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Chapter 14 Conversations, Memories and the Beginning

At first, Shulot was a little hesitant about the arrival of Avitsotl.

But soon, Avitsotl presented the high priest's jade talisman. This talisman had always been kept close to his grandfather and represented important trust.

"Your grandfather asked me to take care of you. From now on, I will be your teacher!"

Avitsotl said with a smile. His smile was like the refreshing fragrance of pine and cypress, making people feel friendly without knowing it.

"Now, I will help you adapt here. In the future, we still have the same goals..."

Avi pointed out something deliberately and smiled deeply. His smile was like a spring breeze, but there was also an awe-inspiring chill hidden inside.

Within a few days, under Avitt's gentle teaching and considerate care, Shulot hesitated and accepted this wise uncle and teacher, and regarded him as his close friend. Because, in such a chilling army,

, except for this uncle and teacher who appeared, he could no longer find anyone who could help him.

Of course, he was also cautious, always remembering his grandfather's words when he parted, and remembering his own personality. In fact, this was not difficult, because many times, this was what the young man's body brought to him.

"Xulot, you are naive and ignorant... You must obey the king and you are not allowed to talk nonsense..."

Avitt was very concerned about the life of the young Shulot, including his daily necessities, food, housing, and transportation. He always smiled sincerely, and when chatting with the young Shulot, he was always able to meet the other person's feelings and dispel the fear and loneliness in the young man's heart.

On this day, Avitt called the young boy Shulot to watch the sunset. The two watched the gorgeous red clouds fill the sky, and even the treetops were shining with colorful light.

Avitt took out a small flask, took a sip, and then handed it to Xurot. The young man also took a sip. It contained tequila with honey and spices added to it. The wine was very delicious.

It seems to have been purified, but the degree is masked by the sweetness of honey and the strong aroma of spices, making it very pleasant in the mouth.

The young man Shulot was looking at the magnificent scenery while chatting with his uncle and teacher. Unknowingly, he drank too much.

Looking at the young man's red face and feeling his slightly swaying body, Avitt smiled slightly. He calmly deepened the topic. Driven by the drunkenness, the effects of alcohol and unknown drugs, Xiu Xiu

Lott had no reservations anymore. He finally spoke his mind.

"You mean, the sun is a big fireball, and the earth under our feet is a big earth ball. The big earth ball is rotating around the big fire ball day and night?!"

Avitt looked at Shulot in shock.

"Yes, yes! Avitt, you are really smart. You will understand after I say it once."

The sweet wine entered his throat, which was particularly comfortable and inexplicably exciting. Shulot excitedly patted Avitsotl on the shoulder, unable to control his thoughts, flying like a bird.

"The earth ball under our feet is also constantly rotating on its own. Because it rotates around the sun, we have seasonal changes! It is precisely because of the rotation of the earth ball that we have day and night!"

Avitsotl frowned and looked at Xiulote's face seriously. He could only see the sincerity on his face, the redness after being drunk, and the excitement of meeting a close friend. So, he fell silent. Even with

With his ability, he couldn't tell whether Shulot was really stupid after drinking or pretending to be crazy.

"My child, you are indeed different from ordinary people."

In the end, Avitt could only say this.

"Haha! My grandfather said that too!"

Shulot laughed happily, feeling happy for some unknown reason. However, the joy in his heart was also real. No one had ever been so patient, listening to himself talk about the science of the past life and explaining things in nature. He once had a relationship with his grandfather.

My father once mentioned another understanding of the world, but my father sneered at it, while my grandfather was happy that he was different from ordinary people. Neither my father nor my grandfather cared about the content of his words.

He spoke the truth after drinking, and the undetectable potion brought a strong sense of trust. Shulot's mood was in a high state of excitement. He couldn't help but say some words hidden in his heart to release this deeply different outlook on things from him.

The era of continuous pressure.

"When I was very young, I had another memory, or some scenes, in my mind."

Shulot was feeling dizzy and was gesturing and describing drunkenly. The alcohol affected his movements and also his thinking.

"Oh? What memory is it?"

Hearing this, Avitt perked up and asked with an even more sincere smile.

"In that memory, I lived in a peaceful country and had never ended anyone else's life with my own hands... In that world, at least around me, there was not so much bloodshed and killing."

Speaking of this, Shulot felt a little nostalgic and a little emotional.

