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Chapter One Thousand Two Hundred and Ninety Four: The Power of Thunder… We are indeed brothers!…

"Blessed by the Lord God! The power of the ocean and thunder protects the Thousand Islands tribe in the north! Friends of the Beiyu tribe, we are your long-lost brothers. We do not have any ill intentions... We are the northern tribes from the distant Thousand Islands, come here

Trade and supplies!…”

At the bow of the longship, Thousand Island Shell shouted loudly, translating her husband Zuvalo's greetings. Then, she walked out quickly from the large group of warriors and hunters.

At this moment, she was wearing the grand "dress" of the Ainu tribe's sacrifice, with a "circular belt" on her head that symbolized tribal identity, and a bright "shell bead chain" around her neck. This bead chain was unusual.

It is heavy, and at the bottom of the intertwined shells, there is a gold amulet of the main god strung. The hummingbird engraved on the surface of the amulet is a symbol of the inheritance of the guardian god!

When this outfit of hers caught the eyes of the tribesmen of Beiyu Hanmarsh tribe, the atmosphere that was originally hostile and ready to fight suddenly stopped. Many sharp-eyed tribal hunters looked puzzled and looked carefully again and again.

, even a little unbelievable.

"Ah! He is a young 'story teller', the most important 'bonfire inheritor' in a tribe?!..."

"What is the divine power pattern on her chest? It seems like the fishing owl originally sent down to earth by the gods like us?..."

"Huh? How is this possible? The circular pattern and Kamui... are not the vicious Ishikari tribe, nor the estranged Saihara or Higashihara tribes... but they are so close to us, and they are the same Hoyu heritage?..."

"How is this possible! Apart from our Beiyu Hanmarsh tribe and the Beiyu Hanbin tribe in the south, which other Beiyu tribe can produce so many elite warriors in one go?!..."

In the fishing port, the Ainu tribesmen with spears and bows were all talking about it. Even the great chief Beiyu Hannum, who was standing at the front and dressed in bearskin, was a little confused. But soon, the Qiandao shells were as crisp as lark.

The bird's voice, full of excitement, came from the long boat again.

"The divine power of the ancestors is watching us in the clouds of the gods, and is also watching us from the high trees! Under the eyes of the Sun Mother, the guardian divine power and the divine power of the ancestors, the Ainu people will never lie, and those who lie will

Turn into a fox and die in the hunter’s trap!…”

"I am Qiandao Beike! Our tribe comes from Qiandao in the north, but the origin of the tribe is the tribes of Beiyu! ... My father is Beiyu Beike! My grandfather is Beiyu Lao Beike!..."

"Next to me is my husband, the chief of the Thousand Islands tribe in the north! The powerful sea and thunder power are guarding him! And our coming here is also guided by the power of the god, and it is an omen given by the gods!


Qiandao Shell spoke quickly and urgently, and the anticipation, hope and pride on her face shone like sweat. But when her words reached the ears of the tribesmen on the shore, the strong men who gathered together were like birds.

The group was completely blown away.

Such a powerful fleet and warriors are not the ferocious Kazuto, but the Ainu tribe of the Thousand Islands in the north? And such a large tribe is actually one of their northern tribes? How... how is this possible?

Woolen cloth?…

"The guardian Shenwei is looking at you with wide eyes! Everyone shut up, pick up the bows and spears in their hands, and stay vigilant!..."

It wasn't until the chief of the Cold Swamp tribe sternly shouted to stop that the noisy crowd gradually became quiet. However, many people's spears and bows had begun to hang down and were no longer aimed at the kingdom's fleet. And Zuvalo was keenly aware of it.

After all this, he turned around and gave instructions to the soldiers on the ship.

"Lord God bless! Lower your weapons! They are not our enemies, but our friends and brothers!..."

"Heir to the Qiandao Tribe! I have heard of your father, Beiyu Beike. I have also met your grandfather, Beiyu Laobeike... However, I have never heard of you, who is from Qiandao.


Chief Beiyu Niquan squinted his eyes and took two more steps forward, even walking within the shooting range of the bow and arrow on the ship. He carefully looked at the tall, mountain-looking archers, and personally tested the ship for his own safety.

reaction. As the most agile bear hunter in the tribe, even though he is old now, he still has enough confidence to dodge the opponent's bow and arrow at this distance.

