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Chapter 1,286 I have good news to tell you

“The Lord God bless you! A letter from the royal capital! A letter from the royal capital!…”

The messenger from the royal capital rushed into the Purple Grass City, and then divided into three teams, heading to the Purple Grass Legion camp, the main temple of the Purple Grass City, and the Southern Shipbuilding Department. Soon, the warriors in the city mobilized, and the Southern Shipbuilding Department

, it was even more busy and noisy.

"An order came from the royal capital to form the fourth fleet heading to the north!..."

"What?! Didn't it say that this year's expedition to the Mixtec coast will give priority to replenishing the Lithospermum navy. And the exploration support in the north will be suspended for two years?..."

"The Lord God witnessed! The Divine Enlightenment Office in the royal capital sent a messenger and presented His Majesty's royal order! The latest royal order!..."

"Ah...but all the galleys owned by the shipbuilding company have been delivered to the Purple Grass Navy..."

"There is an order from above to mobilize all two Fengshen Shuttles, plus all nine newly built Water God Sand Ships, to form a northbound fleet! The Fengshen Shuttle will head north this month, bringing dozens of capable crew members to support all the way to

The forefront of the West Sea. The water god sand ships are slower, loading goods and moving hundreds of people to supplement the development strongholds in the northern continent..."

"Lord God! Two Fengshen shuttle ships, nine Water God sand ships, all new ships need to be mobilized? Then the shipbuilding department will be empty all of a sudden, and a big ship transporting wood will also be gone..."

"Let's use a small catamaran to hold it up first! Then recruit a batch of canoes and let the sailors run a few more times...Besides, isn't there a second batch of five Fengshen shuttle boats in the yard, twenty of them?

Is the Water God Sand Ship under construction?…

"The construction of the second batch of large ships has just begun! It will take three or four months for the sand ships to be launched. I am afraid that they will not be launched until after the autumn harvest. The Fengshen shuttle ships are even slower! Five ships were built in one go. There were not enough skilled craftsmen at all, and they all relied on money.

The shipwright and sailmaker watched, and sometimes they had to rework... Even if there is a ready-made keel, it will be next spring!... Besides, hasn't the northern route been discovered? Why continue to support the fleet? If there are not enough manpower on the ship, say

We might even have to be mobilized and sent to the northern continent thousands of miles away..."

"Shut up, why are you talking so much! This is His Majesty's order!... Cough! I'm telling you in a low voice... This recruitment is not our turn. The Purple Grass Legion will send out two hundred warriors, and the High Priest will mobilize a group of devout and fearless warriors.

Tekos believers, add some captured Mixtec young men... God bless you! Work quickly!..."

"Ah, yes! Blessed by the Lord God! Follow the Lord God's guidance and open up the northern continent!..."

The chaotic discussion echoed lowly in the shipbuilding department. The craftsmen and apprentices were busy, but the order was not chaotic at all, and even somewhat organized. These experienced craftsmen who obeyed military law and had worked in the shipbuilding department for several years

, is indeed the kingdom's most precious asset. They don't need to worry, no matter how short of manpower the ship is, they will not be sent to the northern continent.

Unless... the kingdom wants to expand the shipbuilding workshop on the west coast into a real Western shipbuilding company according to its previous plan, right at the Golden Bay Port where the Miwok tribe has been naturalized...

"Ah?! Let me join the fleet going to the north, go back to my hometown, and get together with the Miwok chieftains... Well, it's time to go back and have a look! Look at the once small Golden Bay Port, look at it

The North Bay tribe where I come from, look at the tribes in the Miwok Bay area who have converted to the Lord God..."

The Cedar Shaman had a complicated expression on his face, muttering something in his mouth, and the wooden staff in his hand was shaking a little. After a while, he took a deep breath, put away the expression on his face, and walked out of the shipyard in vigorous strides. After leaving

Before that, he looked at the busy "master craftsman" Jin Shanshu who was in charge of dozens of boatmen. After hesitating for a few breaths, he finally did not speak.

"Forget it, Lao Jin is doing well! He commands so many craftsmen and brings so many apprentices... There is no way the shipyard will let him go..."

The heavy shaman's wooden staff swayed in the air without touching the ground at all. The wooden staff quickly swayed out of the shipbuilding company, and no one came to stop it. It continued to wander leisurely, drifting through the logging territory on the outskirts of the city, drifting too shallowly.

In the shallow rivers and streams, we finally met the warriors who stopped us, but soon let us go again.

"Greetings to you, respected northern priest! Captain Qi is at the very back, in the tomato field..."

"Okay...may the Lord God bless you!..."

Next, the wooden stick rose higher, past the soybeans and peas that had been harvested for the first time, past the rice and millet planted for the second time, and past the traditional "three sisters" of corn, beans, and pumpkins. Finally,

It finally reached its target, punched the ground hard, inserted it into the soft vegetable field, and let out a loud cry.

