You are lonely, you can't trust anyone, just

Just like the chief who makes wine... But no matter what you have done before, I have never failed you, you should believe me!... For the world of the Mexicans, for their father, Alyssa and Xiu

Hua, for the past kindness between you and me...I will loyally assist you and stay by your side until you go to the Kingdom of God in peace!...The Lord God has witnessed that I also swear, just like many years ago, I made a vow with you.

It’s the same as the oath!…I’m not like you, I never break my oath, even if I go around in circles…”

Shulot lowered his head, and talked in a low voice for a long time, and also talked about many past memories. Next to Avitt, who was sleeping, he would laugh and cry incoherently, with a look on his face.

He was confused and full of sleepiness. Finally, he simply lay down on the mat and relaxed beside Avitt, and soon started snoring.


There was silence in the big tent, the firelight of the firepit flickered, and there were only the shouts and snores of the two kings. It passed peacefully like this for a long time, until the firewood in the firepit was almost burned out, and two black men suddenly appeared in the corner of the tent.


These two light black figures were both wearing the alliance's traditional cloaks and black robes, with daggers hidden at their waists, and holding something slightly shiny in their hands. A closer look made people's hair stand on end, they turned out to be

Two small bronze wooden crossbows, already equipped with sharp small bronze arrows...

This chapter has been completed!
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