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Chapter One Thousand Two Hundred and Nineteen The Joke of Three Old Men

The setting sun was setting, and the evening breeze was blowing warmly. The large, flat-bottomed boat with a square head and square stern sailed along the wind at a very fast speed. In less than half an hour, it arrived at the south shore of Lake Atoyak. As I watched, the large boats were approaching Tulsa.

The Si River enters the sea. The strong old man stood by the stern rudder, took a deep breath, raised his thick old arms, and turned the rudder vigorously.

"Stand still! Turn around!..."

"Ah? This!...Bodhisattva!..."

Seeing the rapid deflection of the ship's bow and feeling the large tilt of the ship's hull, which almost made people fall over, the old man holding the golden talisman was really surprised. He hurriedly bent his steps, grabbed the cable, and hurriedly pulled the golden talisman

Wrap it around your arms and tie it up. Then, he hurriedly adjusts the sail with both hands to reduce the angle of the headwind and slow down the tilt of the ship's hull.

"Lord God! This old wood! This old gold!..."

The squatting old man also stood up in a hurry, spit out the grass stems in his mouth, cursed a few words, and hurriedly helped adjust the sail. Until the bow of the ship turned a 180-degree circle, the hull was once again level and vertical.

The sail was tilted against the wind, and they both let out a long breath at the same time.

"Huh! Steering the steering wheel is a laborious job. If Mr. Xuesong can still have such strength at his age, he is really a Vajra Arhat!..."

Shipwright Jin Shanshu untied the cable and held the golden charm tightly in his hand. He was actually only forty years old, but more than thirty years of hard work and wind and frost had already made his face full of wrinkles, making him look like an old man in his fifties and sixties.

.In fact, in this era of North Korea and the Republic of China, the lower classes were generally poor and hard-working. Common people probably only lived to be forty or fifty years old, and forty was enough to be called old.

"Witness the Lord! Master Xuesong, I have never seen such a strong master in my whole life. It's just that the steering of the ship cannot be adjusted in such a hurry!..."

Facing the cedar shaman at the helm, the golden boatman first praised loudly, then lowered his voice and muttered softly, reminding the "adult" who was steering the helm. After saying that, he glanced quickly again, with a look on his face.

The old shaman from Cedar laughed, and tried his best to put a smile on his face.

"Old Jin, you guy! Why are you so obsessed with gold that you don't let go even if the boat is about to capsize? You tie your hands with gold as soon as possible! If the boat really capsizes and you can't untie the rope, you will drown! ...


Chihuaco, an old militiaman, raised his brows and frowned. He first scolded the "money-obsessed" gold boatbuilder. But the gold boatbuilder just laughed along with him and held the golden talisman in his hand so tightly that even if he was holding the sail with one hand,

Not willing to let go at all. Seeing this, Chihuaco shook his head helplessly, glared at the cedar shaman at the stern of the boat, and cursed.

"Cedar, you stupid old wood! Can you please slow down when you turn the steering wheel? This long-sailed ship turns much more skewed than a paddle boat. This is because the sails are under the force of the strong wind. If you are not careful, it will happen.

Capsize! If our boat capsizes, a few old bones will fall into the cold lake, far across the shore, and they will have to toss to death!"

"Ha! Old Corn, I know it well! Don't worry, this boat looks rocking, but it's actually very stable, more stable than a galley, and it won't capsize!..."

"What do you have? Before, you adjusted the sails in a mess and mixed up the cables, causing us to almost hit the shore..."

"Isn't this my first time trying to learn? It doesn't matter! The bottom of this boat is very flat, which is very interesting. Even if you sit on the beach, there will be no problem..."


The old militiaman Chihuaco was not used to the cedar shaman, especially when it came to navigation safety. He walked up to the "old wood" angrily, and with a "swish", he snatched the old shaman's scepter and said "huhu"

He waved it twice. Not to mention, this "big stick" was made of solid cedar wood, so it was really heavy!

"Old wood, if you keep fooling around in the boat, I will throw your pine stick into the lake and ask you to jump into the lake to fish it out!..."

"Haha! Old Corn, there are no waves in this big lake, and the wind is blowing and it is warm. It is very happy to swim! Not to mention fishing for a stick, even if the boat really capsizes and I want to fish you two... I can also carry one in my hand and use it.

I’ll swim two miles with my legs and carry you all ashore!…”

The cedar shaman laughed and did not take the old man's threat seriously. Speaking of which, he had experienced fifty-six cold winters and was seven or eight years older than Chihuaco. But among these three "old men"

, but he is the strongest one. Chihuaco is second, although he is not strong, but he is very agile. But the youngest gold boat builder is the thinnest.

