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Chapter 184 Siege and Explosion Part 1

The wind is blowing thousands of miles, and after a season of dry prosperity, it brings the chill of late autumn. The sun shines brightly for thousands of miles, shining on the war sticks of the warriors outside the city, falling into eyes full of murderous intent, reflecting the figures of the fortress defenders. Tara

Sco's defenders gathered silently on the city wall, piling up defensive equipment. Dark red blood stains condensed on the bluestone wall, and soaked in the gray-yellow soil, waiting for a new flow.

The Mexica camp was opened, and tens of thousands of warriors and militiamen lined up one after another, filling the field in front of the fortress. The battlefield was filled with bursts of suppressed noises and uncontrollable roars.

Wearing a gorgeous feathered uniform with a towering flag on his back, Shulot stood in the center of the army on a newly built high platform. He summoned the "Black Wolf" Toltec and whispered a few instructions. The other party was already there.

Get ready, nod and accept the order. Then, the young commander called Natalie, the newly arrived commander of the Divine Blessing Army, and gave the order loudly.

"Praise the Lord God, He has promised us a great victory today! Natalie, in today's siege, the canine descendants will be the first to attack, and the Divine Blessing Legion will be the second batch to attack the city. You will be the real main force!"

The young legion commander looked pious and nodded solemnly.

"Praise the Lord God! We devote our lives to Him in the holy battle! In the fearless fight, we turn the fortress in front of us into the altar of the Lord God! The Divine Blessing Legion is ready and waiting for your orders at any time!"

Shulot nodded with satisfaction. The converted Otomi warriors were extremely pious and respectful, and he would try to minimize the casualties of these warriors. Thinking of this, he looked at Teacher Orosh next to him.

"Commander of the Orosh Army, are all the Tao Tribulus attacking the city ready?"

The powerful Jaguar warrior nodded. He had heard about the power of these new weapons, although he didn't quite believe it.

"The gunpowder craftsmen have prepared everything. With several batches of support, there are now thousands of pottery balls."

The young commander expressed satisfaction. He patted Orosh on the shoulder and said in a deep voice.

"Teacher, I'll leave the siege to the east to you! The warriors from the western city-states will be the main force. We should try to contain the defenders here, but there is no need to force the leading nobles too much."

Orosh nodded understandingly.

"The Holy City and the nobles of various countries have had good friendships for generations. I will try my best to persuade them to attack in a few waves!"

Then, Shulot smiled slightly and ordered again.

"Bring the canine chiefs of Chichimec!"

Soon, dozens of dog-headed men came to His Highness with fearful faces. After a dozen steps, everyone knelt down and shouted in awe.

"The great wizard who controls the soul!"

Shulot had no expression on his face and ordered in a deep voice.

"The supreme god is paying attention to the divine war. He lowered the mythical weapon and condensed the divine power into a roaring ball. The divine power is always eager for life and will take away all living creatures around it! Now, you return to the tribe and choose

A thousand of the most fearless warriors. They will carry mythical weapons and throw them into the garrison at the top of the city.

Remember, the divine power longs for life, and the ball must be thrown accurately. If it fails to kill the enemy, the thrower will be killed as a sacrificial offering!"

Hearing the words of the translator, the canine chiefs showed deep fear and some hidden suspicion. The god of the Mexica people would actually personally help their war?! After a moment, the chiefs fell to the ground to accept the order and obeyed.

's departure.

Shulot glanced not far away. Facing the battle, the dog-born warriors were not afraid. They were armed with stone axes and hammers, and wore unarmored cloth clothes. They kept shouting and shouting provocatively towards the city. The young commander thought for a moment and gave the order.


"Give each of the canine warriors a shield so that they can rush to the top of the city!"

The personal guards took the order and left, and the leaders also began to select fearless warriors, and everything was completed quickly.

Shulot looked around. Tens of thousands of troops were ready. The battlefield was full of heavy breathing and low shouts. He raised his head again and looked at the blazing sun rising into the sky. Under the gaze of everyone, he suddenly waved his command.


The fierce war drums suddenly sounded, with a majestic force that shattered everything! The warriors let out a cry that shook the world, and then rushed forward with the command flag.

Four hundred crossbowmen mounted the earth platform first, and the roaring rain of arrows suppressed the city. Following several screams, the defenders on the city lowered their bodies and carefully hid behind the earth platform and wooden shields. Then hundreds of

A shield cart carrying more than a thousand longbow warriors approached from the east and west city walls, and within a moment they were within ninety steps. Arrows were fired quickly from the top of the city, and the archers behind the shield cart also fired back one after another, and the back and forth arrow rain began to obscure the sky!

