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Chapter One Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty-Three: The Ainu’s War Claim, the God’s Last Sanctuary Island

"Keike, are you saying that the three islands and the three large islands in the tribal alliance were originally the lands of the Ainu people? They migrated here thousands of years ago, and gradually annexed your tribes and territories, and destroyed the mountains, forests and swamps.

The hunting grounds were reclaimed into patches of farmland?…”

"Hmm, Zu, I don't know. Did Kazuto originally have three big islands? Did they come here a thousand years ago?... Those are the tribal legends that my father told me when I was young... He said that the mountains of the ancestor Big Bear

The spirit of the ocean once spread all over the north and south! The ocean spirit that protects the killer whales will sing throughout the world! And from the southernmost island to the northernmost Thousand Islands, it takes several months or even a year to walk. In such a vast land,

There are Ainu hunting grounds everywhere, Ainu villages everywhere, and the spirit of the village flying with fishing owls!... Until Kazuto came from the sea and built villages on our hunting grounds, turning the swamp into a

Farmland, enshrining their guardian spirits... There are more and more Kazu people farming, and they are becoming more and more powerful! They annexed the Ainu tribe along the way, driving us northward, until this last Ainu land, the last god of heaven

The big sheltered island, Ainumohiri…”

The cold wind blows, and the soft words flow on the frozen seashore. On the cold Kamchatka Peninsula, I miss the warm and prosperous southern ancestral land. The exploration captain Zuvalo holds the soft girl in his arms and listens to the Ainu

People's ancient legends, thoughts flash in their eyes from time to time, and they are planning for the long-term future.

"God bless you! Who are our friends and who are our enemies? Who are the friends we can win over and who are the enemies we must fight against?... This is the admonition written by His Majesty in the scriptures of Sunway University, and it is also the admonition for every sailor.

Priest, this is a key question that you must always think about!"

"We sailed to this icy peninsula in the far north. The mountains and deer on the peninsula are all cunning and ferocious nomadic tribes, just like the canine descendants migrating in the wilderness. They drive sleds and herds of deer, from

Migrating from one camp to another, they experienced too many winds and snows, and engraved the flexibility of wolves into their souls... Although such a tribe can accept the faith of the main god, this faith is by no means stable and is full of practicality.

means... They revere the gods, but they always stay at the level of awe rather than piety. They just regard the main god as some kind of unimaginable incarnation of thunder, just like worshiping 'Tenggri' who is the incarnation of the sky, and the incarnation of the earth.

'Sacred Mountain', or the 'Sacred Deer' incarnated by our ancestors!…"

"Perhaps, in a few generations, there will be many devout believers of the main god in the Mountain and Deer tribes. And after accepting the main god, they will naturally accept the Jiaoren's epic and become a member of the Jiaoren tribes.

…But at least now, at least within a generation, they will not dedicate themselves to gods…”

"And further south? What about the three islands and tribal alliances on the big island, and the Korean tribal alliance where the craftsmen come from?... From the perspective of the captives we converted, their culture is deeper and their beliefs are so diverse that it is difficult to explain.

level. They are a more practical tribe, more practical than the nomadic tribes on the peninsula, and they value what the gods can bring them more! Their faith must be exchanged for rewards and benefits at all times... Even if the kingdom

With mountains of gold and silver, you can’t bribe too many Kazuto or Korean tribes, right?…”

Zuvalo stroked Thousand Island Shell's short hair, his wise eyes seemed to see through everything, just like the Samoyed dog pulling a sled nearby.

However, he obviously didn't know enough about the kingdom's gold, mountains and silver seas, and he knew nothing about the purchasing power of gold and silver in various ministries in the south. But when he lowered his head and looked at the light-haired girl in his arms, that affectionate look,

It's like discovering some real treasure, the treasure of faith!

"Blessed by the Lord God! The Mountain and Deer tribes are our friends based in the Far North, our allies in reindeer and fighting. These Ainu tribes with simple beliefs and can be won over are the real potential Jiao people group and the foundation for establishing

The true hope of faith in the Lord God!…”

"They have no written language, not much inherited culture, and the natural guardian spirits they believe in are also compatible with many Jiao tribes. And the Ainu God Kotanka, who does almost nothing and is completely blank, is the perfect successor to Mexico.

Lord God!… Their situation, and the unfavorable situation of being threatened and oppressed by others, makes them even more eager to gain support from external forces… Lord God! This is the best group of believers, and this is the missionary goal that the Kingdom must strive for.


After obtaining intelligence from the south, Zuvalo thought for a long time and finally clarified his thinking and developed a clear long-term political strategy.

The shaman chief on the Kamchatka Peninsula, the old grandmother who led the mountain tribe, was like an old but keen old wolf, which left a very deep impression on him. This female chief of the nomadic tribe alliance could not tolerate him.

"Haibu" continues to annex and expand on the peninsula. If it threatens the other party's rule, there may be another bloody wedding, causing the kingdom to suffer heavy losses in the power it finally brought... Therefore, this road is positioned as a marriage ally.

Divide in advance and determine each other's spheres of influence, and then use gentle missionary penetration to leave the great power to time.

Therefore, the location of the kingdom's next camp will continue to the south and fall on the territory of the Ainu people. The Ainu tribes on various islands will gradually be included in the Jiao people group who believe in the main god!

Therefore, only by accepting the Ainu tribe and supplementing the local population can we assimilate a more powerful Jiao people and establish a firm foothold on the islands in the south. Only this is the truly feasible future of the kingdom!

