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Chapter One Thousand Two Hundred and Seventy-Five: Bloodfire Maya, the Keeper Dogs of the Forest

"Only red blood and fire are the sacrifices that the Lord God is satisfied with! Among the nobles of these Mayan city-states who are offering sacrifices, as long as they have the blood of gods, none of them will be spared!..."

"Let those newly surrendered deer insect warriors take action! Either kill the clan's god descendants with their own hands, or become a sacrifice themselves! Only those who stab out the dagger and cut it off, and their hands are stained with the blood of the god descendants, can they truly believe in the main god.

He is someone you can trust!…”

"War Priest! Build a altar, light the sacred fire, mix the god's blood wine, and conduct a great conversion of the whole city!..."

The rain in May has not yet fallen on the Maya Coast. The burning flames have already risen in the Moto City of the Lu Chong clan. A total of 20,000 Lu Chong tribesmen were escorted to the camp in groups by the warriors of the Black Wolf Legion.

.And hundreds of clan descendants are about to usher in their final bloom.

The sacred flame has been ignited, and the sacrificial altar is flowing brightly. The whistle of death blows on the coast, and the cry of the priests shakes the wild. After the great conversion that lasted for several days, the loyal vassals of the Xiwu clan, among the sixteen clans,

The Lu Chong Clan has since severed its roots that have been passed down for hundreds of years, and has been completely wiped out by the bloody hands of the Lord God of the Plateau!

In fact, before the city-state fell, Motuo City had been besieged by Black Wolf's army for two months, and it was almost within easy reach, but Black Wolf had not launched a general attack. The Luchong Clan repeatedly sent envoys to break out of the siege and requested reinforcements from the Xiwu Clan.

.And these envoys miraculously broke through the encirclement, rushed into the southern jungle, and arrived at the Xiwu clan for help.

The black wolf Toltec has already chosen the battlefield, and wants to meet the Xiwu army's reinforcements on the open coast that is more suitable for the Kingdom's legions to fight. But the elder Xiwu clan chief, the old fox Xiupan, has always stood still and sat back and watched his vassals.

Even though they were besieged and destroyed, they were determined not to let the main force of the Xiwu Army come out of the superior jungle.

In the end, the only reinforcements came from the Lu Chong in-laws from the south and two thousand tribal soldiers from the Li Shu clan. But half a month ago, the two thousand tribal reinforcements that had been recruited had just left the jungle when they were attacked from three sides by the six thousand kingdom troops who had been waiting for a long time.

Kill. The god who led the army was shot to death on the spot. The entire army of two thousand tribesmen was wiped out. Only one or two hundred people fled into the jungle...

"A big net was set up to catch eagles, but in the end, only a sparrow was caught... The old fox Xiupan did not die for a day, and the Xiu clan huddled in the jungle, just like the turtles, they couldn't see any flaws..."

After the battle, the black wolf Toltech, holding the head of the descendant of the plum tree, looked at the vast sea of ​​jungle trees and the difficult terrain where supplies were cut off, and he could only sigh in despair.

The Weiyu and Luzhong clans along the coast were both wiped out by his own hands, but the Xiwu clan endured the consequences and never retreated, making it clear that they would not come to the coast to fight. And the kingdom could not penetrate deeply without the foundation of the local tribes.

The Mayan jungle is one or two hundred miles under the sun, and in the forest sea that lacks food, water and even vision, we are looking for the Xiwu clan to fight... At this point, the two sides are basically bounded by the coast for a hundred miles, and they are actually out of contact.

"Forget it! This small-scale jungle fight is a waste of elite kingdom warriors. It's just helping the Xiwu clan train their troops... Let's end the fight with the Xiwu clan! Next, the plan on the Eastern Coast will be completely solved.

Cuba route…”

The black wolf Toltec narrowed his eyes and looked across the hewn city of Moto to the coast of the far east. The Chel theocratic chiefdom, which had previously declared neutrality, was frightened by the force of the kingdom's army that wiped out two clans in succession. Not only did it obediently

Providing supplies, opening the coast, and vaguely intending to restore the Mayapan royal alliance and move closer to the kingdom.

But in terms of belief in the main god, these stubborn old Mayan priests still refused to bow their heads and convert. It was just that the "plateau volcano evil" they cursed in their mouths unknowingly turned into the "bloodthirsty and manic plateau god" they whispered softly.

, and then turned into the cautiously called "the powerful new god of Teotihuacan"...

"His Highness taught me not to make too many enemies at once... Once the main enemies are eliminated, then pull out the remaining ones one by one, push them to the altar and kill them... The theocratic chiefdom of Chel, put them first, put them away,

Once released..."

