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Chapter 186: Breaking the City and Escape

The burning smoke drifts from near the water gate, bringing the unique volcanic smell of sulfur, which seems to be connected to the kingdom of the underworld underground. The slanted sunset falls from above the city, shining a bright and warm golden light, as if it is connected to the kingdom of God in the sky.

At this moment, the solid water gate suddenly fell, and the Mexica army surged in. Like a blessing from the gods, they invaded the weak West City in one fell swoop! All the defenders in the fortress faced an inevitable and difficult choice: what should be?

Fight fiercely and go to the kingdom of Hades underground, or surrender and sacrifice and go to the kingdom of God in the sky?

Chihuaco, an old militiaman, crouched at the top of the city, hesitating for a long time between the Kingdom of the Underworld and the Kingdom of God. After a while, he finally plucked up the courage and chose not to go at all, trying to live in the world! He took out the herbal bag that only smelled of blood.

, took two deep breaths again, and looked at the fighting in the city.

The Mexican fleet paddled rapidly and moved like the wind. Dozens of large boats passed through the water gate and followed the narrow boating channel to the wide and deep berthing pool. There were also dozens of boats parked here.

The Tarasco canoe was unattended at this time and was casually tied to the edge of the pool.

Since the water gate of the river mouth fortress was blocked, the remaining Tarasco navy tried to break through several times and escaped in many small boats. However, the navy's organization almost no longer existed. As a result, the remaining small boats were neglected and left behind.

caught the eyes of some nobles.

The attacking boat did not stop, and the arrows that gradually reacted against the city head were like crocodiles attacking one after another, rushing fiercely into the pool, and then directly rushed to the edge of the pool!

Then, the fierce veteran Etalik took the lead and jumped from the bow of the ship. He skillfully wielded his war stick and quickly killed several enemy militiamen who were blocking him from an angle that was difficult to guard against. Then, after a brief inspection, he

Lead your personal guards to the nearest high platform and kill the garrisoned militiamen.

After ascending to the high platform, the commander of the temple guard observed the surroundings again for a moment, then took out the famous "Aztec Death Whistle" and then blew it hard, making a terrifying and shrill whistle!

The sharp whistle was so terrifying, like the cry of a night ghost, and like the call of death, it penetrated the eardrums of everyone around. Amidst the terrifying whistle, the hair of Tarasco's militia stood on end instantly.

, with great fear in my heart!

This death whistle, shaped like a shrunken skeleton, is a special musical instrument of the Mexica Temple Guard. It has always been used in sacrifices and wars. It can emit extremely high-frequency sound waves to deter enemies within dozens of meters.

The temple guards who landed one after another were well-trained and were not affected. They were fully armed, jumped off the boat, and quickly killed the panicked militiamen around them. Then, the guards raised their large shields and gathered in units of a hundred people while looking towards

The commander on the high platform.

Veteran Etalik smiled fiercely and nodded slightly.

He held up the war stick, first facing the city wall, and moved a little toward the top of the left and right west city walls. Then, he faced the inside of the south city, and moved a little toward the marshal's flag on the attic. The temple guards quickly divided into three teams, without stopping.

Fighting in three directions. Subsequent reinforcements passed through the water gate and arrived ashore in a steady stream, following in the footsteps of the pioneers.

Soon, a total of 1,500 temple guards jumped off the big boat one after another, shouting the names of the gods wildly, and killed in different directions. These pious and fierce warriors attacked the alleys in the city and climbed the corridors of the city wall.

They waved their war clubs powerfully and killed all the militiamen who were blocking them. At the moment when the reserves in the city were exhausted, this was a majestic force that could not be resisted!

Behind the temple guards, the "Black Wolf" Toltec stood on the bow of the ship in high spirits, holding a bow. He led more than a thousand longbow militiamen, and the second batch rushed into the city.

As soon as Fang entered the city, the young warrior who was a sharpshooter looked around and raised his eyebrows. He saw hundreds of Tarasco warriors rushing from the city to support them, followed by hundreds of militiamen.

Most of these warriors were dressed simply, embroidered with turkey family crests, and looked uneasy and tragic. Under the order of the "turkey" noble Kukuna, they suddenly shouted, praising the name of the moon goddess Haratana,

He fought with the temple guards who broke into the city.

"Turkey" noble Kukuna looked worried, looking at the battle situation in front of him worriedly. The top of the southern city wall had been lost, and the army was fighting fiercely on the corridor, trying to maintain it. The marshal was trapped in the watchtower in the city, and was in vain to mobilize the increasingly thin troops.

