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Chapter 1,289 The only fertile land in North America, the west coast of California

The seaside wind blows from the seashore operated by the kingdom to the inland mountains. From the Mayo tribes in Leijin Town to the north, there are the large Yome tribes that occupy the open-pit coal mine belt, and the Yaqui tribes who are the "people of flint".

After crossing the continuous open-pit coal mine belt, arriving at the undulating valleys, and arriving at the Red Copper Mountain, which is like a natural wonder, it is the territory of the "People of the Mountains" Opata Alliance. And further north from here, is the territory of the fierce migration.

The Alliance of Safari Tribes, the hunting ground of the "People of the Prairie" Apache tribes.

Continuing to the north, from the grassland to the basin. Surrounded by mountains, the Colorado River flows, and can withstand the cold wave, there are the "people of the Great Basin". The most famous among them is the Mesa Ward (

Mesa Verde) "Cliff Dweller" ruins, the oldest large tribal alliance in the northern continent, the Navajo tribe alliance!

Of course, at this moment, the ancient city-states and palaces that the "Ya Dwellers" passed away are still as dusty as a hidden holy land, and are only passed down in the mouths of a few tribal shamans and sages. And with them, they are located in the west of the mainland at 37 degrees north latitude.

The frontier is the territory of the Miwok tribes who have converted to the "people of the golden bay" who have converted to the main god. Xishan Port, the center of the west coast of the kingdom, is in the center surrounded by the Miwok tribes!

"Praise the Lord God! The bronze smelting workshop in Xishan Port has produced another batch of bronze tools!..."

"God bless you! Another small galley has been launched!..."

"The Lord God is supreme! Look, the Miwok people who came to trade are also praying to the Lord God!"

At present, in Xishan Port with a population of more than 3,000, the four most important functional buildings are the bronze workshop to the east, the shipbuilding workshop to the west, the main temple in the center, and the open market on the sandbank in the north of the port.


Among them, the copper and tin mines in the Bronze Workshop come from the mountains in the east of Jinwan, and are the associated ores of two gold veins. But now, no one is digging the glittering gold mines, but the associated copper

Mines and tin mines made the Miwok tribes cheer and move towards the Bronze Age...

As for the shipbuilding workshop in Xishan Port, it is not large in scale. There are only a small number of kingdom shipwrights in the workshop, who teach and command more than ten times the number of Miwok craftsmen. The mission of this shipbuilding workshop was originally to repair the galley longships and maintain the northern route.

But two or three years later, with the improvement of shipwrights' skills and the arrival of several new southern shipwrights, the Xishan Port shipyard was finally able to build small galleys!

And when a steady stream of small galleys were launched from Xishan Port, a series of ports on the west coast finally supplemented the rare offshore transport capacity and were able to carry out larger-scale transportation exchanges!

"O God! There is a transport galley at the port, docked to unload the cargo! It comes from the south, and the white and gray cargo seems to be the salt of the Ipa tribe!..."

"It's salt from the Salt Lake again!... This shipload of salt has been shipped, and I don't know how long it will take to sell it before all the surrounding ministries can exchange it... I heard that the Black Snake Division in the south has recently discovered a jade mine? That is really a big deal.


"Ha! Jade mine? In the northern continent, jade is of no use! Just like here in Jinwan, several big gold mountains have been discovered in succession, but no one is willing to dig... Be it jade or gold, they can only be transported thousands of miles away

It takes more than a year to get back to the kingdom in exchange for useful things!…I think the best one is Huwan Port in the north, which can produce iron materials and forge iron farm tools and tools…That’s really a change

What a good thing for the tribe! It would be great if more ships could be brought here..."

"Don't think about it! Huwan Port only has a few manpower... The iron mountains they discovered are far away in the mountains and forests to the east. Mining and transportation are time-consuming and laborious... Throughout the year, the iron materials they can produce are basically even for their own use.

Not much will be given to other ports!…I think our local bronze smelting in Jinwan is more worthy of hope!”

"That's right! The Miwok tribes have sufficient manpower and have sworn an oath with us. They have converted to the main god in large numbers. They are our trustworthy Jiao people!... They will mine copper and tin. Our port will be responsible for smelting and transporting the entire process by small boats.

, the bronze tools produced can't be better when combined with other parts!... This is what the northern shaman said, the 'natural cycle' and the 'great spirit'!..."

"Ha! The 'natural cycle' that Miwok priests talk about refers to the soul and body, not some workshop or product... Don't talk nonsense and attract the warriors of the tribe to challenge you..."

"Haha! If it's a one-on-one challenge, it's a one-on-one challenge! As long as it's not those weird bear hunting warriors, I, the senior warrior of Terkos, Luo Sledgehammer, will continue here!..."

"Hahaha! Sledgehammer, you are still afraid..."

"You! If you have the ability, you can compete with me!"

“The Lord God witnesses! Compare!…”

The discussions and comparisons of the kingdom's warriors echoed on the beach of Xishan Port. The sound of swaying oars and the elongated shadow of sails also came and went together in the waves of the port.

