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Chapter One Thousand Two Hundred and Forty Nine: The Far North Route Connecting East Asia (Part 2)

The sea is frozen blue and white, and the distant mountains are covered with snow. The meadows under the snow rise and fall with the mountains, and sparse cedars sprout straight trunks. Barren mountains, heavy snow, long grass, and sparse trees, nature uses the best

The simple and cold style of writing outlines a high-standing island and mountains, and outlines an "ancient ankylosaurus" lying on the sea, just like it did millions of years ago.

From eternity to today, the ice and snow mountains that traverse the island seem to have remained unchanged. No matter how many generations of hunting tribes have lived on this island, they have not changed the wild appearance of the island. And now, the only one on the entire island is

The biggest changes are the natural harbor in the northeast corner, the small area of ​​shacks built, the snow-covered potato fields, and the two long boats and dozens of canoes frozen in the harbor.

This is the great whale port of the kingdom (N58, W152), and it is also the port where the chief priest Chimel chose to spend the winter. The tribal population in the port has grown to more than 400 people, but compared to the large island of 9,000 square kilometers, it is still only

It’s a tuft of hair on the cottontail rabbit’s short tail. This March is the time when Great Whale Island is frozen. You can’t hear the endless singing of whales in the summer. All you can hear is...

"Woo! Oh! Oh!!..."


"Ah! Master officiant, tell the warriors to keep the dogs away! Quick! The mare is going to be angry!..."

"Kewubao, go and keep the big dogs away!..."


Hearing this, the warrior captain Ke Wubao nodded and saluted, pulled two strong and long-haired black and white dogs, and retreated dozens of steps away.


The horses' neighing subsided slightly, but their vigilant eyes were still staring at the curious Priest Chimel. He obviously smelled of "wolf" and was still trying to get closer, which made them very uneasy! Especially...

At this moment, when they are carrying the foal, they are most sensitive and slowest...

"The Lord God witnessed it, it's really strange! This kind of four-legged beast that is bigger than a human being is actually afraid of those two wolf dogs? The strength of this horse should be greater than that of the wolf dogs! Even the warriors saw the giant for the first time

The 'horses' were all very frightened, thinking they were some legendary monsters..."

"Master officiant, you...you are joking! No matter how big the horse is, it eats grass, and no matter how small the wolf is, it still eats meat. What's more, the wolf dog is so big! It's almost the same as a human when it stands up. It's really scary! I

I have never seen such a big dog, oh, except for the group of barbarians riding on sleds to catch people..."

"Huh? Eat meat?... No, Ichiro, you are not right! I have been hand-feeding these two wolfdogs. They not only eat meat and fish, but also potatoes and tortillas. They have good personalities and pull sleds.

He pulls the strings very well, obeys orders very well, is loyal and docile!…”

Priest Chimel shook his head, and patiently communicated with the horse breeder Sukeichiro from a safe distance of more than ten steps. From time to time, he turned around and glanced at the man dozens of steps behind, still holding his paws, wanting to

The two Alaskan dogs that came over to protect him had eyes full of satisfaction and love.

"Praise the Lord God! What a loyal and wise big dog! Luoheishi is really thoughtful!..."

Yes, these two big black and white dogs with "smart" eyes were specially presented to Chimel by Luo Heishi, the samurai leader in charge of the port, when he was anchored at Shendadi Port (N55, W163) last year.

According to Luoheishi, this male and one female, two big dogs that are much stronger than the northern gray wolves, were acquired from a Sugpia tribe that migrated south during summer fishing by the long boat of Shendadi Port.

In exchange, the chief of that tribe told the Sugpia sailors on the longboat that the true origin of these two big dogs was from the sled tribe in the snowfields further north, from a group of people who called themselves "Snowfield People".

Inuit tribe (Inuit). As for the biggest role of these two big dogs, they are pulling sleds and tents on the snowfields in winter, and running and migrating quickly!

The snowfields in the north are thousands of miles cold, with several feet of snow covering them all year round. It is a brutal winter for eight months a year, but there are still migrating safari tribes that survive. This surprises Chimel, who is "determined to explore the world"!

He liked these two big dogs that were not available in the alliance, so he kept them on the boat and sailed all the way west. Until the late summer and early autumn of last year, he took the five dogs at the Shengaoshan Port (N52, W174) in the middle of the Shenqi Island chain.

A support longship was sent on the westward route to the end of the island chain, and then returned to the Great Whale Port in time before the ice arrived...

If the Shenxue Bay Port (145° west longitude) is the most critical "Huyao Port" on the extreme northern route, then going further west, the Shen Da Whale Port (152° west longitude) is where the Kingdom raises horses.

"Horse Harbor" is located at the equivalent of the navel. The next port, Kamidai Harbor (163° west longitude), is the starting point of the tail of the Aleutian island chain and is regarded as the "starting port". As for Kami Takayama Port in the front part of the island chain

(174° West Longitude), it can be regarded as the front end of the tail, "front tail port".

In fact, Chimer's third batch of support fleets left one long ship in Whale Harbor, Condor Wing Port and these four ports respectively, stationing a new batch of kingdom headquarters. And the population of the four ports also

The number has increased to 500 people at Shenxue Bay Port, 400 people at Shenda Whale Port, 400 people at Shendadi Port, and 300 people at Shengaoshan Port.

These four ports are mainly used for fishing and hunting. The yield of the potato fields planted is very low, but they can also provide stable winter storage rations. The tribe also has metal logging tools, large boats that can fish in shallow seas, and also has winter

The coal fuel is much better than that of the surrounding extreme northern tribes!

