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Chapter 147: The Plan for the Western Expedition (Part 1)

Under the same starry sky, Alyssa followed the guards and returned to the familiar and warm Montezuma Palace. When she walked through the swaying corridors and entered the slightly dim main hall, she saw that her father had been waiting for a long time.

Avit was wearing a gorgeous house robe with an exquisite gilded sun inlaid on it, which was a tribute from the Mixtecs. At this time, he was holding a huge ancient wooden board in his hand and was whispering to Gillim.

They were discussing something. The two of them pointed to somewhere on the board from time to time, making gestures with their fingers, looking serious.

Seeing Alyssa return, Avitt smiled and looked at his beloved daughter gently.

"Alyssa, are you happy today?"

"Yes, father. I am very happy with Shulot."

Alyssa smiled from the bottom of her heart, raising the corners of her mouth cutely. She took a few steps forward, hugged her father's hand, and subconsciously looked at the board in Avitt's hand.

On the wooden board are abstract mountains, rivers, lakes and towns. It seems to be a map that has been passed down for many years. The center of the map should be the capital city in the lake. The figure is huge and has a golden sun painted on it. In the west of the map, many new additions have been modified.


The most eye-catching thing on the map is a large red circle, marking another lake to the west of the center. It is separated from the towering mountain pattern in the middle and is far away from the capital city in the lake. There is a long road to the north and south of the map.

The blue river includes both the red circle and the capital city. And in the northeast and southeast of the red circle, close to the river, there are two more blue circles.

"Father, what is this?"

Alyssa tilted her head, looked at the carefully marked map, and asked curiously.

"Nothing, just some future plans."

Avitt touched his daughter's head lovingly, and then gently pinched Alyssa's face, with a rare tenderness in his eyes.

Gillim bowed solemnly to the princess. Then, he gently pulled out the wooden board, held it in his arms, and silently stepped back a few steps.

Feeling Avitt's intimacy, Alyssa leaned gently into her father's arms. A happy smile once again filled her face and she whispered.

"It's great. Father, I want to stay with you and Shulot like this."

Hearing this, Avitt paused in his hands for a moment. His expression froze, but then he regained his gentleness and looked at his daughter with a smile.

"Yes. As long as I'm here, you don't have to worry about anything."

Immediately, Avitt lowered his head with a smile and looked into Alyssa's pure eyes.

"My daughter, what did you and Shulot do today?"

Alyssa blinked. She thought for a while, her face flushed slightly.

"We rowed on the lake, looked at flowers in the garden, then saw animals and fish, and finally went to the pyramids to look at the stars. Shulot told me many interesting stories, and also said that he would find teachers and picture books for me to study.


According to the agreement with the boy, she did not tell the story about the starry sky. It was a secret that only belonged to the two of them.

Seeing Alyssa's blushing face, Avitt's heart sank. He held his daughter's shoulders with both hands, worried and observing carefully.

"Alyssa, Shulot...has he done anything strange to you?"

"Something strange?" The girl tilted her head, looking confused.

"...It's just that I'm very close to you...so close and singing..."

Avitt described it cautiously. In his heart, his daughter was still that young and innocent elf.

Alyssa thought for a while and looked at her father with clear eyes and a pure smile.

"Father, are you talking about the joyful songs of the opposite sex? No, Shulot just hugged me and kissed my cheek. In the middle, he said he wanted to have a child with me, but he didn't seem to know how to do the joyful songs.

I simply thought that I wanted to dedicate something to the gods... Well, I probably know the process, maybe I can teach him in the future."

Avitt breathed a sigh of relief at first, but was inexplicably annoyed with the young man. Then, after hearing his daughter's last words, the majestic king was stunned. His heart was like a garden in the February wind, with countless petals shattered to the ground.

"...Alyssa...how do you know the content of the song..."

Alyssa smiled happily, her bright smile was clear and innocent.

"The gods are on the murals and poems. This is the way we reproduce, and it is also another way of male conquest. The murals clearly show that my uncle Asaya Catal once defeated the south and was conquered by the Chalco city-state.

The captives are the female chiefs who conquered the place with their joyful songs.

The uncle also left a poem with them, which recorded the process of conquest in detail...The last sentence is, 'Young man, lie down slowly and relax your mind. Ah, my lovely person, Asia Carter

Your King.'..."

Listening to his daughter's recitation, the majestic king and the cold commander put their hands on their foreheads at the same time, feeling headaches. It was the eldest brother's poem... After a while, the gentle father came back to his senses and said with a helpless smile.

"Alyssa, when did you read it? I have never shown you any of your uncle's poems."

Without waiting for the expected praise, Alyssa puffed up her cheeks. She looked at her father with a somewhat depressed expression.

"Well, father, when you were away two years ago, I read all the murals here and memorized all the poems. Later, I could only look at the flowers and trees and write down their shapes... Do I remember

Is it wrong? Then I’ll take a look when I get back..."