Even though there was no real equality in the previous life, the starting point of birth determines too much. But in the world, there are people who have the idea of ​​equality after all, and there are people who are unwilling to accept oppression and are eager to change the world. Unlike now, the harsh concept of hierarchy is deeply rooted in people's hearts.

, just like the will of the gods. And killings between different levels can be seen everywhere, just like the wild jungle.

"In my past understanding, power needs to be checked and balanced, and there are always some bottom lines that need to be adhered to. Those in power should not arbitrarily deprive the lives of the weak. The deprivation is sudden, as it should be, and completely irresistible!"

Since coming to this era, the young Shulot has seen blood that he has never seen in his past life. He always feels a strong sense of insecurity. Even though he was born into a noble family, he still cannot

Ensure the long-term safety of your life.

In this era, the loss of life is too casual! The lives of civilians are like weeds and may wither at any time. Nobles and priests will die in cruel battlefields and secret murders. In fact, the young Xiu

Lot has passed death several times! The fear of not knowing when the Western colonists will arrive is also buried deep in his heart, and he cannot tell anyone!

This chapter is not finished yet, please click the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "Avit, look! The king is at the top, claiming to be the incarnation of the gods, arbitrarily controlling my life and the lives of others, and forcibly taking me away from my grandfather. Noblesse

They have inherited it from generation to generation, are superior to others, and have mastered almost all the wealth. The same is true for my family. The common people work hard all year round, but they can't have enough food and clothing, and they can't even feed their children and the elderly. The slaves have no future at all. They

Either die in the mines, or die in the fields, or become sacrifices..."

"The alliance has strict hierarchies, cruel order, bloody sacrifices, and backward productivity. None of this should be taken for granted. Since I am here, I should try to change something! Even if it is just for the cruel society

, bringing a tolerant order and covering it with a layer of tenderness..."

The wine made him bolder, Xuelote shook his head, countless past memories swirled in his mind, and the longing for "home" came to his heart. There were the values ​​​​of the boy's past, the advanced ideas passed down for many years, and he was changed by the times.

Before, that initial look!

In this era, what was also difficult for him to accept was the strict hierarchical order. The divine power was supreme and ruled the society. The royal power suppressed the nobles, the nobles controlled the warriors, and the warriors decided the life and death of the civilians. The king premeditatedly eradicated threatening factions, and the nobles were harsh

The rebellious civilians were executed without mercy, and the warriors indifferently attacked and killed the unnaturalized barbarians. Life was like duckweed, trampling and wandering.

And he comes from a completely different era and has received a completely different education since he was a child. Now, it is still difficult for him to get used to this strict hierarchy, and he has never been able to accept it, treating the lives of civilians as nothing.

The contradictions of these thoughts clashed fiercely in his young mind, and were also affected by hormones, making him impulsive and confused at times. Everyone around him was instilling in him another kind of pure law of the jungle, a more...

"Adapt" to the cognitive system of this era.

He is integrating with the cruel era. This means compromise with each other, the world, or himself. Such compromise and growth cannot be completed in one day.

So sometimes, the young Shulot would go off-line from time to time. He showed pity to the girl when he was capturing a prisoner, he randomly dismantled his grandfather's divine costume in the holy city...He is also here, together with Avitt, carrying out

This time, it was a dangerous and unavoidable conversation.

Avitt remained silent. He no longer had to worry about whether Hulot was really stupid or fake. Such a child, even if he had strange knowledge, could not be a threat to the king. However, Hulot's words still made him

There were some ripples in his cold and cruel heart. Facing such an innocent and harmless young man, he finally revealed some of his cold feelings.

"Xulot, this world is originally cold and cruel. Lions eat deer, and deer eat grass. If you don't eat, you will die. If you die, you will be eaten. Priests, nobles, warriors, commoners, slaves. City-states, foreigners, and savages.

.They are all eating each other and killing each other. What is the difference between a city-state and a jungle?"

"Sunlight is limited. If we don't pull out the weeds, corn won't grow. Look at the rainforest in front of you. The higher you stand, the more sunlight you get and the longer you live. Pine trees live for a hundred years, reeds live for ten years, and mushrooms live for one season.

..Is there anything the same? Even death is different!”

As he spoke, Avitt's words contained some rare ups and downs.

"The so-called mortal life and the so-called tolerant order are just accessories of power! You have to know that as long as you are strong enough, you can be free. Until you reach the highest point, you will have absolute freedom!"

Finally, he subconsciously glanced at the distant Cheng Yu and the majestic king on the Cheng Yu, and spoke to himself in a low and firm voice.