The trumpet sounded, and hundreds of Otomi militiamen pushed more nest cars than last time, came to the right city wall, and began to tilt to suppress the city head. The left city wall of the last attack has been rebuilt

The right side of the sheltered wooden shed has not yet been reinforced. Soon, the "whispering" feather arrows were shot from behind the wooden boards of the nest car, drawing a precise arc and nailing the exposed enemy. The enemy's archers also

Counterattack at the nest cart one after another, shooting at the archers on top of the nest cart and shooting down the militiamen pushing the nest cart.

The shrill horn sound sounded again, and attacks were launched outside the city walls on the east and west sides at the same time. Outside the restrained east wall, four thousand warriors from the western Mexica city-state mounted ladders and walked steadily. Under the protection of tight shields, they slowly moved forward.

They pressed forward from the city wall, seeking support from shield chariots from time to time.

Outside the south wall of the main attack, the Chichimec canine descendants were much braver. More than a thousand canine descendants held only wooden shields that covered their bodies, set up towering ladders, lined up in a loose formation, and rushed towards the city wall quickly.

In just a few dozen breaths, the canine descendants rushed within fifty steps of the city wall and entered the dense projection range at the top of the city.

Shulot did not hesitate and waved the battle flag again, and the drums suddenly accelerated. The crossbowmen let out a low shout and fired a wave of fierce arrows. Thousands of Tarasco archers at the top of the city also fired at the same time.

Mixed with raindrops of spears and stones, two waves of feather arrows crisscrossed in the air, like two layers of flying wings, penetrating into the weak bodies at the top of the city and below.

The ear-piercing screams were suddenly loud, even overpowering the war drums. In an instant, hundreds of people turned over and fell to the ground, and thousands of blood flowers bloomed in the wind. Then, warm liquid flowed freely, smearing everything around them. Feather Arrow

Without stopping, the militiamen on the top of the city fired arrows and stones with all their might, and died in groups. The canine descendants below the city were even more miserable. Their unarmored bodies were shot to the ground in pieces, and in an instant there were

Signs of collapse.

A large number of them fell down without touching the enemy, and the canine warriors began to hesitate. Some warriors were still charging forward, and the first ladder was being built towards the city. Most of the warriors began to wait and see, and a few had already turned around and fled to the camp.


Shulot's face turned cold, and he waved the battle flag mercilessly. Nearly a thousand personal guards supervising the battle immediately stepped forward, blocking all retreat channels, and shot to death dozens of dog-born who fled without hesitation. Then, the second batch came up

Thousands of canine descendants were driven and intimidated, and continued to rush towards the city. As the first batch of canine descendants, they were destined to die or not!

After defending the city for more than a month, the lime at the top of the city was almost exhausted. A Tarascan warrior threw down the last lime clay pot, raising blinding smoke under the city. A dozen dog-born people immediately covered their eyes,

Howling like a wolf. Then, before the warrior could hide, he was shot by the archer who was taking care of him, and he also fell over into the flying gray mist.

As the second batch of canine descendants joined, dozens of ladders were built one after another. As soon as the copper hooks were firmly hooked, hundreds of canine descendants eagerly waved their shields and stone hammers and rushed to the top of the city. Then, they were greeted.

There were dozens of densely packed spears. The sharp copper spears struck brutally alternately, pricking them into bloody tattered linen cloth.

This tightly coordinated array of bronze spears is completely different from the disorderly fighting on the plateau. The canine descendants waved their weapons in vain, but it was like facing the boiling snow, pieces of which melted on top of the city and turned into red.

of blood.

Seeing that the canine descendants finally reached the top of the city and were being consumed rapidly, Shulot nodded slowly. He waved a particularly bright red flag, and the warriors supervising the battle were alert and brought thousands of selected fearless canine descendants to the city.

The front line. This is the range boundary just over a hundred steps away from the city wall.

The gunpowder craftsmen were well prepared. They ignited more than two hundred pottery caltrops with extended fuses, and then without stopping, stuffed them into the arms of the same number of canine descendants.

"Run! Run faster! Get close to the city wall, climb at least halfway up, and then throw the ball of divine power into the enemy formation at the city wall. Then you can return! Remember, anyone who throws randomly will die before reaching the city wall!"

Several translators looked threatening and repeated the words they had said more than a dozen times. Then, the samurai waved their war clubs fiercely, and the canine descendants charged quickly like driven wolves.

More than two hundred dog-born people held the burning "divine power" ball and ran frantically. They passed over the shield carts that were shooting arrows quickly, they passed over the fallen corpses, they came under the city wall with ladders, and they finally boarded

The ladder is nearly halfway up!

"Boom, boom, boom!" Dozens of early-burning caltrops exploded directly on top of the ladder, shattering the canine warrior holding the ball into pieces. The violent explosion was like the roar of a god, and the city was instantly shattered.

There was an uproar, and unknown fear controlled everyone's hearts!

Then, the remaining canine descendants kept the "god's" command in mind and threw the heavy ball in their arms violently. The gray-yellow caltrops crossed a high arc and landed in Tarasco's gun array.