"No, no, no, Alyssa, you are right. But these poems are still far away from you, so there is no need to remember them..."

Avitt decisively changed the subject, keeping his tone gentle.

"My daughter, you just said you wanted to find a teacher. Do you want to study pharmacy and why?"

Alyssa nodded vigorously, her eyes brightening again.

"Yes, father. I like pharmacy and I want both you and Shulot to be happy."

Avitt pondered for a moment, then smiled slowly and nodded.

"Okay. Actually, father, I am also good at potions, but I haven't had time to prepare them for a long time. When I have time, I will tell you about the basic medicinal properties of plants. You don't have to go to the priest. From now on, all the potions I take will be handed over to you.

I give it to you, my dear daughter. Only you can make me completely believe it."

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! After hearing her father’s permission, Alyssa’s face burst into a bright smile.

"Father, I will study hard! In the future, I will take good care of you and Shulot..."

Avitt smiled and nodded, and gently pinched his daughter's cheek again. In the corner, Gillim's expression changed slightly. He wanted to say something, but did not speak.

The bonfire was shining, and the main hall was filled with warm light. After a while, Alyssa said goodbye to her father, walked briskly to rest, and sang a happy song softly.

Avitt smiled and listened until the singing completely disappeared, and then he slowly returned to seriousness.

Gillim stood silently beside the throne. He pondered for a moment before making careful suggestions.

"Your Majesty, there is no queen in charge of the affairs in the palace, and the princess has no one to teach the affairs of men and women. After all, it is not easy for you to talk about these things... Everything about the alliance has been decided, and it is time to establish another queen."

Hearing this, Avitt's eyes narrowed. He thought for a moment, his expression changed slightly, and finally he whispered.

"The war is urgent. After this Western Expedition is over, we can find a stepmother for Alyssa! Remember to ask the royal ladies to come over when they have nothing to do and talk to Alyssa. I will see which one is suitable for her.


Gillim saluted solemnly and accepted the order. Then he took out the wooden map again and laid it flat in front of the king.

"Look, Your Majesty, the area of ​​the eight states of the Tarasco people is actually no less than that of the Alliance. To the north of the Kingdom of Tarasco is the state of Akambaro. They use the Leman River as their boundary, and they have always been connected with the Ottoman state.

The Mi people face each other across the river. However, the alliance's expeditions in the past two years have caused heavy losses to the Otomi people, and both the Otopan and Guamare states on the north bank are shrinking.

In the past few months, the Tarascans took the opportunity to expand northward and have gradually controlled both sides of the Leman River. If it were not for our food peace treaty with the Ottopan State and the threat of the alliance's navy, I am afraid that the Tarascans would have

We have already sent troops to the north to surround the city of Otopan."

Avitt nodded slightly, as if the Battle of the Leman River was still before his eyes. He thought for a moment and asked.

"Herotepec has surrendered. How is the food peace treaty between us and Otopan being fulfilled?"

"For the last time, food for 34,000 people for one month has not been delivered. Your Majesty, do you want to..."

Gilliam responded seriously, ready to admonish at any time.

"No, of course the peace treaty must continue, but some additional terms must be added. We can provide more food to the Otomi people. But they must mobilize to counterattack the Tarasco strongholds on both sides of the Leman River. The spring plowing has not yet begun.

Initially, during these two months, the warriors and militiamen of Otomi did not need to farm.

The Alliance needs them to quickly raid the northern border of the Tarascans, and even dispatch naval forces to support them across the Leman River and go south to plunder the towns and villages of Akambaro State. Such plundering will also be beneficial to them.


Avitt muttered and gave instructions. In a national war, there are only goals that need to be achieved, and there are no permanent enemies or friends. The alliance must mobilize all available forces to strengthen itself to the greatest extent possible, and also to divide and weaken its opponents to the greatest extent possible.

"What if the Otomi don't want to agree?"

"Then, the Alliance will cut off this food payment, enter a state of war with Otomi again, and destroy their spring plowing in the spring." A ruthless voice came, deciding the life and death of hundreds of thousands of people.

Gilliam nodded. As long as there was no fragile emotion, the king was always wise and decisive.

"You have only one weak point, and I need to make up for it..." the intelligence officer thought to himself.

"Your Majesty, continue westward along the Leman River, and after ten days you will reach the Lake Chapala area. Here are the two northwest states of the Tarascans, Zaportan and Tizapan. The population here is extremely dense, and only

Second to the Patzcuaro Lake District, the population should be more than 600,000, and it is estimated that it can mobilize 20,000 warriors.

However, these two states are dozens of days away from the capital Qin Congcan, and King Tarasco cannot effectively control this place. Should we send envoys to try to contact the local tribal leaders?"

Gilliam's serious proposal.

Avitt thought for a moment. He was not familiar with the place and only had some impressions.

"Further west in Lake Chapala, where the Leman River flows into the endless West Lake, is the Jalisco area? I remember there was still war going on there? Also, north of Lake Chapala are Chichimecs?


