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Chapter 180: The fortress is attacked, and corpses rain down (Part 1)

The faint morning light gradually brightened, and the bluestone city wall became clearer. Looking from a distance, the city wall was covered with smoky blackness, and the dark red color of coagulated blood. Under the sun, the cold dew in the morning gathered into a drop on the city head.

The crystal water droplets slowly meandered down. The water droplets slowly turned into deep red, and then turned into pitch black, falling silently into the soil. Only by following the traces of sliding can we see the true color of the city wall, which is cyan.

Dark gray solid stone bricks.

Shulot stared at this unbreakable city wall and sighed secretly in his heart.

The army went south and besieged the city in October, but was blocked by this six-meter bluestone wall. It has been one month now.

At the beginning of the siege, he was full of confidence. He thought that with the power of victory, he could directly attack the city and gain the river mouth fortress at his fingertips. Now that the young commander's prestige was high, Bertard was recovering from his injuries on the north bank, and all the generals obeyed and no one dared not to obey. This happened

At that time, Teacher Orosh, who had a special status, gave some advice, so Shulot acted cautiously.

According to the suggestion, he first set up large camps in the south and east of the fortress, and built a water camp by Lake Quiceo. Then, he sent warriors to patrol and control all passages. The river mouth fortress became an isolated city, and everything on the water and on the land was cut off. Subsequently,

, under the cover of the shield car, the Otomi militiamen began to fill in the moat in the east of the city and destroy the wooden fence outside the city. They also built a seven or eight-meter-high shooting platform more than a hundred steps south of the city for the crossbowmen to climb.

Shooting. Until everything is ready, the next step is to officially siege the city.

The river mouth fortress has excellent terrain and is easy to defend but difficult to attack. It is surrounded by rivers and the soil is watery and soft, so it is impossible to dig tunnels and collapse the walls. The gates of the fortress are blocked and there are insufficient metal tools, so it is impossible to break through the doors and dig the roots of the walls.

If you want to conquer such a fortress, you can only rely on the traditional ant attack on the city. Once the number of defenders is sufficient and the fighting will is determined, the damage caused by the ant attack will be too great to accept. Just like the attempts these days.

Recalling the brutal siege, Shulot shook his head slightly. This was the first time he, as the commander of the army, had truly faced a fortified city.

On the first day of the siege, the Northern Army of Mexico mobilized all its strength. Under the cover of the shield cart, the crossbowmen suppressed the shooting, and the catapults approached and launched. Then, the Holy City warriors with high morale approached the city wall and set up a

They climbed up the ladder and fell to the top of the city one after another. The brutal fierce battle only lasted a few moments, and five hundred warriors were killed!

The six-meter stone castle wall is not comparable to the three-meter wooden castle wall. The warriors came within twenty steps, and the spears and stones fell like rain, penetrating leather armor and helmets. Within five steps, limestone

Sand and soil were continuously thrown down, blocking the view in front of the eyes. As soon as the ladder was set up, rolling logs and boulders fell on the head, causing broken bones and tendons.

What's even more troublesome is that at some point, the Tarascans imitated more than 300 Mexican longbows, plus more than a thousand Tlaxcala wooden bows, and fired at each other outside the city, attacking the approaching warriors.

Under the strong bow, the warriors were as fragile as autumn flowers, withering as quickly as the militiamen. When a few brave warriors climbed to the top of the city, they were faced with a dense spear formation of the Tarascans, and they were quickly besieged.

And die.

Shulot watched the battle for two quarters of an hour, but found no hope of a breakthrough, so he decisively blew the conch horn and ordered the withdrawal. The Holy City warriors held up their shields and withdrew in embarrassment, while the crossbowmen fired arrows rapidly to suppress the city. Then,

He briefly counted the number of people, and his heart ached. This is the most loyal Holy City warrior, the most reliable force of the family!

The young commander immediately asked people to find the enemy nobles captured during the water battle and inquire about the source of the longbows in the fortress. These longbows were the first batch of new weapons shipped from the capital in early September. If the Mexica army had not moved south rapidly,

A second, larger batch of longbows will arrive in October.

"The Tarascans have already manufactured longbows on a large scale in the capital, and have given priority to supplying them to the southern front, where the fighting will definitely be more brutal. War is a matter of life and death, and it is really the fastest way to spread technology! This time after the Battle of Lake Eureria

, spies from all over the world who are spying on gunpowder will probably swarm in from all over, like flies that smell the fishy smell. Fortunately, the gunpowder process is relatively complicated, and there is no possibility of leakage in a short period of time."

Thinking of this, Shulot raised his head slightly and his thoughts flew into the distance.

Orosh strode over wearing the gorgeous attire of a legion commander. The legion commander was promoted to deputy commander and took command of the wooden castle on the north bank. He temporarily took over as the legion commander and led the Holy City legion, fulfilling his previous wish.

"Your Highness, the warriors are ready. Will today be the same as the past few days, feinting to lure the enemy and consuming them from a distance?"