"Hey! Old Corn, what are you doing? Why are you still pinching the buds of the red fruit seedlings you finally planted?..."

"Ah! Who?!..."

A loud voice suddenly sounded from behind. Chihuaco, an old militiaman, was so frightened that he trembled all over. With a mess of his hands, he pinched off the main buds of the tomato seedlings. He shook with distress and turned his head to look,

But I saw an old face with a smile. The face was full in the sky, round in the ground, and wide and plump in the hall. At first glance, it was... extremely unlucky!

"Damn, bad luck! What bad luck! Why are you such an old idiot?!... You can't even make a sound when you walk, and you run out in broad daylight to scare people!..."

"Haha! If the hunter makes noise when walking, how can he catch the deer in the forest? It's you, Old Corn! After two years of farming, your vigilance is getting worse and worse. It's not as good as what I just saw.

When you..."

Cedar Shaman smiled and reached out to pat Chihuaco on the shoulder, but he dodged it. The old militiaman looked at Cedar angrily and asked aloud.

"Haven't you been hanging out in the shipyard? You want to learn some shipbuilding skills... You don't like farming, so what are you doing in this field?"

"Don't worry, we'll talk about it later..."

The cedar shaman waved his hand, squatted down to the ground curiously, looked at the neat row of tomatoes in front of him, and asked again.

"I was standing behind you just now, watching you for a while, watching you pick and choose...Are you pinching the buds of this red fruit? What's the use of pinching the buds?"

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "Ha! You don't understand this kind of thing... Hey! Hey! Don't pinch it randomly, some buds need to be kept!"

…Okay! Let me tell you!…”

The old militiaman sighed helplessly, pointed to the tomatoes in the field, and explained seriously.

"Picking the upper leaves is for topping, so that the tomatoes can grow to both sides, so that they can bear more fruits...Plucking the lower buds is for pruning, which also allows the tomatoes to bear more fruits... Look at the positions of the buds, they are on both sides.

Even if such buds grow on the mouth of the root branch, they will not bear fruit later... Therefore, they must be pinched off in advance!..."


Cedar Shaman blinked his eyes and thought hard for a while, but he couldn't figure out the reason at all.

"Old corn, why do you pick off the top leaves and the red fruits will grow to both sides, and then there will be more fruits?..."

"Because it grows too tall, it only grows leaves and no fruit..."

"Then the bud down here hasn't grown yet, how do you know it won't bear fruit?..."

"Because those are the buds at the fork mouth! The buds at the fork mouth will definitely not bear tomatoes, they will only grow leaves. If the buds come out a little lower, then the fruit-bearing branches can be produced!..."

"Uh...this red fruit is really weird! Why is it like this? Are you talking nonsense?..."

"What! Am I talking nonsense? That's what it is! I've been growing tomatoes for so many years, and I still don't know?!..." "Then the reason for this is, what exactly is it? What determines whether it grows leaves or leaves?


"This...this reason...Oh! I am a farmer, how do I know so much?! Oh, please don't pinch..."

The cedar shaman asked questions here and there, still groping at the tomato seedlings with his palms. The old militiaman Chihuaco was so anxious that his head ached for a while, and he finally couldn't help shouting.

"Okay! I'll tell you why!... The blind one... Well, Your Majesty gave me a book. I read it for a long time and asked the priest to read it to me..."

"The book said that there are many small cells in the crop, so small that the eyes can't see them! There are all kinds of entangled divinities in the small cells, and the divisions and combinations determine the appearance of the crop.

And produce... Then there are smaller tadpoles, swimming and swimming in the cells, letting them sprout and sprout, letting them bear fruit and fruit... all these wonderful things!"

"...! Your Majesty's book? The legendary divine revelation book of your number one shaman?...Invisible cells, divinity and tadpoles?"

The Cedar Shaman's hand froze, and his eyes widened in surprise. He didn't expect that he would get such a benefit from interrupting the conversation. He also wanted to ask where the "magical book" was, so that he could borrow it and take a closer look.

Look. After all, as a well-informed northern shaman, he actually has a lot of research on plants. He might be able to understand something, and even write and draw his own shamanic book... But as soon as he opened his mouth, he saw something strange.

Vaco was furious and snatched away his wooden stick.

"Old wood! Nothing good happens every time I see you... Don't interrupt! If you have any bad news, tell me quickly! I can handle it!..."

"Ahem! It's not bad news, it's good news... I have good news to tell you..."

Cedar Shaman rubbed his hands and replied with a smile.

"God bless you! We are finally going to sea!..."

"What! Going to sea?!!..."

Hearing this, Chihuaco felt as if he had been struck by lightning, his heart and liver trembled, and his knees instantly became weak.

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