.A Taras warrior at the top of the city looked confused and kicked the clicking hedgehog ball with his foot.

"Boom, boom, boom!" The hedgehog's ball exploded suddenly, emitting countless small sharp pottery shards, which instantly knocked down the nearby Tarasco warriors. The pottery shards broke into the warrior's cotton armor and tore the weak skin.

Plunging into the soft body, causing the heart to stop beating quickly. The more deadly fragments were shot upwards, piercing the fragile eyes, and piercing deeply into the head and face, causing dense and terrifying holes to appear on the face.

Within two steps of the explosion, the warrior in cotton armor said nothing, and immediately fell down with holes all over his body, and then blood gushed out. Within four steps, a huge sound shook the inside and outside, penetrating into the ears of the defenders, and the militiamen were stunned.

They were knocked down together with the warriors. The city where the defenders gathered was suddenly empty.

"Boom, boom, boom!" Nearly two hundred balls exploded one after another. Some were thrown accurately and exploded on the city wall. Whether they were the fighting dog-born or the fighting defenders, they were all ruthlessly blown down at the same time. Some were thrown with force.

It was too violent and landed behind the city wall, killing two or three waiting Tarasco militiamen and shocking the reserves in the rear. Some failed to throw and landed under the city wall, injuring the canine descendants who were watching blankly.


The explosion shook the world and resounded in the hearts of everyone on the battlefield, bringing the brutal fighting to a halt! On top of the city, the fierce battle paused for an instant, and both the defenders and Xianden showed unknown fear. Behind the shield car,

The crossbowmen who fired also slowed down and looked towards the city in fear. Above the high chariot, the warriors could see more clearly. They looked at the bursts of smoke, and their expressions of fear of the divine power appeared on their faces.

Awe, and reverence for the Lord God!

A moment later, under the deliberate guidance of the priests, continuous cheers rang out from the Mexica army, with fanatical piety!

"The Lord God Huitzilopochtli sends down his supreme power to destroy the enemies in front of him and grant victory to Mexica!" This is the priest's chant.

"The Lord God has come, God-given victory!" This is the devout prayer and blessing of the warriors.

"God Bless us, we will win!" This is the most fanatical cry of the God Bless Legion!

The morale of the defenders at the top of the city suddenly dropped. The warriors of Tarasco were in disbelief, and the faces of the militiamen were full of fear of the myth. Only the survivors who had participated in Lake Eureria could remain calm.

Being prepared for the gods behind the Mexica people, they continued to fight under the command of the "Crocodile" family warriors.

Xiulote looked at the caltrop that exploded for the first time in actual combat, and at the majestic power of primitive gunpowder weapons, and his heart was filled with the pride of starting an era! Amid the praises that resounded through the clouds, he laughed loudly, and once again


"The second batch of grenadiers, charge to the death!"

The gunpowder craftsmen looked as usual and continued to light the dangerous caltrops and stuffed them into the arms of more than two hundred canine descendants. The canine descendants looked at the "mythical weapons" in their hands in fear, and then did not dare to stop, using up all their strength in their lives,

He rushed towards the city wall a hundred steps away again.

On the watchtower, the "Crocodile" nobleman Ospai's round eyes widened, and he looked at everything on the city wall below in shock, completely unable to accept it. During the two months of siege, the defense line he had carefully laid out was almost only destroyed at the moment of the explosion.

He was on the verge of collapse. Then, amidst the cheers of the Mexicans, he saw the second batch of canine descendants rushing towards him, and roared hurriedly and eagerly.

"Personal Guard, Personal Guard! Shoot at the barbarian holding the ball!"

"Crocodile" the noble shouted fiercely, picked up the longbow fiercely, and shot down a canine with one arrow. Then, dozens of guards around him also reacted and fired arrows in fear, killing the fatal attack.

He was shot to death on the way to the charge.

The rapid drum beat sounded, and the absent-minded crossbowmen fired again. The whistling rain of arrows suppressed the city, and took away the Tarasco archers who were releasing arrows. Under the constant incoming arrows, the canine descendants continued to fall,

Finally, I climbed up the ladder again and threw out the caltrop in my hand!

A cry of fear erupted from the top of the city. The nearby militiamen turned around in fear, retreated frantically and fled. The remaining Tarasco warriors swung their spears vigorously to drive the dangerous "divine power" ball away.

"Boom, boom, boom!" In the desperate eyes of the people around him, the caltrops containing several kilograms of gunpowder exploded mercilessly, knocking down hundreds of warriors and militiamen again! The miserable howls were accompanied by the horrified shouts.

, resounding under the sky!

"Boom, boom!" The shouts only lasted for a moment before another unparalleled explosion came from the river. Like the meteorite that destroyed the world in mythology, it suddenly fell from the west of the fortress, overwhelming all the human voices. In the thunderous roar

Amidst the explosion, the entire towering huge stone castle trembled with fear!

This chapter has been completed!
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