"In the face of the divine power of their ancestors, the Ainu people never lie!... I have never heard that on the desolate Thousand Islands in the north, there is a large tribe of Beiyu inheritance! Dear inheritor, can you sing a song?

How about the inherited songs to prove one’s identity?…”

"Ah! Witness the divine power of my ancestors! I am the true inheritor of the tribe..."

Facing the chief's doubts, the young Qiandao Beike was a little anxious, and her cheeks bulged. She bit her lips, took a deep breath, and sang like a lark.

"A young Ainu went out to sea in a boat, encountered a storm on the sea, and drifted for six nights... When he was about to die, he arrived at the distant Thousand Islands and saw a piece of land... He walked onto the beach and found a stream

, I saw a large and densely populated tribe and met an old chief with a ferocious face!…”

"The old chief said to him: My friend from afar, stay with us for one night, and we will send you back to your tribe tomorrow. Do you agree? The young Ainu nodded and spent the night with the old chief. When the second

When the sky came, the old chief said again: Friends from afar, the tribe is about to set off. Go to your tribe to do the most important thing! You can get on our boat, but you must lie down flat like a salmon.

You still have your head hidden, your eyes closed, and you can’t look around. Once you open your eyes, my people will be angry, so please don’t look!…”

"The young man agreed, and then the fleet set off. Beautiful songs floated on the ship, like the flow of the tide. He was fascinated by the music until he reached the land. Then, he couldn't help it and wanted to take a look.

The source of singing, look at the person singing..."

"The young man opened his eyes, only to find that the fleet had arrived at the riverside of Da Dao Island. The tribesmen on the boat opened their mouths wide, used long ladles to draw water, and then sipped each other. They all praised in unison, 'This water is so good!'

This water is so sweet!'. They laughed together, took off their clothes on the boat, hugged each other, and began to have sex..."

"Ah! The young man's eyes widened and he couldn't help but exclaimed... Then, he was thrown off the ship by the fleet and directly thrown on the shore... He fell asleep and had a long dream. In

In the dream, he once again dreamed of the ferocious-looking old chief... The old chief smiled and said to him..."

"Young man! I am not a human being, I am the King of Salmon, a sacred fish! You fell into the entrance of the Thousand Islands Underworld, and I pulled you out of the waves and saved your life. You slept next to me

One night is a whole year. And my migratory and spawning tribesmen surrounded you and sent you back to the shore of Maoxili Island!..."

"So, from now on, you need to hold a salmon festival in autumn! Offer me the wine and use the fish bones as the medium of the altar, and I will be grateful to let the fish accompany your tribe... If you don't do this,

Then the fish will stay away. And when you and your descendants go out to sea to fish again, you will fall into the underworld of Thousand Islands and never be able to return!…"

"O protective divine power! This young fisherman is the ancestor of our Beiyu tribe! He and the sacred salmon power reached a tribe's eternal contract! ... From then on, we Beiyu tribes have been on the seashore.

Continuation. And in a long time, from the north of the big island to Huatai and Qiandao, where only schools of fish swim, there will be a continued future for our tribe!..."

The inherited songs flowed from the mouths of Qiandao Shell, like crisp streams, merging into the vast sea. The tribal people at the port listened quietly, listening to the myth of the origin of the tribe, with peaceful smiles on their faces, and they also thoroughly

He lowered his weapon.

At this moment, the tribesmen of the Hanmarsh tribe have completely believed that this fleet that appeared on the northern sea is a tribe with the same blood, has the same inheritance, and is a brother tribe from afar!

However, the great chief Beiyu Niquan still squinted his eyes and was far less simple than his people. He carefully observed the strong armored warriors and archers on the longboat. They all had blank faces, as if they could not understand the Ainu at all.

A human song. And those who smiled quietly at this song were only a few oarsmen, none of whom were wearing armor, so they were obviously of low status.

"The power of the ancestors!... Among the warriors of this so-called Thousand Islands Tribe, there are almost no Ainu!... Their origins are really suspicious, very suspicious!..."

Chief Beiyu Niquan frowned and looked at Qiandao Shell after singing. He still looked suspicious and asked again.

