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Chapter 20 Allegiance

The sun shines on the earth again. The earth is not much different from yesterday, except that there are more extinguished bonfires and shallow soil bags. The traces of death have been buried underground, and the living people continue to conquer.

After a breakfast of corn tortillas and black beans, the warriors shouldered their shields and war clubs.

The relics of the warriors on both sides were collected. The warriors of Otomi suffered many casualties, and a lot of warrior equipment was left on the battlefield.

The excess weapons were carried by the warriors. The excess leather armor was then given to more than a hundred Otomi militiamen to carry. These lucky ones were promised that they would be released as long as the equipment was transported back to the Mexica camp.

Next to them were escorting jaguar warriors, carrying guns and wary of the prisoners' movements.

This is an era of extremely scarce productivity. Every pair of leather armor and every obsidian battle stick is precious. Broken equipment will not be discarded casually, but will be brought back to the camp for repair.

The legion captured a total of 3,000 Otomi prisoners, as well as 1,000 warriors and 2,000 militiamen. The Mexica warriors took out the prepared sisal ropes, connected the hands of the prisoners, and tied them into a bunch of twenty people.

Escorted in the middle of the team.

The captives had to go through a long journey, through mountains, through forests, across rivers, through lakes, and finally arrived at the capital of the empire, waiting for the end of everything.

The army is packing up and will be leaving soon.

At this time, more than a hundred warriors automatically gathered in front of Shulot. They knelt down on one knee and bowed their heads in salute. Shulot had seen these people. They were the warriors who sacrificed their hair at the end of yesterday's sacrifice.


The leader is a middle-aged man with a vicissitudes of life and a calm expression. He is wearing a yellow-striped battle armor and a feathered beast helmet. He has a burly figure, thick knuckles, and red-striped armbands on his arms. This is actually a man.

A senior fourth-level warrior has the qualifications to join the Eagle and Jaguar Chapters, and is only a hair away from being a first-level military noble.

The man walked up to Hulot, knelt down on one knee again, and bowed his head deeply. Hulot subconsciously imitated his grandfather's actions, and the young man put his hand on the warrior's hair.

"In the presence of the Patron Saint Huitzilopochtli, the holy, victorious, merciful Coyote Priest. I, Bertad, warrior from Tenochtitlan, will protect you and fight for you

, until the last drop of blood is shed.”

The sudden confession left the young man a little overwhelmed.

Hulot stood for a while, composed himself, and then asked: "Bertard, can I ask you a question?"

"I will tell you everything you want to do."

"We have only known each other for two days, why do you want to be loyal to me? Is it because of the sacrifice last night?"

"Thank you for your kindness in guiding my brother's soul to the realm of the dead."

"Is that so...are there any other reasons?"

"Under your leadership, we achieved victory yesterday."

"Well...is that so?" Shulot didn't know how to reply. Yesterday, he just stood on the top of the mountain, as a spectator priest, watching the battle begin, progress, become fierce, and reach its climax until the curtain call.

"Also, you are born holy, born not long after the death of the great Montezuma I." At this time, Bertard raised his head, with a hint of excitement on his quiet face, but his voice became lower, and finally it was so low that there were only two people.

Heard. "I remember that night when the evening stars shone in the sky and death brought new life."

Shuloter was shocked. He remembered that in Teotihuacan, the king and his grandfather also talked about Montezuma I and the Evening Star, and believed that his birth was due to the blessing of the Tengu Shulotel. Then he

He was given the Tengu sacrificial robe and was taken away by the king. Not long ago, the king asked himself about the understanding of the sun and the earth.

All of this connected together like lightning, and in the end, Avitt smiled meaningfully: "You passed the test."

Shulot was silent for a moment, his body stiffening slightly. The boy's body was not a real boy. For the first time, his face looked a little deeper.

So, he said in the same low voice: "So, Bertard, are you willing to accompany the newborn sun?"

Seeing the change in the young man's expression, excitement spread on Bertard's face. "I do."

"Whatever the future holds?"

"No matter what the future holds!"

"Until when?"

"Until the old sun sets and the new sun reigns in the sky!" Bertard's face is already filled with enthusiasm, "and Montezuma returns to the throne!"

The intense conversation was secretive and rapid. After Bertard completed the courtesy of allegiance, his face remained as usual, and he stood up and left quietly.

Next, more than a hundred warriors paid tribute to Shulot in turn and swore an oath to follow him.