Looking at the teacher who was close to him, Shulot smiled slightly and shook his head.

"The craftsmen have just built a dozen simple nest cars, which can allow archers to get closer and shoot. Today we will really attack again! Call Giowa to come forward."

Since the first day of siege, the young commander realized that attacking the fortress was a long process. If he did not want to lose too many core warriors, he could not rush. He recalled the battles in history and re-formulated the plan.

.First, try to consume the elite and skilled samurai defenders as much as possible, and then gradually weaken the morale of the militia in the city. When the morale of the defenders drops to a certain level, the real land attack and water surprise attack will begin!

Under this new strategy, the subsequent siege was mainly based on long-range consumption. Otopan's warriors were responsible for the feint attack, making a gesture of climbing the city at all times, forcing the defenders on the city to show up for defense. Next came the crossbowmen.

In the exchange of fire between each other, the Northern Route Army will try its best to use its long-range advantage and occasionally throw burning paper fireballs. If the defenders on the city completely hide behind the shield platform at the top of the city, they will usher in a real assault on the city.

A forced relocation.

As a result, life gradually turned into fuel, burning steadily under the collision of war machines at an exchange ratio acceptable to the Mexican Legion. The morale of the defenders also gradually decreased. From the initial shouts of encouragement to today

Tired silence.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Soon, Giowa, the commander of the Otopan Army, rushed over. After the water battle, the fierceness on the "Coyote"'s face was replaced by respect and obedience.

knelt down on one knee and saluted.

"Dear brother, what are your orders?"

Xiulote nodded, looked at Giovanni closely, and gave a stern order.

"Giowa, you did a good job in the feint attack a few days ago. Today, you will lead the brave Ottopan warriors to launch a real assault on the city! I will give you a batch of extra leather armors so that the warriors can wear double armor.

, the crossbowmen will keep suppressing the city. You go ahead and select the elite, inspire the army, and attack the city first when the war drums sound! No retreat will be allowed until the conch trumpet sounds!"

Hearing this cruel military order, Giowa remained silent. In the feint attack in the past few days, the Otopan Army had already lost four to five hundred people. This time the actual attack on the city, the losses would only be more severe. After a while,

Feeling the young commander's attention, he bowed his head again and agreed.

"Your Highness, I will obey your will and be willing to die for you!"

Soon, as the military order was issued, the Mexica camp really started to boil. Thousands of warriors came out of the camp one after another, separated by hundreds of steps, and spread out in front of the south wall of the river mouth fortress. The Otopan warrior platoon

At the front, behind are the prepared temple guards, holy city warriors and spear corps. Once the first colonists can truly establish themselves at the top of the city, the follow-up legions will follow. Outside the east city of the fortress, there are also more than 2,000 western troops.

The warriors of the city-state conducted a feint attack to contain the troops.

Facing the large-scale mobilization of the Mexican Legion, the Tarasco garrison at the top of the city became obviously nervous. The warriors patrolled the top of the city, yelled and shouted encouragement. The militiamen worked hard to reinforce and build up the large shield erected at the top of the city.

The soil platform is thickened, and all the wood, stones, sand, soil and lime that can be thrown are prepared.

Shulot calmly walked down from the high platform, leaving the commander's flag here. In the siege battle where he had the upper hand, he no longer needed to use the flag to encourage the morale of the soldiers. Then, under the protection of the shield of his personal guard, he

Arriving at the front line more than 200 steps away from the city head, he could better grasp the siege situation. Orosh also put on a suit of leather armor, holding a shield and a stick to guard his side.

Not long after, the commander-in-chief's flag waved ruthlessly, and the guard's horn blew loudly, announcing the beginning of the siege!

Four hundred burly and strong temple guards looked fanatical, holding huge crossbows, and advanced to about 140 steps. There were dozens of small earth platforms here, which were at the limit of the enemy's longbows. With the help of rope ladders

, nearly half of the temple guards boarded the nearly eight-meter earthen platform and prepared to cock their crossbows. The Tarascans at the head of the city were unable to make any counterattack and could only desperately strengthen their shields and earthen platform, hiding their bodies under the cover.

After things.

A moment later, the killing horn sounded again, and the crossbowmen fired fiercely. "Swish, swish, swish!" Hundreds of crossbow arrows were fired from an advantageous height, crossing a slightly falling arc, and suddenly nailed to the top of the city.

In an instant, several shrill screams rang out, and more than a dozen militiamen who were not well protected were hit by arrows. The crossbow arrows penetrated the fragile body of the civilians, knocking them down immediately. The lucky militiamen were hit by arrows in their vital parts without any struggle, and were instantly hit by arrows.

Dead. The unfortunate militiaman was nailed to the wooden sign next to him, shaking on the spot with his hands and feet struggling, and blood flowing vigorously from the torn wound.

The "Crocodile" flag fluttered in the wind, and the Tarasco warriors who supervised the battle did not hesitate. They waved their daggers and executed the howling and seriously injured militiamen, giving the other party a relief and avoiding further damage to morale. The dead bodies were thrown outside the city.