"Heir to the Thousand Islands Tribe! You do have the inheritance of the Beiyu Tribe, and you have the same origin as us!...But these warriors around you, why do their faces all have the strange appearance of Northern Mountain Tao?...And

The 'ocean and thunder' power that you worship is the most powerful and least willing to protect the village's natural power! In the past forty years, I have never heard of any tribe that can obtain thunder.

The guardian of divine power has the power of thunder!…”

"Ah! Witness the divine power of our ancestors! They are indeed Shantao warriors, but they have all joined the tribe! And the divine power of thunder really protects us! ... We really come here with good intentions, please believe it

I...uh? Uh! Zu?..."

Zuvalo gently stretched out his palm and pinched Thousand Island Shell's cheek, which also stopped his wife from anxiously explaining and defending. He squinted his eyes and stood at the bow of the boat, looking at Chief Beiyu coldly.


From the questioning look on the other party's face, he smelled something familiar. Although the Ainu tribe in the south looked completely different from the Yamabe Shikabe in the north, and their temperaments were much gentler. But this familiar smell always remained.

What emerges from the chiefs of the West Sea tribe is that they are completely different from the simple East China Sea tribes! These chiefs of the West Sea tribe cannot be easily persuaded with just words and goodwill...

"The power of the ocean and thunder protects our Thousand Island Tribe! This needs no explanation! I, Chief Zuvalo, as the shaman chief of the tribe, will personally prove it to you!..."

Zuwaro's expression was solemn, his eyes fixed on Beiyu Mire, and he declared word by word in unskilled Ainu language.

Seeing the murderous intent on the opponent's face, Beiyu Niquan, the chief of the Cold Marsh Department, instantly became vigilant, arched his head slightly, and was ready to jump to dodge. However, he watched Zuvalo slowly stretch out his right hand.

, looking at the three long boats, a strange, golden long tube was revealed, pointing the mouth of the tube towards the sky. Then, several fully armed warriors, holding torches, did something behind the long tube.

The armored archers on the ship all knelt down on the ground, chanting prayers devoutly in the direction of the long tube.

"Blessed by the great gods of the sea and thunder! Blessed by the Lord God! Thunder comes to the world..."

"Huh? What are they?..."

Under the bewildered gaze of the chief of the Cold Marsh Tribe, under the prayers of the people in the longship, and under the watchful eyes of the Cold Marsh tribes...these heavy long tubes, facing the clear sky, suddenly emitted an extremely terrifying sound.

Three thunders!



Thunder emerged, deafening, and shocked the hearts of the tribe! The chief of the Hanmarsh tribe was immediately horrified! He turned around in horror and tried to escape, but staggered and fell into the mud at the seaside. When he raised his head with difficulty,

But when they saw the tribes at the port, they all panicked and rolled all over the ground like fish roes!


"It's... it's... the real power of thunder! It's the power of thunder that has never been seen before!..."

"Ah! Ah this! The power of thunder has appeared!…"

"Chief... where is the chief? Was the chief knocked down by the thunder?..."

"No, no! Those thunders were pointing at the sky, not hitting the tribe... Look, the chief got up, he started walking... He walked to the front of the ship tribe!"

After a while, the great chief Beiyu Niquan got up with difficulty and staggered to the long boat. He looked at the golden and smoking "divine weapon" in awe, then lowered his head deeply and met among the tribes.

, an extremely solemn courtesy. Then, with full enthusiasm and sincerity in his eyes, and an extremely sincere smile, he shouted to Zuvalo, who was smiling on the bow of the boat, and the cute Thousand Island Shell.

"Ah! Witness the power of our ancestors! The Ainu people never lie... The powerful Thousand Island Tribe, our tribal heritage is really connected! You are indeed... you are indeed a branch of our Northern Tribe, our long-lost brothers


"Brothers meet, it's a happy day for drinking and barbecuing! I, the chief of the Hanmarsh tribe, sincerely invite you to come to our tribe as a guest! ... We will hold the most enthusiastic ceremony, sing the songs passed down by the tribe, and welcome Qiandao

Big tribe, welcome brothers from the same tribe!…”

This chapter has been completed!
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