Most of the warriors were relatives and friends of those who died in the war and expressed their gratitude to him for yesterday's funeral. Others believed that as a priest, he was blessed by God and brought victory to the war. No one mentioned the time of his birth.

of astronomy.

Maybe I don't know, or maybe I just keep it in my heart.

Soon the army set off and embarked on the journey back to the siege camp of Xilotepec. There were still a few days on the way back, and the large army had to cross mountains and forests, which was destined to be more difficult than when they came. Especially for the prisoners.

The warriors escorted the prisoners and formed a long queue in the mountains. Avitt was always at the front of the queue, discussing with the commanders the transportation of the prisoners and the handling of the spoils.

Shulot walked behind and chatted with the first batch of warriors who followed him.

He found that the warriors who followed him were relatively simple in clothing and decoration, and most of them were born in ordinary civilian families. Their promotion was not easy. Although they were skilled in martial arts and good at fighting, they were no longer at the level of fourth-level senior warriors.

But if you want to move up a level to become a first-level military noble and have land privileges in a city-state, it is extremely difficult. Luck, strength, and background are all indispensable.

In other words, the reason why the warriors spontaneously followed him was, on the one hand, their faith and emotion. On the other hand, it was their desire for a future.

Xiulote gained a clear understanding: faith and reality, both of which are parallel and equal, are the foundation of loyalty.

And communicating with experienced samurai is actually a very interesting thing.

Shulot listened to the warriors talk about life in the city-state, such as the kickball game that was popular in the city-state. Everyone competed for a rubber ball in a rectangular flat court. Then like playing squash, they threw it into the goal high on the wall.

.Usually, losers are reduced to slavery, and winners gain wealth and honor.

The loser of the game on the sacrificial day will become the sacrifice in the ceremony. This is the famous "Human Sacrifice Stadium".

There are also mirrors made of ground obsidian, which can see people's faces like water. They are expensive and are especially sought after by nobles.

There is also cochineal, a small red insect that lives on the cactus. It secretes white hairs, which are as fine as dust. It feeds on the juice of the cactus and grows into a round shape.

If the adult worm is ground into pulp, it will be the most magnificent carmine red color. This is the finest dye, extremely precious, and is used in the most exquisite robes.

Hulot also listened to people talk about the capital of Tarasco, Qincongcan, a city built on copper mines. Qincongcan strictly restricted the outflow of copper mines in the city-state and also controlled the sale of copperware.

The people there not only make hard copper daggers, spears and axes, but also make copper helmets and leggings. It seems that the Tarascans have mastered the method of making bronze and have also begun to make copper


"Actually, copper mines are not only found in Qincongcan, which is tightly controlled by the Tarascans." Bertard, who had been silent all the time, suddenly interjected, "As a scout, I went along the west side of the Balsas River where the Chongtars settled.

Go down, pass through the highland forest, and walk westward for a month, you will be able to penetrate deep into the southern territory of the Tarascans, the Huetamo region."

Shulot was refreshed and heard new information about metal mines.

"There are undulating mountains and dense forests. There are many small city-states of the Tarascan people with strong autonomy. These city-states also use copper tools, and most of the copper blocks come from the mountains. There are many open-air stone mountains where vegetation cannot grow.

There are many granite stones, and the surface of the stones is gilded with patterns, some of which are like golden threads, shining in the sun."

"A large porphyry copper mine that can be mined in the open. And it is not tightly controlled by the Tarascans." Shulot quickly captured three key points.

"Dear Priest." Bertard suddenly saluted Xilot in a formal manner and spoke for the first time: "Copper equipment is both hard and durable and will be of great help to your future. Yes.

With a bronze spear, even a militiaman can threaten a samurai."

"When this war is over, I am willing to sneak into the south of Tarasco for you and purchase this important ore from the local village princes."

Hulot looked at Bertard's calm and serious words, telling himself the importance of copper. He wanted to laugh at first. But when he heard that he was willing to take great risks and infiltrate the Tarascan people for the source of the ore,

territory, and felt a little moved in my heart.

He nodded vigorously, stood on tiptoes, and patted Bertard on the shoulder.

The warriors continued talking and laughing until the sun set and a dark cloud came from the distance.

Avitt appeared at this moment. He came with a smile, and then was startled for a moment, then narrowed his eyes and carefully looked at the calm and vicissitudes of Bertard who was guarding Xiulote.

Then he looked at the more than a hundred warriors gathered behind Shulot.

Finally, after looking at Shulot who was also smiling for a while, he said with a smile:

"It seems that you gained a lot from this expedition."

This chapter has been completed!
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