In order to plan all this, in order to obtain craftsmen and livestock from the southern tribes, he must know more and know more details about the southern islands.

"After the thaw this year, I must personally lead the long boat south to meet the Ainu tribe on the southern island and see the Kazuto people in the southernmost part! ... Well, I also have to go to the peninsula in the west and pass there.

Some kind of 'Shan Tao' tribe, in exchange for some four-legged riding animals, the herding animals come back... I don't know, how much gold should I bring? Is it enough to bring a thousand kilograms first?..."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! The falling snowflakes and the cold north cannot extinguish the flame in the exploration captain's heart. Piety and ambition are engraved in this man's eyes and in his bones

It made him seem to have endless power. Thinking of the infinite possible future, Zuvalo suddenly felt a little hot. He tightened the girl in his arms, which was replaced by a low exclamation, and the girl instantly became angry.

red face.

"Zu...you want?...let's go back to the house?..."

"Hmm. Okay... No, wait!"

Zuvalo was about to get up when he suddenly thought of something and froze in place. He narrowed his eyes, pondered for a while, then suddenly looked at the Thousand Island Shell with serious eyes and asked.

"Keike, you just said...the Ainu people are divided into five major tribes: the southern island tribes, the Thousand Island tribes of the northern island tribes, and the Huata tribes?..."

"Ah? Yes... Zu, my father told me that we have the heritage of the Northern Tribe of the South Island, but we have always intermarried with the Qiandao ethnic group among the tribes of the North Island. In fact, the divisions between the tribes are not so clear, and most of them are just numbers.

A small tribe of a hundred people…”

"Well, generally speaking, the territory of the Ainu in the North Island includes the northern coast of the Ainumahili Island, the Thousand Islands in the northeast, and the Kata Island in the northwest... As for the territory of the Ainu in the South Island, it is the vast majority.

Part of the Ainumoshiri Island is divided into the Hokuyu tribes on the west coast, the Ishikari tribes on the central coast, the Nishihara and Higashihara tribes on the south coast, and it is said that it is directly bordered by Kazuto on the south coast of the bay.

The Uchiura tribes..."

"Witness the Lord God! Shell, according to you, the Ainu people of the South Island alone are divided into five major tribal alliances, and each alliance has many small tribes... And a tribe is just like your tribe before it was attacked

, just like hundreds of people?…”

"Hmm... that's right? It's difficult for the tribe to gather too many people because it can't afford to feed... My father said that our Beiyu tribe is the smallest, so among the five major tribes, we are the weakest and the most powerful.

The Ishikari tribe often attacks us and robs us of property and people. They have attacked more frequently in the past few years, and it seems that they have been threatened or induced by Kazuto. They also send people to various tribes to ask for the best ferret and snow fox furs.

It must have been exchanged for Kazuto..."

"Huh? Kazuto's coercion and inducement, asking for furs of ferrets and snow foxes?..."

Hearing the unexpected news, Zuvalo was startled, and something seemed to be caught in the flash of lightning in his mind. He remembered that the Heguo Chang ship he led his men to raid contained a lot of furs, and they are still piled in the camp.

In the cellar... But soon, he put aside the unnecessary thoughts and only asked the question that concerned him most.

"Keike, your Ainu tribe only has a few hundred people. I'm fully prepared, and your Beiyu tribe alliance is estimated to only have 20,000 people. The so-called five Ainu tribes of the South Island together probably only have more than ten people."

Ten Thousand Tribes?!"

"According to His Majesty's prophecy, and according to the instructions of Kazuto prisoners and Korean prisoners... the three islands and the tribes together, that is calculated in millions, even more than the combined population of the alliance and the kingdom... the three islands and the tribes alliance

Since they have such a powerful force, since they drove your Ainu tribes from the three islands in the south all the way to the large island of Moshili in the north, they have also established themselves on the southernmost tip of the island for many years..."

"Witness the Lord God! Then why don't these Kazuto tribes conquer you to the end and eat you completely?...Why don't they turn this last Ainu Island into their Kazuto territory and build their

Where are the villages and farmland?!…”

Hearing such a cruel possibility, Qiandao Shell was stunned, and her eyes turned red again. Her cheeks flushed, and she raised her head angrily, like an angry cardinal. She bit her lip, holding back tears.

, looking at his chief husband, he declared firmly and loudly.

"The gods protect us, the guardian spirits protect us, and the ancestors in the sky also protect us! Ancestor! This last Ainu land, this last Moshiri Island, is the sanctuary promised by the gods to us Ainu people

, which Kazuto can never conquer!…”

"They can send out ferocious warriors, and they can threaten and plunder our tribes... However, they will never be able to settle down in our territory, and they will never be able to build their own village with humans in the sanctuary of the gods!..."

"Huh? Shell, why do you say that? Hasn't Kazuto already established a settlement at the southernmost tip of the big island?..."

"The ancestors and guardian spirits witnessed it! My father said it, and the elders of the clan also said... Kazuto will stop here, and they can no longer take a step north! Because..."

At this moment, Qiandao Shell raised his head, looked at Zuwaro with extremely firm eyes, and said the mythical creed that all Ainu people firmly believe in and have been continuously verified for hundreds of years.

"Because, Kazuto's most terrifying god, the most evil god...the rice god who is in charge of farmland, was blocked by three guardian spirits!..."

"Because their terrible canals and rice fields, their terrible wells and dry fields all stop outside this last Ainu land! Their white rice and yellow rice cannot be grown here at all, and they cannot survive!..."

This chapter has been completed!
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