After all, Cedar is a tribal shaman in the northern continent! If he is not strong enough, how can he gain the respect of the hunting tribes?

"What? How many miles can you swim in a lake with a person in each hand? Listen, is this something a human can do?...Old wood, you are just blowing up the feathers of an owl and treating yourself like a big turkey!...If you really have this

For such a skill, it would be better to teach the priests how to swim at Shenwei University in the royal capital. Teaching the language of any tribe now would be like an old turtle climbing a tree, and I have wronged you!"

"Uh...ahem!...What owl and turkey? What old turtle swims? The ones who can really swim on the beach are obviously seals and fur seals!...Besides, Lao Qitou, I don't teach foreign languages! I am a sailor at Sunway University.

The fourth-level chief priest of the college is responsible for teaching the customs and traditions of the northern tribes... There are actually many unwritten rules and agreements among the numerous tribes in the northern continent, and they are the inspiration of the great spirit!... Well, the Lord God bless


Hearing the comments about Chihuaco's image, Cedar Shaman couldn't help but choked and retorted angrily. In April last year, he took a galley on the return trip from the Kingdom and rowed for more than half a year before arriving.

The Lake Kingdom's series of kingdom strongholds along the way had already surprised him. When he arrived at the prosperous Lake Kingdom and saw hundreds of thousands or millions of large lake tribe alliances, he was even more surprised.

His jaw dropped in shock!

He has been traveling in the northern continent for most of his life, but he never thought that there would be such a powerful tribal alliance! This large tribal alliance in the lake actually has millions of people, and can build prosperous city-states and pyramids tens of meters high.


Moreover, this powerful tribal alliance not only has thunderous copper beasts, large oars, hard thick armor, sharp spears and axes, long-range crossbows, shining gems... but also tens of thousands of tribal warriors!

The warriors of this tribal alliance alone are almost the same as the population of Miwok's various tribes. What's more, such a terrifying military formation is as neat and orderly as the black ants in the north, and it is very capable of fighting at a glance!

As a wise man of survival in the northern continent, Cedar Shaman immediately adjusted his attitude and showed his true devotion to the Lord God, as well as his closeness and respect for the Kingdom in the Lake!

Introduced by a line of northern seafaring priests, he quickly went to the lake capital and met with Chief Minister Jatiri, Director of Divine Enlightenment Talea, and Commander of the Gyeonggi Army Orosh. During the meeting, he represented Miwok

Each tribe expressed its surrender to the powerful tribe in the lake, and was willing to lead the tribe to convert to the main god and integrate into the Jiao people's family. And his wisdom, erudition and strength also left a considerable impression on the "three giants" of the kingdom.

For a deep impression.

After this meeting, Chief Minister Jatiri convened the kingdom's priesthood, intending to enthrone Cedar Shaman as the fourth-level chief priest with real power in the kingdom, to balance the maritime lineage of the northern continent. However, the kingdom's priesthood discussed a lot, and in the northern continent

They are secretly competing for religious power and are unwilling to accept Cedar Shaman as the chief priest with real power...

In the end, Director Talea came up with a compromise, allowing Cedar Shaman to become a lecturer at Shenwei University, and as the deputy dean of the Navigation Academy, obtain the honorary status of the fourth-level chief priest. And this is also the case in North Korea.

The reason why shipwright Jin Shanshu regarded Cedar Shaman as the "master of the palace" of the government...

Subsequently, Cedar Shaman stayed in the capital of Qincongcan for eight months, wandering around as if entering the Grand View Garden. He was rich in experience, good at talking, and also had a very high talent for languages. He could speak proficient Nahua language.

He is very popular with the nobles of the kingdom. He only holds a temporary position in the Navigation Academy and occasionally talks about the language and customs of the northern continent. But the only people who are really willing to listen to these are a dozen or so civilians who want to start preaching in the northern continent.

.And his own motivation to learn all kinds of knowledge is like an old pine tree sprouting up, much better than many priest apprentices!

Until last December, he heard that his old friend Mickey, the learned man, had arrived in Zicao County on a sailing ship that had never been seen before, as fast as the wind god, and came from an unknown tribe in the north... He immediately became excited.

Heading south, I didn't even attend the New Year Festival in the capital, so I had to go see the ship of the God of Wind.

But Mickey, the knowledgeable man, only met with him once and didn't have time to talk more. He hurried north to the capital city in the lake to report back to Director Shenqi about the important task of building a "new sailing ship".

