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Chapter 247: The Knowledgeable Elder

"Oh! The knowledgeable elder Jatiri has arrived? Why don't you summon him quickly! No, I will go to the door myself!"

Shulot suddenly woke up and turned around. There was a bit of joy on his face, and he walked quickly to the entrance of the hall. Then, the young king suddenly remembered something. He looked at the plain robe on his body and paused for a moment.

, beckoned to the warrior chief to put on a solemn sacrificial robe, and then walked to the entrance of the main hall and couldn't wait to take a closer look.

The mighty long wind blew along the corridor and into the door of the Palace of Winds; a curtain with paintings of the Lord God was erected in the corridor, and the emblem of the hummingbird sun fluttered in the wind. Two rows of guarding Mexica warriors remained silent.

There are wind chimes ringing softly in the palace.

Among the warriors' low-hanging war sticks, a gray-haired old man was leaning on a simple wooden staff, quietly staring at the ancient murals in the corridor, and also staring at the fresh paint marks on the murals. His figure

He is skinny and has a ruddy complexion. He wears a flat dark round hat on his head and a traditional Prepecha blue robe. Several black and white ribbons hang from the back of the blue robe, and there are various mysterious and unknown symbols on the ribbons.

Although this sage attire is simple, it is definitely not something ordinary people can wear. It symbolizes a rare and noble identity, a knowledgeable elder in the ethnic group who masters knowledge and inheritance. Walking on the road wearing this attire,

He will naturally be respected by the tribes of Prepecha.

Hearing the sound, Sage Jatiri finally moved his eyes away from the ancient and brand-new murals. He turned his head, revealing a pair of eyes as deep as lake water, and an old and slender face. He looked at Shulot

, staring at the young king's delicate and resolute face, staring at the gentle jade-like eyes, and then looking at the king's solemn and solemn posture, a trace of surprise finally appeared on his face.

"The dead wood of Prepecha, the remnants of the Kingdom of Tarasco, Jatiri, greet His Highness Mexica, the conqueror of the kingdom, the great new king!"

Jatili lost consciousness for a rare moment, then lowered the wooden staff in his hand, lowered his head and bowed in salute.

The king in front of him is actually so young, he is only a boy of fifteen or sixteen years old! The young king has a handsome appearance, a calm demeanor, and his eyes are wise and firm. He is completely different from the image of the cruel and tyrannical conqueror of Mexico...

.Thinking of this, the sage's heart moved slightly, and a light flashed in his eyes.

"Dear knowledgeable elder, in the name of elder, you are highly respected among the people of the kingdom. I respect you, so please don't be too polite!"

Shulot hurriedly took two steps forward and lifted the old man up with both hands. In the Prepecha language, the name "Jatili" itself means an old sage.

The old man stood up naturally without much hesitation, with an indifferent smile on his face. But soon, this smile was replaced by surprise again.

The young king released his hands, took a step back, put his right fist on his chest, bowed at the waist, and performed a solemn courtesy.

"Sage Jatiri, you are the historian of the Kingdom of Tarasco and the inheritor of the kingdom's epic. Today, there are only teachers and students, no matter the king or ministers. This gift is for your wisdom! As the leader of this land

Newcomer, I sincerely ask you for the epic of Tarasco, and for the guidance of the sages!"

Jatiri turned his skinny body to avoid the king's etiquette, and then returned the same solemn greeting.

"People who have subjugated their country dare not accept the courtesy of His Highness... How can an old turtle huddled in a mud pond have the ability to be a teacher to the eagle in the sky?"

Having said this, Jatiri paused. He observed the young king's sincere expression before continuing.

"The turtle has lived in the mud for a long time, and may have seen some forgotten skies. If the eagle is not bored, he can talk to you slowly."

Hearing these words, a sincere smile appeared on Shulot's face.

The cultural inheritance of Tarasco is concentrated in two places. One is the priest temple of the House of Wind, which is kept and passed down by the priests of the three gods from generation to generation. It is just this inheritance, together with the high-level priests who have mastered the knowledge,

On the night when Qin Congcan fell, they all turned into blue flames.

The other inheritance is kept in the Palace of Winds and is managed by tribal sages who have inherited it from generation to generation. This is also thanks to the sudden attack of the old militia. Chief Tarasco died too suddenly and did not have time to ignite and prepare.