But now, Minato in the west has suddenly fallen, and he can only rely on him to lead the remaining samurai militia to support and die.

"The water gate has been lost, and the situation is becoming more and more dangerous! The hidden retreat boats cannot be used now. Perhaps it is time to choose to surrender to the Mexicans!"

Kukuna, dressed in gorgeous clothes, stepped onto the high platform next to him and looked at the battle in the alleyway again. The enemy's temple guards had high morale and were very capable. The supporting warriors and militiamen could only form defensive formations. On the front line of the battle, battle sticks were used.

Hitting the cotton armor and stabbing the shield with his spear, the battle was temporarily stalemate, but gradually tilted towards the Mexica. Then, he straightened up and looked at the enemy at the water gate, and his eyes shrank suddenly.

"Whoops!" A feather arrow pierced the sky, and the harsh sound of wind came, followed by a loud roar.


"Pfft", Kukuna's face suddenly stiffened, and then an expression of extreme pain appeared. He tried to open his mouth, but he just made a hissing sound of "ho ho" and countless blood foam flew out. Then, the "turkey" noble stretched out his hand

, tremblingly touched the throat where the arrow was inserted, trying hard to hold down the gushing blood, but everything was in vain!

Kukuna struggled for a few breaths, then fell down sideways and could no longer move. Seeing the scene of the family leader falling, the family warriors who were still fighting were stunned for a moment, and then collapsed. The warriors went towards him in panic.

They fled in all directions, leaving only hundreds of militiamen who knelt down and surrendered.

Seeing that he hit the target, "Black Wolf" Toltec nodded proudly. Then, he turned around and looked at the city head again. Hundreds of temple guards rushed up from the passages on both sides, and they were fighting with the people at the city head.

Thousands of Tarasco militias are fighting together. There are dozens of backbone warriors in these militiamen, who are shouting loudly and organizing a stubborn gun formation.

Toltec raised his bow again, and with the longbow militia beside him, he shot at the top of the city. "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Three rounds of feather arrows flew like lightning, killing more than twenty warriors and more.

Hundreds of militiamen. Under the attack of bows and arrows from the rear, the city fell into complete chaos. The Tarasco garrison was on the verge of collapse and would soon be completely defeated.

"Black Wolf" looked arrogant for a moment, then casually shot one of the militiamen who was probing to death with an arrow. Then, without stopping, he led hundreds of shooters from his bodyguard and also rushed towards the enemy marshal's flag. That's where the glory lies.

center of!

The old militiaman Chihuaco huddled at the top of the city, carefully looking down the city through the gap between the corpses. Next to him was the militia subordinate who had just been shot to death by an arrow. Seeing the young warrior leader leading the archers away,

He breathed a sigh of relief and once again summoned the six fellow villagers who were hiding on the wall.

Wezti looked around and said anxiously.

"Uncle, the Mexicans on the left and right are coming to kill! There are only a few dozen gentlemen left at the top of the city, and the militiamen will not be able to hold on for long. Everyone will be cut into pumpkin slices!"

The old militiaman sighed, took out a bundle of ropes from the earthen platform guarding the city, and shouted in a low voice with some ferocity.

"Boys, all the gentlemen have gone to die. Now I am the biggest in this area! Come here and lend a hand, tie this thick rope firmly on the top of the wall, and then hang it down from the top of the city. The Mexican fleets patrolling the lake are all

People are coming to the city. Now is a good time to escape!"

Everyone's faces were filled with despair, and they all lowered their heads and started working together. As soon as everyone tied the rope and hung down from the city, they heard a low voice.

"You guys, weeds in the wind, are very smart!"

Chihuaco's heart tightened, and he raised his head to hear the sound. Immediately, a smile like a withered chrysanthemum appeared on his old face.

"Noble sir, you are here!"

In front of the militiamen at the top of the city, a young noble looked cold and had messy hair. He was wearing a gorgeous battle uniform and was covered in blood. He spoke in a low voice.

"Old man, where is the boat I asked you to hide?! The fortress is about to fall. Please escort me out of the city quickly and go to the royal capital to report!"

The old militiaman looked at the war club in the young noble's hand, then at the opponent's uniform, and nodded hurriedly.

"Sir, the boat is hidden in the reeds by the lake, and the Mexicans have never found it. From this rope, you can hang down from the city head. There are no patrol boats on the lake, so we will escort you away right now!"

The young nobleman nodded slightly. He walked a dozen steps to the left and right, and loudly ordered the warriors and militiamen who were in chaos to quickly go to the passage to resist. Then, he quickly returned, grabbed the rope, and was the first to slide down from the top of the city.