, to prevent it from rotting inside the city. Only lightly injured militiamen can be simply bandaged, so that they can continue to serve as firewood in the battle to defend the city.

After dozens of breaths, the second wave of crossbow bolts roared in. This time, only three or four militiamen were taken away. As the enemy remained in a state of avoidance, the shooting at this time did not kill much. The heavy crossbow used

Crossbow arrows are more expensive, and the crossbowmen's shots are kept at a long interval, which only has the effect of suppressing the city.

With the second round of crossbow bolts fired, thousands of longbow warriors pushed more than 200 small shield carts and slowly approached the city. The warriors had cold faces and murderous intentions. When they stepped within ninety steps,

The long bow at the top of the city immediately began to fire. The "咻咻" arrows were condescending and nailed deeply into the large thick wooden shield. Occasionally, two or three coincident arrows would be shot in from the shooting port on the shield, and the arrows from behind would

The longbow warrior was immediately hit by an arrow in his chest and abdomen, lost his strength and fell down.

At this time, the simple but sturdy shield cart will stop for a moment. The remaining warriors bow down and check their teammates on the ground. This is the marshal's order. If a teammate dies, continue pushing the cart forward. If there is still hope, stay where you are.

Stop, simply bandage, and shoot at the top of the city.

Most of the shield carts approached until about fifty steps before they all stopped. This was a few meters above the city. The limit of the Tlaxcala bow's ability to break through leather armor was the distance measured with life. Only then did the warriors draw their bows.

He raised his arrow and coldly released a rain of arrows. The dense rain of arrows passed through a distance of dozens of steps, accurately piercing the eyes, mouth or throat of the Tarasco archer, and then penetrated several inches into the head. Several enemies shot with probes.

The military archer died instantly, and a dozen militiamen also died silently. At such a close range, being hit by an arrow meant death.

The battle flag at the top of the city was waving, and at the request of the noble commander, the prepared Tarasco warriors did not pause. They quickly picked up the precious longbow and continued to shoot at the city, but they were more careful to cover their bodies.

When the long archers began to suppress further, a dozen simple nest carts carrying nearly a hundred archers were pushed forward by two hundred militiamen, focusing on suppressing a section of the city wall on the left.

This is the latest siege equipment designed by Shulot. It refers to the ancient Celestial Chariots and Chariots. While maintaining the carrying and defense functions, the craftsmanship and shape have been simplified according to the processing capabilities of this era. This

The nest car is relatively simple, with just two rows of eight solid wood wheels, a stable base, and a reinforced upright log on each side. Between the two tall logs, at a height of nearly ten meters, a nest can accommodate six

A platform for seven archers to shoot. The sides and bottom of the platform are reinforced with wooden planks to withstand bow and arrow fire. Behind it is a hanging rope ladder for warriors to climb up, replacing the complex and fragile tensile structure.

At this moment, more than a dozen nest carts gradually approached sixty steps, and the archers above began to fire continuously. "Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh," the feather arrows relied on their height advantage to pass over the shields and earth platforms of this section of the city wall, mercilessly.

Shooting at the Tarasco warriors who were the backbone of the defense. Under targeted shooting, nearly ten warriors supervising and commanding were hit by arrows at the same time, and low screams of misery continued. The militiamen lost their pressure and command, and here on the city wall

There was a sudden panic.

The thunderous drum beat finally sounded at this time! Giowa let out a fierce howl, and the Ottopan warriors who had been waiting for a long time shouted in unison. They wore double armor, held their shields high, and carried dozens of them in the center.

The seven or eight-meter ladder quickly charged towards the city. Accompanied by the fierce sound of drums, earth platforms, shield chariots, nest chariots, and more than a thousand crossbowmen fired at the same time. The dense rain of arrows brought a shrill roar, and instantly the people were stunned.

The archers of Tarasco who emerged were nailed to death. Then, the ferocious arrow rain did not stop, trying their best to suppress all the living creatures on the city head. "Ouch, duke, duke," the sound of arrows hitting the wood was like death.

The movement!

The Ottopan warriors quickly entered within a hundred steps of the city, and began to be shrouded in the shadow of death. Giowa, who was the first to charge, howled again, and the warriors leaned over and ran, moving as hard as they could. They moved at their maximum speed,

Rushing through an increasingly dangerous distance. Tarasco's longbowmen also fought back desperately. The "whispering" feather arrows fell directly into the crowd of warriors without having to aim. Those who were hit by the arrows immediately fell to the ground. The surviving warriors were bleeding and helpless on the ground.

Struggling, but no one cares. Regardless of serious injury or death, the outcome is the same at this time.

Hundreds of steps away, Shulot looked at the battlefield in front of him with a cold face. He watched the Ottopan warriors begin to die in groups, and his heart was as solid as stone. Because this was just the beginning.

When the Otopan warriors finally rushed within forty steps, the real murderous intention finally arrived!

This chapter has been completed!
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