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Chapter One Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty Seven Thunder heads east and reaches the coast of Portugal!

"O supreme Lord God, I offer you the divine sacrifice with the flesh and blood of the descendants of the gods in the clouds! Please grant victory in the war, and please send down a sign of victory..."

"The Lord God has sent down enlightenment! Divination, killing, Shili, Xiaoji!..."

"We will definitely conquer this city! It's just that Xiaoji needs time, and the Lord God also needs time to devour the Rain God in the clouds..."

"Boom! Boom boom boom!"

On the high platform for sacrifice, flames rose, smoke flew up, and bright red gurgled down. Barbaric prayers and chants floated far away from the high platform. The cheers and dances of the warriors made the earth tremble. This is the most sacred and noble sacrifice.

, using the most mysterious and bloody rituals and the intimidating thunder of artillery to inspire the morale of tens of thousands of Mexican legions.

"Kill! Kill the descendants of the gods in the clouds!...Dedicate! Offer them to the Lord God to bring life!...Guide! The souls of the dead in battle ascend to heaven!...Bless! Those who have done meritorious service will be rewarded with divine blessings!..."

"Kill them!..."


The fanatical killing cries of tens of thousands of warriors shook the valleys and mountains, and reached into the towering clouds. Hearing such announcements of killing and the rolling thunder, from Yunshan City to Yuntan, thousands of Mixtecs

The warriors all had panic on their faces. Although they were standing in a dangerous city and terrain, and although Yunshan City was as solid as if it were made by the gods, and there were three thousand elite warriors and thousands of militiamen guarding it... But the highest level was respected.

The divine city lord Yun Shenshan, down to the countless humble ant citizens, all fear the thunder power of the Mexica God of War, and the invincible alliance army that destroys cities and nations!

"Oh God of Rain in the clouds! Under the thunder of the Mexica God of War, can we really hold on?...The City of the Four Snakes of the Tlaxcalans, such an unfailing fortress and city-state, such a powerful Tlaxcala

The legions were all destroyed after several years of siege and attack by the Mexica... If they were completely surrounded by the Mexica legions and blocked the mountain trails connecting the various tribes of Oaxaca in the southeast... then the food reserves in the city might not be able to hold on.

Until two years!…”

Yun Shenshan, the Lord of the Goddess City, was worried. He stood on the low city wall and looked down from the natural platform tens of meters high. The tens of thousands of Mexica troops were like a ferocious and busy ant colony, spreading out in an orderly manner in the valley.

.They sacrificed to the gods, they shouted war dances, they shouted the names of the gods, and they wanted to send themselves and their enemies into the cloud of sacrifice. They set up camps, they built altars, and their priests and elders held up thatch.

Shouting loudly, their god-king also climbed onto the high platform, and pointed at the mountain city with his finger amid countless gazes.

"Blessed by the Lord God! The legion of God War, blessed by God, will definitely capture Yunshan City!..."

"Send an envoy, in the name of the God King of Mexica! Invite the Yunzhong God descendants in Yunshan City to a sacred duel under the gaze of the gods!..."

The priests of the alliance rushed to the foot of Yunshan City and used the language of the Yunzhong tribes to initiate a "fight" invitation from the gods. This is an ancient war habit in Central America, just like the "War of Flowers". The two armies agreed on a time and agreed to a fight.

There are many people, and they fight in an upright formation to please the gods in the sky. However, under the blood and fire of the unified Mexica, the old era of the gods is long gone.

"The evil Aztecs colluded with the volcano demon! They have lost the blessing of God and are no longer qualified to fight!..."

Yunshenshan decisively followed his heart and refused the fight. Because, surrounded by the Mexican army, the Yunzhong gods and warriors who went out of the city for a fight would probably not be able to come back. This was just a waste of the lives of the gods.

, it only consumes the warriors in the city and weakens the power to defend the city! However, such cowardly refusal also makes the morale of the warriors in the city low, and makes the army outside the city laugh loudly, which boosts their morale.

"The Mixtecs did not dare to go to war, and the army was divided into plundering the south of the valley! Wipe out all the tribes, break up the noble manors, and capture the strong men who filled the trenches! In the west and south, they built encircling forts to drive away those cowardly clouds.

