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Chapter One Thousand Two Hundred and Eighty: The Two Kings Compromise, and the Opportunity for Victory Emerges!

"Self-conferring the guards of my kingdom in the valley of Shenshi City, and then passing them on to my two children?..."

In the God King's tent, the map of the clouds was spread out on the mahogany desk. Although the Mixtec tribes were still resisting, their territory in the clouds had been distributed among the Mexica leaders.

Upon hearing Avitt's inquiry, Shulot's expression remained unchanged, but his thoughts were as fast as lightning.

"There are almost no Mexica among the guards I left behind. Instead, they are mainly Prepecha warriors, Tekos tribe warriors, and wilderness barbarian warriors... Based on their ethnic origin, it is difficult for them to be recognized by the nobles of the alliance.

Acceptance. Coupled with the influence of my personal leadership for many years, it is definitely difficult to be bribed by the collective!...At most, a few of them may be mixed with sand..."

"Therefore, the political exchange conditions proposed by Avitt are to use the territorial control of the Holy Stone Valley in exchange for the Kingdom Guards around me to go to the local enfeoffment... This is to use long-term family interests in exchange for the weakening of the military around me... I want to

I went one step further and became a religious symbol of faith and a pure theocratic leader!…”

"On the other hand, the proposal of this exchange is itself a political test...Does Avitt really intend to hand over the Holy Stone City, which is the retreat of the army, completely into the hands of my direct descendants?...Or maybe he just wants to throw stones to find the way.

, take a look at my bottom line, take a look at my response, and judge whether my thoughts... have been changed by the reputation of the 'prophet'..."

After thinking for a moment, Shulot bowed respectfully. He looked solemn and admonished Avitt, just like Gillim once did.

"Dear father-in-law...God King!...The army is out on an expedition, and military merits such as titles and land grants will indeed help to boost the morale of the army and establish a Mexican territory...But such enfeoffment should be done after we capture Yunshan City, or at least

After this year’s autumn harvest!… At least, we have to wait until the autumn harvest of the Tuntian tribe is completed, the grain is transported into the warehouse, and people’s hearts are a little more stable before we can make such a big move! But for now, I’m afraid we should try to keep it as calm as possible…”

"There are 30,000 Mixtec tribes who farm in the Shenshi City Valley. If 800 acres of land are granted to military nobles and 40 tribal serfs are granted, approximately 700-800 people can be enfeoffed. If too few tribal serfs are granted, these new serfs will be enfeoffed.

The promoted nobles with military merit may not be willing to leave their hometown, and it will be even more difficult for them to gain a foothold among the Mixtecs... In actual implementation, it is best to give the surrendered Mixtec tribe a chance and forgive some of the surrendered ones.

Leader, promote some warriors in the clouds to join the ruling group of the alliance... Therefore, I think 500 of the alliance’s military nobles will be enough for the final enfeoffment!”

"As for the enfeoffment objects of the 500 nobles with military merit, they should be the warriors who fought bravely and made great achievements in the Southern Expedition... The rewards and punishments of the God King should be as fair as the sun... In my opinion, the first meritorious service in the Southern Expedition should be the first

The royal warriors who ascended the siege city and defeated the enemy's formations. The second function was the city-state warriors who opened roads, filled trenches, and cleared the mountains and forests. The last function was the kingdom guards who operated bronze cannons and shot at the walled city... Perhaps the enfeoffment quota of Shenshi City should be

Based on this, 50% will be returned to the royal family warriors, 30% will be returned to the city-state warriors, and 20% will be returned to the kingdom's imperial guards... The army is out on an expedition, and rewards and punishments should be clear. All things should be based on military morale. Please give me the guidance of the God King!"

After saying that, Hulot was respectful and about to bow to the ground, but Avitt held him up. Avitt held Hulot in one hand and tapped lightly on the table with the other hand, as if

Thinking carefully about something.

"Wait until after the autumn harvest to enfeoff... Only 500 people will be enfeoffed, and each person will be granted 40 slaves and 800 acres of land?..."

This kind of enfeoffment of military nobles is based on the standards of the Kingdom of the Lake, but it is much higher than that of the Mexican Union! The alliance is densely populated, all the fields have been distributed, and the number of nobles has almost grown to saturation. Ordinary military nobles often also

There are only a dozen tribe slaves and more than 200 acres of land, which is not even as good as the senior warriors of the Lake Kingdom. Therefore, Avitt thought that the same valley of Shenshi City could be enfeoffed to two thousand military nobles, but Xiulote did not.

Only seven or eight hundred people were counted...

Fundamentally, the basis of Avitt's rule is the traditional royal family and nobles. The traditional upper-class group will take away most of the alliance's expansion dividends, such as enfeoffing royal princes one after another.

The basic base of Shulot's rule is the emerging warriors and military nobles. Through the continuous expansion of the Kingdom in the Lake, the continuous war dividends, and the rapid increase in productivity, a large number of middle-level people have been gradually cultivated.

Supporters, that is, the emerging military landowners. After all, the kingdom in the lake with a blank sheet of paper is better to draw than the intricate alliance...