Black Wolf restrained the murderous intention in his heart and tried to look further. After the Chel theocratic chiefdom, there was the Qijin chiefdom of the Fire Salt clan. At this moment, the first batch of thousands of Kingdom Legions had officially settled in.

Fire Salt Village. The leader of the Fire Salt Clan, the Red Bird Fire Salt Clan, under the protection of the kingdom’s military force, officially announced his conversion to the Lord God and his allegiance to the returning Mayapan royal family!

After hearing this news, the Kapoor clan was obviously shocked. The powerful Kapoor descendants in the interior had long regarded the Fire and Salt clan as their own. They made great efforts and spent more than ten years

To win over, differentiate, and intimidate, they were almost about to officially turn the other party into a vassal... But they didn't expect that just a meeting with all the tribes, Red Bird Fire Salt embraced the lap of the plateau people, defected to the Lord God of the plateau, and returned

Established a name of loyalty to the Mayapan royal family!

"The news came from the beginning of the month that the Kapoor clan has begun to mobilize warriors, and they are reluctant to move... However, it is the spring plowing season now, and these Mayan clan states cannot mobilize a large number of militias. If they only have a few thousand warriors, they will be killed.

Toward the seaside, that is the sacrifice delivered to your door!…”

After fighting many times, Black Wolf Toltec has made a clear estimate of the Maya's combat effectiveness, and does not simply despise it like he did at first. The warriors of the Mayan clan, if they are in the jungle of their own country, with a small

They fought on a large scale, and their combat power was no less powerful than that of the brave Tlaxcalans on the plateau!

But if they leave their home country, their fighting will will significantly decline. If they leave the familiar jungle terrain, their combat effectiveness will continue to weaken. And when it comes to battles with large numbers of people, especially when the army reaches thousands or tens of thousands,

Mayan legions lacking experience and discipline are prone to command malfunction, often causing fatal battlefield chaos and weaknesses!

Therefore, when thousands of Mayan clan warriors gather together to fight the kingdom's legions in an open coastal terrain... in the eyes of Black Wolf, that will be the time when they are at their weakest! The combat effectiveness of these Mayan legions,

It will even drop to the level of militiamen recruited from the plateau. Even if the kingdom's army is one against two, or one against three, it can be defeated in one fell swoop like a melon or a vegetable!

"Occupying advantageous terrain, the local defense is very strong, but the external attack is very weak... No wonder the Mayans have been divided into so many clans and fought for so many years, but they have never been able to unify. Even one of the gods has not been killed and exterminated..."

Thinking of this, Black Wolf Toltec shook his head. The intensity of the Mayan wars was completely incomparable to that of the tribes on the plateau, and was even lower than the intensity of the "Flower War" of the divine nobles. There is a high probability that the Kapur clan would only

One or two thousand people were sent north to test the situation. As long as the kingdom showed overwhelming force, the two sides might still be unable to fight.

"The Kapoor clan is just that, they are just local dogs guarding the inland jungle... From the Fire Salt clan further east, to the unopened Mayan coast and the Ekab chiefdom, this is the focus of the kingdom's planning.

!...The nobles who secretly converted to the main god Ying Yanhu, arranged a raid fleet and warriors in advance, from Yan Island to the city-state of Tulum... Just wait until the Autumn Harvest Festival in October..."

"Blessed by the Lord God! The Autumn Harvest Festival in October will become a real blood festival, dedicating Maya's divine blood and faith to the supreme and glorious Lord God!..."

The black wolf Toltec's eyes were blazing, and the murderous intention in his heart boiled like blood, making his whole body excited. He looked coldly and sternly towards the east, looking like a wolf for a long time, until a red-haired henchman came in a hurry.

Come, bring a distant letter from the Totonac Seaside Alliance.

"Huh? Miyava? That snake woman's letter?... Damn it! She actually wrote so many words? She actually wrote so many words?!... Ha! These are all some messy power temptations. She poked her head out, like

It’s as ridiculous as a squirming snake...huh?! The tribes who sent envoys, made an agreement with the red crow, and exchanged food for the wasteland?!..."

Black Wolf Toltec looked at it for a moment, and his eyes suddenly condensed. He narrowed his eyes dangerously, and after pondering for a while, he took out a charcoal pen and wrote a reply on the back of the paper. And his reply was majestic,

The font shape is unique and slanted from east to west, and there is absolutely no possibility of imitation! As for the content of the reply, there are only four simple characters that fill the paper...

"I want half!"

This chapter has been completed!
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