This time, Cedar Shaman did not run back, but stayed in Zicao County, "hanging around" in the Southern Shipyard for days. He has an aloof status, is a good hand at woodworking, and is also very concerned about shipbuilding. Interested

After getting close, he got involved in the shipbuilding team. Then, he met Chihuaco, an old militiaman, and the gold shipwright in charge of shipbuilding...

"Old Qitou, give me back my scepter!"

"No! You promise me first that you will behave yourself on the boat and not mess around!...Ha! You still want to rob?..."

Cedar Shaman quickly stretched out his hand to grab the scepter in Chihuaco's hand. However, Old Man Qi raised his scepter as if wielding a spear, and dodged it just right. The two moved quickly and fought for a few times on the spot.

, there was no result. Cedar Shaman sighed and cursed angrily.

"You old corn, you look so wilted, but you turn out to be more agile than a monkey..."

"Ha! You old fool, relying on your strong body, you are talking nonsense like a black bear!..."

"Ha! In the northern continent, the black bear is easy to describe and is the totem of many tribes!..."

"Tsk tsk! In our lake kingdom, corn is a good thing! I just like to grow corn and eat it!..."

"Ugh! You old corn! You don't even know how to hunt, you only know how to farm all day long!..."

"Haha! You old fool! You don't even know how to plant the land, but you still want to support the tribe?..."

"Old corn!"

"Old wood!"


The two old men started tearing each other apart and cursed each other for a while. The golden boat builder was frightened and didn't know what the two "adults" were doing. After a while, the two men suddenly stopped and laughed together.

It's really weird to look like a close friend.

"Old man Qi, what am I kidding you about? I'm really a good swimmer! Even at this age, it's not a problem to swim seven or eight miles! ...Twenty years ago, I traveled to the north and participated in the tribal fish racing with the Viyot people.

Festival. At that time, I swam into the lake with a wooden stick and chased the scurrying fish. I knocked out a big fish with two sticks and became the first person to catch fish in the Fish Festival! And I won the fish

After the festival, the most beautiful women in the tribe all pounced on me and insisted on sleeping with me, even if they couldn’t escape..."

"Huh? Hit the fish with a wooden stick? Lord God, you are an old turkey with fried feathers, you are going to fly into the sky!..."

Hearing this, Chihuaco, an old militiaman, looked up and down at the confident Cedar Shaman with suspicious eyes. He was very doubtful that someone could really hit a fish with a wooden stick? How stupid must that fish be! Wait...

The old militiaman was stunned for a moment, then he realized what he was doing and asked in surprise.

"Old wood, you just said that in your hometown... as long as you catch a fish, you will have a wife? Is there such a good thing?..."

"Huh? That's not my hometown, it's the Viyot people in the north... She's not a wife, she's just sleeping. This is the custom of many tribes in the northern continent, which is to let tribal guests from far away leave their seeds... The guests' bodies are getting worse

You are strong, and the more you show your bravery, the more popular you will be with the tribal women! There will be many women vying for yours, even several of them together... When I traveled, it was a northern cedar, and it was rustling in the wind...

Hey! I never thought that so many years have passed in a flash, and people are all old!... Hey, bring it!..."

Mentioning the story of his youth, Cedar Shaman shook his head with a smile, as if he could not bear to look back on the past and had experienced too many adventures. Chihuaco, an old militiaman, was bluffed by the old fox. Without paying attention, he was captured by Cedar Shaman in a sneak attack.

Scepter. Seeing the proud cedar shaman, he curled his lips, turned around and asked the gold boatman.

"Lao Jin, you are also from the north. What do you belong to, oh! Does the Liangtang tribe also have this custom? As long as you fish well, you can sleep with the women of the tribe..."

"Uh! Captain Qi... It's not like this over there... Absolutely not!..."

Shipwright Jin Shanshu's Nahua language was very average, and he could barely understand the conversation between the two. His old face was trembling with fear. He waved his hands vigorously, almost throwing away the gold charm in his hand, and defended eagerly.

"Lord God, this is definitely not the case over there! How could it be like this, how could it be so...immoral?!...Except for the lowly prostitutes and medical prostitutes, if such a thing happened to the good families in the village...then they would be punished by the village elders

They took people, tied them up, traveled around the village, and then immersed them in pig cages and submerged them in ponds!…”

Hearing Jin Shanshu's stammering description, Chihuaco and Cedar Shaman were both stunned. Then Chihuaco blinked and asked in confusion.

"What is a woman who can heal and sleep with others? What is a four-legged pig that can grunt?..."

The cedar shaman was also puzzled and scratched his head and asked.

"What is a good family in the village? Does it count if you can hunt and fish? And why should a cage used to hold four-legged animals contain people?..."

This chapter has been completed!
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