Under the concept of "unifying people and assimilating northern tribes", the ports of various kingdoms are very willing to accept the surrounding tribes and behave very friendly. Therefore, the warm, rich and powerful longship tribe gradually spreads its reputation in the far north.

Kai has become the target of many surrounding small tribes to seek refuge!

Especially before winter comes, many hunting tribes will come to ask for alliances to spend the long, frozen and harsh winter together. And when spring comes in May, the small tribes will disperse to hunt around, but often

Some injured men and children who cannot be fed will be left behind, or families will simply be divided to join, causing the number of people in the port to grow rapidly. The belief in the main god is also known as the "God of Fire and Potatoes".

The number began to spread among various ministries...

"Witness the Lord God! These two four-legged giant beasts are indeed very spiritual! They look very smart, as wise as the two big dogs! They shook their heads and necks vigorously, but their pregnant bellies did not move. Yes

To protect the fetus in the belly?…”

"Uh... Master officiant, you are so wise! These two far north horses are very smart, and their tempers are actually much better than that big Jurchen horse... If they were not pregnant, they would usually be rideable... But right now they are

We have been pregnant for ten months, and we are about to give birth, but we must not scare them! If the fetus is miscarried, the ten months of caring for the little one day and night will really be in vain!…"

"My lord, you are tainted with the scent of wolves and dogs... so these two horses are very scared! These northern horses are good at running and strong. They are not afraid of the big bears in the mountains and forests, and rarely encounter tigers. The only thing they are afraid of is

It’s a wolf!…”

Sukeichiro carefully persuaded the distinguished "Dharma-headed monk" in front of him. As he spoke, he continued to comfort the two Yakut horses and fed them tender grass dug out of the snow. It was simply worse than serving them like wolves.

A tiger-like daughter-in-law should be more serious.

These two mares, traded from the Shantao tribe and transported thousands of miles here, are the "source of wealth" for Suichiro, more important than the golden charm around his neck! And these ten months of busy service,

It also made Sukeichiro look weathered and older. However, if you look closely, you can see that his figure has become much stronger, and he no longer looks like a skinny deer at first. This is obviously due to adequate nutrition and a relatively high status in the port.

High, you can often eat meat.

As for the dozen tribal apprentices under him who were learning to raise horses, they were gradually brought out to help take care of the horses, especially the big Jurchen horse that was raised separately. After the two foals were born, they could

Promote two apprentices and raise horses since childhood, so that people and horses can connect with each other and become the best riders...

"Ah! So that's it!..."

Chimel raised his arm, smelled the dog scent on his palm, and once again showed curiosity on his face. This kind of four-legged "horse" that can be ridden unexpectedly takes longer to be pregnant than a human being. I am afraid that the life force absorbed by "Ihot"

"You" are better than ordinary people. However, the reproductive time of this horse is so long. How long will it take to breed hundreds or thousands of horses to form the "warriors on horseback" that His Majesty calls them?

"Sukeichiro, after these two mares give birth to foals, how long do they need to rest before giving birth again?..."

"Ah? Rest?...No, no, officiant! Horses are different from people. They don't need rest and can continue to conceive and give birth...In fact, after they give birth to a pony, their body will heat up and come into heat again within ten days! And as long as

If you can afford it, this is the easiest and most suitable time to get pregnant. A stallion will get pregnant as soon as it lies down! ... In total, it is estimated that there will be exactly one litter every year, and one litter is equivalent to one horse..."

"Lord God! It's like this! One litter a year, one horse at a time..."

Chimel's eyes flashed, silently calculating the reproduction rate of the horses. After a moment, he remembered something again and asked.

"Nasukeichiro, how long will it take for the newly born filly to start reproducing?"

"It must be at least three years old! In fact, it is best to be four years old. That way the horse's body is the strongest and will not give birth to weak ponies... And if the ponies do not die before they are three years old, they can live for a long time and can reproduce for at least ten years.


"Well, you can give birth in three to four years, and your life span is about ten years?"

Chimel blinked and already calculated the answer in his mind. It will probably take about ten years for the horse herd to multiply to the size of a thousand horses. It will start slowly and then grow rapidly. As long as it reaches the size of several hundred horses, the herd will be stable.

Come down. Then you don’t have to worry anymore. Not only can they be allowed to breed on the island, but they can also open up several horse-raising islands in the kingdom further south. For example, opposite the Condor Wing Port, the Haida people’s sea

Haida Gwaii is larger than Haida Gwaii, so it’s very suitable…

"God bless you! Raising a herd of horses that can be ridden is a long-term job, but the future is promising! Well, we still need to transport a few more mares back from the continent of the West Sea! Let the first horses be brought back as soon as possible.

Double the number of groups and save several years of accumulation..."

Thinking of this, Chimel looked longingly and looked at the snow-capped mountains to the west. Behind the snow-capped mountains stretching for hundreds of miles, there is the frozen and shining West Sea. At this moment, on the continent of the West Sea, the exploration captain who was personally selected by His Majesty, Zuvarro

Chief Priest, what are you doing?…

"Blessed by the Lord God! The longship that went west to support should have arrived successfully, right? I finally chose to be safe, suppressed my curiosity about the West Sea Continent, and continued to be responsible for the management of the Far North Route... No matter what, I still have no ancestors.

Captain Varro resolutely left his tribe’s wife and children behind for the sake of the Lord God, showing his courage to explore forward fearlessly!

"On such a difficult and icy peninsula, on what Unanga calls the Death Continent, it must be difficult for Zuwaro to priest him, right? May the Lord God bless you! May this extreme northern route continue to bring back technology from the West Sea.

Talents, domesticated livestock, and brand new crops are back!…”

This chapter has been completed!
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