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Chapter 1,381 Satan has opened his big mouth, right in Xipangu Guba!

In mid-February, the Portuguese fleet continued to sail westward cautiously along the territory of the "Eastern Stone Alliance" and along the "Muggle Coast" (Magua). In order to confirm the news he had previously received, Bruno captured the locals several more times.

The Dongshi Taino people still got exactly the same answer!

The prophecy of the white-skinned evil devil has long been spread throughout the "five major alliances" on the entire island of Haiti. The symbols of the "evil devil" are "white skin, big beard", "big ship, thunder weapon", "cross"

, want gold”!…

"Damn it! This damn 'Satan prophecy' is posted everywhere in what the natives call the 'big island of Haiti'!... When these natives see us, they either run away or resist... There is no way to communicate properly,

Even replenishing food is difficult!…”

"Fortunately, these local natives don't have the courage to attack. The most they can do is mobilize the tribe's strong men and use crude weapons to defend! They did not make a sudden attack with a paddle boat like what Columbus's crew said... If they got to the farther west,

The big island of Sipangu will definitely be more dangerous, with enemies almost everywhere!”

"Well... Columbus recorded that at 25 degrees north latitude, there is the 'Bahamas' Islands. The natives there are kind and docile... Maybe we should turn northwest and sail directly to the Bahamas?... Or, find a suitable reason and return here.


After confirming the true existence of the "White Skin Prophecy", Bruno frowned and thought of returning for the first time. It was hard for him to imagine that with the spread of this prophecy, there would be any native tribes willing to come and communicate with them.

Cooperation? Unless...according to the experience of the Southern Continent, that tribe is in big trouble and is in urgent need of support from the outside world, so that it is ignored?...

With this idea in mind, Bruno tried again to inquire about the situation of various tribes on the island. Then, at about 20 degrees north latitude, when he left the East Stone League and sailed into the border of the West Stone League, he heard an exciting news


"What! Your Eastern Japan alliance is at war with the two southern alliances?...Why are the 'Western Japan' and the 'Chinese Japan Stone' alliance together to invade your water sources and fields?!...What, you are at a disadvantage?

, there is all kinds of bad news coming?!…”

Bruno's spirit was greatly boosted. As long as there is chaos and fighting on the big island, as long as there are conflicts and hatred among the natives...then the Portuguese Kingdom will have a foothold, and there will be opportunities to stir up disputes among the natives and profit from it! And like this moment,

Such a weak party is the best trading partner, or even the partner for alliance!

In the original history, after Columbus arrived at the West Stone Alliance, he encountered the Santa Maria running aground and being stranded. Then, he successfully formed an alliance with the Chief of the West Stone Sun, who was eager for foreign aid, and successfully converted the other party.

God! Then, he left a ship of men here and established Spain's first short-lived port stronghold in the entire America, Fort Navidad...

"God bless you! Very good, very good! ... Tell me, where is your Sun Chief now? Four days' sail to the west, around the cape, is the great tribe of Marien? ... Very good! Horse

Tim, give him a little gift and give him a ride!…”

This time, there were no screams on the ship, and there was also a rare lack of killing. The Portuguese fleet really sent the captured Xiri off the ship in a friendly manner, and also let him take away some shiny glass beads. The fleet's supplies

It's really not enough. Bruno urgently needs to find a safe supply place and conduct exchanges and trade with the natives.

Along the way, starting from the Lesser Antilles, there was almost no good supply. Needless to say, the natives of the Caribbean were "violent and non-cooperative" and would do it whenever they met. But after finally arriving at the big island of Haiti, the people here

The natives are obviously gentler in temperament, but they are also "non-violent and non-cooperative". When they meet, they will either run away or shrink into a hedgehog...

Without the supplies from the native tribes, the ocean-going fleet will be in a very troublesome state. Food is scarce and it takes a lot of time to fish, which leads to slow movement. There is no shortage of fresh water when sailing along the coast, but you have to risk being attacked by the natives.

Risk, stop by the river to replenish.

As for the local hydrological conditions, due to the lack of locally recruited guides, they need to do their own mapping. They must be careful of the reefs along the coast and cannot sail too fast. The fleet may even enter the dead-end bay like before, putting itself in a huge danger

In danger…

Therefore, obtaining the support of a local indigenous tribe is extremely crucial in the initial exploration, and it is also the golden rule of Portuguese navigation and exploration! Even if the fleet wants to return now, it must first replenish sufficient food to support them in sailing

The deep sea of ​​barren desert!

"Witness the Lord! Continue to be vigilant! When anchoring at night, you must stay away from the native tribes and their coasts!…"

"Yes! Captain!..."

As the sun set and the sun rose, the two-day voyage passed in a hurry. The Portuguese fleet docked once and had another "friendly contact" with the local Xishi tribe. The fleet further determined the plight of the Xishi tribe and established a relationship with the South

As the two fight, there is the possibility of communication and alliance...

Before sunset on the third day, they finally arrived at Cap Haitien in the northwest. This is the closest point to the island of Cuba on the entire island of Haiti! From here to the easternmost tip of Cuba in the west, it is only a short two hundred miles away.

Arrive! And from the easternmost corner of Cuba to Tienwan Town in the eastern center, it is only less than 500 miles!

"O Lord! According to the natives, across this strait...is what is 'Sipangu Cuba', the big island of the native kingdom where Columbus arrived?..."

The Portuguese exploration fleet was anchored at the cape, and the setting sun cast a deep and bright red light on the western sea. This magnificent scene in the Caribbean, in Bruno's eyes, seemed to herald great mystery and danger.


This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "Satan has opened his mouth, waiting for us to walk into it, just like the violent Jotun giant (frost giant) in mythology..."

"O Lord! If I had a powerful kingdom navy in my hands, I would definitely not be afraid of the devil's threat! But now..."

"In order to open up a new sea route, in order to bring news of the New World to His Majesty... we must not fall into the devil's trap and sail to Sipangu Cuba recklessly!..."

Bruno let out a sigh of regret. He had done enough to preserve his posture for the sake of the kingdom and the Lord. Then, without hesitation, he looked down and said nothing. Knight Silvera, who was also afraid of the devil's power, gave the decisive order.


"Turn southwest! Continue sailing along this 'mountainous island of Haiti'! Next, be on guard for me and restrain all the sailors! When we reach the 'Marion Tribe' of the natives, everyone

Everyone must show their friendly side, but no one is allowed to go ashore rashly, let alone leak the fleet’s information!…”

"Did you hear everything?!..."

"Yes! Captain!..."


"Yes! Sir!..."

"Guide Shushu?"

"Yes! Chief of Capitan!..."

"Very good! Then let's set off again! Once we have enough food from the natives, we will go directly south! Avoid those damn island chains of Caribbean 'wasps' and sail directly to the new continent in the south! ...May the Lord


With the existing information and the foggy map, Bruno was like the most vigilant Portuguese stork. He avoided the most dangerous Snake Island in Cuba, and also avoided the Iron Bay where a large number of galleys gathered 700 miles away.

Important town.

He didn't know that just five days ago, three Taíno boats set out from here and rowed westward with all their strength, bringing the news of the arrival of the "white-skinned demon" to the island of Cuba!

And this kind of extreme transmission speed with almost no delay on the island of Haiti is precisely due to the arrangement of a chief priest! He is also the only chief priest on the entire island of Haiti, and he secretly follows the Portuguese fleet.

Traces, very close...

This chapter has been completed!
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