"Well...accept some Mixtec chiefs and warriors, allocate quotas according to military merit, and put military morale first..."

After pondering for a moment, Avitt smiled and said.

"That's right, this is only fair! Shulot, then let's make the arrangements as you said!..."

"Yes! Follow your will, God King!..."

"Xulot, if there are no outsiders, please call me father-in-law!..."

"Yes! God King...father-in-law!..."

After saying that, Shulot bowed again. He declined implicitly with admonishment, and always had a humble attitude, which made people feel like a spring breeze.

Avitt also smiled, changing his usual stern and authoritative look, without any compulsion at all.

Because, facing the "obedient" student, the "admonishing" son-in-law, and the "hidden" prophet in front of him, he could no longer win and take all!... After this trial, both sides reached a tacit compromise and understood each other.

bottom line.

"Xiuluote, the three-pronged army marched south. The east-route army besieged Yunshan City. The middle-route army was still confronting the leader of the Mixtecs, Yun Chen, outside Shanhe City...On the contrary, the west-route army attacked the city.

, was the first to achieve a breakthrough!…”

"This is the latest news received... The West Route Army has penetrated Simistek, moved south from Oak Valley City, and advanced all the way to the coast... At the moment, the vanguard of the West Route Army should have cooperated with the Kingdom's navy.

, began to besiege Hedou City on the Mixtec coast!..."

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Avitt took out the third letter and handed it to Shulot. Then, he pressed his finger on Hedou City on the map and drew a dotted line.

Refers to Yangu City behind Shanhe City on the middle road.

"God bless you! As long as Hedou on the seaside and Shuangshan City are conquered, the empty middle hinterland of the Mixtecs will be completely exposed to the alliance! Then, the Western Route Army went north to Yangu City, went straight into the hinterland of the clouds, and fought with

The middle route army attacked the big leader Yun Chen together..."

"The army of Chief Yunchen originally came from the states in the rear. As long as his hinterland is invaded by the Alliance, the morale of the army will be greatly weakened! ... There will definitely be many leaders leaving with tribal warriors, giving priority to defending themselves.

The tribal city-states... Once the Mixtec army is dispersed, it will be weak. It will not last long without its hinterland. Complete collapse is right in front of you!..."

"At this point, the key fighter for the Southern Expedition has appeared! This opportunity to determine the victory is not in the difficult mountain city on the east route, nor in the Yunchen army on the front line in the middle route, but in the twin seaside cities attacked by the west route army!..."

"Ah! It's true! Praise the Lord God!...Father-in-law, your keen control of the battle situation is really like the incarnation of the God of War coming in person!..."

Shulot admired seriously, with a sincere look on his face, and Avitt also raised the corner of his mouth.

In this southern expedition, the alliance mobilized all its troops, and three armies went south to attack the two Yunzhong tribes. In less than a year, the Mixtec tribes at the front had already revealed fatal flaws. And now, the attack on this

The fatal flaw was caused by the more than 20,000 Western Route Army of Marshal Casal and his cousin Moctezuma II, and the thousands of Lithospermum Corps supported by the Kingdom's sea!

"Xiulote, the Western Route Army's logistics and food roads have extended to a thousand miles, and most of them are mountain roads...At this time, Kasar is barely maintaining the army's supplies by relying on captured and looted food! But the rainy season has already begun.

When the time comes, the logistics cost of the mountain road will be too high for the alliance to bear..."

Hearing Xian's intention, Shulot's eyes moved slightly, already understanding Avitt's unfinished meaning.

The biggest difficulty in the southern expedition to the Yunzhong tribes is the increasingly long logistics line. Without oxen and horse-drawn carriages in Central America, it is impossible to maintain a land logistics line of 20,000 troops and a thousand miles in the mountainous terrain. Can the Western Route be maintained?

The only supplies for the army are waterways, and only food transported from the kingdom in the lake! As for the 20,000 troops of Casar and Meng Er, after arriving at the Mixtec coast, their life and death depended on the hands of the kingdom's fleet...

"Hmm... It seems that the selection arrangements for the West Route Army have been considered for a long time... And Avit chose this time to reveal the enfeoffment arrangements of the Land in the Clouds... It really sucked the royal family of the Asal family to death!

…Sure enough, personnel arrangements are the most exquisite. Make arrangements in advance and let time create the trend…”

Shulot was thinking all over the place, imitating the political maneuvers of Avitt's people, but he did not hesitate in his actions. He solemnly saluted again and said his promise in a deep voice.

"Witness the Lord God! The Kingdom is responsible for the logistics of the West Route Army! And the Kingdom's newly forged Thunder God mortar can also reach the twin coastal cities of the Mixtecs by sea..."

"The victory of the divine war must belong to us. This is the divine revelation of the Lord God!..."

"Praise the Lord God, and even more praise you! My father-in-law, the king of gods!..."

"Ha ha!…"

In the camp, Avitt laughed heartily and was extremely satisfied.

Note: The Easter Egg Chapter is the latest Southern Expedition map.

This chapter has been completed!
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