"And I... am also the blood of God!..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Avitt woke up. He stopped talking and looked at Shulot next to him, who was still in a drunken trance. He breathed a sigh of relief, changed his smile, and showed no flaws again.

Avitt patted Shulot on the shoulder, supported the unsteady boy, and said with a gentle smile.

"Xulot, although I don't know what memories you are talking about, I can hear the contradiction and confusion in your heart. Whether you are a warrior or a noble, thinking too much is meaningless!"

Having said this, he looked at Shulot's Tengu suit again and gave a serious instruction.

"As a priest, you still have to pay more attention to divinity! For the royal family, divinity is human nature. Only by understanding divinity will your life not be in vain."

"Uh... divinity and humanity? Lost their lives?..."

Shulot asked in a daze, as if murmuring. Avitt thought about it and smiled suddenly.

"No, I made a mistake. Shulot, that's good for you, very good! I will convey your understanding of the sun and the earth to the king..."

"Because, only in this way can we save your precious life and give you a tolerant order..."

Avitt thought with a smile, and also thought more. Of course, Shulot had no way of knowing these unspoken words. He just leaned on Avitt's shoulder and fell asleep in a daze.

The gentle breeze and drizzle in May represent the gentleness of summer. The warm wind carries the freshness of water vapor, and the rainy season has quietly arrived.

After the legions of Teotihuacan joined the army group, the army moved all the way north and first turned to the northeast to intimidate Tlaxcala and the northern border of the empire. King Tisoc and Atotonilco State, representatives of the Reed City

They met and continued to show off their force while arranging defense against the Tlaxcalans.

At the suggestion of the "Snake Lady" officer corps, the king left two directly affiliated legions here to strengthen defense and monitor Tlaxcala and various city-states.

Then, the army continued north for several days and arrived at the city of Metztitlan, which Shulot had passed through. King Tisok met with representatives of the Huastec people here and accepted another tribute. Then, the army turned around

In the southwest, another city-state legion was received from Weipuchtland, restoring the scale to twenty legions. Of course, more than half of the militia must be used for logistical maintenance.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! After everything was arranged, the army went straight west and attacked the nearest large city-state of the Otomi people! It was an important northern town only two weeks away from the capital in the lake in a straight line.

Lotepec Hotoka Castle.

Soon, twenty legions surrounded Xilotepec, cutting off the city-state's supply of food, salt and some water sources. This standard Mesoamerican city is only four to five square kilometers. Eight core legions camped on the east side of the city.

, there are about 10,000 senior warriors, 20,000 capital warriors, and more than 30,000 village warriors who maintain logistics, stationed along the tributary of the Tampen River with the most convenient food routes. This is a direct military force loyal to the king.

As for the remaining twelve city-state legions, they are evenly distributed on the west, south, and north sides, with more than 30,000 people on each side. About 40% are city-state warriors, and 60% are village militia. As for the Holy City Legion Commander Xiu Suoke,

He led the Teotihuacan legions and stationed them on the west side where they were most likely to encounter Otomi reinforcements.

The father and son were separated from each other, looking at each other from a distance. They had never seen each other since they parted in the Holy City. Shulot often looked to the west, but only one evening, he saw more than 8,000 direct royal warriors.

Quietly disappeared into the forest outside the camp.

The capital's grain and grass can go north along Lake Texcoco, pass through Lake Haltokan, and enter the main stream of the Tampen River to the north. Then, the grain transport fleet turns west and goes all the way along the tributaries of the Tampen River.

The camp on the shore is not far away. A canoe loaded with food can complete the journey in less than half a month.

The morale of King Tisok's army is high and there is no worry about food shortage. Avit told Xilot that according to the latest scout information, there are only 8,000 city-state soldiers in Xilotepec, and more than 10,000 village levies.

There are tens of thousands of civilians. Although the city is strong and has been built for many years, the morale of the Otomi people in the city is low and they are panicked.

If the two sides fight head-on, eight thousand senior Mexica warriors can easily defeat the Otomi people with just one charge, just like driving away a group of monkeys, and drive them into the Tampon River.

But now, Shulot stood outside the east gate. What appeared in his sight was a city wall about six meters high, made of earth and stone, and filled with defenders. On the narrow wall, the slings of the Ottomi warriors

, throwing spears, simple bows and arrows, stacked stones, wooden blocks, lime pottery bottles, all are clearly visible.

This chapter has been completed!
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