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Chapter 206 The End of the Southern Front

The breeze blew through the green fields and came to the undulating mountains. The trees stretched out their branches and buds, covering up the traces of fighting in the forest. The shrubs became more and more green under the nourishment of life. The setting sun fell on the towering stone castles, outlining the colorful scenery.

The interlaced oil paintings are brown and blue masonry, black and gray fireworks, and dark red blood stains.

At dusk, the fighting battlefield was silent. The stone bullets thrown were scattered among the stone castles, and the broken arrows were deeply inserted into the soil. On the battlefield in front of the stone castle, the militiamen of the Alliance and the Kingdom looked numb and kept their heads down. They were busy.

The relics of the warriors on both sides were collected and the bodies of their respective militiamen were buried on the spot. The ground was covered with deep red marks that even rain could not wash away. Only the lush green grass could submerge the cruel battlefield.

The curling smoke rose from the stone forts, facing each other far away in the mountains and forests. The smoke passed over the garrisoned warriors, surrounded the flags of the watchtower, and then rose into the deep sky. The priests accompanying the army sang simple funeral songs and prayed.

The gods come to pick up the departed souls.

The songs were blown away in the wind, and the flags were rolling in the wind. At the top of the stone castles, different flags were flying. More than two-thirds of them have been replaced by the royal flag of the Mexican Union, and the remaining one-third

, but it is still the eagle flag of the Kingdom of Tarasco. The stone fortress of the eagle flag surrounds the northwest of Sitacuaro, and in the center is the core of the Tarasco defense line, the high point of the undulating two-hundred-mile mountainous area, the unbreakable mountain.


The golden sunset shines on the fortress on the top of the mountain, and the king's flag is flying on the watchtower. The royal eagle is spreading its wings and flying to the western sky. King Suangua is expressionless, standing on the top of the stone fortress. He stares at the generations.

The inherited king's flag is like a stone sculpture, letting the setting sun cast long shadows. Dozens of steps away, the king's guards, wearing copper helmets and leather armor, holding copper axes and long bows, solemnly guard the surroundings.

The sky gradually dimmed, and the setting sun dyed the sky and earth red. The young king lowered his eyes and spoke slowly.

"Are the replacement royal flags ready?"

"Dear King, the new imitation flag has been prepared. When night falls, the inherited flag will be replaced." The guard behind him leaned forward and replied, his voice low and firm.

"Summon the commander-in-chief of the southern route, Kuius. Ask him to come in a low profile and not bring any followers."

The king kept his voice calm. He turned around and looked towards the mountains and forests to the southeast. Under the last sunshine, the Mexica king's flags faced each other across the sky. The blood-red sun flew on the flags, and the dark blue god of war bloomed with feathers.

The yellow-green gems shone brightly, hurting Suangua's eyes.

The king raised his head slightly, suppressing the moisture in his eyes. The sky was vast, the mountains were majestic, and the fortress under his feet was so indestructible. The inherited royal flag stood at the highest point of the fortress, always witnessing the glory of the royal family.

From last year's spring plowing to this year's spring breeze, it has been more than nine months of fighting. The main force of the Mexican Alliance was firmly blocked in the 200-mile mountain forest of Sitacuaro and could not break through. Tens of thousands of alliance warriors stopped.

Standing on the last, highest, and strongest line of defense, I was hit with a bloody head and couldn't get any closer.

Su Angua thought back quietly, and memories of countless days and nights came to his mind. The shouts of fighting echoed in the sky, and the flowing blood drowned the earth. This long southeast battle was about to come to an end, in a form he had not expected.

Ushering in a bleak end.

On this intertwined front, the kingdom and the alliance have been fighting for a long time in recent years, and they have already understood each other's situation. The Kingdom of Tarasco has assembled 23,000 warriors, 10,000 elite militiamen, and 50,000 ordinary people.

Militia. The Mexican Alliance mobilized a total of 45,000 warriors and more than 40,000 militiamen. The battle involving nearly 200,000 people on both sides was a huge epic that has never been seen in the world!

The entire battle is roughly divided into two stages. The first stage is the shrinkage of the kingdom and the sudden advance of the alliance. From June to October last year, the Mexica launched a surprise attack during the spring plowing season. The warriors of the alliance used longbows, slings, and rockets,

The paper fireball, with the addition of new weapons, was unstoppable. It was not until Suangua arrived with the royal regiment and the militia from the lake area and Tekos warriors came to support that the enemy's offensive was gradually resisted. In these four months,

The kingdom lost 5,000 warriors and 15,000 militiamen, and lost about half of the fortress group. The Alliance also suffered 6,000 casualties and 8,000 militiamen, giving it an advantage in casualties and advancement.

The second stage was a stalemate between the two sides and the formation of the defense line. From October last year to March this year, the Mexican advance became slower and slower until it completely stopped. Facing the mountain fortress relying on the mountains, longbows and slings were all used.

