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Chapter 1,373 Use shotguns to beat them into sieves!

"The Lord testifies! They must be local tribesmen, not black oil devils! The black oil on their bodies is probably smeared with the oil from the black lake here! Their weapons are also smeared with black oil.

It will look dark and weird!…”

"Holy Mother! What the scholars said may be right... but no matter what, they must be related to the devil! Even humans must be followers of the devil and will be burned to death and judged by fire!..."

"Damn it! Little Paul, Big Ears and the others were attacked and killed! We are going to find the tribe that worships the devil, slaughter their villages, and give them a good look!..."

"God bless! A total of four sailors were killed by these black oil 'devils'! Two others were injured... This black oil lake is so weird and evil! Even if they are not demons,

They are just natives who worship the devil... But there is no doubt that the black oil lake is the creation of the evil devil and is the gateway to hell!... I think we should not stay on this island longer and leave here as soon as possible to avoid suffering

The devil’s curse!…”

The frightened Portuguese crew members fled back to the ship. The chasing black oil "devils" were also threatened by the artillery and fled into the jungle. Between the black lake and the sailboat, only four sailors were left with their chests stabbed and bleeding to the ground.

Corpses. And those horrified faces that gradually solidified were telling the horror of the arrival of the "devil", just like the expressions of the natives before they died when they slaughtered them.

On the flagship "Saint-Remire", Bruno's face turned pale. He listened to scholar Martin's analysis and was speechless for a long time. He knew that scholar Martin was right. This time it was probably not a "devil" but a "devil".

The native tribe smeared themselves with black oil and pretended to be "devils" to sneak attack on them!

Everyone was not defeated by the natives, but by the fear of the "devil" in their hearts at this strange black lake. As a result, everyone fled without resistance, and the natives easily killed four sailors.

Four men were killed at once! And if the scholar Martin had not fired the cannon in time, scaring away the chasing natives, the sailors would have died even more!

"Damn it, this is a complete humiliation! It's an offense to the Kingdom of Portugal! We can't just leave in despair, otherwise the morale of the entire fleet will drop to the bottom!..."

Bruno gritted his teeth, his face filled with embarrassment and anger. He took a deep breath, looked at the faces of everyone who were either a little ashamed or still fearful, and finally looked at Bosun Haroldo. This bosun turned cook was secretly

Devil worshipers know the most about devil’s rituals and are least afraid of devils…

"Haroldo, you know best...cough! You are least afraid of the threat of the devil! Take a few people, put on leather armor, get scimitars and matchlocks...go drag back the four dead sailors! When you turn back and sail into the deep sea,

Just give them a burial at sea!…”

"It's up to you, boss!"

"Mattim! Load your ammunition and get ready to fire!... After the sailor's body is dragged back, the fleet will set sail again. This time we will not go ashore or enter the forest, but will circle the island along the coast... If you look

When you get to the coastal villages of the natives, fire cannons to kill them!…”

"Yes! Captain!"

The captain calmed down and made a decision. The rest of the crew quickly settled down and began to prepare for the killing spree.

In a corner of the ship that no one cared about, the smart Sushu pursed his lips and looked at the smoking eight-pound cannon with some fear. Next to him, Ah Yue, who heard the sound of the cannon for the first time, huddled up and looked at the sky in horror.

, the whole body was shaking.


"Ayue, don't be afraid, that's not the thunder of the gods! ... That's the 'magic weapon' of these white-skinned people, what's it called 'canh?o'. They can shoot thunder and balls, I saw them on the sea before

There have been many, and there are even many ships chasing "Thunder" to besiege the captain who captured me... As long as you hide behind it, as long as you don't face the muzzle, the magic weapon cannot hurt you, and you will be fine!


"Ah?...This is the shaman's 'magic weapon', not the god's thunder?...Is that so?..."

After Shushu comforted her for a while, Ah Yue swallowed hard and slowly recovered from the fear that shocked her mind.

Most tribes in the New World will experience this process of extreme shock and fear when they encounter artillery for the first time. Just like not long ago, the Caribbean tribe on the island clearly succeeded in a sneak attack, firmly gained the upper hand, and even chased and killed the sailors who landed.

In the end, they were only frightened by a blank cannon, and they dispersed in fear. To the local natives, the "white-skinned people" who controlled the artillery were the most terrifying enemies!

"The spirit of Ayong Banan! Sushu, who is the shaman who controls this powerful magic weapon? Is he the leader who commands everyone?..."


The smart potato blinked and looked carefully at the many crew members on the ship. To the crew on the ship, this "docile native" was very timid and posed almost no threat. He was carefully studied by the priests and brought along

The cross of the Lord...On weekdays, almost no one would be wary of him.

But Shushu is much smarter than he appears. He has already figured out who knows the most, who has the highest status, and who is most like a shaman on this ship!

"Ayue, that leader is their 'capitang' (capitão), which is also the 'chief'. And the other one, wearing a bright hat and bright clothes... yes, that's him! He is the one of the fair-skinned people

'Estudioso' is their 'shaman'! He doesn't have any weapons, only some strange psychic objects to talk to the stars. And just now, it was the thunder weapon he commanded to use


"Is...is it him?..."

Ah Yue pursed her lips and stared closely at the back of scholar Martin, as if she wanted to remember this "white-skinned shaman" firmly in her heart. At this moment, no one knew what he was thinking, and no one knew what he was hiding.

The courage to resist!

"Damn it! Where is that native potato? Let him come over to work! Take the newly caught coolie with him!..."

When the greetings from the sailors came, Sushu quickly kicked Ah Yue. Then, he bowed and ran out meekly, with a smile on his face.

"Chegando! Come here!..."

Soon, the bodies of the four sailors were dragged back, and the Portuguese fleet also raised its sails and left the coast near the Black Lake. Then, they circled the island with murderous intent, but did not see the hidden Caribbean tribe.

.The fleet only saw one village with no people around, and a few unhidden canoes and fishing boats.

The villages of the Caribbean tribe actually look very similar to the villages of the Taino tribe. There are cassava fields around the villages, and some have small ponds for turtles and fish. The villages all have thatched houses with pointed roofs, but the Taino people

The houses of Caribbean people tend to be slightly smaller.

Perhaps the biggest difference between the two tribes is around the tribe's firepit. The Tainos will worship the "Zemi totem" of peace, painted with trees, flowers or stones. The Caribbean people will worship the "Zemi totem" of war.

", depicting aggressive eagles, wolves, and crocodiles, and sometimes offering trophies obtained in war, such as the heads or bones of killed enemies.

If Bruno didn't send people to drag back the bodies of the four dead sailors, then their heads would most likely appear around the "Zemi Totem", just like the skulls of the Locono people enshrined beside the totem in front of them.


"Damn it! These natives are hiding! They must be hiding in the woods on the island!..."

"What should I do? Do you want to log in and go find them in the woods?..."

"I won't go! This Devil's Island is too weird! That terrifying black oil lake, when I think about it now, I feel evil and trembling!..."

"...Stop fighting! The captain has an order! Send a team of sailors ashore and set fire to their village!..."

Quartermaster Mattim sneered, looking at the deserted village and the shadowy jungle nearby. He looked deeply at the jungle for a while, then patted the cannon on the ship and said with a smile.

"Haha! Shotguns loaded with gravel! After the village burns down, if any natives come from the woods to put out the fire...we will use shotguns to sieve them!..."

This chapter has been completed!
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