Escape from this fortress that is destined to fall. Then, the old militiamen slid down for the second time, and the sound of fighting in the city suddenly became distant. Vezti slid down for the third time, and the cruel blood, fire, and fighting seemed to be isolated in another world.


In this unnoticed corner, several militiamen quickly slid down, and in front of them was the lake covered with reeds. The old militiaman looked behind him, lowered his head and asked softly.

"Sir, is there anyone else behind you?"

The young noble looked sad and angry and said through gritted teeth.

"My father has died in battle! The noble 'Turkey' family has withered with glory, and now I am the only one left. Old man, hurry up! Let's set off quickly and head to the great copper capital!"

When he heard that the young noble was alone and asked to go to the Bronze Capital, the old militiaman's downcast face changed slightly. When he raised his head, there was a respectful and obedient smile.

"Okay, sir, the boat is in that direction!"

The young nobleman did not pause, and quickly moved forward with two militiamen. Behind him, Vezti asked in a low voice.

"Uncle, what should I do with this rope?"

The old militiaman raised his head and saw a militiaman guarding the city who had just discovered this passage and was falling into the city from above. He hesitated for a moment and sighed.

"Stay! Only one can escape from behind."

Then, the old militiaman lowered his head slightly and said something quickly.

"Silly wood, please be careful on the road and keep an eye on that noble man."

After saying that, before Wezti could react, the old militiaman turned around and chased the young noble in the direction.

Amid the shouts that gradually receded, a group of eight people quickly arrived at the lake. The old militiamen pulled out an old canoe from a sunken earth hole. Everyone boarded it together and paddled hard into the wide Kuice.

Aohu, we must flee to the south.

Outside the water gate, two Mexica boats swimming suddenly stopped. The militiamen on the boats looked at the lake for a moment, and then quickly rowed this way. The Tarasco militiamen were nervous and rowed their oars quickly. Unfortunately,

, the young nobleman on the boat didn't know how to row, so he just occupied the weight in vain and did not play any role.

Before rowing dozens of steps, the two Mexica canoes were chasing closer and closer, and in a blink of an eye they were within fifty steps. The figures on the two arks were clearly visible, and the Mexica militiamen suddenly burst out with shouts of joy. The old militiamen

Listening carefully, I could only vaguely hear titles such as "noble" and "bounty".

Hearing this, the old militiaman's face changed, and his expression flickered. He raised his head, looked at the nobles in rich uniforms paddling carelessly on the boat, and quietly made a gesture to Wezti. The young militiaman seemed to understand, and paddled in his hand.

The paddle slowed down, with doubts in his eyes.

"Weeds, hurry up and row! The inheritance of the 'Turkey' family must not be cut off here!"

Facing the enemy's approaching pursuit, the young noble looked ferocious and struck Vezti's head hard with his hand. Vezti lowered his head in pain, and the ship's hull shook at the same time.

At this moment, something unexpected happened! The old militiaman suddenly put down the oar, pushed hard with both hands, and pushed the young noble directly off the bow and fell into the cold lake water. The young noble couldn't help but choked on the water and struggled in the lake.

Struggled. The old militiaman stared coldly at the noble in the lake for a moment, then shouted in a low voice.

"Stop looking! Go! Run away!"

Several fellow militiamen looked shocked. After a brief pause, they obeyed the order, waved their oars again, and fled into the depths of Lake Quetseo.

Behind them, two Mexica boats picked up the young nobleman who fell into the water and confirmed the identity of the other nobleman. Immediately, the militiamen on the boat started arguing loudly over this generously rewarded sacrifice, and no longer cared about it.

A boat of militiamen escaped.

The setting sun fell on the lake, casting a golden glow. The old militiaman rowed his boat and looked longingly to the south. There was a quiet and beautiful lake area, a prosperous and rich hometown. He did not want to go to Tongdu and continue the hopeless battle! He

I want to go back to my wife and children, hide in a remote corner of the country, and stay away from this cruel and damned war!

Behind him, Weziti touched his head that was still aching, and tried to look back. The majestic and solid river mouth fortress was burning with blazing flames, and there was a thundering fight! The cruelty of blood and fire was gradually and quietly moving away.

, turned into solidified blood stains and blue bricks. And the symbols of victory and defeat gradually became clear, just like the marshal's flag that crashed down on the high attic in the city!

Along with the fall of the "Crocodile" flag, the river mouth fortress, which had never been conquered for more than a hundred years, fell at this moment!

This chapter has been completed!
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