It lost its effect. The Mexica warriors threw ceramic balls, making a roaring thunder, which once shook the morale of the army. However, under the sacred king's flag, the courage of the guards never wavered. The bronze ax guards swung their battle axes and struck.

Killed nearly a hundred noble warriors and drove back the fierce attack of the Mexican warriors.

When the longbowmen of the kingdom concentrated their fire, the exploding caltrops had no chance to be thrown into the castle. The craftsmen of the royal capital worked day and night, and within half a year, they successively delivered 5,000 imitation longbows to the front line. Thousands of longbowmen

Scattered among the fortresses on the front line, the pressed Mexica warriors could not hold their heads up. The alliance lost the advantage of bows and arrows, and the kingdom's defense line became extremely strong again. The stone fortresses were strategically located and difficult to conquer. Warriors from both sides were in the fortresses

They fell in pieces, and then cautiously shrunk, and the focus of consumption gradually turned to the fragile militiamen. Throwing stones and arrows covered the sky, alternating with each other, knocking down the militiamen mercilessly.

In the past six months, the kingdom has suffered casualties of 5,000 warriors, 5,000 elite militiamen, and 13,000 Lake District militiamen. The Tarascans firmly held the last third of the fortress group, and 4,000 warriors were killed.

They were all Tecos reinforcements. The Alliance suffered casualties of 7,000 Mexica warriors and 12,000 militiamen. The losses on both sides began to equalize, and the Alliance's offensive was exhausted.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! In the past nine months, the mountains and forests of Citacuaro have swallowed up nearly 80,000 warriors and militiamen from both sides. Whether they were noble nobles, fierce warriors, or ordinary militiamen

, all turned into cold remains, buried in the mounds of the mountains. The only trace they left was the insignificant number in the heart of the supreme commander. Such tragic casualties made the nobles on both sides feel uneasy, and the warriors

It is also difficult for them to continue the attack. In the past month, the Mexicans have completely stopped large-scale warrior sieges, and are only carrying out raids with militia as the main force to maintain pressure on the front line.

"There are still 40,000 warriors left in the kingdom, half of which are skilled warriors and elite militia. The alliance has about 50,000 people, of which 30,000 are warriors. Sitacuaro's battle line has been stabilized, both sides are evenly matched, and everyone has reached their limit.

.The Mexica people cannot bear more samurai casualties...So, I defended this place!"

The young king looked at the dim sky and shouted silently. He was on the dangerous front line, but he never failed to live up to the glory of the royal family and proved his ability to his ancestors!

Envoys from various states brought favorable news. The holy city of Cholula accepted the conversion treaty and became neutral. The leaders of Tlaxcala in the east were married to the royal family and had gathered tens of thousands of people.

Warriors invaded the border of the Mexica Alliance. The Mixtec and Zapotec people in the south showed a close attitude. These "people of the clouds" interrupted their New Year tribute to the alliance and formed an alliance with the kingdom.

They formed a secret alliance and promised to lend a helping hand when the situation changes. The Otomi people in the north fell into disputes and divided into two groups with different opinions. The Huastec people in the northeast were dissatisfied with the heavy tribute oppression and were also ready to move. Only more

The Totonac people in the east have not yet responded because they are too far away.

"The general trend is about to change. As long as we hold on for another six months, the situation of this war will completely change!"

Suangua closed his red eyes, tears streaming down silently. He stepped into the shadow of the watchtower, reached out to touch the flag of his ancestors, and then quietly wiped his face with his sleeve. Then, the young king turned around and looked at

To the northwest, the royal capital let out long sighs and angry shouts.

"Stupid Oriental...cowardly Pengguari...Mexica's God of Death, Xurot!"

The young king whispered the three names, his feelings of resentment decreasing in sequence, his unwilling desire rising, and darkness swallowing his soul. However, no matter how much resentment there was, no matter how unwilling he was, the outcome of this battle was impossible.

Change. The reinforcements were all defeated, the food route was almost interrupted, and the capital was under the enemy's front! In front of him, the only option was the destined third stage, a rapid retreat.

Suangua looked to the west, watching the sunset slowly setting, watching the shadows eroding the sky and the earth. It was not until the trusted guards lit the bonfire that the commander-in-chief of the South Road, Kuyus, came in a hurry wearing a battle suit.

"Dear King, I have just returned from the fortress on the front line, please forgive me for being late!"

Kuius knelt down on one knee and saluted solemnly. The commander of the South Road was about forty years old, with a resolute face. His eyes showed the vicissitudes of life, his appearance was the majesty of a royal family, and his body was full of killing intent on the battlefield.


"Uncle Kuius, there is no need to be polite. You are the eagle of the royal family, with the blood of the ancestors of Taliguri. You are also the marshal of the South Route Army who is most worthy of my trust!"

Suangua stepped forward and lifted Kuius's body. Then, he held the other man's arm and stared into the eyes of the commander of the South Road.

"Uncle, do you still remember the glory of your ancestors?"

Hearing his uncle's name and looking into the king's eyes, Kuius paused slightly. Then, he nodded solemnly and answered loudly.