The struvite accumulated in Beitorishi Village, the lake salt re-exported by the Ipa tribe, the water jade to be mined by the Black Snake Tribe, the copper and gold excavated by the Miwok Tribes, the iron smelted at Lake Bay Port, and the whaling oil from Whaling Port,

There are also grain and fish catches produced in other ports, which are increasingly forming a closely connected coastal trade network!

The economy determines the upper class, and culture is affected by economics and trade. This mutually complementary trade network will gradually form an economic community with the development of productivity and population on the west coast, forming a large feudal state, an overseas governorship, or a large religious empire.

The basis of province!

In this four-thousand-mile west coast, in the future community, the Kingdom's Xishan Port is not only a hub for communication between ministries, but also a center for technology dissemination! More developed metal and shipbuilding technology, more advanced religions and organizational forms, and more advantages

The agricultural crops and technologies are all based here as the core, radiating to the tribes on the entire west coast... As for the Miwok tribes nearby, they are the first tribes in the northern continent to make leaps forward!

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "Lord God! Stop arguing!... You divide into two teams and inspect the milpa fields around the port and the potato fields on the hills!

I inspected the river again and saw the four new crops that the priest requested to try out...what strange beans and rice!..."

"Captain, we just saw it in the morning...the soybeans and peas are growing very well, and we have harvested a crop before...the millet is also okay, growing pretty well...but the rice is too watery, really

It’s very difficult to plant! It doesn’t work even if you water it twice a day. It falls over and dies for no apparent reason…”

"...If you have enough water, water it more. No matter how difficult it is to plant, you have to plant it! This is the joint order of the chief priest Ke Yuan and the priest Jia Shu!...Forget it! I will personally lead the team and go take a look!..."

In these overseas strongholds far away from the kingdom, everything is a rough road and requires everyone's efforts to open up. Even the samurai who have been out of work have to pick up farm tools again and start farming in the fields.

Currently, a total of five traditional Central American crops are grown in Xishan Port, namely staple corn, vegetable beans, multigrain pumpkins, multigrain sweet potatoes and potatoes. In addition, there are four new crops from the West Sea, soybeans, peas, rice and


Among the four "new crops", two kinds of beans are the best, and they are almost perfectly adapted to the water and soil in the Jinwan area. They have low heat requirements and are more adaptable to water and fertilizer, even in Xishan Port.

The growth is better than in the Northeast of China!…

Similarly, millet is also an easy crop to grow. No matter how hard it is, it will produce something. The only thing that is difficult to grow is rice! Its requirements for rain-heat irrigation and planting technology are really too high, and it really requires intensive farming.

of crops.

Obviously, farmers in the Americas need time and experience to slowly master the cultivation techniques of this delicate crop. And it is not known how many years it will take for rice to become a reliable staple food, unless immigrants from East Asia can be obtained...

"Phew! These Western Sea crops have low yields and are difficult to grow. I don't know what the priests are doing planting them?... If you ask me, Milpa of the Kingdom is still reliable! The sacred 'Three Sisters', plus the Mother of the Earth

potatoes, together with their majestic embrace, nurtured the tribes all over the world..."

"What a lush farmland!...The Lord God testifies! This Golden Bay land on the west coast, in terms of fertility and planting potential, is not inferior to the two major lake areas of the Kingdom!..."

"Ah! Praise the Lord God! Give us a good harvest..."

In the fields of Xishan Port, there were devout sighs and prayers, including warriors from the kingdom and many local Miwok tribes. After three years of farming, the cultivated fields around the port finally turned into mature land, with some good harvests.


In fact, the Golden Bay area on the west coast is the only fertile land in the agricultural era on the entire North American continent! It has an excellent mild climate, four mountains that block the cold wave, medium-to-high water and soil, and

The irrigation rivers flowing down from the mountains have laid the natural foundation for agricultural development!

The entire west coast of North America and parts of the Great Basin are the only two places on the North American continent in this era that are fertile soil suitable for farming, settlement and development. As for the black soil belt in the Great Lakes region and the grassland belt of the North American Great Plains,

They are all absolutely rotten lands in the agricultural era, death zones of extreme cold and no harvests!

These so-called "black soils" are very difficult to develop, roughly similar to the black soil in Northeast China. Before the industrial revolution provided sufficient material foundation, the severe cold of the Little Ice Age in the late Ming Dynasty ended, and before crops were further cultivated for cold resistance, whether in Europe or Asia,

Neither Central America, nor the closest country, can maintain stable farming settlements or large-scale population gatherings here!

Because, without the obstruction of the northern mountains, the cold current from the Arctic always brings a steady stream of cold waves. As long as the cold wave of more than ten degrees below zero occurs continuously in May and October, it is enough to significantly reduce the crop yield of the year or even

Absolute harvest. As long as three such reductions in production and no harvest occur for three years, most farming settlements can be destroyed! ... In this cold period of the 15th century, such summer and autumn cold waves are really the most common...

“The west coast of the kingdom, the golden Xishan Port, the hope of the future!…”

The golden light of the setting sun fell on the golden main temple, making the decorative gold and stones shine brilliantly. And when the setting sun gradually went west, from the West Mountain at 122 degrees west longitude to the Great Whale Island at 153 degrees west longitude,

Five horses, large and small, raised their heads at the same time, facing the brilliant sunset and snorted happily.


This chapter has been completed!
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