The fires. The inherited drawing boards, books and murals in the Palace of Winds have been completely preserved.

During these days, Shulot was formulating the laws of the feudal state while reading ancient drawing boards.

While reading, Shulot discovered that although the Kingdom of Tarasco only lasted for two hundred years, the Prepecha civilization in the land of the lake had been passed down for nearly two thousand years! The upper class of the Kingdom of Tarasco was originally just

A group of Chichimec descendants from the northwest plateau. They went south more than two hundred years ago and conquered the land in the lake. Then they integrated into the ancient civilization of the lake area and became members of the Prepecha people.

In the land of the lake, the Prepecha people, who occupy an overwhelming proportion, are the most important ethnic group and have a mature and unique cultural system.

Shulot wanted to understand the spiritual world of the Prepecha people, explore the cultural origins of civilization, and better formulate an assimilation strategy for the ethnic group. However, these ancient records are abstract and mysterious, difficult to understand, and unwritten, so they must

Only when the inheritors of oral tradition explain it can we understand its profound meaning.

The young king sent people to search for a long time, only to find that the epic manager of the Palace of Winds had survived the war and was hiding in a civilian community, being well taken care of by the residents of the capital. So he sent a large group of trusted warriors and solemnly invited the other party to come.

Explain the epic of the Prepecha people.

Numerous thoughts flashed through Xiulote's mind and quickly sank into his heart. With a gentle smile on his face, he personally supported Jatiri's left arm with his right arm and guided him to the center of the hall.

Tilly tried to twitch his arm, but he couldn't break free from the young king's strong arms. The old man could only smile helplessly and let the other man support him while walking vigorously.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "Guard, bring two cups of fresh hot cocoa! Just follow my daily drinking habit, add honey and vanilla."

The two came to the wooden table in the hall. Xiulote helped the old man sit on the ground, then let go of his arms and sat cross-legged opposite. Then, he gave instructions to the guards in a loud voice. The guards brought the hot drinks that had been prepared.

The young king held up the pottery cup with both hands and handed it to Jatiri cordially and without question.

"Dear sage teacher, please try this cup of hot cocoa! It is refreshing and refreshing. It is the sacred drink of the Mexican Union!"

Jatiri took the hot cocoa, took a sip, tasted the taste, and praised it.

"Not bad! It tastes different from the cold cocoa of the Mexican Union. It should be the first creation of His Highness... The fermented fine cocoa beans are finely ground to separate out the light brown cocoa pulp. Wild honey in the southern rainforest is produced

The flowers bloom brightly in the spring, and also carry an elegant floral fragrance. The vanilla in the Texcoco Lake District is produced in Chinampa in the lake in late autumn. From the time the flowers bloom in the spring, they are pollinated by professional farmers, which lasts for eight months.

, can produce mature vanilla pods, and only the Mexican Union can produce them in large quantities... These fine raw materials are prepared, and then boiled and brewed with the slightly sweet well water in the palace, this unique fragrance enters the heart.

The taste of it!”

Having said this, Jatiri paused and once again observed every expression of Shulot with his deep eyes.

"Your Highness, the effort spent on these two cups of hot cocoa requires a strong farmer to work in the fields for a whole year!"

Listening to the sage's praise, Shulot's face began to show a proud smile.

In this era, there are not many drinks that can satisfy him. Honey Vanilla Hot Cocoa is the most perfect drink he concocted based on the impressions of his previous life, as if it is connected to the memories of the past. Together, these top-quality natural ingredients

, the taste is far better than the cheap products of the industrial era.

However, with Jatiri's resounding last words, the young king's smile instantly solidified on his face. He smiled reluctantly, with a trace of shame flashing across his face.

"Dear learned elder, I don't like luxury, I just like some exquisite food... People's power is precious and cannot be abused; people are like water, and the boat they carry will also capsize. A king must remember... Well, Jatiri

Sage, when you were at the door just now, you were looking at the new murals in the corridor, do you have any insights?"

"The people are like water, even the boats they carry are capsized..."

Jatiri chewed on these words, and an inexplicable look flashed in his eyes. He took a deep look at Shulot, and then said with a smile.