All descendants of the Gods, please surround them and leave them to the Lord God!…”

"Choose elite warriors, go deep into the Eastern Mountains, and cut off their retreat in the mountains! There are no reinforcements in Yunshan City! If the Zapotec legion goes north from the Oaxaca Valley, it will be a sacrifice delivered to the door to please the eye-catching sun!..."

The burning flames extended in the valley, and the shouts of killing in the wind were vaguely accompanied by screams. Yunshenshan was silent, just watching the Mexica army divide their troops and go south, looting the valley further back, destroying tens of thousands of Yunshan tribes

. He did not dare to send out an army of warriors to fight in the field, nor did he want to send out elites to harass. With the Mexica army gathering, these warriors sent out had almost no chance of survival. He was waiting for reinforcements, no matter which side they came from.

From the west or the south, from the clouds or the sky...

"Rain God! Chief Yunchen is trapped in Shanhe City and is facing off against the Mexica Army. I'm afraid it's impossible to save us... The reinforcements from the various tribes in Oaxaca are said to have already numbered 20,000 people, but why do they always stay there?

The mouth of the Oaxaca Valley, which is a hundred or two hundred miles away, has been reluctant to go north in a big way?..."

"Wait until night, and then send out several teams of messengers to ask for help, and go around the south from the mountains in the east!..."

"Blessed by the rain god! Please let this year's rainy season come early! Please let this year's rain be far better than previous years! Please let flash floods appear, submerge the Mexica's legions and camps, and cut off their food routes.


"Ah! That's right! Gather the temple priests and sacrifice eighty weeping women! Those are the sacrifices that the Rain God loves, and they will definitely bring heavy rain for us!..."

After issuing the order to pray to the gods and offer sacrifices, the Lord of Yunshan City, Yun Shenshan, seemed to have heard the Rain God's approval, and felt a little more at ease. He looked around again, looking at the almost dangerous terrain in the cold weapon era.

Yunshan City and Yuntan are corners of each other, connected to steep mountains on both sides, and valleys suitable for farming on both sides. The flat valleys have been cut off by the Mexica, but the mountains that are difficult to pass through for the army are still there for the Mixtecs

It is foreseeable that in the mountains of the east, the blood of many elite warriors will soon flow out. And for the ownership of this key retreat, in the mountain battle between the warriors in the clouds and the jaguar warriors, the blood of many elite warriors will soon be shed.

Joined by Oaxaca warriors wearing bat headdresses.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "Camazotz! The dead bats will hunt when night comes, fly covertly in the mountains and forests, and sow sacrifice and death!..."

Cloud God Mountain looked to the southeast and whispered a Zapotec proverb. After passing the towering mountains, it is the Oaxaca Valley, the core of the Zapotec people. And those who worship the rain god, sun god, and corn god

The Zapotecs also worshiped the unique god of death and killing, the bat god Camazotz.

With this underworld god as the god of war, the Zapotecs also developed a special "Batman", the Oaxaca Bat Warriors who are good at night fighting. They are indeed not good at large-scale battles, but in small-scale mountain forests

Fighting, but he is a real expert...

"Witness the gods! Witness the ancestors! As long as you wait patiently, wait for the rainy season, wait for the arrival of reinforcements... everything will turn around, just like the golden eagle flying in the clouds, seeing the faces of the gods!..."

A golden eagle flew into the clouds, not seeing the gods and kingdoms that people imagined. It only saw broad, clear clouds and the coming moist rain from the sea. April has just begun, and there is still another rainy season in Central America.

The month will come. However, thousands of miles away in the East China Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, the rainy season on the coast of Portugal has come to an end, and it will end completely in one month. At this moment, a dilapidated Karak sailboat is finally anchored.

After arriving at the territory of the Iris clan, we stopped at a small Portuguese fishing village.

"O merciful Lord! We encountered strandings, repaired the sailboat with difficulty, survived terrible storms, and even experienced ten days of windless periods... Only then did we finally escape from the wild and terrible east and return.

Prosperous and bright world of God!…”

With tears streaming down his face, the new captain De La Cosa knelt down on the Portuguese soil, praying devoutly to the Lord in his heart. Behind him, a dozen refugee-like crew members also knelt on the ground, shouting for the Son of God.

name, I burst into tears of joy.

"Phew! We finally have a decent supply of food. We no longer need to eat those messy things, even the natives... But what about the next dangerous voyage, the Portuguese guard fleet... What should we do?"

This chapter has been completed!
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