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Chapter 1,266 It can never be the East...

"How is it possible that Columbus traveled west to the east and discovered a new shipping route? This is simply nonsense!"

"That's right! The navigation plan he submitted before was full of errors, and even the radius of the earth was less than half... How could he reach the East? He also said that he discovered India and discovered Sipangu? It's simply hysterical!..."

"Witness the Lord! He did not calculate the radius of the earth! He used Toscanelli's outdated map. He has never gone to school at all, and is not even a scholar, let alone a navigator!..."

"Yes, what you said is correct...but what did that yellow-skinned native say?"

"There are also yellow-skinned natives on the Canary Islands! They must have encountered some wild island. When they saw a few similar natives, they thought they had arrived in the East, and then they caught one alive... Look

Looking at the costume of that native, he looks like a savage. How does he look like the legendary and wealthy ancient Xipan people?"

In the palace of Sintra, dozens of Portuguese navigation scholars and more than a dozen palace advisers gathered together, arguing with faces red and gesticulating with their hands.

"Well, the natives brought back by Columbus are indeed very similar to the natives of the Isle of Dogs. He couldn't understand anything, and I don't know what strange language he spoke... But according to the confessions of the Castilian sailors, they had been

After sailing west for more than two months, we sailed at least four to five thousand kilometers...and then suddenly saw many small islands on the vast river, and finally saw a large island, and met Sipangu who had artillery and bronze weapons.

The galley, and repelled the opponent... Such a consistent confession does not seem to be false!..."

"...This...this...no matter what, the Lord testifies! I insist that it is impossible to reach the east just four or five thousand kilometers to the west! According to repeated calculations by the Nautical Academy, the correct circumference of the earth should be larger than Columbus

According to calculations, it is a full 10,000 kilometers more! The distance from the Canary Islands to Oriental Seris must be three times as much as Columbus calculated!…”

"What you mean is that the Nautical Academy can't make mistakes... The natives brought back by Columbus are fake, and a dozen Castilian sailors are lying... They colluded early on, and they are determined and can survive the harsh interrogation.

Falling in for a scam?…”

"I...I didn't say that! I just said that according to his sailing plan, it was impossible for him to reach the East, whether it was India or Sipangu! Who knows what kind of wild island he arrived at?

A new land that humans have visited…”

"Ha! A new land that no one has ever been to before, a wild new continent? Hahaha! Dear scholar, this is really not a funny joke!..."

"Damn it! Get the charcoal! I'll calculate the radius and circumference of the earth for you right now!..."

Navigation scholars and consultants were noisy, like croaking frogs, without any trace of their usual reserve and grace. In the face of the "news from the East" brought back by Columbus, navigation, geography and astronomy simply did not exist.

.A scholar even took a charcoal pen and drew a calculated map on the stone bricks of the palace.

In the middle of the back of the hall, King Joao II of Portugal sat silently on his throne, listening to the quarrels and discussions of the scholars. In his hand, he held a newly transcribed volume of interrogation records, which he read over and over again.


Faced with the Castilian ship crashing into the port and the sudden announcement of the "New Route", Portugal's Sintra Palace began to operate at an unprecedented speed. Regarding the new route, this is the highest interest of the royal family.

The interests of the entire Kingdom of Portugal lie!

The royal interrogator was merciless and interrogated all twelve sailors on the ship overnight. Except for Columbus and De La Cosa, who had the status of Castilian nobles and could not be lynched...the other unidentified crew members,

It was not just an inquiry, but a cruel and repeated torture. After two days of continuous interrogation, all the interrogation records were directly submitted to King Joao. And all the confessions and evidence showed...

"O ancestors of past generations! These lucky Castilians really found an archipelago in the endless Atlantic Ocean, and even arrived at a large island suspected to be Sipangu? We Portuguese, after three generations of ancestors,

, after exploring the southern continent for more than half a century, they reached the edge of India and brought back the exact news about the East! How much manpower and material resources the kingdom invested in the new route to the East, and how many loyal nobles of the kingdom were there

, got sick and died while sailing?!..."

"But the Castilians were just a voyage to the west, just a once!... Under the leadership of Captain Genova, who had no experience, no real knowledge, and only talked about it, it only took them two months to sail once.

Arriving in the East?...Are you kidding? This is absolutely impossible! How could they possibly reach India and Sipangu like this?..."

John II looked at the confession in his hand. Although he didn't show it on his face, his heart was raging like a turbulent wave. Columbus had been asking for an audience outside his palace for nearly ten years. He once became the laughingstock of the entire palace.

Of course he knew. In fact, he initially met Columbus in person and listened to Columbus's sailing plan with great interest!

However, the Portuguese have been sailing and exploring for half a century, and their understanding of navigation and the East far exceeds that of any country in the Catholic world. Joao II studied at the Nautical Academy and also knows a lot about navigation. He has not only read all the royal books

Voyage records, and even personally calculated the radius of the earth...

And precisely because of his understanding, he was very sure that the East described by Columbus was a boundless fantasy, and his real understanding was almost zero. And Columbus's navigation plan was also full of mistakes. The five thousand kilometers of westward sailing, let alone

To reach the East, it would be difficult to reach a distance of 10,000 kilometers from the East...