"It is rumored that His Highness is wise, accepting of others, generous and kind, brave and good at fighting. He is a born king... When I saw him today, I knew that the reason why the wind and light can penetrate into the tent is because of the ceiling on the ceiling.

Holes! As for the opinion of the mural..."

Jatiri turned his head and looked at the murals in the hall. The condor and the hummingbird had disappeared. Under the light of the majesty of the Lord God, Lake Patzcuaro shimmered. The Prepecha people in the west were fighting with the Mexica in the east.

Together, people built the magnificent and beautiful Qincongcan City, building towering pyramids that seemed to connect the Kingdom of God and the human world. Beside the built city, there were flowers surrounding it, butterflies flying among the flowers and grass, and people coming and going.

The civilians were transporting exquisite gold, silver, and bronze wares, and everything around them was rich and beautiful.

Seeing this, Jatiri smiled lightly again. He first praised.

"His Highness has only been in charge of the Wind Palace for a few months. He has not only devoted himself to spring plowing, directly organized the people, and removed the obstructive nobles, but also innovated murals, spread the faith of the main god, and made people sing poems in the countryside... It can be seen that His Highness's gaze is indeed like that of a god.

As high as an eagle, look to the world and the future!"

Listening to the old man's praise, Xiulote's pupils shrank slightly. He pondered for a moment, then took out a wooden spoon and stirred the cocoa in the earthenware cup. Then, he handed the same wooden spoon to Jatiri.

He took the spoon, stirred the layered cocoa, looked at the mixed cocoa for a moment, and then took a sip.

Jatiri's eyes were deep, and he continued to preach to the young king in deep thought.

"Your Highness, I don't know much, and I have no intention of commenting on His Highness's new policy in front of others... Judging from this mural alone, Lake Patzcuaro and the Prepecha people are integrated into each other. The brushwork is ancient and the environment is harmonious and natural.

, and contains the vitality of the kingdom when it first emerged. It is an old painting of the royal palace.

The image of the Mexica is simple and strong, with a square and clumsy face, and simple and expressive movements. This painting method is also ancient, full of the simplicity and heroism of ancient times. The painter should come from the holy city of Teotihuacan and imitated Teoti

Frescoes from the Vulcan Civilization.

The image of Huitzilopochtli, the main god of Mexica, is vague and majestic. He descends on the pyramid and radiates light. The feathers on the back of the main god are agile and elegant, and the pyramid under the main god's feet is magnificent and heavy. This strong contrasting technique comes from

The craftsmanship spirit of the Tula civilization also contains the enterprising and tolerant spirit of the Toltecs. The inheritance of the Tula civilization was inherited by the Tepanec people, and then fell into the hands of the Alliance. The painter should be from the west bank of Lake Texcoco


As for the flowers and butterflies beside the city, and the gold, silver and bronze on the backs of the people, the brushwork is complicated and gorgeous, with extreme details and colors. This gorgeous painting method makes you look like flowers are swirling, and your heart is confused. It is the symbol of the southern city-states.

The characteristics of painting. The painter should be from Mixtec, or Zapotec further south..."

Jatiri commented one by one with a smile, and then summed it up with a smile.

"In Lao Cao's view, the three painting methods each have their own characteristics and advantages. It's just that the paintings should be integrated. Compared with the original murals, the ancient painting method of Teotihuacan is the most natural and close. The two have the same origin and blend together, like ink.

There are no gaps in the water. The painting method of the main god Tula is the most inclusive and broad. God bless the world, and all the people are crawling, just like the queen bee commanding the swarm. Even though ordinary bees have their own characteristics, they are busy. The painting method of the southern city-states, see

It seems gorgeous and rich, but it is layered and completely different from the original painting. Even if the painting is completed in one moment, if you look at it for a long time, you will feel out of balance, and I am afraid it will not last long."

Having said this, Jatiri looked at the young king and asked with deep meaning.

"Your Highness, I was invited by your warriors. I just wanted to be a tortoise with my eyes closed. But when I saw Your Highness, I suddenly became confused, opened my eyes blindly, and said all these nonsense. I don't know how your Highness feels about this old man.

Are you satisfied with the review? I don’t know which painting method you prefer in the governance of the feudal country? "

This chapter has been completed!
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