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One Thousand Three Hundred and Thirty-One Don’t go south! Don’t go south!


The heavy stone hammer roared with an astonishing sound of breaking through the air! Death suddenly struck, and Zuvalo trembled with fright. He quickly shrank his body and stepped back quickly. This

If the hammer hits hard, not to mention human bones, even the earth hut that collapsed next to it will be able to make a hole!


Maha Aguda wielded the sledgehammer like a bear, and his thick arms were fierce. Zuwaro dodged again and again, as fast as a monkey. The soldiers on both sides of the camp also reacted, and the five kingdom warriors who entered the camp pulled out their copper axes.

, more than a dozen fish skin warriors raised stone hammers and bone clubs. Seeing that a fight was about to begin, the two leaders had already decided the winner!



Zuvarro fell to the ground, with frightened anger and fear of death in his eyes. In the midst of his angry shouts, the heavy sledgehammer whizzed down, sweeping away the priest's feather crown, and suddenly stopped on the Tianling Cap for several seconds.

Inch. Fish Skin Chief Maha Aguda stopped the stone hammer with one hand with ease, gestured with the other hand, and shouted loudly.

"Say! You can't beat the captain! Are you trying to covet our camp by showing up here?..."

"Damn it! Damn it! You stupid Chichimec, you crazy fish-skinned barbarian!... We have a rich and vast territory! We have no interest in your barren and cold swamp forest land!!"

"You are lying! You are plotting against our camp!..."

"I didn't! I swear I didn't!..."

"Then why do you want to go south? You have to contact the big tribes in the south!..."

"That is His Majesty's prophecy and the Lord God's inspiration! We want to trade with the big tribes in the south, using their obsessed gold to trade their craftsmen and technology!..."

"What? The prophecy of the chief shaman of your tribe? You want to get craftsmen from the south to make things? What are the uses of craftsmen? Can they make food?..."

Maha Aguda blinked his eyes in confusion, not understanding the other party's purpose. After all, the Yuskin tribes had been fighting brutally for survival and had little regard for the skills of the craftsmen.

But he looked at it for a moment, and from the angry, unwilling, and even aggrieved expression on the other side, he used his keen animal intuition to judge the truth of these words. Almost in an instant, the ferocious murderous intent appeared on his face.

It faded away and once again turned into the simplicity of the barbarians, which made Zuvaro feel terrified.

"Shipmaker! I wrongly blamed you! It turns out that you really have no plans for such a good territory like ours? It's really strange. I thought you were lying to me... Then where is your territory? Can it be compared to

How are we doing here?…”

Maha Aguda muttered, and threw the stone hammer aside, making a mud pit with a bang. Then, he lowered his head, picked up the fallen feather crest for Zuvalo, and pressed it on his head crookedly.

.Finally, he stretched out his big hand and pulled Zuvalo up with force, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Shipmaker! I believe you! You send us food, but you don't seek our territory, and you want to go south to die... You are indeed not a wolf in deerskin, but a deer sending meat!...

Haha! Tigers and tigers can’t be friends, but you and I can!…”


"Here, I have a good thing for you, as a thank you for the porridge you gave me!..."


Zuvaro had a gloomy face and waved his hands to the five kingdom warriors following him. The fish-skinned barbarians in the camp were generally tall and fierce. These five loyal warriors had just been beaten by a dozen warriors holding thick and long blunt weapons.

Being tightly surrounded, it is indeed impossible to defeat more with less. And the temperaments of these fish-skinned barbarians are as sensitive and suspicious as wild beasts. They are even more arrogant and weird than Yamabe and Shikabe. It is really unpredictable...

"Come on! Commander of the ship, my friend! Come here!..."

Zuwaro pursed his lips and walked towards Maha Aguda who stopped in front of the bonfire. Maha Aguda was half-kneeling on the ground, holding an unpleasant stone knife in his hand, and was handling a particularly large prey with great force, and the bones were chopped into pieces.


"Lord God! Is this? Is this?...Why is it so big?! Is it the rain god's jaguar?"

Zuvalo looked at it twice and was stunned. It turned out to be a dead "Jaguar"! But that huge size is comparable to the "Jaguar" in the jungle, two times larger than a human being.

Much bigger. It’s just like the giant beast riding on the crotch of the rain god in mythology!