But such an unreliable person took a ridiculous chart and rashly set out to sea westward. After only two or three months of sailing... he actually discovered a piece of land that seemed to be in the east in the deep sea.


"This must be a joke from the Lord! I would rather absurdly believe that this is a new continent that has never existed before, than believe that this is Sipangu and India in the East! You know, Pero da Co

Knight Virian, however, ventured through the Ottoman territory and arrived in India by land, and sent letters back three times. He found out all about the location and details of India, as well as clear information and documents from Siris!


"The Indian Islands mentioned by these sailors are as wild as primitive people. They don't even have metal tools. They are not the same as the real India at all! As for the so-called Sipangu Island... no matter how you look at it, its location is not the same.

Maybe. Even the latitude is wrong. How could the Sipangu people be in the tropics?…”

Joao II's expression was as cold as a solemn sculpture. He put down the record in his hand and unconsciously tapped the seat with his fingers.

After the initial shock, excitement, disbelief and confusion, he finally clarified his thoughts and made a rational judgment: Columbus may have gone west and discovered some islands or even a piece of land in the deep sea. But there was nothing to do with the east.

, it is neither Sipan ancient Japan nor India!

But there are very few people as sane and knowledgeable as him. But what Columbus shouted at the port, "He has discovered a new sea route", was like a huge boulder falling into a pond, not only did it smash

The water splashing all over the sky even made a big hole in the bottom of the pond in Lisbon!

According to the Sheriff's report, in the past two days, the streets and alleys of Lisbon were more lively than a festival. Everyone was talking about "the boat fight in the port and the crazy captain who was captured" and "the arrival from the west."

"New route to the East", discussing what Marco Polo wrote about, "India full of spices and gems", "Sipangu full of gold and silver"... and all discussions will eventually turn into "India full of spices and gems"...

"The obsessive imagination of endless wealth", as if those gold, silver, gems and spices are within reach as long as you reach the East!…

"A Castilian captain named Columbus actually returned from India and Sipangu! Then, he was detained by the Portuguese at the port of Lisbon... The Portuguese not only controlled the shipping routes to the southern continent, but also

To monopolize the sea route from the west to the east and monopolize all the wealth of the east!…”

John II could even imagine that at this moment, there were countless messengers, riding fast horses or sitting on merchant ships, quickly spreading this breaking news to all parts of the world of God.

After Marco Polo brought back his knowledge of the East, and after hundreds of years of imagination and sustenance, the meaning of "East" to Europeans at this moment is simply like the "Land of Milk and Honey" promised by God, a living paradise on earth!

As long as you go to the East, gold, gems, spices, silk, porcelain...all kinds of priceless goods are everywhere, and you can make a fortune by just messing with them!...And relying on the "East", this is the most explosive romance in the world of God.

Topic, the speed of spread of this news, and the degree of attention it has received from various countries...

"The new sea route in the hands of the kingdom...the interests of the East...the little Perot who actually arrived in India..."

Thinking of the attention and trouble that this news will inevitably bring to the Kingdom of Portugal after it spreads, it will even arouse the entire Catholic world to spy on the real Eastern Sea Route in Portugal's hands... Joao II had a headache. He rubbed his cheeks

After pondering for a moment, he asked the close palace official beside him, Nuno, who was responsible for interrogating the sailors.

"Nuno, can you release a message, a formal notice, to clarify what Columbus shouted at the port?... That is not a new route to the East. We Portuguese did not detain him because of this, let alone robbed anything.

, the new sea route chart he brought back, and the golden wealth of Sipangu..."

"Your Majesty, you are a wise and wise lion who can always grasp the key points of things...but Inêsé Morta is dead."

After hearing this Portuguese proverb with rich meaning, João II fell silent again. After a long while, he sighed rarely and nodded in approval.

"Yes, Inêsé Morta, Queen Ines is dead... People prefer to believe what they want to believe. So, the moment Columbus shouted it, it was already too late... before the kingdom's fleet sailed around 'Okay

At the corner of the corner, on the eve of arriving in India, a crazy Captain Genova actually made such big news, attracting everyone's attention to us... I really want to sentence him to death!...


"Your Majesty, the wind from the east is useless and cannot help. (Vento de leste n?o traz nadaquepreste.)... We in Portugal are located in the westernmost corner of the world of God. There are constant disputes among countries. The eyes we are watching at this moment will not

If we stay too long, it will be difficult to turn into an intervention... Just be careful of the Castilians who are right next to us, and be careful of the two Iberian kings..."

"And Columbus is an admiral conferred by the queen. No matter how ridiculous this conferment is, it is the face of the Castile people... Please be careful! If you kill Columbus, even if the news about the new route is false, it will become

It’s become real and it’s still on our heads…”

"...Well, Nuno, you are right...I need to make rational judgments and deal with everything rationally!..."

João II raised his head and looked at the murals on the ceiling. On the left is the knights who fought hard and founded the country of Portugal, the ancestor Alfonso Henrique. On the right is the founder of the Avish Dynasty to resist Castile.

John I, the great-grandfather who invaded Asia and started the voyage and exploration of the southern continent. He stared like this for a long time before calming down all his emotions and shouted quietly.

"Come here! Summon the Castilian nobleman, Don Christopher Columbus!..."

This chapter has been completed!
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