"Yes, Your Majesty. By the endless lake, the Tecos of Halixco State are still fighting against the Kingdom of Tarasco. Unlike their compatriots in the south, they have never surrendered to the Kingdom of Tarasco. And in

North of Lake Chapala are the descendants of the high forest."

Avitt nodded and solemnly ordered.

"Send three groups of envoys. One way, they try to win over the Chapala Lake area and divide the power of the Tarascans. All the way, they contact the Halixco State to support their resistance. The last way, they bribe the Chichimec descendants in the north and instigate

They went south to plunder!

The Lake Chapala region already has a high degree of autonomy, and as long as they are actually threatened, there will not be many troops that can support the core area of ​​the Kingdom of Tarasco."

Gilliam nodded in understanding and continued to talk.

"The goal of this western expedition is the core area of ​​the Kingdom of Tarasco, the Lake Patzcuaro area. There are three states here, Qincongcan, Sacapu, and Apacingan. There are about 800,000 people in the three states.

It can mobilize 25,000 warriors and several times the militia. Among the three states in the lake area, there are three large cities, Qincongcan, Ivacchio and Patzquali. Among them, the capital Qincongcan is the largest.

, the city’s defenses are the tightest.”

Avitt remained silent. The mountains and rivers in the core area of ​​Tarasco had already been engraved in his mind.

"As long as the city of Qincongcan is captured and the descendants of the alien gods are executed, the Kingdom of Tarasco will fall apart. The city-states in the west and south will be like a pack of wolves without their leaders, and will no longer be subordinate to each other. They can be easily surrendered or surrendered by the alliance.

Defeat. If you want to attack Qinchongcan City, you have two routes, the north and the south.

The southern route army's route is closest to the capital city in the lake. The army sends troops from the capital city and arrives in Lazico State in the southwest of the alliance in ten days. From there, it sends troops to the west. It only needs to cross the buffering mountains and forests to conquer Sitacuaro in the mountains.

Bang, ten days further west-north, is the rich and flat Lake Patzcuaro area.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! The prosperous copper capital Qincongcan City is built on the shores of Lake Patzcuaro. Of course, in front of it, there are Patz that support each other.

Quarry and the city of Ivacchio.”

Having said this, Gillim paused slightly and looked at the king.

Avitt nodded calmly.

"I went on an expedition on this route several years ago. The mountainous forest land is extremely difficult to walk, but there are several small rivers and streams that pass through it, which are relatively flat and relatively easy to walk. The army needs to follow these small rivers to collect water and march.

Along the river to Sitacuaro State, there are nearly ten stone fortresses of different sizes, as well as dense wooden camps. The Tarascans used bronze tools to build here for more than ten years and occupied every place.

The advantageous terrain makes it easy to defend but difficult to attack. Although the south road is shorter, if we really want to completely open it up, we still have to mobilize a large army and make a lot of efforts."

After bowing to listen, Gillim bowed solemnly again.

"Your Majesty, if the navy can gain the upper hand, we can divide ten thousand people and go west along the Tarsus River, through the land of Jontar, ignoring the mountainous Wetamobang on the south bank of the river, and directly on the north bank.

Landing in the Patzcuaro Lake area in the hinterland. It will bypass Sitacuaro State there and deal a fatal blow to the Tarascans."

Avitt nodded slowly. He thought for a moment, made some plans in his mind, and then spoke.

"Remember to send another group of envoys to Huetamo State, the southernmost mountainous area of ​​the Kingdom of Tarasco, to also win over the local tribal leaders and divide the power of the Tarasco people. The Huetamo area only has 70,000 to 80,000 talas.

The Sko tribe lives together with the savage tribes. They don't have many warriors, and they are not very willing to support the center. However, the terrain here is complex, the tribes are poor and brave, and it is difficult to conquer by force, and they can't spare the army to conquer at the moment.

I remember that Shulot once sent a caravan there to buy copper mines?"

Gillim nodded respectfully and responded in detail.

"Yes, Your Majesty. His Highness once sent a caravan. The leader was a Mayan merchant who seemed to have trade relations with the local chief. His deputy was Kuluka. They have opened up trade channels with the local people.

The first batch of copper ore has just been shipped back, and there should be more to follow."

Avitt looked somewhat satisfied and ordered in a deep voice.

"Gillim, you go to meet with Shulot, and then order the caravan to establish contact with the local nobles and instigate rebellion. Just say that the Kingdom of Tarasco promised them, and the Alliance can also promise them, and will also give them double the cotton cloth.

Salt, gold and silver! In addition, as long as they submit to the Alliance, we will fully support them in digging local copper mines and making lucrative copperware.

When the Western Expedition is over and the Alliance takes action, no matter what, the royal family will directly control the copper mines here. Relying on the Tarsus River, these ores can be quickly transported to the capital in the lake and turned into solid bronze tools and weapons.


Hearing this, Gillim paid homage again and respectfully accepted the order. When he bowed his head, the intelligence officer smiled meaningfully.

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