"Under the flag of the eagle, I will shed blood until death!"

The king stared silently for a moment. Then he let go of his hand, took two steps back, and disappeared into the shadow of the watchtower.

"Uncle, the Mexicans have defeated Penguali's reinforcements. They are about to surround the capital and cut off the food routes of Patzcuaro."

Kuius was suddenly startled. He opened his eyes wide and asked angrily in a low voice.

"The thirty thousand Chapala army is so vulnerable?! Your Majesty the King, is this news confirmed?"

Su Angua nodded slowly. A faint voice came, but his changing face could not be seen clearly.

"It's a secret message from Chief Zinzini. There are no reinforcements outside the capital. Sitacuaro's food can last for more than a month. The news of food shortage cannot be kept secret for too long... This line of defense can no longer be defended.


Kuius stood speechless. He showed an expression of disbelief, and then suddenly turned back and looked at the western world. At this moment, the setting sun had completely set, the fields were covered with shadows, and there was deep darkness wherever he looked.

"This line of defense can no longer be defended..." the commander of the South Road repeated unconsciously. Then, he was suddenly startled and looked up at the king.

"Your Majesty, why did you summon me?..."

Su Angua was silent for a moment before speaking calmly.

"The royal capital is in crisis. I must return quickly to preserve the last hope. The Tlaxcalans have already sent troops. As long as the capital does not fall, the glory of our ancestors can continue...Uncle, you are the eagle of the royal family.

You are also the person I trust the most! Only you can take on the overall situation of Southeast!"

Queius looked beyond the king and looked at the flag on the watchtower. The eagle of Tarasco was flying in the wind, even if it was shrouded in night. After a while, he knelt down on one knee again and bowed deeply to the king.

"Under the flag of the eagle, I will shed blood until death."

Suangua stepped out of the shadows. With a serious look on his face, he lifted his respected uncle up.

"Uncle, I will leave before dawn tomorrow, taking with me 2,000 guards, 3,000 spear militiamen, and 5,000 warriors from the kingdom. The road back to the capital is more than 400 miles. In order to guard against Mexica attacks,

The march cannot be too fast. I need you here to hold on for another fifteen days!"

Kuius nodded silently. He closed his eyes, thought for a moment, and then whispered his suggestion.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "Your Majesty, you can bring more troops to preserve more vitality for the kingdom. I can hold it here!"

Su Angua shook his head calmly. He had already thought it through completely and did not hesitate at this time.

"I have taken away all the well-disciplined, loyal and capable warriors. Two thousand foreign mercenaries have been handed over to you to suppress the six thousand Tekos warriors. These vassal warriors are scattered in the fortresses on the front line. Once they retreat, they will be destroyed by the Mexicans.

The Sika people know it. They are not suitable to be brought into the capital. And the remaining 22,000 militiamen cannot move at night and cannot keep secrets. I will leave them all to you and give you two thousand longbows!"

"The royal capital is in crisis. Although the chief minister has great prestige, it is difficult to unite the large and small nobles and high-ranking priests. If the situation is critical, I am afraid something will happen. This time when I return to the army, I will put the royal flag back on the 'Palace of Winds'.

Stabilize the morale of the troops in the capital. The retreat must be quick! I can only take away 10,000 elites. And as long as these 10,000 people can return to Qincongcan, the capital will be as stable as the sacred mountain in the west!"

Having said this, the king looked at Kuius, with a burning fire in his eyes. He opened his arms and gave his uncle a farewell hug.

"Uncle Cuius! For the continuation of the kingdom and the glory of the royal family, this place is entrusted to you! Fifteen days, you only have to hold on for fifteen days! Next, you can retreat to the hinterland or surrender to the Mexica people.

, it’s all up to you to decide!!”

The commander-in-chief of the South Road nodded slowly, like a sculpture frozen in the wind. He solemnly swore again.

"Under the banner of the eagle, I will shed blood..."

Hearing the familiar oath, the young king finally smiled. He lowered his head, solemnly saluted his uncle for the first time, and then silently walked into the fortress. The withdrawal of troops was complicated, and he had to make personal decisions and make secret arrangements.

The king's guards lined up in two rows, holding bronze axes and big bows, and followed him with solemn expressions on their faces.

Only Queius was left alone on the empty fortress. He quietly stared at the flying royal flag and recalled the glory of his ancestors. The glorious past came to mind one by one, turning into a smile on his lips until the night fell.

, a group of guards came in a hurry, replaced the inherited royal flag, and raised the new flag. The commander of the South Road lost his strength. He staggered, took two steps forward, and fell under the flag. The towering fortress once again

There was silence, with only the funeral songs of the priests mourning the coming fate.

His fate has been doomed, and the tens of thousands of troops in his hands will fall into the boundless darkness. The old king's flag fell silently, and the new flag slowly rose, just like the overthrow of the kingdom, the omen of the night's elegy.

This chapter has been completed!
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