However, at this moment, this strong beast was lying quietly next to the fire, being expertly skinned and boned by Maha Agu, and its heart and lungs were ripped out. Its fatal wound was on its head, with a half-pierced "thrown-in" knife inserted into it.

"A spear weighs as much as an arrow". And the white striped tiger skin, with an indescribable sacredness and strangeness, was cut open directly from the abdomen by Mahaa Guda, and was soaked in the dark red of tiger blood...

"Ouch! Ouch!..."

Smelling the pungent blood, several of the strongest Khitan hounds howled and circled around Maha Aguda. They were salivating and waiting anxiously with their mouths wide open, but none of them dared to take a bite. There was a hound.

When he got a little closer, Maha Aguda raised his hand and slapped him. As a result, this big, strong dog like a big wolf was slapped half a meter away, and he whimpered and clamped his tail.

"Haha! Come on, friend of the ship owner! This is a good and powerful thing! I'll give it to you with the kidneys, just think I'm trying to make amends to you!..."

After a few breaths, Maha Aguda laughed and threw a bloody thing over. Zuvalo caught it subconsciously. First, he looked at the opponent's rough bloodletting technique with the professional eyes of a priest. Then, he saw

What was it? His face instantly became excited, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

"Maha Aguda! What do you mean by giving me the whip and waist of this giant tiger?!..."

"Haha! You can't defeat me, the captain of the ship, you treat me to spicy fish porridge, and I treat you to the most powerful tiger meat! ... I think you can use these two things! ..."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "No! Witness the Lord God! I don't need it!..."

"Haha! You definitely need it!..."

Maha Aguda stretched out his hand and wiped the blood on the hunting dog's fur. The hunting dog remained motionless and very obedient. Then Maha Aguda patted the dog's head hard and pointed at the dead tiger.

"Everyone, go and eat! It seems that no one will die today, and there will be no corpses to feed you!... Give me a gentle bite. If anyone bites off my tiger skin, I will skin it for you!..."

"Ouch! Ouch!..."

The hunting dogs screamed excitedly and pounced on the tiger's carcass, eating blood and water everywhere. But what is surprising is that no hunting dog dared to bite and peel off most of the tiger's skin. In a mountain forest with such low productivity,

, it is perfectly normal to feed dead bodies to dogs. But the fact that these powerful dogs, which have eaten humans, are so obedient to their two-legged masters of the Fish Skin Tribe is enough to prove that the ferocity and barbarism of the Fish Skin Tribe is far greater.

above them…

"Captain! If you insist on going south to die, I won't stop you!..."

Maha Aguda laughed, his fish skin covered with tiger blood, and came to Zuvalo again. Zuvalo took a step back warily, but the other party's smile did not change, and he pointed to the "gift" placed on the ground.


"Make the captain! We can be friends, and I can also give you a local slave to be your guide southward!"

"But the premise is that you eat the gift I gave you, sleep with the tribe's woman for one night, and leave the next day!"


Hearing such a familiar request, Zuvalo's mouth twitched again. He looked at the strong tribal women in the camp, whose arms were thicker than their legs and whose bodies were stronger than his own. He temporarily lost the courage to devote himself to the Lord God.

He was silent for a moment, looked at the "silly smiling" Maha Aguda, frowned and asked.

"Why do you insist on letting me keep the seed?..."

"Because of this, when you die in the south... I can take your children to your tribe and inherit your inheritance! Haha!..."

Maha Aguda smiled, and his expression gradually became serious. He stared into Zuvalo's eyes for a while, and then finally repeated.

“Captain of the ship! Don’t go south! Don’t go south!… Don’t go south and die in vain!…”

"Go south... Even if you can cross the long and dangerous river, pass through countless dangerous fights, and find the legendary southern tribe..."

"They are definitely not kind people! In this land of fighting and chaos, there is no friendly tribe!... If you are not strong enough, they will eat you and your belongings in one bite, leaving no skin behind!..."

"And even if you are lucky enough to get something valuable back from the big tribe in the south...it is impossible for you to bring these things back across the long and dangerous sea and through the fighting of countless tribes!..."

"That's all I have to say! If you insist on going south, just leave some seeds first and leave your good things to me!..."

This chapter has been completed!
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